Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
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ClassifiedsPage 16 • Feb. 24, 2016									                                                                                                                                                                       Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

Statewide Classifieds                                                                                     ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                AUTO/TRANSPORTATION AUTO/TRANSPORTATION                                       EMPLOYMENT

                                                                                                          _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

HELP WANTED- MANAGERIAL MISCELLANEOUS                                                                     CHECK US OUT ON FACE-                                        FOR SALE: 2009 Chevrolet                   FOR SALE: ’94 Chevy Pick-up,       HELP WANTED: Snow clean-up
                                                                                                          BOOK for daily specials.                                     Suburban LTZ. One owner, non-              2500 series, extra cab, 4 x 4,     - removal on sidewalks, in front
21st Century Cooperative,                         RECRUIT an applicant in this                            Louie’s Custom Meat & More.                                  smoker. Just over 70,000 miles.            62,000 miles, excellent condi-     of garages, driveways, etc. Call
Cumberland, Iowa, is seeking a                    paper, plus 32 other papers in                          RTFN                                                         Excellent condition. Auto., 4WD,           tion. $9500. Call 641-529-1080.    641-529-1246. RTFN
qualified CEO / General Manager.                  Northwest Iowa for one week for                                                                                      V-8 (Flex fuel), PS, Tilt, Bose            R-9
This is a multi-location grain,                   only $110! Includes 25 words and                        AMY’S MOSAICS: One-of-a-                                     AM-FM, CD, DVD, XM radio,
agronomy, energy, and feed                        runs in all the newspapers at one                       kind signs, garden items, small                              Navigation system, moon roof,                       EMPLOYMENT                 GENERAL MERCHANDISE
cooperative with sales of $60                     time! Call 800-227-7636 or order                        furniture, picture frames and                                privacy glass, running boards,             _______________________            _______________________
million. Business degree and/or                   online: (INCN)                           more. Created from repur-                                    keyless start, rear air, PW, PL,
successful agricultural business                                                                          posed china and pottery. Taking                              cruise, backup camera, dual air            PRODUCE MANAGER & AS-              FOR SALE: Brand new Fitbit
management experience desired.                    SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY                              custom orders. Call 357-7435.                                bags, dual power seats, leather            SISTANT STORE MANAGER:             Zip, $30; black TV stand with
Apply to:                     BENEFITS. Unable to work?                               Also, search for “Amy’s Mosa-                                quad seating, roof rack premium            Full time, includes benefits,      storage, $50; maroon rocker/re-
jfzle6o – For more info contact                   Denied benefits? We Can Help!                           ics” on Facebook & Pinterest!                                wheels. This Suburban is ab-               vacation after 1 year. Stop in at  cliner, $50 OBO. Call 641-357-
David Lemmon, 320-219-0270 or                     WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill                        RTFN                                                         solutely loaded. $27,900. Call             Payless Foods for an applica-      6797. R-9
email [email protected]                     Gordon & Associates at 1-800-                                                                                        641-357-2131 (ask for Mike) or             tion. RTFN
(INCN)                                            719-9958 to start your application                           Check out our website                                   641-740-2142 (cell). RTFN
                                                  today! (INCN)                                      
HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER                                                                                                                                                 NOW LEASING
                                                  Switch to DIRECTV and get a                                       Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
QLF Transportation – Class A CDL                  $100 Gift Card. FREE Whole-                                                                                          Wedgewood Cove Townhomes
Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home                  Home Genie HD/DVR upgrade.                                 12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131                       Albert Lea, MN
Weekends, and Benefits! Potential                 Starting at $19.99/mo. New
of $60,000 plus per year! Contact                 Customers Only. Don’t settle for                          PICKUP TOPPERS:                                                 2 & 3 BRs available now
Tony 608-935-0915 Ext 16 www.                     cable. Call Now 1-800-872-9113                                                                                                 Call for pricing (INCN)                                    (INCN)                                                         Buy factory direct
                                                                                                                 1040 Diagonal Street                                     Rent includes water, sewer,
JOBS . . . JOBS . . . JOBS                                                                                       Britt 641-843-3698                                                    trash                                  LEGACY MANOR

                                                                                                           UNICOVER                                                            Kelly: 507-402-5918                                  OF MASON CITY
                                                                                                                                                                               Equal Housing Opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                               3310 9TH ST. SW, MASON CITY

                                                                                                             APARTMENTS FOR RENT                                                                                  55 and older. 48 2-Bedroom Apartments. All units have full size washer
                                                                                                           THE MEADOWS ~ 625 14th Ave. N., Clear Lake                                                                         and dryer. Community Room, Beauty/Barber Shop,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Library Computer Center, 24 hour Exercise Room.
                                                                                                          • Rent Based On Income • Cable & Wireless Internet included in Rent
                                                                                                              • Taking Applications for anyone 62 years of age or older or                                               Tenant pays electric. 100% handicapped/sensory accessible.
                                                                                                                                       disabled of any age                                                                                       Income Guidelines
                                                                                                                       • Equal Housing Opportunity and Provider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Call Now 641-423-1005
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               We are an Equal Housing Opportunity provider and employer

                                                                                                                            Find your next Apartment at                                                              NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS
                                                                                                                    Lakeland Park Apartments in Clear Lake!
                                                                                                                Comfortable Apartment Living for Elderly Persons 62 and Over
                                                                                                                                     or Persons with a Disability.                                                            LEGACY MANOR

                                                                                                                     Utilities Included. Controlled Access. On-site Laundry.                                                  OF MASON CITY PHASE ll
                                                                                                                         Barrier-Free Units Available. Off-Street Parking.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3310 9TH ST. SW, MASON CITY
                                                                                                                  Eligible Residents Pay 30% of their Adjusted Gross Income.
                                                                                                                                            For Applications or Appointments Contact                              55 and older. 48 2-Bedroom Apartments. All units have full size washer
                                                                                                                                                   Greg at 641-357-2378                                                  and dryer. Community Room, Beauty/Barber Shop, Library,
                                                                                                                                           or visit today!                                                       Computer Center, 24-hour Fitness Room.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tenant pays gas & electric.
                                                                                                                                                          Oakleaf is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.         Handicapped & sensory units available. Income Guidelines

                                                                                                          Lake Plaza Apartments, Clear Lake                                                                                        Call 641-423-1005
                                                                                                                           Currently available:
                                                                                                          Beautiful 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for ages 55+                                                                     We are an Equal Housing Opportunity provider and employer

                                                                                                                        Walking distance to lake and downtown
                                                                                                             Smoke free buildings • Income guidelines apply • E.H.O.



        Grill Cook                                     Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.      If you have a                                            Now’s the time to                                 FARM, NASCAR and
                                                                                                             carpentry job                                             make your move                             COLLECTIBLE TOY AUCTION
· Mon-Fri 6 am - 3 pm                             15¢We Make Copies
· Previous cooking experience preferred                                    each                                coming up,                                                PEBBLE                                   Located at the Hundertmark Auction building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt, Iowa
· $9.50 per hour to start                                                                                    give us a call.                                             CREEK
· Paid vacation, holidays, birthday               12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131                                                                                                                        SUNDAY, February 28, 2016 • Noon
· Must be 18 yrs. or older                                                    Professional • Experienced                                     2 bedroom apartments
                                                                                                           Windows • Doors • Siding                                      3 bedroom townhomes                      Will be selling Farm toys of all scales and colors, Nascar model cars and memorabilia,
Cafeteria is at Smithfield Plant, Mason City, IA                                                                                                                                                                   plastic models of cars and farm items, JD literature from 50-60s, car lit. from 50s to
  Apply on-line at our company                                                                                    Decks and more                                            1 MONTH                               80s, Hot Wheels, 1/16 and 1/64 semis, Boyds Bears, and other related toy collectibles.
                website:                                                                                                                                                   FREE RENT                                                                                 (641) 420-5559                                                                                        CLASSIC TOYS: 3 Marx train sets • 12 vintage tin wind up toys
    Start a Career page. Or pick up an                                                                                                                                      Vouchers welcome.
     application at plant guard shack,                                                                                             Income guidelines apply.                  For a brief list go to
  1401 S. Eisenhower Ave., Mason City.                                                                                                                                                                                    Pictures will be posted starting February 24.
                                                                                                           Academy                                                        641-423-4994
    Looking for a change?                                                                                 Drywall &                                                                 Hundertmark Auction Service

       Come join the Pritchard Family Auto Team.                                                           Painting                                                                                               David Hundertmark 515-332-2704 • Tom Hundertmark 515-332-2332
Pritchard Family Auto Stores have immediate openings
in the Sales, Finance, Lube Technician, and Management                                                    Experience Provides                                                                                    
                                                                                                                  Quality We do all
                             Positions. Looking for motivated
                                 leaders with experience in                                                                                     size jobs!
                                  the automotive industry.
                                                                                                          20 Years Experience
                               Excellent communication and                                                 Licensed - Insured
                                organizational skills a must.                                              Cori Ewen, owner

                                        Send resume to                                                    (641)696-5765
                                  [email protected].                                                 (641) 420-0044

                                                                                                          For Perfect Mix
                                                                                                          Use Ready Mix

                                                                                                          We Now Accept Credit Cards!
                                                                                                             Belmond �������� 444-4148
                                                                                                             Forest City ����� 581-3020
                                                                                                             Clear Lake ����� 357-6090
                                                                                                             Garner ����������� 923-2601
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