Page 9 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
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Ag./BusinessClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Feb. 24, 2016 • Page 9
Innovative local food system meetings to be held
Do you care about local food in Coalition, the Agriculture Urbanism ing and WinWorthBetCo.
your community and across North Toolkit, and our community partners,” •Monday, March 14, noon-
Iowa? Healthy Harvest of North Iowa, added Libbey. “This series of meetings 12:45 p.m. at Muse Norris Center,
the North Iowa Local Food Coalition, will assist communities in visioning, North Iowa Area Community College.
and ISU Community Design Lab’s Ag- designing, and implementing holistic Held in conjunction with the NIACC
ricultural Urbanism Toolkit program food system tactics, leading to further Garden Seminar 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., Blue
invite you to attend one of a series of project development and implementa- Zone Project of Mason City, and ISU
innovative local food system meetings. tion in years two and three of the pro- Extension & Outreach, Cerro Gordo
The meeting’s participatory format op- cess.” County.
erates like an open house with most Anyone interested in food system
meetings scheduled over a two hour Area meetings scheduled to include: transformation is invited to attend,
period. Participants should plan to •Monday, Feb. 29 , 4:30-6:30 learn, and discuss projects and pro-
spend 30 to 45 minutes at the meet- p.m. at the Opportunity Village, 1200 grams they feel will make a difference
ings. N. 9th St. W., Clear Lake. Held in in our community.
Multiple environmental, social, conjunction with the Clear Lake Farm- All meeting details listed at www.
and economic issues and opportunities ers Market 2016 Vendor Meeting at 6
Legislators meet with entrepreneurs exist within the North Iowa Region. p.m. For more information about these
These opportunities can be addressed •Monday, March 7, 5-7 p.m. at meetings or any of the local food sys-
Last week Speaker Linda Upmeyer (R-Clear Lake), Reps. Josh Byrnes (R-Osage), Ron Jorgensen (R-Sioux City), Sharon simultaneously by a comprehensive Worth Brewing Company, 826 Cen- tem work in North Iowa, contact lib-
Steckman (D-Mason City), Mary Ann Hanusa (R-Council Bluffs), and Kirsten Running-Marquardt (D-Cedar Rapids) transition to sustainable, local food tral Ave., Northwood, Iowa. Held in [email protected], 515/851-1690.
met with Iowa Small Business Development Center Entrepreneurship Award recipients, Tony Halsted (front, black shirt systems - but this transition does not partnership with Worth County Brew-
with white collar), of Rudd and Sara Novacek (front, red shirt), of Mason City. Halsted, CEO of Hoover’s Hatchery, take place over night. Transforma-
was presented with the Neal Smith Entrepreneur of the Year Award and Novacek, CEO of Legacy Logistics Freight, was tion takes effort, and commitment to WE BRING OUT THE SMILE IN YOU
presented with the Deb Dalziel Woman Entrepreneur Achievement Award. Also pictures are other members from the a shared vision. A series of local food
Small Business Development Center. -Submitted photo transformation community meetings
CLB&T Start Smart will be held to provide open space for !
welcomes new Workshops to be all community members to contribute
employees held in March to a shared vision for comprehensive Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff,
local food systems development in the would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow!
Clear Lake Bank & Trust is North Iowa Area Community region.
pleased to announce the addition of JEFF BADGER College (NIACC) and the Small Busi- “These meetings”, explains Court- 102 N. 5th St., Clear Lake • (641) 357-4112
two new employees, Jeff Badger, assis- STEPHANIE HENSLEY ness Development Center (SBDC) is ney Long, of ISU Community Design
tant vice president of business bank- offering two free two-hour workshops Lab, “are part of the Agricultural Ur-
ing and Stephanie Hensley, teller, in designed for anyone who is considering banism Toolkit (AUT) process, which
the Clear Lake office. starting a business. At Start Smart, par- invites all community food support- Monday - Friday • 7:30 -5:00
A native of Parkersburg, Iowa, ticipants will learn how to create a busi- ers to take ‘a 30,000 ft. view’ of local
Badger is a graduate of Briar Cliff ness plan, do market research, consider food activity in North Iowa, explore, Buying or Selling a Home in
University, in Sioux City, Iowa. He different types of business ownership, and identify new best practices to en- the Clear Lake Area?
joins CLB&T with 11 years of busi- and learn how to register a business. hance and transform the existing food
ness banking experience. Throughout Start Smart will be offered system. We are excited to be working Trust one of these Real Estate Professionals
his career, he has been involved with Wednesday, March 2, from 6-8 p.m. with our North Iowa partners.”
many civic organizations. He cur- at the St. Ansgar Community Center, Healthy Harvest of North Iowa’s 302 Main Ave., Clear Lake
rently serves on the board of directors 4th and School, St. Ansgar, Iowa, in local food work to date has included (641) 357-0500
for Keep Iowa Beautiful. He, and his cooperation with the Mitchell County winter workshops for local food pro-
wife, Ann, and son, Sam, will be relo- EDC (Economic Development Com- ducers, marketing resources for local
cating to Clear Lake. mission). producers, a collaborative marketing 1208 North Shore Dr., Clear Lake
Hensley has joined CLB&T as a Clear Lake Start Smart will be project that has spun off a new inde-
teller in the Clear Lake office. A na- held Wednesday, March 23, from 6-8 pendent business of local producers, Enjoy gorgeous lake views from this completely restored 3 BR, 2 bath home.
tive of Clear Lake, she is a graduate of p.m. at the Clear Lake Chamber of and formation of the North Iowa Local Custom kitchen, cozy living room and stunning lower level sauna. $375,000
Iowa State University and has relocat- Commerce, 205 Main Avenue, Clear Food Coalition.
ed back to the area. She is a member Lake. “Healthy Harvest has helped in- 203 Main Avenue, Clear Lake
of the Clear Lake Jaycees. The activities involved in starting crease the profile of local food system (641) 357-7373
Founded in 1934, Clear Lake a business fall under two broad cat- work in North Iowa since 2011,” said
Bank and Trust Company is a locally egories—feasibility (the business plan) Administrator Jan Libbey. “These com-
owned, full-service bank with four of- and administrative tasks. While we like munity meetings now expand the con-
fices in Clear Lake, Garner, and Ma- to focus on the feasibility issue, Start versation and planning even further.”
son City. Smart provides information and the There are numerous opportuni-
chance to ask questions on numerous ties for food system development from
Realtor with other topics including: business regis- backyard gardening programs to new
CENTURY 21 tration, doing customer research, how business development with beginning
earns broker bankers evaluate business concepts and farmers. Collective, inclusive commu-
license loans, start-up costs, business plan tips nity partnerships are needed to deter-
and more mine the most appropriate opportu-
Mindy Crooks, Realtor® with After attending Start Smart, Small nities for the local food system. The
CENTURY 21 Preferred has been Business Development Center (SBDC) local food meetings themselves offer
issued a Real Estate Broker License. staff will be available to assist you in re- space for creative brainstorming and
Crooks successfully took all of the re- viewing your business plan, or to pro- thoughtful conversation on where our
vide guidance with other issues. food comes from and the entire closed-
To register, contact Mary Spitz, loop system that is involved from pro-
SBDC office at NIACC: 641.422.4342 duction to waste.
or [email protected] “We are excited to be work-
ing with the North Iowa Local Food
quired real estate courses and passed Tom Alexander 3814 240th St., Clear Lake
Financial Consultant
the required Broker’s examination. Enjoy the lake and all the quiet of nature in this 4 bedroom Tanglefoot area home.
Crooks has been with CENTU- Securities America
RY 21 Preferred since 2000 as an of- MINDY CROOKS REITs Member FINRA/SIPC 60 foot of premier lake views from the scenic deck. $897,500
fice manager and a sales associate since tain their competitive edge and offer 641-357-7106
2002. the best service possible to their cli-
“I’m very excited to be a Broker ents.”
Associate at CENTURY 21 Preferred Crooks and her husband, Ryan, Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust 415 First Ave. S., Clear Lake
and look forward to what the future reside in Mason City, Iowa, with their 322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake (641) 357-3330
holds,” said Crooks. three daughters. She is a member
“We are thrilled to have Mindy of the National Association of Real- [email protected]
earn her Broker License,” said Dodie tors, the Iowa Association of Real- Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee 108 Wedgewood Dr., Clear Lake
Wilkins, Owner/Broker. “It’s an excit- tors, North Iowa Regional Board of Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency. Cape cod style all on one level. Maple floors, spacoius kitchen, 4-season
room, office and 2 large decks and 2.5 stall garage. $268,000
ing time to be with the CENTURY Realtors and the Greater Mason City Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative.
21® System as we increase our market Board of Realtors. Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated.
presence in the North Iowa Region.” She can be reached at the CEN-
Lucy Brunner, Owner/Broker TURY 21 Preferred office 641-424-
added, “We believe training supports 9400.
growth and professional excellence in CENTURY 21 Preferred is a full
the real estate industry. Performance- service real estate brokerage company.
based training is necessary to assure The main office is located at 2800 4th
that CENTURY 21 associates main- St. SW, Suite 3, Mason City. 2800 4th St. SW #3, Mason City
307 Orchard Lane, Clear Lake 641.424.9400 • 1.877.243.8221
Grissom says… Terrific ranch with in-ground pool, 4-season room, fenced yard and custom
Be safe on patio. Views of the lake and opportunity for lake access. $275,000
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