Page 7 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
P. 7
Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Feb. 24, 2016 • Page 7
Slick roads, wind blamed Clear Lake Parks &
for pair of vehicle crashes Recreation Update
Slick roads and gusty winds were was reported at the rural Ventura in- Review this section of the paper for updated information
blamed for two accidents on country tersection. regarding P&R programs, program deadlines and events.
roads last week. A short time later, at 12:11 p.m.,
On Thursday, Feb. 18, emergen- a vehicle slid off the road in the 3000 by Steven Story, Clear Lake Parks & Recreation Assistant Director
cy crews were called to 230th Street block of 235th Street on the south
and Balsam Avenue at approximately side of Clear Lake. •Special Note: Marion Park Due to the increased cost of utilities,
11:30 a.m. A two-vehicle accident No injuries were reported. Ice Rink is now CLOSED for the the Clear Lake Parks and Recreation
Season. will need to charge a nominal fee for
•Co-Ed Open Volleyball WHEN: Saturdays & Sundays
Sisters arrested, charged Night: The co-ed adult volleyball during your scheduled time: K-5,
with burglary, vandalizing open gym is held Tuesdays from 7 1-3 p.m. at Clear Creek; grades 6-8,
Clear Lake laundromat – 9 p.m. at the Middle School gym. 3-5 p.m. at Middle School; and high
Any adult (18 & older) may drop in school, 1-3 p.m. at the high school.
An example of what Ventura customers might see Two Clear Lake sisters are being Highway 18 East in the early morning and play. There are no set teams, just WHERE: Clear Creek Gym
while checking their water consumption using an held in Cerro Gordo County Jail after hours of Jan. 23, causing more than come and play anytime you want. (grades K-8) – Enter through
electronic device. being accused of vandalizing a Clear $1,000 in damage to the facility. Co-ed Volleyball will begin Tuesday, WEST DOORS; Middle School
Lake laundromat. The Lowman’s are scheduled to Oct. 27, and run through March 8. Gym (grades 9-12) – Enter through
Jennifer Lowman, 31, and Lind- appear in court on Friday, Feb. 25. WHEN: Tuesdays 7 – 9 p.m. WEST DOORS.
sey Lowman, 28, have been charged Second-degree burglary is a WHERE: Middle School Gym FEE: $50 Family unlimited
with second-degree criminal mischief Class C felony punishable by up to 10 – use west doors. gym use; $25 Individual unlimited
and second-degree burglary. They are years in prison. Second-degree crimi- FEE: $20 Unlimited Open gym use. Purchase season passes at
accused of breaking into a locked stor- nal mischief is a Class D felony pun- Volleyball for Tuesday nights, OR $2 City Hall, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5
age room at the Giant Wash at 508 US ishable by up to five years in prison. per time. p.m. OR $1 per open gym use pay-
REGISTRATION: All par- able at gym.
Ventura begins testing Plea change hearing set for ticipants MUST have completed a REGISTRATION: All par-
software allowing customers woman accused of theft from waiver form before they are allowed ticipants MUST have completed a
to check water usage Opportunity Village clients to participate. waiver form before they are allowed
ONLY INDOOR ATHLETIC to participate.
SHOES ALLOWED. Note: Open Gym dates and
times subject to change due to lim-
•Weekend Open Gym Sched- ited availability of gyms.
ule: The Clear Lake Parks and Rec- ONLY INDOOR ATHLETIC
reation Department’s open gym pro- SHOES ALLOWED.
gram continues until Spring Break.
The City of Ventura is currently Ventura city officials feel the A plea change hearing is sched- 12, 2015. The victims lived off the RAGAN tor will run the office, and additional
testing new software called EyeOn- software could be a great tool for those uled for a Mason City woman accused main Opportunity Village campus. from page 6 staff may be hired if funding allows.
Water. EyeOnWater is consumer en- that head south for the winter. of dependent adult abuse and theft White was charged with de- The office will work with government
gaged software that goes beyond tra- Putting consumer data in the from an Opportunity Village client. pendent adult abuse, a Class D felo- Many organizations and govern- agencies and community organiza-
ditional billing statements to connect palm of a utility customers’ hands, Sheila White, 41, was accused in ny punishable by up to five years in ment agencies are fighting human tions with expertise in human traf-
utility water usage and their custom- EyeOnWater mobile apps bring the November of using a Fareway gift card prison, as well as fourth-degree theft, trafficking in Iowa. SF 2191, approved ficking prevention, victim protection
ers. The software enables utility cus- power of the online portal to a smart- belonging to four Opportunity Vil- a serious misdemeanor punishable by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and assistance, law enforcement and
tomers to access and view their usage phone device. lage clients to buy over $275 worth of by up to a year in jail. Her trial was establishes an Office of Human Traf- prosecution. The office will provide
profile through easy-to-understand More information on how to items for herself while being on staff scheduled to start on Feb. 23, but on- ficking within the Department of an annual report to the Legislature on
consumption graphs and provides a sign up will be released next month, at the Clear Lake-based agency that line court records show District Judge Public Safety to oversee and effectively Iowa’s anti-human trafficking efforts
simple method to establish alerts. according to City Clerk Else Taylor. serves individuals with disabilities. Karen Salic scheduled a plea change coordinate these efforts. A coordina- starting in 2017.
The theft allegedly happened on Oct. hearing for March 1.
Seven-Day Forecast For Clear Lake
Wednesday Wednesday Night Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
High: 32º Low: 23º High: 31º Low: 19º High: 33º Low: 20º High: 33º Low: 13º High: 27º Low: 11º High: 28º Low: 9º High: 34º Low: 15º
Mostly Sunny Mostly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Sunny Mostly Sunny
In-Depth Local Forecast UV Index National Forecast Summary
Today we will see mostly sunny skies with a high temperature of Statistics for noon The higher the UV index, the greater the The Northeast will see widespread rain and snow,
32º, humidity of 69% . North wind 15 to 17 mph . The record high need for eye and skin protection with the highest temperature of 65º in Georgetown,
temperature for today is 56º set in 1976 . Expect mostly cloudy skies Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . .Very Low Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low Del . The Southeast will experience scattered rain and
tonight with an overnight low of 23º . Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low thunderstorms, with the highest temperature of 87º
Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . .Very Low in North Perry, Fla . The central United States will
Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . .Very Low see mostly clear to partly cloudy skies and isolated
rain and snow, with the highest temperature of 77º
Sun & Moon Almanac Traveler’s Cities in McAllen, Texas . In the Northwest, there will be
mostly clear to partly cloudy skies, with the highest
Sunrise Sunset Clear Lake for 2/15 - 2/21 Today Tomorrow temperature of 65º in Medford, Ore . The Southwest
will see mostly clear skies, with the highest
Wednesday 6:56 a .m . 5:56 p .m . Temperature: City Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo W temperature of 79º in Phoenix, Ariz .
Thursday 6:55 a .m . 5:57 p .m .
Friday 6:53 a .m . 5:59 p .m . High/low Sunday . . . . . . . . . . 38º/28º Ames 37/26 s 35/22 pc National Map
Saturday 6:51 a .m . 6:00 p .m . High/low Saturday . . . . . . . . . 44º/29º Atlantic
Sunday 6:50 a .m . 6:01 p .m . High/low Friday . . . . . . . . . . . 45º/35º Burlington 41/26 s 37/22 pc
Monday 6:47 a .m . 6:04 p .m . High/low Thursday . . . . . . . . . 37º/27º Cedar Falls
Tuesday 6:45 a .m . 6:05 p .m . High/low Wednesday . . . . . . . 28º/14º Cedar Rapids 41/27 mc 37/24 pc
High/low Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . 34º/24º Chicago
High/low Monday . . . . . . . . . . 33º/17º Council Bluffs 37/24 pc 33/21 pc
Normal high/low . . . . . . . . . . . 29º/12º Dallas
Average temperature . . . . . . . . . . 30 .9º Davenport 39/25 mc 35/22 pc
Normal average temperature . . . . 21 .7º Des Moines
Departure from normal . . . . . . . . +9 .2º Dubuque 38/29 sn 35/24 sn
Fort Dodge
Last New First Full Precipitation: Iowa City 42/27 s 39/24 s
Kansas City
Total for Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Marshalltown 40/28 s 37/24 pc
Total for Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Mason City
Total for Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Minneapolis 41/26 mc 36/24 pc
Total for Thursday . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Omaha
Total for Wednesday . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Orlando 40/28 s 37/24 pc 40s H30s 20s 20s
Total for Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Phoenix
Total for Monday . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Rochester 38/24 mc 34/22 pc 40s 30s 30s
Total for the week . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Sioux City
3/1 3/8 3/15 3/23 Normal for the week . . . . . . . . . .0 .21" Spencer 36/25 s 33/21 mc 40s
Total for the month . . . . . . . . . . .0 .30" Waterloo 50s
Moonrise Moonset Normal for the month . . . . . . . . .0 .63" 40/25 mc 36/23 pc 40s 30s
Total for the year . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .67" 50s
Wednesday 8:03 p .m . 7:50 a .m . Normal for the year . . . . . . . . . . .1 .61" 45/30 mc 43/28 s L
Thursday 9:01 p .m . 8:18 a .m .
Friday 9:58 p .m . 8:46 a .m . 37/26 pc 34/21 pc
Saturday 10:55 p .m . 9:16 a .m .
Sunday 11:51 p .m . 9:47 a .m . 33/24 s 32/19 mc H L 60s
Monday 12:47 a .m . 11:00 a .m .
Tuesday 1:43 a .m . 11:43 a .m . 34/23 s 31/20 mc 60s 50s 70s
70s 60s
42/27 s 39/25 s
81/53 t 66/44 s
75/47 s 81/52 s
33/22 pc 31/19 pc 80s
39/26 s 36/23 pc 70s This map shows high temperatures,
type of precipitation expected and
For more weather updates, 36/23 s 32/20 pc Cold Front location of frontal systems at noon.
please visit:
37/24 pc 33/21 pc LH
www .WhatsOurWeather .com
Weather (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; pc/partly cloudy; mc/mostly cloudy; ra/rain; rs/rain & snow; Stationary Front Warm Front Low Pressure High Pressure
s/sunny; sh/showers; sn/snow; t/thunderstorms; w/windy
Clear Lake Home Buyers Guide The Home Buyer’s Guide is also
available online.
Published monthly, the last Wednesday of the month
and also available for FREE at Check our website at
• AmericInn • Best Western • Budget Inn • Super 8
12 N. 4th St.,
• Century 21 Preferred • Clear Lake Chamber • Payless Foods • Quick Shop Clear Lake
Phone 357-2131
• CLTel • Farmers State Bank • Fareway • Ventura Mart
• Glen’s Tire • Hall Realty • Kum & Go • Oakwood Market
• KFC/Taco Bell • Larson Mercantile • MBT • South Shore Inn
• Mason City Airport • Microtel • The Other Place
• Clear Lake Bank & Trust • Seven Stars Family Restaurant