Page 15 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
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LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter													                                                                                                                                                                                                                Feb. 24, 2016 • Page 15

                                                        Clear Lake City Legals                                                                                                                                      County Legals

REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING                                                                           53530	 D&D Sales Inc	                             Supplies	                                   50.00        NOTICE OF HEARING AND LETTING
                                                                                                  53531	 Datamaxx	                                  Annual Maintenance Fee	                    532.40
The Clear Lake City Council met in regular session on Monday, February 15, 2016,                  53532	 Dultmeier Sales	                           Parts	                                     125.20        NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAING ON PROPOSED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF
                                                                                                  53533	 Electronic Engineering	                    Parts	                                      23.00        CONTRACT AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR RESURFACING OF BALSAM AVENUE
at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, with Mayor Nelson P. Crabb                   53534	 Fareway Stores Inc.	                       Supplies	                                   81.87        FROM 290TH NORTH TO 340TH STREET AND 330th STREET FROM APPLE AVENUE
                                                                                                  53535	 FBI - LEEDA	                               Dues	                                       50.00        TO BALSAM AVENUE IN CERRO GORDO COUNTY, IOWA AND TAKING OF BIDS FOR
presiding. Council Members present: Ebeling, Hugi, Boehnke. Absent: Callanan,                     53536	 Federal Companies	                         Remote Backup Service	                      51.00        SUCH CONSTRUCTION.
                                                                                                  53537	 Fiala Office Products Ltd.	                Copier Maintenance	                         68.16
Nelson.                                                                                           53538	 Floyd & Leonard Auto Electric	             Parts 	
                                                                                                  53539	 FM Controls Inc	                           Heating System Repairs	                       1.80
Boehnke moved the agenda be approved, seconded by Ebeling. Passed Unani-                          53540	 Glen’s Tire Service Inc.	                  Repairs 	                                1,566.06
                                                                                                  53541	 Gregor Trucking, Tom	                      Snow Hauling 	
mously.                                                                                           53542	 Hach Company	                              Lab Supplies	                              124.95
                                                                                                  53543	 Happy Trails Wrecker Service	              Towing 	                                 1,012.50
Boehnke moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Hugi:                                    53544	 Health Works	                              Drug Testing 	                                           At 10:05 A.M., local time, at the Cerro Gordo County Courthouse, in the Board Room,
                                                                                                  53545	 Heartland Paper Co.	                       Supplies	                                  391.80        March 8, 2016, the Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors shall hold a public hear-
	 A. Minutes – February 1, 2016.                                                                  53546	 Hotsy Equipment Company	                   Part for Washer	                           125.00        ing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost of the
                                                                                                  53547	 Hunt Electric LLC, Jim	                    Repairs 	                                  105.00        improvements. At said hearing any interested person may appear and file objections to the
	 B. Approval of the bills & claims.                                                              53548	 IAWEA	                                     Membership Dues & Registration Fee	        238.38        proposed plans, specifications, contract or estimate of cost of said improvements.
                                                                                                  53549	IMFOA	                                      Dues	                                      226.08
	 C. Licenses & Permits:                                                                          53550	 Ingram Library Services	                   Books	                                     342.81
                                                                                                  53551	 Interstate Motor Trucks Inc.	              Truck Parks	                               130.00
		                    - Liquor License: Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) 	                53552	 Iowa Chapter APWA	                         Registration Fee	                           40.00
                                                                                                  53553	 Iowa One Call	                             January Locates	                           743.20
		                    with Sunday Sales, Rookies; Class B Wine Permit, Class C 		                 53554	 J&J Machining & Welding	                   Steel 	                                     31.89
                                                                                                  53555	 Johnson Sanitary Products	                 Cleaning Supplies	                         185.00
		                    BeerPermit, Class E Liquor License with Sunday Sales, Clear 	               53556	 Kappos, Stephanie C	                       Fitness Classes	                                         Sealed bids will be accepted by the County Auditor of Cerro Gordo County at their office
                                                                                                  53557	 Kramer Hardware	                           Postage & Supplies 	                          8.10       in Mason City, Iowa, until 9:30 A.M., on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, for the various items of
		                    Lake Payless Foods, Class B Native Wine Permit with Sunday 	                53558	 L-3 Communications	                        Maintenance Agreement	                      90.06        construction work listed below.
                                                                                                  53559	 Lake Auto Parts	                           Parts & Supplies	                          187.01
		                    Sales, Lake Coffee & Ice Cream; (renewals).                                 53560	 Lake Chevrolet	                            Parts	                                     120.00
                                                                                                  53561	 Landfill of North Iowa	                    Fees	                                      335.80
		                    - Solid Waste Haulers License: Waste Management, (renewal).                 53562	 Larsen Plumbing & Heating Inc.	            Repairs 	                                  500.00        A Certified check, made payable to the County, or a Cashier’s check, made payable to ei-
                                                                                                  53563	 Larsons Mercantile	                        Supplies	                                  718.56        ther the County or to the contractor, drawn upon a solvent bank or a bid bond, shall be filed
		                    - Excavator’s License: McKiness Excavating; (renewal).                      53564	 Lawson Products	                           Parts 	                                    425.00        with each proposal in an amount as set forth in the proposal form. Cashier’s check, made
                                                                                                  53565	 Marco Inc.	                                Copier 	                                    98.58        payable to the contractor, shall contain an unqualified endorsement to the County signed by
Roll Call: All Ayes.                                                                              53566	 Memorial Park Cemetery	                    Engraving 	                                125.50        the contractor or his authorized agent. Failure to execute a contract and file an acceptable
                                                                                                  53567	 Menards	                                   Supplies 	                                 133.86        bond and Certificate of Insurance within 30 days of the date of the approval for awarding of
Mayor Crabb announced that it was the time and place for the citizen’s forum. There               53568	 Merritt Computer Service	                  Computer Services	                         184.83        the contract, as herein provided, will be just and sufficient cause for the denial of the award
                                                                                                  53569	 Midwest Breathing Air LLC	                 Equipment Testing	                          87.28        and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty.
was no citizen comment.                                                                           53570	 Midwest Tape	                              Audio Books	                               260.00
                                                                                                  53571	 Midwest Wheel Companies	                   Parts	                                     602.70
Scott Flory, City Administrator, reviewed the proposed 2016 General Obligation                    53572	 Municipal Supply Inc.	                     Meter Parts & Supplies	                    184.00
                                                                                                  53573	 NAPA Auto Parts	                           Parts	                                     131.80
Refunding and stated at its February 1st meeting, the Council held the public hear-               53574	 Nettleton Excavating, Brian	               Snow Hauling 	                             635.83
                                                                                                  53575	 NIACC	                                     EMT Classes 	                              979.65
ing on a proposal to enter into a future loan agreement in a principal amount not to              53576	 NIACOG	                                    November & December Transit	             1,688.25
                                                                                                  53577	 Office Elements	                           Supplies 	                                 231.43
exceed $1,700,000 to refund the outstanding debt. He stated that bids were due by                 53578	 Office of Vehicle Services	                Salvage Tags	                            1,012.50
                                                                                                  53579	 Oriental Trading Company Inc.	             Program Supplies 	                       3,000.50
4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 9th and that a total of three bids were received from              53580	 Petty Cash -City of Clear Lake	            Petty Cash Replenishment	               13,160.24        Plans, specifications and proposal forms for the work may be seen and may be secured at
                                                                                                  53581	 Petty Cash -Clear Lake Library	            Petty Cash Replenishment	                   73.80        the County Engineer’s Office at 2716 South Federal Ave, Mason City, Iowa 50401.
a total of four prospective bidders. He advised the low bid was submitted by Clear                53582	 Physicians Claims Company	                 Ambulance Billing Services	                 50.00
                                                                                                  53583	                                 Library Supplies	                          110.89
Lake Bank & Trust and that bid reflects an average rate of 1.277625% and Net Pres-                53584	 RC Trucking Ltd.	                          Snow Hauling	                              121.98
                                                                                                  53585	 Recorded Books Inc	                        E-Magazine Subscriptions	                  176.71
ent Value (NPV) savings to the City of nearly $66,000 or 4.16% of the refunded debt.              53586	 Rise Broadband	                            Services	                                1,164.06        All proposals must be filed on the forms furnished by the County, sealed and plainly
                                                                                                  53587	 Roberts, Denise	                           Supply Reimbursement	                      165.51        marked. Proposals containing any reservations not provided for in the forms furnished may
Boehnke moved to authorize a letter of intent and to award bid to Clear Lake Bank &               53588	 Secory Plumbing & Heating Inc	             Furnace	                                 2,025.00        be rejected, and the County Board reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject
                                                                                                  53589	 Shineway Services	                         January Services 	                         479.72        any or all bids.
Trust, seconded by Ebeling. Passed Unanimously.                                                   53590	 State Hygienic Laboratory	                 Water Sample Testing	                       15.00
                                                                                                  53591	 Superior Lumber Inc.	                      Lumber & Supplies	                          18.45
Flory reviewed the proposed Main Avenue Brick Paver Sidewalk Replacement                          53592	 Thrifty White Pharmacy	                    Medical Supplies	                        1,625.00
                                                                                                  53593	 Toyne Inc.	                                Part	                                      997.00
Project and stated that the consulting engineer would review proposed concept                     53594	 Tractor Supply Credit Plan	                Tools & Parts	                             132.00        Attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering the qualifications of bid-
                                                                                                  53595	 Unity Point Clinic	                        Dues 	                                      82.89        ders and subletting or assigning of the contract.
plans with the Council. He suggested that with two Council members absent it may                  53596	 Verizon Wireless	                          Phone Service	                              10.76
                                                                                                  53597	 Virginia Center for Policing	              Training Courses	                          104.48
be appropriate to have the consulting engineer review them again at the March 7th                 53598	 Witmer Associates Inc.	                    Fire Helmet Shield & Boots	                159.70
                                                                                                  53599	 Wolfram Comm & Res Lawn Care	              Snow Removal	                               87.00
meeting and at that time set a date and time for a meeting with affected property                 53600	 Woodford Lumber Company	                   Supplies	                                  460.26        As a condition precedent to being furnished a proposal form, a prospective bidder must be
                                                                                                  53601	 Ziegler Inc.	                              Part	                                      350.00        on the current Iowa Department of Transportation or local county list of qualified bidders;
owners. Jason Petersburg, P.E., Veenstra & Kimm presented the Council with two                    	 TOTAL	                                          	                                          462.75        except that this requirement will not apply when bids are received solely for materials, sup-
                                                                                                                                                                                                90.00        plies, or equipment.
proposed concept plans for the project and advised that he will review the concept                                                                                                             125.59
with the Council again at the March 7th meeting.                                                                                                                                           330,796.36

Flory reviewed the 2017 Fiscal Year Budget proposal and stated that the proposed

City tax rate for the 2016 fiscal year is $10.04/$1,000 of taxable valuation. He further                                                                                                                     Cerro Gordo County shall issue sales tax exemption certificates through the Iowa Depart-
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ment of Revenue and Finance to the successful bidder and subcontractors to enable them
stated that the proposed FY 17 budget reflects total expenditures among the various                                                                                                                          to purchase qualifying materials for the project free of sales tax.

programs of $13,819,146; of which $7.56 million is directed towards operations &

maintenance; $5.37 million towards capital; and $877,878 towards debt service.

Flory advised that the Council should at this time adopt a “preliminary” budget, and                                                                                                                         Failure to submit a fully completed Bidder Status Form with the bid may result in the bid
                                                                                                                                                                                                             being deemed nonresponsive and rejected.
set March 1st as the date for the public hearing on the proposed FY 17 budget. Hugi

moved to adopt a “preliminary” budget and set March 7th at 6:30 p.m. as the date for                                                                                                                         The County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of
the public hearing on the budget, seconded by Boehnke. Passed Unanimously.                                                                                                                                   Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-
                                                                                                                                                                                                             assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby
Flory gave an update on the Drainage District No. 49 “Outlet Improvements Lateral                                                                                                                            notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant
                                                                                                                                                                                                             to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to sub-
1 Tile System” Project and stated that a public informational meeting regarding the                                                                                                                          mit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of
                                                                                                                                                                                                             race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
project will be held on February 16th. He advised that the project is a special as-

sessment project and that the City is one of the affected property owners. He stated

that he and Joe Weigel, Public Works Director, planned to attend the meeting.

There being no further business before the Council, Ebeling moved to adjourn at

7:54 p.m., seconded by Hugi. Passed Unanimously.

NEXT REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2016                                                                                                                                                                 Description of the Proposed Work : LFM-0406(16)--7X-17
                                                                                                                                                                                                             HMA Resurfacing
					                                                   /S/	 Nelson P. Crabb	
					Nelson P. Crabb, Mayor                                                                                                                                                                                  GRANULAR SHOULDERS, TYPE B	                                                  UNIT	QUANTITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                             CLEANING AND PREPARATION OF BASE	
ATTEST:                                                                                                                                                                                                      PATCHES, FULL-DEPTH REPAIR	                                                  TON	 4510.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                             PATCHES, PARTIAL-DEPTH REPAIR, HOT MIX ASPHALT	
/S/	 Jennifer Larsen		                                                                                                                                                                                       PATCHES BY COUNT (REPAIR)	                                                   MILE	         5.9
                                                                                                                                                                                                             PAVEMENT SCARIFICATION	
Jennifer Larsen, City Clerk                                                                                                                                                                                  HOT MIX ASPHALT MIXTURE, WEDGE, LEVELING OR STRENGTHENING COURSE	            SY	 174.30
                                                                                                                                                                                                             HOT MIX ASPHALT MIXTURE (1,000,000 ESAL), INTERMEDIATE COURSE, 1/2 IN. MIX	
CITY OF CLEAR LAKE                                                                                                                                                                                           HOT MIX ASPHALT MIXTURE (1,000,000 ESAL), SURFACE COURSE, 1/2 IN. MIX, NO    SY	 118.90
                                                                                                                                                                                                              SPECIAL FRICTION REQUIREMENT	
WARRANTS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON 2/15/2016                                                                                                                                                               ASPHALT BINDER, PG 58-28	                                                    EACH	              7
                                                                                                                                                                                                             HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT SAMPLES	
			                                                                                                                                                                                                          PAYMENT ADJUSTMENT INCENTIVE/DISINCENTIVE FOR HMA MIXTURE                    SY	 1100
                                                                                                                                                                                                              LABORATORY VOIDS (FORMULA - BY PAY FACTOR)	
CHECK #	 VENDOR	                                DESCRIPTION	                          AMOUNT                                                                                                                 PAYMENT ADJUSTMENT INCENTIVE/DISINCENTIVE FOR HMA MIXTURE FIELD              TON	 67.00
                                                                                     133,046.04                                                                                                               VOIDS (FORMULA - BY PAY FACTOR)	
Transfer	 City of Clear Lake Payroll Acct	      Transfer 2/5/16 Wages & Taxes	                                                                                                                               RUMBLE STRIP PANEL (HMA SURFACE)	                                            TON	 6670.0
                                                                                       4,621.00                                                                                                              PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKING, WATERBORNE OR SOLVENT-BASED	
Wire	 Iowa Dept of Revenue	                     January Sales Tax	                        49.95                                                                                                              TRAFFIC CONTROL	                                                             TON	 6600.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                             FLAGGERS	                                                                    TON	 796.0
Wire	 Payment Service Network	                  Contracted Services	                  28,172.51                                                                                                              PILOT CARS	
                                                                                       2,982.79                                                                                                              SUBBASE (PATCHES)	                                                            LS	 1.00
53504	 Alliant Energy	                          Gas & Electric Service	                2,856.67                                                                                                              HOT MIX ASPHALT (PARTIAL DEPTH PATCH MATERIAL)	
53505	 K&H Co-Op Oil Company	                   Fuel 	                                    30.38
53506	 Wright Express FSC	                      Fuel 	                                    26.95                                                                                                                                                                                           EACH	  7900
53507	 BENSON, ERICA	                           Water Deposit Refund #1797	           32,042.97
53508	 LAFRENZ, LAUREN	                         Water Deposit Refund #1625 & #2345	      399.00                                                                                                                                                                                           EACH	  11000
53509	 LITWILER, TAMMY & TERRY	                 Water Deposit Refund #2247	               89.28                                                                                                                                                                                           EACH	              2
53510	 RUTER TEAM LLC	                          Water Deposit Refund #1935	              115.13   City of Clear Lake                                                                                                                                                                      STA	 1055.33
53511	 Absolute Waste Removal	                  January Services	                      4,123.50   Statement of Revenues & Expenses                                                                                                                                                        LS	 1.00
53512	 Advanced Systems Inc	                    Copier Maintenance	                      124.97   	 Cash Balance			                                                                        Cash Balance                                                                                   EACH	80.0
                                                                                         348.84                                                                                                 02/15/16
53513	 Airgas USA LLC	                          Medical Oxygen	                        1,012.50   	                                   02/01/16 	    Receipts	             Expenditures	                                                                                                   EACH	         20
                                                                                          75.00                                                                                            4,104,394.93
53514	APWA	                                     Dues	                                  1,990.63   General	                          4,099,159.92 	 184,057.74 	           (178,822.73)	    1,287,042.92                                                                                   SY	 190.7
53515	 Aramark	                                 January Services	                      1,178.57   Road Use Tax	                     1,304,211.70 	         0.00 	 (17,168.78)	               378,026.83                                                                                   TON	 17.7
                                                                                          41.40                                                                                              451,728.13
53516	 Backus, Carol L	                         Fitness Classes	                       2,790.30   Employee Benefits	                429,791.69 	    10,522.86 	           (62,287.72)	       237,953.41                                                                                   LS	1.00
53517	 Baker & Taylor Books	                    Books	                                            TIF Revenues	                     431,062.90 	    20,665.23 	                   0.00 	       46,916.13

53518	 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa	          March 2016 Health Insurance	                      E/D Loan Trust	                   237,953.41 	           0.00 	                 0.00 	        3,991.56
53519	 BMC Aggregates LC	                       Roadstone	                                        Law Enforcement - State	          10,411.55 	     3,752.00 	                (348.84)	                      Total Proposal Guaranty is $75,000.00; 20 Working Days; Late start date: Jul-18-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  219.58     2016; $1,200.00/Day Liquidated Damages.
53520	 Bound Tree Medical LLC	                  Medical Supplies	                                 Firefighter Benefit Trust	        46,916.13 	            0.00 	                 0.00 	     358,056.77
                                                                                                                                                                                             447,102.18      STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF THE IDOT, SERIES 2015, AND CURRENT
53521	 BSN Sports Inc	                          P&R Program Supplies	                             Kinney Lindstrom	                   3,991.56 	           0.00 	                 0.00 	     629,373.80      SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS SHALL APPLY.
53522	 Cerro Gordo County Attorney	             Forfeiture Fee	                                   Debt Service	                     205,429.30 	    4,180.86 	                    0.00 	     451,254.46      Approved by the CERRO GORDO County Board of Supervisors at their regular ses-
                                                                                                                                                                                            8,729,711.27     sion on Feb-16-2016.
53523	 Clapper Tree Service Inc	                Snow Hauling	                                     Capital Projects	                     219.58 	           0.00 	                 0.00 	
53524	 Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce	          Meeting Fee	                                      Riley Trust	                      358,056.77 	           0.00 	                 0.00 	                     By: Ken Kline Cerro Gordo County Auditor

53525	 Clear Lake Reporter	                     Publications & Newsletter	                        Water	                            455,597.84 	    24,646.52 	           (33,142.18)	

53526	 Complete Concrete	                       Snow Hauling	                                     Sewer Rental	                     626,263.05 	    9,182.64 	              (6,071.89)	

53527	 Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc	            Snow Plow Parts	                                  Solid Waste	                      129,005.22 	    13,914.04 	           (32,693.56)	

53528	Culligan	                                 Supplies	                                         Storm Water Utility	              448,118.81 	    3,396.31 	                (260.66)	

53529	 Culver-Hahn Electric Supply	             Street Light & Supplies	                          Total	                            8,786,189.43 	 274,318.20 	           (330,796.36)	

                                                                                                                 Landfill North Iowa

LANDFILL OF NORTH IOWA                                                                            02/11/2016	 38004	 Airgas North Central	                 Supplies	                              150.51     02/11/2016	 38053	 Test America, Inc.	          Leachate Analysis	                  2,520.30
                                                                                                  02/11/2016	 38005	 All Star Pest Control	                Pest Control	                          45.00      02/11/2016	 38054	 Tractor Supply Co.	          Supplies	                           232.96

	 The regular monthly meeting of the Landfill of North Iowa Executive Com-                        02/11/2016	 38006	 Alliant Energy	                       Utilities	                             2,407.78   02/11/2016	 38055	 UPS	                         Postage	                            54.38

mittee was held on February 11, 2016, beginning at 7:38 A.M., at the Landfill Education           02/11/2016	 38007	 Avesis	                               Vision Ins	                            120.90     02/11/2016	 38056	 US Financial	                Bill R/Life Ins	                    146.00

Center, 15942 Killdeer, Clear Lake, Iowa.                                                         02/11/2016	 38008	 Bauer Built	                          Equipment Repairs & Maintenance	 24.00            02/11/2016	 38057	 Verizon Wireless	            Utilities	                          130.96

	 Present at the meeting were Barney Ruiter, Chairperson, David Abele, Vice                       02/11/2016	 38009	 Black Hills Energy	                   Utilities	                             1,527.62   02/11/2016	 38058	 Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield	 Health Ins	                     13,365.47

Chairperson, and Jay Waddingham, Member. Others present were William L. Row-                      02/11/2016	 38010	 Blazek Electric	                      Lights, Signal Repair, Shop Lights	 2,116.79      02/11/2016	 38059	 Xerox Corporation	           Xerox W7120P Copier Maintenance	 16.43

land, Director, Mitzi Brunsvold, Education Coordinator, and James J. Locher, Attorney.            02/11/2016	 38011	 BMC Aggregates L.C.	                  Rock Purchase	                         6,641.31   02/11/2016	 38060	 Ziegler, Inc.	               Equipment Repairs & Maintenance	 8,622.39

	 Ruiter called the meeting to order.                                                             02/11/2016	 38012	 Brunsvold Trucking	                   Leachate Hauling	                      8,850.00   02/11/2016	 38061	 IPERS	                       Retirement Contributions	           6,991.85

	 Minutes for the Executive Committee meeting held January 14, 2016, were                         02/11/2016	 38013	 C & D Oil Services of Waseca	         RCC Waste Disposal	                    100.00     02/11/2016	 38062	 Treasurer, State of Iowa	    Withholding	                        2,192.00

approved upon motion by Abele, seconded by Ruiter and unanimously adopted.                        02/11/2016	 38014	 Cintas First Aid & Safety	            Supplies	                              52.16      				                                                                                136,247.69

	 Monthly bills were reviewed and approved for payment, upon motion by                            02/11/2016	 38015	 Clear Lake Independent Telephone	 Utilities	                                 298.41     				                                                                                136,247.69

Abele, seconded by Ruiter and unanimously adopted.                                                02/11/2016	 38016	 Clear Lake Mirror Reporter	           1/14/16 Board Meeting 1/4 pg visitors

	 Monthly financial statements were presented. Upon motion by Abele,                              			                                                      guide	                                 711.49

seconded by Waddingham and unanimously adopted, the financial statements were                     02/11/2016	 38017	 Culligan	                             Water/Office/Shop	                     82.10      Notice of Probate

accepted subject to annual audit as required by law.                                              02/11/2016	 38018	 Delta Dental	                         Dental Ins	                            891.52

	 Available for inspection were the most recent bank statement for the LNI                        02/11/2016	 38019	 EMC National Life Company	            Life Ins	                              241.22

checking account and copies of related documents.                                                 02/11/2016	 38020	 Express Personnel Services	           Temporary Employees	                   7,524.15                                                   	 Notice is further given that all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             persons indebted to the estate are
	 Rowland circulated a list of accounts past due more than ninety days.                           02/11/2016	 38021	 Fastenal	                             Supplies	                              38.69             THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT                  requested to make immediate payment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CERRO GORDO COUNTY                     to the undersigned, and creditors having
These amounted to $1,482.66 out of total accounts receivable of $278,147.35.                      02/11/2016	 38022	 Federal Companies	                    Off Site Back-up	                      51.00                   IN THE ESTATE OF                   claims against the estate shall file them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with the clerk of the above named
	 Two new full-time employees began work February 1, 2016, according to                           02/11/2016	 38023	 Federal Fire Equipment Co.	           Fire Extinguisher Inspections	         73.99             PHYLLIS C. ECHELBERGER                   district court, as provided by law, duly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Deceased                    authenticated, for allowance, and unless
Rowland. With respect to other personnel matters, a part-time employee would be                   02/11/2016	 38024	 Foth Infrastructure & Environmental,                                                                                                    so filed by the later to occur of four months
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Probate No. ESPR029928                 from the second publication of this notice
sought to help on weekends at the scale. It was suggested that Rowland present ad-                		                          LLC	                         Engineering Services	                  35,011.48    NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF                 or one month from the date of mailing of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND                   this notice (unless otherwise allowed or
ditional information regarding a health insurance matter.                                         02/11/2016	 38025	 G & K Services-Des Moines	            Uniforms	                              277.36                                                     paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NOTICE TO CREDITORS
	 Recent activities of the LNI consulting engineer, he said, included attention                   02/11/2016	 38026	 GeoLogic Computer Systems	            GPS Monthly Service	                   300.00                                                     Dated February 15, 2016.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             To All Persons interested in the Estate of
to the following:                                                                                 02/11/2016	 38027	 Global Equipment Company	             RCC Cabinets	                          389.93     Phyllis C. Echelberger, Deceased, who           Date of second publication: 24th day of
                                                                                                                                                                                                             died on or about January 18, 2016:              February, 2016.
	 • Finalizing the LNI Cost Analysis. This has been helpful for organizational 	                  02/11/2016	 38028	 Health Works	                         Flu Shot	                              40.00      	 You are hereby notified that on
                                                                                                                                                                                                             February 12, 2016, the last will and                                  Michael G. Echelberger
	 purposes, Rowland observed. It is expected the report will be presented to 	                    02/11/2016	 38029	 Helps Drain Cleaning	                 Pumped Shop Pits	                      200.00     testament of Phyllis C. Echelberger,                                               608 2nd St. N.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             deceased, bearing date of August 6,
	 the Executive Committee at its March meeting and the full LNI Board in 		                       02/11/2016	 38030	 HyVee	                                Supplies	                              81.24      1992, and First Codicil to Last Will and                                    Rockwell, IA 50469
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Testament dated October 27, 2006 was                                          Executor of estate
May.                                                                                              02/11/2016	 38031	 Iowa Illinois Safety Council	         Membership Renewal	                    395.00     admitted to probate in the above named
                                                                                                                                                                                                             court and that Michael G. Echelberger and                                         LuAnn S. Scott
	 • The LNI Annual Water Quality Report, which has been submitted to the 		                       02/11/2016	 38032	 J&J Machining Welding & Fabricating	 Supplies	                               92.71      LuAnn S. Scott was appointed executor                                         102 28th St. S.W.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of the estate. Any action to set aside the                               Mason City, IA 50401
Iowa Department of Natural Resources.                                                             02/11/2016	 38033	 K&H Cooperative	                      Fuel	                                  3,636.76   will must be brought in the district court                                    Executor of estate
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of said county within the later to occur of
	 • Preparation of an Evaluation Report regarding the leachate system.                            02/11/2016	 38034	 KCMR Radio	                           Education	                             252.00     four months from the date of the second         Probate Code Secion 304
                                                                                                                                                                                                             publication of this notice or one month         Timothy M. Anderson
	 Rowland noted leachate, a convenience area and other projects would be                          02/11/2016	 38035	 Lake Auto Parts	                      Supplies	                              85.10      from the date of mailing of this notice to all  ICIS PIN No: AT0000454
                                                                                                                                                                                                             heirs of the decedent and devisees under        165 E. 4th St.
addressed this year.                                                                              02/11/2016	 38036	 Larson Printing Co.	                  Supplies	                              287.50     the will whose identities are reasonably        Garner, IA 50438
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ascertainable, or thereafter be forever
	 Brunsvold commented on communications with the DNR regarding the                                02/11/2016	 38037	 Locher Law Firm	                      Legal Services	                        840.00     barred.

convenience center grant application, which remains pending. Interest has been                    02/11/2016	 38038	 Mason City Public Utilities	          Water Bill for Leachate	               20,250.00

expressed by Worth County in the engagement of LNI to manage household hazard                     02/11/2016	 38039	 Menards MC	                           Supplies	                              391.46

waste at a site near Kensett, she reported. Also, she said, a request has been made to            02/11/2016	 38040	 Merritt Computer Service	             Computer Services	                     88.00

LNI by a local manufacturing firm to put together a presentation for its employees.               02/11/2016	 38041	 Midwest Electronic Recovery	          Electronic Recycling	                  3,113.60

	 It was announced the next Executive Committee meeting would be held at                          02/11/2016	 38042	 Midwest Pipe Supply, Inc.	            Supplies	                              72.19

the LNI Education Center on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, at 7:30 A.M.                                  02/11/2016	 38043	 Mills Fleet Farm	                     Supplies	                              8.88

	 The meeting, upon motion by Abele, was adjourned at 8:50 A.M.                                   02/11/2016	 38044	 National Tire & Battery	              2013 Tahoe Tire	                       15.99

	 Bills Approved for Payment.                                                                     02/11/2016	 38045	 North Iowa Broadcasting Inc.	         Education	                             1,700.00

Date	 Num	 Name	                                        Memo	                        Paid Amount  02/11/2016	 38046	 North Iowa Media Group	               Education	                             645.00

01/21/2016	 37997	 Iowa Workforce Development	          Unemployment	                4.86         02/11/2016	 38047	 PAETEC	                               Utilities	                             47.00

01/26/2016	 37999	 MCSTREET	                            Refund of Overpayment	       251.00       02/11/2016	 38048	 Pomp’s Tire Service	                  Equipment Repairs & Maintenance	 612.72

01/26/2016	 38000	 Material Flow & Conveyor Systems,                                              02/11/2016	 38049	 Prairie Inet	                         Utilities	                             55.65

		                  Inc.	                               RCC Drum Truck	              491.07       02/11/2016	 38050	 River City Communications, Inc.	 Security	                                   18.00

02/04/2016	 38001	 Rowland, William	                    Expenses	                    65.79        02/11/2016	 38051	 Staples	                              Supplies	                              50.98

02/11/2016	 38003	 Advantage Administrators	            Flex Fees	                   63.00        02/11/2016	 38052	 Staples Advantage	                    Supplies	                              192.04
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