Page 14 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
P. 14

LegalsPage 14 • Feb. 24, 2016													                                                                                                                                                                         Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

                                                                                                                                      NIACC location added to

                                                                                                                                      DNR’s fall hunting, trapping

                                                                                                                                      listening sessions

                                                                                                                                      	 The Iowa Department of Natural         process helps ensure that rule changes    Mel’s Tours
                                                                                                                                      Resources has added locations in Iowa    serve the public’s wishes and do not
                                                                                                                                      City, Mason City, Sac City, Sheldon      impact Iowa’s economy,” said Dr.           Adventure
                                                                                                                                      and Spencer to the list for its Feb. 24  Dale Garner, chief of the wildlife bu-        Seekers
                                                                                                                                      public meeting over the Iowa Com-        reau.
                                                                                                                                      munications Network where hunters        	 At each meeting DNR staff will         Mackinaw and More!
                                                                                                                                      and trappers can go to express their     facilitate a discussion about what
                                                                                                                                      thoughts on the hunting and trapping     went well last fall, what didn’t, and           Join us for an
                                                                                                                                      regulations for this fall.               what changes hunters and trappers         informational meeting.
                                                                                                                                      	 Locally, hunters may go to Ca-         would like to see for this fall.
                                                                                                                                      reers Building Room 118 at NIACC         	 These discussions along with the        Thursday, March 3
                                                                                                                                      in Mason City. The meeting is from 6     data that the wildlife bureau collects      1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                      to 9 p.m.                                on harvest and population numbers
                                                                                                                                      	 These meetings are part of the         will be used to develop recommen-        located at the Clear Lake
                                                                                                                                      process for making rules in state gov-   dations for any rule changes this fall.   Senior Citizens Center
                                                                                                                                      ernment.                                 Any changes must be approved by the
                                                                                                                                      	 “Any rule changes must be dis-         Natural Resource Commission and                 105 S. 4th St.
                                                                                                                                      cussed with Iowa’s citizens who might    then go back to the public for further
                                                                                                                                      be impacted by the changes before        comment before taking effect next            Call Mel for more
                                                                                                                                      the rule changes are proposed. The       fall.                                            information.


An ice fisherman makes his way past a thin ice warning sign on Clear Lake. The Iowa DNR warns those on foot, and especially           Clear Lake School Board
vehicles, should use extreme caution on the ice.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.
                                                                                                                                      CLEAR LAKE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Anglers advised to check ice                                                                                                          Work Session Meeting Minutes
often; thickness not uniform                                                                                                          February 17, 2016

                                                                                                                                      Present – President: Bergvig; Directors; Brady; Kuhlers; Moeller and Tesar.

	 While ice fishing has been in full swing for several               	 Avoid slushy or honey-combed and stay away from                The Board met with McPherson & Jacobson, L.L.C. search firm to discuss and plan
weeks, anglers heading out are encouraged to bring a friend          dark spots.  Don’t walk into areas where the snow cover          out Superintendent Search and Interview.
and check the ice often as they make their way to their              looks discolored. 
favorite fishing spot.                                               	 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources recom-                President Bergvig declared the work session adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
	 “Ice thickness is not uniform on any body of water,                mends a minimum of four inches of quality ice for fishing
even in the middle of the winter.  Things like melting snow          and at least five inches for snowmobiles and ATVs.               ____________________      ________________________
and runoff can create weak spots and lakes with current              	 Anglers should pack ice picks, about 50 feet of rope           Chyrl Bergvig, President  Lorna Leerar, Board Secretary
or springs will have areas with slower ice growth,” said Joe         and should bring a throwable floatation seat cushion that
Larscheid, chief of fisheries for the Iowa Department of             they can sit on that could be used in case of a rescue.                                                   County Legals
Natural Resources.  “Anglers should also avoid areas with             
things sticking through the ice like rocks, trees or docks           	 Safety Tips on the Ice:
that will conduct heat and make the ice around it less sta-          	 •There is no such thing as 100 percent safe ice.
ble.”                                                                	 •New ice is usually stronger than old ice. 
	 The winter storm that left a fresh blanket of snow over            	 •Ice fishing is a social activity, don’t go out alone. If the
most of Iowa will cover potential areas to avoid so anglers          worst should happen, someone would be there to call for
are advised to use safety techniques usually associated with         help or to rescue.
new ice.                                                             	 •Check ice thickness as you go out - there could be
	 “Use a spud bar to work your way out, cut a series of              pockets of thin ice or places where ice recently formed.
test holes and don’t go out alone,” said Larscheid.                  	 •Avoid off-colored snow or ice. It is usually a sign of
	 Anglers should use their judgment and trust their in-              weakness.
stincts.  If the ice does not look right, don’t go out.  It is also  	 •The insulating effect of snow slows down the freezing
a good idea to follow others footsteps on the ice.                   process.

Proposed waterfowl seasons and zones
available for public comment before meeting

	 Waterfowl hunters have the op-         a public meeting at 2 p.m., March 8,  Youth Waterfowl Days
portunity to comment on proposed         in the third floor conference room,   North Zone: Sept. 17-18
2016 Iowa waterfowl seasons that were    Wallace State Office Building, in     South Zone: Sept. 24-25
approved during the Jan. 20 meeting      Des Moines.	 Any interested per-      Missouri River Zone: Oct. 1-2
of the Natural Resource Commission       son may make written suggestions or    
of the Iowa Department of Natural        comments on the proposed amend-       Dark Geese (Canada Geese, Brant,
Resources (DNR).                         ments on or before March 8, by send-  and White-fronted Geese)
	 The Commission also approved           ing written comments to Orrin Jones,  North Zone: Sept. 24-Oct. 9 and Oct.
for public comment a proposal to         Wildlife Biologist, Iowa Department   15-Jan. 4, 2017
change the waterfowl hunting zone        of Natural Resources, 1203 North      South Zone: Oct. 1-16 and Oct. 22-
boundaries for the 2017-2021 hunt-       Shore Drive, Clear Lake, Iowa 50428,  Jan. 11, 2017
ing seasons.                             or by email at [email protected].  Missouri River Zone: Oct. 8-16 and
	 The season proposal adjusts the        gov. Persons may also convey their    Oct. 22-Jan. 18, 2017
dates to comply with the US Fish and     comments orally by contacting Jones    
Wildlife Service regulations and to      at 641-357-3517 or by visiting the    Light Geese (White and Blue
begin the seasons on weekends. Based     Clear Lake Fish and Wildlife Station  Phase Show Geese and Ross’
on hunter feedback, the DNR has          at 1203 North Shore Drive, in Clear   Geese)
proposed a nine day Special Septem-      Lake.                                 North Zone: Sept. 24-Oct. 9 and Oct.
ber Teal season in the north and south                                         15-Jan. 13, 2017
zone rather than the maximum 16          Proposed 2016-17 Migratory Game       South Zone: Oct. 1-16 and Oct. 22-
days, to allow youth waterfowl hunt-     Bird Seasons                          Jan. 18, 2017
ing seasons to occur prior to the regu-  Special September Teal                Missouri River Zone: Oct. 8-16 and
lar duck season and allow ducks to       North Zone: Sept. 3-11                Oct. 22-Jan. 18, 2017
have a two week period of calm before    South Zone: Sept. 3-11                 
the regular duck season begins. A 16     Missouri River Zone: Sept. 3-18       Special September Canada Goose
day Special September Teal season is                                           Seasons
proposed for the Missouri River zone     Ducks, Mergansers and Coots           Designated Areas around Des
because the season would close three     North Zone: Sept. 24-Oct. 2 and Oct.  Moines, Cedar Rapids/Iowa City and
weeks before the regular duck season     15-Dec. 4                             Cedar Falls/Waterloo: Sept. 3-11
opens.                                   South Zone: Oct. 1-5 and Oct. 22-      
	 The proposed waterfowl hunting         Dec. 15                               Statewide Light Geese Conserva-
seasons and zones will be the topic of   Missouri River Zone: Oct. 8-9 and     tion Order (White and Blue Phase
                                         Oct. 22-Dec. 18                       Show Geese and Ross’ Geese):Jan.
                                                                               19-April 15, 2017 (additional regula-
                                                                               tions apply)
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