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Ag./BusinessClear Lake Mirror-Reporter															                                                                                                                                                     Feb. 17, 2016 • Page 7

                                                                                                                                                                            Webinar planned for local
                                                                                                                                                                            food producers Feb. 25

                                                                                                                                                                            	 Healthy Harvest of North Iowa           Evelsizer, Project Coordinator for
                                                                                                                                                                            is offering the second of their Win-      Healthy Harvest. “There are so many
                                                                                                                                                                            ter Producer Workshop Series as a         things to consider. Chris has a lot of
                                                                                                                                                                            webinar on Thursday, Feb. 25, from        experience with pricing for farmers
                                                                                                                                                                            7-8:30 p.m. “How to Price Produce         markets, CSA’s and wholesale. He will
                                                                                                                                                                            for Profit” will help producers to navi-  give us a lot to think about and offer
                                                                                                                                                                            gate pricing strategies to meet their     suggestions on how to set prices for
                                                                                                                                                                            customers’ needs and their farm’s bot-    different markets. ”
                                                                                                                                                                            tom line.                                  	 Please register in advance
                                                                                                                                                                            	 The presenter, Chris Blanchard,         for this workshop by going to
                                                                                                                                                                            is the owner of The Purple Pitchfork,     https://2016workshop2.eventbrite.
                                                                                                                                                                            which offers consulting and education     com
                                                                                                                                                                            for farming, food, and business.           	 You can find the link to log onto
                                                                                                                                                                            	 “Figuring out how to price your         the webinar by going to www.northio-
                                                                                                                                                                            products can be tricky,” said Andrea

Local community and business leaders were honored at the Clear Lake Area Cham-         Barkley, Clear Ceek Elementary School; Deb Tesar; Chris Masters, Master Floors-      Seed Treatment Course
ber of Commerce annual meeting. Those honored include (L-R): Kristy Sagdalen           Carpet One; Laurie Lietz, Surf Ballroom; Mark Ebeling, Edwards-Brandt & As-          scheduled for Feb. 24
King, Bergland and Cram; Deb Cash, Farmers State Bank; Denni Erickson, Ward-           sociates, Inc.; Ashley and Shea Coleman, Be Wellness; Laura Tidrick, Ashley Stokke,
Van Slyke Colonial Chapel; Stephanie Burnett, Celebrations Party & Rental; Mike        Andrea Evelsizer, Dan Lauters, Clear Lake Farmers Market. -Submitted photo

Clear Lake Chamber recognizes local leaders                                                                                                                                  	 Cerro Gordo County Extension           by phoning 641-423-0844.
	 The Clear Lake Area Chamber recognized local business and community                  Meyer, First Citizens National Bank & Trust; Tim Molencamp, Cornerstone              and Outreach will host a Seed Treat-       	 The course will provide continu-
leaders at its 73rd annual meeting recently held at the Surf Ballroom.                 Physical Therapy, a service of Mason City Clinic; Marc Neuman, Titan Pro;            ment Continuing Instruction Course        ing instruction credit for commercial
	 The local recognition for 2015 included: Business of the Year – Be Well-             Dan Nichols, CL Tel; Gary Peterson, Clear Lake Bank & Trust, Board Vice              (CIC) for commercial pesticide appli-     pesticide applicators certified in cat-
ness; Education Partner of the Year – Mike Barkley, Clear Creek Elementary             President for Government Relations; Mark Steenhard, Auto Edge, Inc.; Diana           cators, Wednesday, Feb. 24. The pro-      egories 4 and 10. Topics to be covered
School Principal; North Iowa Service Award – Clear Lake Farmers Market; and            Symonds, McQuaid Agency.                                                             gram will be shown at locations across    include neonics in groundwater, seed
the Larry Luker Volunteer of the Year – Deb Tesar.                                     	 The Chamber also recognized the following volunteers who have served               Iowa through the Iowa State Univer-       treatments and pollinators, evaluation
	 The Chamber Board and officers for 2016 were introduced: Jay Allen, Al-              the Chamber in various key capacities: Mark Ebeling, retiring Chamber Board          sity Extension and Outreach Pesticide     of seed applied nematicides on soy-
len Travel Agency and Board Vice President for Tourism; Stephanie Burnett,             member, past Board President and Co-Chair of the Clear Lake IGNITE Cam-              Safety Education Program (PSEP).          beans, seed treatment IPM, seed treat-
Celebrations Party & Rental; Deb Cash, Farmers State Bank; Denni Sue Er-               paign; Todd Luker, retiring chair of the Chamber Fireworks Committee; and             	 The local attendance site is Cerro     ment stewardship, and seed treatment
ickson, Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel & Crematory, Board Treasurer; Lori              retiring trolley driver, Dale Eppens.                                                Gordo County Extension, 2023 S.           labels.
Faught, Best Western Holiday Lodge; Alan Gouchanour, Larson’s Mercantile;              	 The mission of the Clear Lake Area Chamber is to serve our membership              Federal Ave., Mason City. Registra-        	 Certified Crop Advisor (CCA)
Jay Lefevre, First Gabrielson Agency; Kristy Sagdalen King, Bergland and Cram          and provide value through opportunities in networking, advocacy and business         tion begins at 8:30 a.m., and the         Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
and Board President-Elect; Laurie Lietz, Surf Ballroom and 2016 Board Presi-           resources. The Clear Lake Area Chamber has 453 members. If you would like            course runs from 9 to 11 a.m. The         will be offered. Interested participants
dent; Chris Masters, Master Floors-Carpet One, Board Past President; Kevin             information about the Chamber, contact the Chamber office, 641-357-2159.             registration fee is $35 on or before      should bring their CCA number to
                                                                                                                                                                            Feb. 17 and $45 after Feb. 17. To reg-    the program.
Iowa Speciality                                                                        Destination Travel inducted                                                          ister or to obtain additional informa-    	 Additional information and
Hospital receives                                                                      into 500 Club for 2016                                                               tion about the CIC, contact Becky or      registration forms for this and other
designation                                                                                                                                                                 JoAnn at the ISU Extension and Out-       courses offered by the PSEP team can
                                                                                                                                                                            reach office in Cerro Gordo County        be accessed at www.extension.iastate.
	 Wellmark® Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® has                                                                                                                                                                          edu/PSEP/.
recognized Iowa Specialty Hospital in Belmond,
Iowa to receive a Blue Distinction® Center+ desig-                                     	 The Mark Travel Corporation            perience.                                   Entrepreneurs’ Exchange to
nation in the area of bariatric surgery by the Blue                                    is pleased and honored to announce       	 “Travel agents are vacation ex-           be held at NIACC
Distinction® Centers for Specialty Care program.                                       the induction of Destination Travel      perts. They have experienced the des-
Blue Distinction® Centers are nationally desig-                                        Services, of Clear Lake, as a mem-       tinations and resorts and will give you      	 There are many questions con-          be Betsy Armstrong, Regional Devel-
nated health care facilities shown to deliver quality                                  ber to the 500 Club for 2016. This       the best advice in the industry. The        cerning effective marketing.  That’s      opment Director, Constant Contact.
specialty care based on objective measures, which STEVE SIMONIN                        elite program, established over 30       500 Club is comprised of travel pro-        why North Iowa Area Commu-                	 Armstrong began her career
were developed with input from the medical com-                                        years ago, recognizes travel agencies    fessionals who are experts in booking       nity College’s John Pappajohn En-         working in marketing and sales for
munity, for patient safety and better health outcomes.                                 that are top supporters and produc-      our products and should be your first       trepreneurial Center (JPEC) and           several Fortune 500 companies.  She
	 “We are incredibly proud of our bariatric surgery program,” commented                ers of TMTC’s five brands — Fun-         call when planning a vacation,” said        Small Business Development Center         left the corporate world after graduate
Iowa Specialty Hospital President and CEO Steve Simonin. “Our program, led             jet Vacations, TNT Vacations, Blue       Mike Going, President of Funjet Va-         (SBDC) bring entrepreneurs together       school, getting a degree in Counsel-
by Dr. Todd Eibes, draws patients from all over Central and Northern Iowa,             Sky Tours, Southwest Vacations and       cations.                                    to learn from experts and fellow mem-     ing, which led her to “hang out a shin-
and beyond. The over 350 patients we have served credit Dr. Eibes and his              United Vacations.                        	 “I am proud to receive this pres-         bers in the business community. En-       gle” and start her own private practice,
team with giving them a fresh start on life and, in many cases, likely saving their    	 The 500 Club is a program              tigious award from The Mark Travel          trepreneurs’ Exchanges feature outside    earning a reputation for helping chal-
lives.”                                                                                based on relationships, recognition      Corporation. As a member of the local       experts presenting practical tips for     lenged organizations re-brand, pivot
	 To receive a Blue Distinction Center+ for Bariatric Surgery designation, a           and rewards for travel agents who        business community, I offer unique          immediate use to improve business         and advance toward new levels of suc-
healthcare facility must demonstrate success in meeting patient safety, as well as     have had outstanding sales and ser-      products and expertise that separates       success.                                  cess. Armstrong’s trademark is dream-
bariatric-specific quality measures, including complications and readmissions,         vice achievements in the last year.      us from other Travel Agencies,” said        	 The next E-Exchange, which is           ing up the next “big thing” and taking
for gastric stapling and/or gastric banding procedures. A health care facility         500 Club agents have shown an ex-        Carol Behne.                                free of charge, will be held on Tues-     it from concept to reality.
must also have earned national accreditations at both the facility level and the       pertise in working with brands and       	 Destination Travel Services is            day, Feb. 23, from 6-7:30 p.m., at NI-    	 To register call 641-422-4111 or
specific bariatric care level, as well as demonstrate better cost efficiency relative  the products offered to consumers to     located at 5273 Lakeview Dr., Clear         ACC - McAllister Hall, Room 104G.         1-888-466-4222, ext. 4111 or email
to its peers.                                                                          ensure an unforgettable vacation ex-     Lake. Contact them at 357-2305 or           The topic to be covered is, “Measuring    [email protected].
                                                                                                                                888-843-2313.                               Your Marketing.” The presenter will

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