Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-17-2016
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Feb. 17, 2016 • Page 3
Ann N. Baago tered many creative hobbies including Richard Hopper bottled gas. When not busy, he was a CLHS honor choir members
knitting, crocheting, painting, and well-known town handyman capable
Ann Norlene Baago, 69, of Clear gardening. She became a master gar- Richard H. Hopper, 92, of of doing just about anything. Three Clear Lake High School students attended the Meistersinger Honor
Lake, died Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, dener through Iowa State University Ventura, died Tuesday, Feb. 9, at the In 1948, Marjorie and Richard Choir Festival at Wartburg College Jan. 31-Feb. 1. The festival was directed by
at her home, surrounded by her chil- and managed the Clear Lake Farmer’s Muse Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit, started their family with their first Dr. Lee Nelson and Dr. Nicki Toliver and featured the music of Latvian com-
dren, her husband, Harry, and her be- Market for several years. Ann enjoyed in Mason City, Iowa. child, Richard Allen. In 1950, their poser Eriks Esenvalds. Those attending the festival this year were (L-R) Devon
loved kitties. decorating, caring for her beloved pet Funeral services were held on Fri- second child, David Duane was born. Barsness, Reagan Brackey and Madison Brant.-Submitted photo.
A Celebration of Life service and chickens and cats, and spent many day, Feb. 12, at Redeemer Lutheran Richard was hired by Northern Natu-
burial will be held at a later time to be years sharing her hobbies with Harry, Church, in Ventura, with the Rev. ral Gas and worked for this company Humane Society reschedules
announced. including their E-bay business and Jesse Burns officiating. Burial was in for 32-1/2 years until retirement. In
Ann was born Nov. 29, 1946, auction hopping, where they devel- Concord Township Cemetery, in Gar- 1952, their third child, Carolyn Jean fundaiser for April 3
in Davenport, Iowa, the daughter oped many lasting friendships. Harry ner, with military rites by the Garner was born. In 1955, Richard began
of Norwin Vero and Arleene Anna and Ann also enjoyed many years with Veterans Ceremonial Unit. building a new home in Ventura on The Humane Society of North Sponsors of the event in-
(Lamp) Martens. She was raised on a the car club and being in the parades Memorials may be directed to Nelson St., moving to it in 1957. Re- Iowa will host its 10th Annual clude: CL Tel, Farmer’s State Bank,
farm near Tipton, Iowa and graduated with Harry’s 1932 Chevy, traveling the Richard Hopper Memorial Fund. tiring in 1984, Richard and Marjorie Chocolate and Romance fundraising Hy-Vee West Wine and Spirits, Jane
from Tipton High School, in 1965. to Las Vegas together, or they could Richard Herman Hopper, the began working at their son David’s event on Sunday, April 3. The event Fischer and Associates Team of Cen-
She married Neal Dauber in Bennett, be found maintaining their roadside son of Clyde and Mildred Jane (Ben- landscaping business, Natural Plus, was originally scheduled for Feb. 14, tury 21, Mason City Ford, Musi-
Iowa and to this union two children vegetable stand, their massive home nethum) Hopper, was born on a farm in Clear Lake, and even found time but was postponed due to inclement cArtLife Magazine, and North Iowa
were born, Tobiason and Tami. garden, or sitting side by side in their near Cambridge, Iowa, on May 19, to help his adult kids in their various weather. Community Credit Union.
In 1976, she was divorced and matching red recliners. 1923. The family farmed on many home improvement activities. The event is being held at the Tickets for the event are $15 and
moved to Colorado and worked as Ann was predeceased by her par- farms in the Colorado area. In his ear- Richard was a member of the Re- National Guard Armory in Mason may be purchased in advance at the
an office manager of an employment ents, and leaves behind her husband, ly school years, he walked three miles deemer Lutheran Church, in Ventura. City and will begin at 2 p.m. This Humane Society of North Iowa, locat-
agency for several years. In 1981, Harry Popejoy Baago, Clear Lake; to country school. During the depres- He participated in the choir and held unique event includes a fashion show, ed at 2700 South Birch Drive in Ma-
she moved to Clear Lake and mar- her son, Tobiason Shawn Dauber, of sion years, Richard attended Colorado several offices within the church. silent auction, wine tasting, and choc- son City. Shelter hours are: Tuesday-
ried Harry Popejoy Baago in 1992. Englewood, Colo.; her daughter and Junior High and High School gradu- Richard was also a very active Lions olate buffet. All proceeds will benefit Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.Wednesday, 10
Ann was a professional seamstress son-in-law, Tami LaDawn Nomack ating in 1943. On March 11, 1945, Club member and was instrumental the Humane Society of North Iowa. a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m.-4
for many years, and proudly mas- and Michael Nomack, of Prospect, Richard married Marjorie Taylor, a in organizing and working the Sep- The fashion show showcases the p.m. A limited number of tickets will
Conn.; her grandsons, David and school teacher from Garner who was temberfest celebration held in Ventura latest styles from clothing retailers in also be available for purchase at the
Daniel Nomack, of Prospect, Conn.; teaching at that time in Colorado. Af- every year. Many vacations around the North Iowa. This year’s retailers in- door on the day of the event.
her brother, Larry Martens, of Tipton; ter their marriage, Richard continued world were taken along with visits to clude: CATO Fashions, Emerson’s on
her beloved niece, Lorna Morgan and to farm and Marjorie taught school in their families in Northern Minnesota Main, Goodnature’s Work Stop, Har- vv THEATRE
her husband, Randy, of Tiffin, Iowa; Colorado. and fishing the many lakes and rivers ley-Davidson of Mason City, State
her great-nephew, Maclane Morgan, In August of 1945, Richard en- in that area. of Wear, and Unique Boutique The Kung Fu Panda 3
of Tiffin, Iowa; her dearest neighbors, tered the US Army as a C.I.C. Inves- Richard is survived by his three fashion show will also feature shelter Wednesday & Thursday “PG”
Vance, Kim, Maddie and Sean Wen- tigator in the Korean War. In 1946, children, Richard (Connie) Hopper, animals that are available for adop-
del; as well as her step-family, and after his military service, Marjorie and of Wallingford, Iowa, David (Linda) tion through the Humane Society of The Choice
many close friends, doctors, nurses Richard moved to Ventura Heights, Hopper, of Clear Lake, and Carolyn North Iowa.
and staff members that she adored Ventura. One of Richards’s initial jobs (Greg) Knop, of Nevada, Iowa; five This is the 10th year the Humane Friday & Saturday 7 p.m“P.G-13”
who cared for her over the last several was harvesting ice off of Clear Lake. grandchildren, Taylor (Heidi) Hop- Society of North Iowa has hosted the
years. He also raised rabbits, raised and sold per, Annalisa (Corey) Miner, David Chocolate and Romance event. Mon- Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- garden produce of corn, raspberries (Mary) Hopper, Chad (Brooke) Knop, ey raised will be used to provide care
pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- and potatoes. Richard worked at the and Jennifer (Brad) Melton; eight and service to the homeless and dis- Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
rangements. Ventura Post Office for three years great-grandchildren, Bailey Mont- placed animals that reside at the Hu-
and at Geisel Hardware delivering gomery, Sierra Miner, Corey Miner, mane Society’s animal shelter. Starring: Benjamin Walker, Teresa Palmer, Maggie
Donna L. Legler Cade Knop, Jax Knop, Bianca Knop, Grace, Alexandra Daddario, Tom Wilkinson, Tom
CONGREGATE Gavin Melton and Dekker Knop; a Welling, Jesse C. Boyd, Brad James (1 hr. 51 min.)
Donna L. Legler, formerly of be Thursday, Feb. 18, from 5-7 p.m. MEALS sister, Helen Fraser, of Crosslake,
Clear Lake, 79, died Sunday, Feb. 14, at Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, Minn.; two brothers, Eldon (Ethel) Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
2016, at the Altoona Nursing and Re- 101 N. 4th St., Clear Lake, and one Hopper, of Pine River, Minn. and 357-2414
habilitation Center, Altoona, Iowa. hour prior to the service at the church. Don Hopper, of Pine River, Minn.;
A funeral service will be at 10:30 Interment will be at Memorial Park and many nieces and nephews.
a.m. on Friday, Feb. 19 at the Clear Cemetery, Highway 122 W., Mason He was preceded in death by his
Lake Christian Church, Highway 18 City, Iowa. parents; wife, Marjorie, in 2012; a
W., Clear Lake, with the Rev. Drew Other arrangements are incom- great-grandson, David Holtan Hop-
Rietjens officiating. Visitation will plete at Ward-Van Slyke Colonial per; two sisters, Mary Lawler and
Chapel, Clear Lake. Dorothy Slaughter; and a brother-in-
law, Francis Fraser.
James A. Ransom Cataldo Funeral Home was in
charge of arrangements.
James Allison Ransom, 93, of ing Home in Rockwell, Iowa. Library accepting VFW Otpoputebhnleic
Clear Lake, died Monday, Feb. 15, Arrangements are pending at canned food
2016, at Rockwell Community Nurs- Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, for overdue fines
Clear Lake.
Donate a canned food item in Bags Night: Wednesdays
SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS THURSDAY - Tater tot casse- February and receive $1 off your Clear Singles 2:30 pm, Teams 6 pm
role, California blend, fruit salad, Lake Public Library overdue fine.
whole wheat roll. There’s no limit on the amount
of cans that can be donated. For ex-
FRIDAY - Crunchy pollock, ample, donating five cans will result Taco Night: Thursdays 5-7 pm
in $5 off of your library card overdue
Clear Lake sticks and dip. corn, spinach au gratin, carrot fines. Canned goods must be un- Friday, February 19th
THURSDAY - Breakfast: French FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast cake, mandarin oranges. opened and unexpired to qualify.
toast sticks, sausage link or ce- wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Pizza, MONDAY - Ham and bean To participate, just drop the cans Keifer Brandt & Scott Larson
real, cinnamon toast or yogurt cup. pears, fruit cup, tossed salad, green soup, corn bread, carrots, straw- off in the library’s special “foods for Live music in the bar 6-9 pm
Lunch: Popcorn chicken, rice pilaf, beans. berries and bananas, orange juice. fines” cart during regular library hours
green beans, Raisels. Alt.: Sub- MONDAY: Breakfast: West- TUESDAY - Turkey roast, and be sure to let library staff know so Saturday, Feb. 20th 5-7 pm
stacker, romaine salad. ern omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, sweet potatoes, green beans, the donation can be credited toward a
FRIDAY - No School juice. Lunch: Pancakes and syrup, pumpkin custard. specific fine. Tenderloin or Chicken Strip Dinner with
MONDAY - Breakfast: Break- sausage, orange wedges, fruit cup, WEDNESDAY - Crab cake, All donations go to the local food french fries & cole slaw $9. $10/door
fast pizza or cereal, cinnamon toast Dragon Punch, hash brown. roasted potatoes, creamed peas, pantry. 219 Main Ave., Clear Lake
or yogurt cup. Lunch: Mini corn TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffle bananas and oranges, raspberry
dogs, spirals and cheese, broccoli, sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice. lemonade.
applesauce. Alt.: Sub-stacker, veg- Lunch: Chicken parmesan over Congregate meals are served
gies with dip. pasta, applesauce, fruit cup, tossed at the Senior Centers in Clear
TUESDAY - Breakfast: pancake salad, California blend vegetables. Lake, 105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m.
on a stick or cereal, cinnamon toast WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg and in Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at
or yogurt cup. Lunch: Chicken fa- biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: 11:45 a.m. Call 357-5443 in Clear
jita, Mexican rice, refried beans with Hamburger on a bun, banana, fruit Lake and 829-3517 in Ventura for
cheese, banana. Alt.: Sub-stacker, cup, tator tots, broccoli, whole grain reservations.
romaine salad. cookie.
WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Om-
elets, toast or cereal, cinnamon toast Townhouses by
or yogurt cup. Lunch: Turkey and
gravy, roll, mashed potatoes, green Meints Construction
beans, apple slices, pumpkin bar.
Alt.: Sub-stacker, fresh veggies with For Sale - Starting Spring 2016
Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Lexington Drive location
THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break- (Behind Apple Valley Assisted Living)
fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:
Chicken patty on a bun, peaches,
fruit cup, potato wedges, veggie
For information call