Page 9 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-17-2016
P. 9

“Playing the best team in conference at                                                                                                                                                                                          GHV
home, we knew it would be a challenge                                                                                                                                                                                              Boys &
and it was.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Girls BB
CLHS Head Boys                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Results
Basketball Coach
Jeremy Ainley                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 10
 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Feb. 17, 2016 • Page 9

Clear Lake Reporter                  L	 ions moving on                                                                                                                                                         CL girls top
                                     	 The regular season ended with a           	 “In the fourth quarter we were                                                                                              A-P in post
  SPORTS                             pair of losses for the Clear Lake boys.     forced to foul and were not able to score                                                                                     season action
CALENDAR                             Webster City and Algona put the Li-         enough to keep it close enough,” said
                                     ons’ season record at 10-11 overall. The    Ainley.                                                                                                                       	 The Clear Lake (15-7) girls opened
Wednesday                            team finished the regular season with an    	   Zach Tatum played a solid game                                                                                            post-season play with a 59-37 victory over
                                     8-7 record in the North Central Con-        with 16 points and four rebounds.                                                                                             Aplington-Parkersburg Saturday, Feb. 13.
•Clear Lake V girls basketball       ference, good for fourth place. Web-        Zach Lester and Thomas Storbeck                                                                                               The Lions advance to meet fifth ranked
Class 3A Region 2 game vs. For-      ster City led the way with a 12-1 NCC       were also in double figures with 12                                                                                           (3A) Forest City tonight (Wednesday, Feb.
est City at Forest City, 7 p.m.      mark. They were followed by Algona          points apiece. Lester picked up 10 of                                                                                         17) at Forest City. The Indians defeated
                                     (11-2) and St. Ed’s (11-3).	                his points at the free throw line, where                                                                                      the Lions in early January, 52-37. The
Thursday                             	 The Lions faced St. Ansgar Mon-           he was 10/12. The sophomore was also                                                                                          winner will advance to meet the winner of
                                     day night, Feb. 15, in Forest City. With    credited with six assists.                                                                                                    the Cherokee vs. Humboldt game on Sat-
•Clear Lake V boys basketball        a win they advanced to play Osage at 8      	 Parker Truesdell put in two points                                                                                          urday, Feb. 20, at Humboldt.
Class 2A District 4 game vs.         p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, at Osage. The       and had three steals, while Ryan Atkin-                                                                                       	
Osage at Osage, 8 p.m.               winner of that contest is slated to play    son and Jarod Anderson came off the                                                                                           CL 59, Aplington-Parkersburg 37
•GHV V boys basketball Class 2A      at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23, at a site to    bench to score two and one point re-                                                                                          	 The Lions wasted no time getting the
District 3 game vs. Pocahontas       be determined. Details of those post-       spectively. Parker Pitzen also scored one                                                                                     upper hand on Aplington-Parkersburg
Area/L-M at Laurens, 8 p.m.          season games will appear in next week’s     point.                                                                                                                        when the post-season began Saturday, Feb.
                                     Mirror-Reporter.                            	                                                                                                                             13. They dominated the first half and shot
Thurs.-Sat.                                                                                                                                                                                                    lights out on their way to a 59-37 victory.
                                     Webster City 64, CL 46                      Algona 69, CL 61                               Clear Lake senior Justin Sholly takes a shot during Tuesday night’s home con-  	 “I was pleased with how we jumped on
•Clear Lake V wrestlers at State     	 Webster City (16-2) showed why            	 The Lions gave everything they had           test against Webster City. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy                    them early and executed the game plan,”
Wrestling Tournament, Des            it sits atop the NCC. The Lynx pulled       against another league leading oppo-                                                                                          said Coach Bart Smith.  “We defended
Moines                               away from the Lions in the second half      nent Thursday, Feb. 11.  Algona (16-4)         ter scored seven points and had five  with the result, but happy with          their big very well and we put pressure on
•GHV V wrestlers at State Wres-      for a 64-46 victory on Tuesday, Feb. 9.     used a big fourth quarter to escape with       assists and Jarod Anderson played     our effort,” said Coach Ainley.          their guards.   Offensively we shot the ball
tling Tournament, Des Moines         	 “Playing the best team in confer-         a 69-61 victory.                               a great all around game with six as-  “We are not pleased with where           really well and when we can defend as good
                                     ence at home, we knew it would be a         	 After getting down by as many as             sists and one three made.             we sit overall at 10-11 after our        as we did and shoot the ball as well as we
Fri.-Sat.                            challenge and it was,” said Coach Jer-      13 early in the second quarter, the Li-        	 Zach Tatum scored nine for          regular season, but we understand        did we are a very good team.”
                                     emy Ainley.   “We played a great first      ons showed great heart and resiliency          the Lions. Zach Lester finished       that we have a chance to make it         	 And while the offense was certainly
•CLHS Dance Team at DX Ameri-        half defensively and made a little run to   and fought back to trail by one at half,       with seven, Ryan Atkinson four        right again with a big run in the        hot, the Clear Lake defense kept A-P from
cup Nationals, Minneapolis, Minn.    take the lead at the end of the half.  Un-  31-30.                                         and Justin Sholly two points.         playoffs.”                               getting any kind of traction in the first
                                     fortunately, their guards didn’t panic      	 The two teams played an even third           	 “Overall we are not happy                                                    half. The Falcons were held to a mere four
Saturday                             and came out in the second half and hit     quarter. After numerous lead changes,                                                                                         points in each of the first two quarters. At
                                     some shots and got into our defense for     the Lions and Bulldogs were tied at 50-                                                                                       the half, the Lions led 30-8.
•TBA Clear Lake V girls basketball   some easy baskets.”                         50 heading into the final period.                                                                                             	 Emily Snelling was back in the Lion
Class 3A Region 2 game at Hum-       	 Webster City held an 8-7 lead after       	 “Unfortunately. They had a couple                                                                                           lineup after resting an injury in the late
boldt, 7 p.m.                        the first quarter of play, but the Lions    of players that made some big plays                                                                                           regular season. The junior never missed a
                                     found more ways to score in the sec-        down the stretch and we missed a cou-                                                                                         beat, knocking down three-pointers with
Tuesday                              ond and held a 23-22 advantage at the       ple of opportunities,” said Coach Ain-                                                                                        regularity. She finished the game with a
                                     break.                                      ley. The Bulldogs outscored the Lions                                                                                         team-high 23 points, including five-three
•TBA Clear Lake V boys basket-       	 The Lynx stepped up their offense         19-11 for the win.                                                                                                            pointers. Snelling also made five assists
ball Class 2A District 4 game TBA,   for a big third quarter, outscoring the     	 “Thomas Storbeck played fantastic                                                                                           and recorded six steals in the game.
7 p.m.                               Lions 23-14. Clear Lake was never able      all around and had 22 points and four                                                                                         	 Jordyn Barragy and Jessica Faber also
•TBA GHV V boys basketball           to regroup and the Lynx picked up an        steals on defense,” noted Ainley.                                                                                             finished in double figures scoring. Barragy
Class 2A District 3 game at Hum-     18-point win.                               	 Parker Truesdell shot the ball well
boldt, 7 p.m.                                                                    and finished with 14 points.  Zach Les-                                                                                                   See CL GIRLS on page 10

•Basketball: Wed., Feb. 17, at
Penn State, 5:30 p.m.

•Basketball: Sat., Feb. 20, home     Area wrestlers advance to State
vs. TCU, 6:30 p.m.                   	 Clear Lake and Garner-Hayfield-Ven-       track to reach those goals.”                   opponent, Kyle Kucera, from South       the State Wrestling Tournament held       Jenniges.
•Basketball: Mon., Feb. 22, at       tura High Schools will each be represented  	 Leisure will be looking to repeat            Tama County-Tama, in 1:33, setting      in Des Moines. It is a return trip to     	 Baker, a senior who wrestles at
West Virginia, 8 p.m.                by two wrestlers at the State Meet, which   as a State champion. He won last year          up a wrestle back against Brody Tupy,   the State Tournament for both Shaw        182 pounds, is ranked number six in
•Women’s & Men’s Track & Field:      begins Thursday, Feb. 18, at Wells Fargo    at 126-pounds. This year he will take          from Charles City. Tupy won in sud-     and Baker.                                the State with a record of 39-2. He
Fri.-Sat., Feb. 19-20, at Alex Wil-  Arena in Des Moines. The first round for    on Austin Hazelet (43-6), a junior from        den victory, 3-1.                       	 Shaw, a junior who wrestles at          was also a Conference and Sectional
son Invitational, South Bend, Ind.   Class 2A wrestlers begins at 6 p.m. Thurs-  Washington. Faught will be looking to be       	 Sophomores Jackson Hamlin,            170 pounds, had two pins to claim the     champion. Baker had a pin in his first
                                     day. Action continues Friday with sessions  win his first and hopefully begin a jour-      wrestling at 113-pounds, and Will       title at Districts. Shaw is ranked num-   match at Districts and went into over-
•Basketball: Wed., Feb. 17, at       at 2:30 and 8:45 p.m. Saturday wrestling    ney toward joining the elite group of Iowa     Kirshbaum, at 132-pounds, both          ber five in the state and has a record    time to win his second match to claim
Loyola, 7 p.m.                       is slated at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.             wrestlers to win four state titles. The Clear  placed fourth for the Lions.            of 40-2. He was also the Top of Iowa      the title.
•Basketball: Sat., Feb. 20, home     Clear Lake                                  Lake freshman will face Dylan Robinson,        	 “Jack and Will are only sopho-        Conference and Sectional champion.        	 “Cade is offensive and confident.
vs. Illinois State, 3 p.m.           	 Eric Faught and Ryan Leisure both         a junior from New Hampton, in the first        mores and gained valuable experi-       	 “Conner is wrestling great right        His losses came to a ranked opponent
                                     dominated their weight classes and quali-   round. The two have met before, with           ence,” said Coach Weber. “They all      now. He hasn’t lost since the first       from Iowa and one from Minnesota,”
•Women’s & Men’s Basketball:         fied for the 2016 state wrestling tourna-   Faught getting the win in a dual earlier       had great years. It is hard when kids   weekend of the season,” said Coach        said Jenniges.
Wed., Feb. 17, home vs. Des          ment as District champions.                 this year.                                     work so hard and come up just a little  Cory Jenniges. “He truly believes he      	 Jenniges is happy with Baker’s
Moines CC, 5:30 p.m.                 	 Faught, who remains undefeated in         	 Two other Clear Lake grapplers came          short.”                                 can beat anyone and is wrestling full     draw at State. He will face Kyle Ben-
•Women’s Basketball: Sat., Feb.      his freshman season, had two pins on his    as close as you can get to making it to        GHV                                     steam ahead in his matches.”              son, from Sergeant Bluff-Luton. Ben-
20, home vs. Southeastern CC, 2      way to the 106 pound district title.        State. Ryan Faught and Kyle Willms both        	 Two Garner-Hayfield-Ventura           	 Jenniges said Shaw got a tough          son is a junior and has a record of 36-
p.m.                                 	 “Eric is 32-0 on the year and ready for   lost in overtime and placed third.             wrestlers claimed top honors at the     draw at State for his first match. Shaw   18.
•Track & Field: Fri.-Sat., Feb. 19-  State. He looks very good and is ready to   	 “They both wrestled well, they just          IHSAA 2A District 8 wrestling tour-     will face Anthony Sherry, from Glen-      	 “The number one and number
20, at NJCAA Region XI Indoor        go!” said Coach Gary Weber.                 had tough weight classes,” said Coach          nament held on Saturday, Feb. 13, in    wood. Sherry, a sophomore, has a re-      four wrestlers in Cade’s weight are on
Championships, Storm Lake            	 Faught pinned his opponents, Max          Gary Weber.                                    Webster City. Connor Shaw and Cade      cord of 44-7.                             the opposite side of the bracket,” said
•Baseball: Sat.-Sun., Feb. 20-21,    Halstead, from Roland-Story City, and Joe   	 Faught, a senior, lost in overtime in        Baker will be competing this week in    	 “If he wins that match things look      Jenniges.
at Highland, Kan.                    Simon, from Grinnell, on his way to the     the finals at 152 and in overtime in the                                               really promising for him at State,” said
                                     title. He put Halstead on his back in just  wrestle back. In the finals he was defeat-
•Wrestling: Sat., Feb. 20, at Cen-   :38 seconds; it took 1:49 to pin Simon.     ed by Isaac Judge (39-4), of South Tama
tral Region National Qualifier,      	 Leisure (43-1) also looked extremely      County-Tama, in an 8-2 decision. His
Marshall, Mo., 9 a.m.                good with a :12 second pin over Dalton      wrestle back was against Brock Jennings
                                     Kies, of Grinnell, in the first round and   (41-7), from Osage. Faught defeated Jen-
     MORE CALENDAR                   a 12-1 win in the finals over third ranked  nings in overtime at the Sectional meet,
          on Page 10                 Austin Staudt, from Charles City.           but this time the Osage wrestler got the
                                     	 “Anytime you can beat the third           win in an ultimate tie breaker, 5-3.
                                     ranked wrestler by major decision is a big  	 Willms, a junior, lost his first round
                                     plus,” stated Coach Weber. “These two       match at 285-pounds against eventual
                                     boys have high goals and they are right on  District champion Tanner Hoffstetter,
                                                                                 from Grinnell, by fall. He pinned his

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Eric Faught                          Ryan Leisure  Cade Baker                    Connor Shaw                                       Best of Luck Clear Lake & GHV Wrestlers
                                                                                                                                              at the State Tournament!

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