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SportsFeb. 17, 2016 Page 11
Clear Lake JV girls Ch$ca1hmE0onbiincteeerCrpBoltreoifuzaacewrnk.iLsonatahkneedr a BiSsatetsmhvkeieesttwsWibeeiain-dBlblsnlafroeCoesnruaoe,okrndoeftgfoerlaasCnsmstlc.hteeoiawSssrr.eeteL,evakek’se,
wrap-up 2015-16 season
The Clear Lake junior varsity Humboldt 29, CL 24 CLEAR GHV
girls basketball team has completed After a back-and-forth first quar- LAKE
its 2015-16 schedule with a record of ter, the Lions hit a dry spell at the end
5-13. of the second quarter and went into NOAH HEGGEN NATE DICAMILLO NICOLAS JOYNT JACK
“I look forward to seeing what halftime down by five against Hum- VANDUSSELDORP
these girls can do next year now that boldt. The game came down to the Noah is a junior and he plays as Nate is a junior and he plays Nicholas is a sophomore and
many of them have a year or two of last quarter, but the height of the a guard. He is the son of Chad post. He is the son of Kim Di- he plays forward. He is the son Jack is a sophomore and he
Clear Lake basketball under their Wildcats was too much for the Lions Heggen and Niki Monson. Camillo. of Ranae and Mike Joynt. plays center. He is the son of
belt,” said Coach Emily Hill. “With in the end. They downed Clear Lake Scott and Angie VanDusseldorp.
some hard work in the off-season, 29-24.
there will be a lot of growth in their “As a team, we need to get better
skill and basketball knowledge.” at knowing what to do in certain situ-
C-G-D 32, CL 21 ations,” said Coach Hill.
After a slow first quarter, the Emilie Jandebeur and Morgan
Lions could not get on track against Nauman each scored five points.
Clarion-Goldfield-Dows. They went Kayla Ritter played a good all-around
into the locker room down, 22-5. game for the Lions and scored four.
Unfortunately, an equally slow third Webster City 39, CL 28
quarter created a bigger hole for the In the first meeting between
Lions. An 11-point fourth quarter Clear Lake and Webster City, the Li-
cut down the deficit, as the Cowgirls ons were able to come out with a win.
only scored one free throw in the last It was a different story on Tuesday,
quarter. Feb. 9. Another slow start proved to
“I was proud of the adversity the be too much and the Lions were down
girls showed throughout the game. by eight at halftime.
When things are going badly, it is “We pressured more in the sec-
easy to give up. They didn’t do that,” ond half, but still couldn’t gain any
said Coach Hill. momentum until Emilie Jandebeur
Morgan Nauman scored nine made a three and got a quick steal for
points for the Lions. Macy Mixdorf two points at the third quarter buzzer,”
had four points and Madison Goche- explained Coach Hill. “With a three-
nour scored three. point deficit going into the last seven
Algona 39, CL 19 minutes of play, I was confident that
A late charge by the Lions at the we could find our ‘bigs’ inside and get
end of the second quarter provided a some easy baskets. Unfortunately, the
15-11 lead at halftime, but a scoreless Lynx were able to respond and come
third quarter gave Algona a 14-point away with the win, 39-28.
swing and a victory. “I was happy to see the produc-
“Our defense couldn’t keep up tion out of our team. Once again, they
with their offense,” said Coach Hill. didn’t give up and played until the fi-
Mallory Leisure and Morgan nal buzzer,” added the coach.
Nauman each had six points for the Mikayla VanderPloeg led the
Lions. The coach noted Elizabeth Lion scoring with six points. Mallory
Brandt has been stepping it up in her Leisure and Emilie Jandebeur each
JV role and scored four points. scored five and Elizabeth Brandt had
four points.
GHV JV boys end season
with 21-1 record MORGAN NAUMANN
It was a season to remember for rebounding for the year was Ryan JADE HANSON MADDIE WILLIAMS
the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura boys ju- Meyers. Ray Cataldo, Chase Theo- Morgan is a sophomore and she
nior varsity basketball team, as they bald, Connor Burke, Jonah Albertson plays as a guard. She is the Jade is a freshman and she Maddie is a freshman and she
finished the 2015-16 season with a and Colton Schroeder all had success- daughter of Scott Naumann and plays as a forward. She is the plays as a guard. She is the
record of 21-1. ful seasons at the guard positions. Lo- Dana Naumann. daughter of Kevin and Mary daughter of Tyler and Jan Wil-
Hanson. liams.
“The great thing about this team gan Dahlbeck, Jack Van Dusseldorf,
was that they didn’t give up,” said Ryley Kozisek and Dylan Mahlstedt
Coach Josh Banse. “In close games played strong in the post position. The Perfect Place For A Tire Store
they battled every minute.” Matthew Heinemann was the team’s ... And A Whole Lot More!
Leading the team in scoring and utility player who played wherever he Senior Living
880 Hwy. 18 W.
was needed and did a great job, ac- Clear Lake
cording to Coach Banse.
Fall hunting and The final half of the season in- 405 27th Ave. South • Clear Lake, IA (641) 357-7117
trapping public cluded wins against Bishop Garri- 641-357-7083 • Email: [email protected]
gan, 37-25; Lake Mills, 38-19; North
meetings on ICN Union, 40-38; and Eagle Grove, 75- and: 300 Lyndale St., Osage, IA. 200 Hwy. 18 W., Clear Lake • 357-8118
13. The team’s only loss was to Al- 641-832-2270
The Iowa Department of Natu- gona, 64-55.
ral Resources has added Mason City “Overall it was a great season and •Cabinets •High Speed Internet
to the list for its Feb. 24 public meet- the future of GHV boys basketball •Decking •Phone
ing over the Iowa Communications looks very bright,” said Banse. •Digital Cable TV
Network where hunters and trappers •Paint •Business Solutions
can go to express their thoughts on •Wireless
the hunting and trapping regulations 210 N. 4th St., Clear Lake • 357-2134 •Home Security
for this fall. The meeting is from 6-9
p.m. 107 North 4th Street • 357-2111
These meetings are part of the Visit us at:
process for making rules in state gov- Main Avenue, Clear Lake
ernment. Mel’s Tours (641) 357-5241
“Any rule changes must be dis-
cussed with Iowa’s citizens who might Adventure
be impacted by the changes before
the rule changes are proposed. The Mackinaw and More!
process helps ensure that rule changes
serve the public’s wishes and do not Join us for an
impact Iowa’s economy,” said Dr. Dale informational meeting.
Garner, chief of the wildlife bureau.
Thursday, March 3
At each meeting DNR staff will 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Offering Drive Wise Classes 12 N. 4th Street • 357-2131 • Fax: 357-2133
facilitate a discussion about what e-mail: [email protected]
went well last fall, what didn’t, and located at the Clear Lake 3005 Willow Creek Ct., Clear Lake
what changes hunters and trappers Senior Citizens Center 357-2612 or 800-469-3325
would like to see for this fall.
These discussions along with the 105 S. 4th St. _
data that the wildlife bureau collects
Call Mel for more 12 N. 4th St., TIE BREAKER:
information. Clear Lake TOTAL POINTS OF
GAME #1______________
on harvest and population numbers 1-888-957-2759 Return to the Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday
will be used to develop recommenda- OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK (No Copies Please)
tions for any rule changes this fall. Circle the predicted winner
Clean & Fresh! Comfortable & 1. TCU @ Iowa State 8. Penn State @ Rutgers 15. Kansas @ Kansas State
Convenient 16. Notre Dame @ Georgia Tech
2. Wichita State @ Indiana State 9. Baylor @ Texas 17. Drake @ Bradley
All size dogs welcome 18. Texas Tech @ Oklahoma St.
3. Kentucky @ Texas A&M 10. Pittsburgh @ Syracuse 19. Colorado @ UCLA
20. Illinois @ Wisconsin
4. Purdue @ Indiana 11. Florida State @ Virginia Tech
8$ Complete 8 min.wash 5. Ohio State @ Nebraska 12. Oklahoma @ W. Virginia
(Includes supplies)
6. Duke @ Louisville 13. Illinois State @ UNI
Lake 7. Miami (Fl.) @ N. Carolina 14. LSU @ Tennessee
Located at Laser Wash • North 20th Street, Clear Lake Name________________________________Address__________________________________Phone______________
CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received at the Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday
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Mirror Reporter. 5. In case of ties, the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 6. Weekly winners will receive $10 in CL Chamber Bucks & your choice of another prize.