Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-17-2016
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Local NewsPage 2 • Feb. 17, 2016 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
More Clear Lake Reporter Ventura
studying dog
CALENDAR park idea
Ventura may become the next
North Iowa community to add a dog
park to its community recreation of-
from page 1 ferings.
Saturday con’t Sunday Ventura residents Tammy
Domonoske and Deb Paschal have
done some preliminary research on a
kites in all colors of the rainbow from Wrestling welcome location for a dog park in the commu-
11 a.m. to 4 p.m., wind, weather and nity and are expected to meet with the
ice conditions permitting. There will There will be a welcome back cel- City Council at its next regular meet-
also be stunt kite teams demonstrat- ebration at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, ing Feb. 22.
ing their skill flying two and four line in the Clear Lake High School caf- According to Domonoske, land Larry Day, organizer of the Color The Wind Kite Festival, invites families to come out Saturday for some kite flying fun.
kites in programs choreographed to eteria for all fans to visit with the Li-
music. Kites will be available for pur- ons’ State wrestlers. A caravan of cars owned by the Five Star Cooperative
chase in the Lakeview Room across will welcome them back at 1:30 p.m. located just north of West Lake Park,
the street from the flying field. Hot at the corner of South 8th Street and
food and beverages will be available 27th Avenue South. Enjoy high flying fun on Saturdayis a possible location for a dog park.
from the lunch wagon on site. She said the co-op is open to the idea
Disc golf of offering the approximate two acre
Cookie sale site and adjacent neighbors have not Lions and tigers and whales, oh, my! This Saturday, teams of Fire and Ice and 180Go make their two and four
A disc golf tournament will be expressed negative comments to date. Feb. 20, the skies over Clear Lake will be filled with all line kites dance in the sky in dance routines choreographed
A cookie sale will be held from held Sunday, Feb. 21, at the Opportu- sorts of creatures and colorful creations. From 11 a.m. to to music. The public may join them on the flying field af-
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, nity Village Disc Golf Course to ben- 4 p.m., the downtown Sea Wall area and the west end of ter their routines to have them demonstrate how it’s done.
in the Lakeview Room at City Park. efit the Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank. ‘Love Letters’ Main Street will be alive with activity. They will perform periodically throughout the day.
Proceeds from the sale will benefit the Sign up begins at 8 a.m. Entry is $20, The single line kites will go up first, wind permitting. The Lakeview Room, across the street from the flying
upcoming Relay for Life, sponsored plus five cans of non-perishable food. to be staged Giant tigers, horses, kitty-cats, octopi and absolutely huge field, will be open for warming up. While there, purchase
by the American Cancer Society. Participants will receive a free lunch
and there will be multiple side games Feb. 26-27 whales and teddy bears will fill the sky and among them your own kite to join the fun on the ice. Hot food and
Classical information running all day. will be flying quilts and guitars. Many of the large kites beverages will be available at the lunch wagon on the street
Clear Lake’s Blue Horizon Play- were custom made in New Zealand; others were designed and sweet treats can be found inside.
An informational meeting for Daily ers will present “A. R. Gurney’s Love and handmade by the kiters themselves. Get up close to Color the Wind is a non-profit organization estab-
Clear Lake Classical will be held at Letters” in an encore performance appreciate the artistry, skill and time it takes to create these lished solely to provide good clean family entertainment
9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20. Clear Lake Hit the ice! Friday and Saturday, Feb. 26 and 27 flying works of art. and to promote the sport of kite flying. The festival is
Classical currently operates a Pre- in the Lakeview Room in Clear Lake’s It takes great skill and lots of practice to be able to made possible only by contributions.
Kindergarten through second grade The Clear Lake Parks and Recre- City Park. fly a multi-line kite, but wait until you see the stunt kite
school at 1310 Highway 18 West. In ation Department has announced the This year Melissa will be played
the 2016-17 school year third grade public ice rink is open for the season. by Judy Delperdang, Andy will be
will be added. The informational Open skating is permitted anytime played by Gene Beeman and the play CITY COUNCIL els of indebtedness in the country. No GO Bonds agreement
meeting will provide a glimpse of the at the rink, which is located at Mar- will be directed by Laura Wilson. doubt about it.” The Council accepted a low bid
Classical Christian Method, meet the ian Park on 2nd Ave. N. and N. 12 “We believe this will be a won- from page 1 Major capital projects in the from Clear Lake Bank & Trust to refi-
Board of Directors, see a sample cur- St. Warming house hours are nightly, derful performance, as was last Febru- proposed budget include reconstruc- nance three outstanding City general
riculum and give parents an oppor- 6-8:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sun- ary’s show,” said Wilson. “Love Let- that is, once again, set at 90 percent tion work on East Main Avenue Obligation bond issues that are now
tunity to ask questions. Child care is days from 1-6 p.m. Monday nights ters is always well received and has of assessed value for fiscal year 2017 ($950,000), Main Avenue sidewalk callable.
available during the meeting with a are designated as high school skate been performed by many familiar ac- purposes. The residential rollback for replacement ($650,000), overlay proj- The 2008 General Obligation
RSVP to [email protected]. nights. tors on Broadway and television. Cur- fiscal year 2017 is set at 55.63 percent, ects ($700,000), Water Plant chlorine Water Improvement Bond ($1.2 mil-
The meeting will be held at the school. rently Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw, a slight decrease from the current rate room improvements ($350,000) and lion) issued for the east water tower
of “Love Story” fame, are together of 55.73 percent. storm sewer lining work ($250,000) project, 2010 General Obligation
Buying or Selling a Home in again touring with Love Letters after Flory also noted the City’s Con- to name a few. Water Improvement Note ($600,000)
the Clear Lake Area? a run on Broadway. Those who see it, stitutional debt limit for fiscal year Proposed major capital purchases issued for the west-end and south-end
generally say they would love to see 2017 is $44.3 million and the City include replacement and equipment water distribution looping project,
Trust one of these Real Estate Professionals it again because something within it has currently used only $2.8 million, of a police car ($50,000), vehicle pur- and 2011 General obligation Fire
strikes home every time. or 6 percent, of its General Obligation chases for public works ($200,000) Station Bonds ($2.3 million) had an
Tickets are now on sale at the debt borrowing capacity. and capital reserve fund additions. original value of $4.1 minion. Cur-
“The gold standard in municipal rently there is approximately $1.588
finance is using only 60 percent (of
debt borrowing capacity). General
Clear Lake Chamber office and Lake municipal finance guidance is to oper- Main Avenue sidewalks million in principal outstanding.
Liquors. The cost is $10 in advance ate at the 65-70 percent range. There In other business Monday night, CLBT, which already held the
and $12 at the door. Doors open at are no words for using just 6 percent,” the Council heard an update on its largest majority of debt to be refi-
6:30 p.m. with showtime starting at 7 said Flory. “It is one of the lowest lev- Main Avenue Brick Paver Sidewalk nanced, had the lowest of three bids
p.m. Project. for the refinancing at 1.277 percent.
Jason Petersburg, of Veenstra By refinancing its outstanding
209 Mars Hill Dr., Clear Lake 203 Main Avenue, Clear Lake WE BRING OUT THE SMILE IN YOU & Kimm, told the Council several debt the City will save just under
(641) 357-7373 concepts are being developed for the $66,000.
project to facilitate getting some cost estimates. However, he stressed no GONE COLD
specific plan for the work has been from page 1
You will love the spacious and open living areas, the innovative ideas, the warmth ! identified. A few options he shared
with the Council Monday differed on stand how anyone could do that.”
of its charm and history. Great location to the lake and activities. $479,000 the ratio of brick pavers to concrete Ashby said everyone in the home
proposed for the walkways. For ex- was tight-knit and that no one had
Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff, ample, one option would use strips of any grudges of which he was aware.
would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow! brick pavers on the outside edges of a Police said they do not believe
concrete sidewalk. the killer is on the loose and do not
415 First Ave. S., Clear Lake Early cost estimates place the cost believe this was a random act of vio-
(641) 357-3330 of an all-brick sidewalk at $540,000; lence.
an option using brick and concrete, White’s parents established a resulting in fewer bricks and brick website in their son’s memory at nich-
paver base, would drop the cost to, and said its pur-
2386 244th St., Ventura roughly $465,000. pose was to “continue to remind us
Must see this unique lakefront 2 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom home that could In the months to come meetings of who Nicholas was, that those in-
will be scheduled with business own- volved have not been charged, that
be yours for years to enjoy. Many updates inside and out. $499,900 ers and the public to receive input some individuals with knowledge of
about the sidewalk reconstruction. the events have not yet come forward,
2019 S. 32nd St., Clear Lake 2800 4th St. SW #3, Mason City 102 N. 5th St., Clear Lake • (641) 357-4112 “This needs to be done. In many and to keep some of the memories we
cases the sidewalks are not safe,” said cherish available to you.”
641.424.9400 • 1.877.243.8221 Mayor Nelson Crabb. “It’s important The site provides regular updates we have it done correctly. Clear Lake on White’s murder, a photo slideshow
Monday - Friday • 7:30 -5:00 has become known for its brick side- and other links related to White’s
Acreage with large ranch home. Nice out building. Great set up for horses. walks and we need to maintain that case.
Friday Night look, but safely.” On May 3, 2013, the family
28+ acres tillable with 86 CSR. $399,931 New York Strip Specials posted that their son’s two “friends”
had refused a polygraph.
Grissom says…
302 Main Ave., Clear Lake Prime Rib Almond Crusted I heard a Canadian
(641) 357-0500 Walleye psychologist is selling a video $ 1 6 97 10oz $1677 that teaches you how to test
your dog’s IQ.
1004 PIne Brooke Court, Clear Lake
Beautiful 3 bedroom ranch. Spacios family room, custom cabinetry in kitchen and $ 1 9 97 14oz Here’s how it works:
If you spend $12.99 for the
master bath. $5,000 buyers allowance. $259,900 video, your dog is smarter
Find these listings plus so much more in the than you!
Saturday Night Specials
Ribeye Dinner
Home Buyers Guide
Tilapia with $19 97
Published monthly, the last Wednesday of the month Shrimp DInner
and also available for FREE at
• AmericInn • Best Western • Budget Inn $15 97
• 7 Stars Family Restaurant • Clear Lake Chamber • Clear Lake Bank & Trust
• CLTel • Farmers State Bank • Fareway Specials come with choice of potato or
• Glen’s Tire • Hall Realty • Kum & Go steamed vegetables and soup or salad.
• KFC/Taco Bell • Larson Mercantile • MBT
• Mason City Airport • Microtel • The Other Place Open 6:30 a.m. Mon-Sat. • 7 a.m. on Sunday • Dinner Tues.-Thurs. at 5 p.m. • Fri. & Sat. at 4:30 p.m.
• Payless Foods • Quick Shop • South Shore Inn
• Super 8 • Ventura Mart • Oakwood Market 305 Main Ave., Downtown Clear Lake • (641) 357-0106
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