Page 4 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-17-2016
P. 4

Opinion                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

Page 4 • Feb. 17, 2016									

                    Amanda Ragan                                                                         Under The                                                                                          Take My
                                                                                                   Golden Dome, Too                                                                                     Survey About
                          State Senator
                                                                                                          Representative Linda Upmeyer                                                                      Surveys
                          515-281-3371 or 641-424-0874
                          [email protected]                                                                   515-281-3221                                                                 By Guest Columnist Dorothy Rosby
                                                                                                              [email protected]

Iowa has skilled job opening to fill                                                   Looking forward to deadline                                                           	 This may come as a surprise to                       ply) they won’t like what I have to say/
                                                                                                                                                                             you, but a lot of people care about my                 they’ll like what I have to say so much
	 One of the biggest challenges            struction and installation.                 	 Soon the Legislature’s first “fun-       plan makes education our top priority,     opinion and some of them are even                      they add me to their email list.
Iowa faces is ensuring students and         	 While 55 percent of Iowa jobs are        nel” deadline, where House bills must      devoting 93 percent of new available       willing to pay for it, or at least give                 
workers have good career opportu-          expected to be middle-skill jobs in six     pass at least one House committee,         revenue to K-12 education. With rev-       me a coupon for it. Lucky for them, I                  	 When you answer a survey, what is
nities, and businesses have access to      years, today only 32 percent of work-       and Senate bills must pass at least one    enue growth of $153 million, schools       always have an opinion—plus I’m al-                    your motivation?
the skilled employees they need. But       ers have what it takes to fill them. In     Senate committee, to remain eligible       are receiving $143 million of that in-     most always right.                                     	 1) Impact. I love that I can help
we are on the right track with Iowa’s      2012, Iowa had 926,000 middle-skills        for debate. With that deadline fast        crease. In order to make this fit within    	 That must be why, in the last few                   change the world by sharing my deep-
Apprenticeship Training Program,           jobs. That number is expected to in-        approaching, House members are             ongoing revenue, other areas of the        weeks alone, I’ve been surveyed by two                 est thoughts with people who really lis-
STEM internships and programs at           crease to one million by 2022. That         working hard in subcommittees and          budget will see reductions that will be    clothing stores, a hotel, an office sup-               ten. 
our community colleges preparing           means Iowa needs to step up efforts to      committees to make sure that priority      worked out by individual budget sub-       ply store, three restaurants, a bank, a                	 2) Financial. Coupons and the
current and future workers. More           meet demand for middle-skill work-          bills remain eligible for discussion this  committees.                                pet store, a political group, and the                  possibility of winning cash are part of
than half of employment in Iowa is         ers.                                        session.                                   	 House Republicans have kept our          flashlight app on my cell phone.                       my retirement strategy. 
projected to be in middle-skill jobs        	 A statewide meeting on April 19          	 This week, House Republicans re-         promise to Iowans of fiscal restraint,      	 Clearly I’m a much sought-after                     	 3) Guilt. They need me. If I don’t
by 2022, according to a report by          at Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines will ad-       leased their budget targets for the up-    by continuing to abide by the budget-      thought leader. Maybe you are too.                     answer the survey and they go out of
Iowa Workforce Development.                dress how to train skilled workers and      coming fiscal year. Our budget plan        ing principles that we set forth five      That’s why I’m inviting you to fill out                business, it will be my fault. 
 	 Middle-skill jobs require some          connect them to in-demand careers.          is realistic and responsible in setting    years ago:                                 the following survey:                                  	 4) What motivation? If I were mo-
education and training beyond high         The 2016 Future Ready Iowa Summit           funding amounts for Iowa’s priori-         	 1.	 We will spend less than the                                                                 tivated I’d be doing my taxes right now
school but less than a bachelor’s          is an all-day event, open to the public,    ties. Our budget fits within the pro-      state collects;                            The Survey about Surveys:                              instead of filling out this survey.
degree, such as construction work-         with space for about 1,000 partici-         jected ongoing revenue and does not        	 2.	 We will not use one-time             	 How many surveys have you been                        
ers, occupational therapy assistants,      pants, including business, labor and        rely on one-time funding sources like      money to fund on-going needs;              invited to fill out in the last month?                 	 What is the best incentive you’ve
paralegals and massage therapists.         nonprofit leaders; educators, students      the Ending Balance, Cash Reserve, or       	 3.	 We will not balance the              	 1) None. Nobody cares what I                         ever received for answering a survey?
The mean annual wage for middle-           and parents; and state and local policy     Economic Emergency funds. Iowa             budget by intentionally underfunding       think.                                                 	 1) The satisfaction of knowing I’ve
skill workers falls between $30,000        makers. For more information and            families and businesses budget in this     programs; and                              	 2) Just a few, but I was (circle all                 helped an organization improve their
and $60,000. The higher paying jobs        to register, go to https://futureready-     common sense way, and government           	 4.	 We will return unused tax            that apply) out of the country/under                   customer service. 
in that range are often in business                                   should do no different.                    dollars to Iowa’s taxpayers.               quarantine/in a coma.                                  	 2) $5,000!
operations, finance, healthcare, con-                                                  	 The House Republican budget              	 Our budget principles have               	 3) If surveys were dollar bills, I                   	 3) A coupon for free French fries.
                                                                                                                                  served the state well and it’s because     could have bought a Super Bowl ad.                      
                                                                                                                                  of these common sense principles that                                                             	 How do you prefer to be surveyed?
                                                                                                                                  we have been able to avoid disastrous      	 How many surveys have you actu-                      	 1) By mail so that I can do the sur-
                                                                                                                                  across-the-board cuts like we saw dur-     ally completed in the last month?                      vey at my leisure…or never.
                                                                                                                                  ing the Culver administration.             	 1) None. Nobody cares what I                         	 2) By email so that I can do the
                                                                                                                                  	 Medicaid continues to get much           think.                                                 survey at my leisure…or never
                                                                                                                                  debate. Medicaid has been, and con-        	 2) Just a few. I only fill out sur-                  	 3) By phone so that I can take a
                                                                                                                                  tinues to be, the safety net for the       veys from (circle all that apply) orga-                break from dinner with my family to
                                                                                                                                  neediest Iowans. These Iowans de-          nizations I love/ organizations I work                 answer it.
                                                                                                                                  serve a plan that focuses on access to     for/organizations I’m angry with but                    
                                                                                                                                  care, quality of care and coordination     afraid to say what I think to their face.              	 In your opinion, are surveys effec-
                                                                                                                                  of care with a goal of a more healthy      	 3) I’ve lost count, but it must be                   tive?
                                                                                                                                  future. Our current system is a very       a lot because I have a stack of coupons                	 1) Yes.
                                                                                                                                  bureaucratic and inflexible system         the size of a garden shed.                             	 2) No.
                                                                                                                                  that pays for episodes of illness instead                                                         	 3) Effective at what?
                                                                                                                                  of paying for outcomes.                    	 When you fill out a survey, how                       
                                                                                                                                  	 The Governor has the authority           do you feel about sharing your contact                 	 What is your overall satisfaction
                                                                                                                                  and responsibility to create a system of   information?                                           level with surveys?
                                                                                                                                  care. The Legislature is responsible for   	 1) I share my name and contact                       	 1) I love them! I just quit my day
                                                                                                                                  funding the program and providing          information in case I can be of further                job so I can fill out surveys full-time.
                                                                                                                                  oversight, as we do with all activities    assistance. (Also so they know where to                	 2) I can take them or leave them.
                                                                                                                                  of government. After much input,           send my cash prize when I win it.)                     Mostly I leave them.
                                                                                                                                                                             	 2) I prefer to remain anonymous                      	 3) Make it stop. Please make it
                                                                                                                                  See UPMEYER on page 5                      because I’m afraid (circle all that ap-                stop.

                                                                                                   REMEMBER WHEN

            25 Years Ago                   	 Paul Ebeling and Jeff Perkins,            auctioned.                                 Stag Night sponsored by the Gun The lot is part of the purchase made 	 Several bunches of cattle near
           February 1991                   Clear Lake High School football play-       	 Temperatures hit a high of 37 Club.                                                 by the Masonic order from S.J. Clau- Ventura stampeded Saturday morn-
	 A quick and anonymous bomb               ers, signed letter of intent to play foot-  degrees Sunday, bringing out several                                                  sen less than a year ago.                              ing on account of the storm. Several
threat led to the early dismissal of       ball with Mankato State University.         hundred fishermen out on the ice at        100 Years Ago                              	 We have a pretty good ice crop wolves have been spotted in the south
Clear Lake Junior High and High            	 The Lion wrestlers beat Lake Mills        the Ventura end near Lone Tree Point.                                                 this week from the sleet. All the trees                part of Union Township.
School students Friday. According to       on the strength of eight pins. Picking      The place looked more like a used car                 February 1916                   look like weeping willows.                             	 Women suffrage is bound to win
Police Chief Dan Jackson, a call was       up the pins were Dan Hansen, Craig          lot than a lake.                           	 A deal was consummated where-            	 Innocent looking milk wagons                         at the next election. Some of the la-
received on the regular phone lines at     Billings, Chad Whitecotton, Brandon         	 The Clear Lake cagers took the           by the Library Association comes into      have been delivering beer in Des                       dies don’t care to vote, but as far as
the police station. The caller said there  Frampton, Ryan Ruppert, Andy Han-           measure of the Garner Cardinals Sat-       possession of the corner directly across   Moines. What will they think of next?                  that goes some of the men don’t either.
were two bombs at the high school          sen, Jason Salge and James Turnbull.        urday night, 78-59. Don Anderson           from the Congregational Church.
and hung up.                               	 Four Clear Lake basketball play-
	 Fifty-five workers were laid off         ers were listed among the top players       was the big point producer for the
from the Clear Lake Unisys Plant.          in North Central Conference action.         Lions with 31-points. Jim Elting had
The layoff was the result of current       Matt Freeseman tops the list with an        16-points.
manufacturing ™needs. Approximate-         average of 29.2 points in conference        	
ly 450 workers remain at the plant.        games. Adam Callanan has an aver-                       60 Years Ago
	 A public hearing has been set by         age of 13-points and Scott Schroeder
the City Council to discuss the pos-       made the group with nine-points.                        February 1956
sible re-zoning of an area on North        Paul Ebeling averaged six-points per        	 Clear Lake’s newest small indus-
24th St., in the Fieldstone area, to ac-   contest. Freeseman, Schroeder and           try, Chao-Perkins, Inc. began opera-
commodate a 29-unit senior housing         Callanan were also included with the        tions to place their first product, po-
condominium project.                       top 10 rebounders.                          tato seeds, on the commercial market.
	 According to Interstate Power            	 Jenni Fey put together 44-points          	 George Heetland is the new state
Company weather statistics, January        to lead Ventura to a 72-67 victory over     liquor store manager for Clear Lake.
1991 was 41.2 percent colder than          Northeast Hamilton for top honors in        	 Announcement was made of the
January 1990 and 10.1 percent colder       the North Star Conference.                  formation of the partnership of Son-
than an average January.                                                               drol and Powell, attorneys at law,
	 Winners in the Iowa Music                            50 Years Ago                    Clear Lake. John M. Powell, formerly
Teacher Association District Audi-                    February 1966                    of Tipton, Iowa, has moved to Clear
tions were Carolyn Nicholas, Eliza-        	 Several thousand people attended          Lake and has associated with Thorkel
beth Jaden, Andrew Severtson, Kirk         the sale of furnishings from the Lake       E. Sondrol, Jr. in the practice of law at
Severtson, Elizabeth Leonard, Laurine      Shore Hotel. Assorted items from            12 S. 4th St., Clear Lake.
Thompson and Samuel Langholz.              rugs, to chamber pots, dining room          	 Construction of a shelter house
	 Three employees of Community             chairs, mirrors, dishes, curios, two        in McGowan Park has been approved
State Bank in Clear Lake and Ventura       wire candelabras, smoking stands            as a contribution of Clear Lake Junior
have received promotions. Sheryl Pe-       from door knobs, hat racks, rose            Chamber of Commerce.
terson, Marilyn Johnson and Karen          bowls, silverware, to knotted rope that     1991 CLHS Girls Basketball Team	 Over 1,000 people, which was a
Badker all received promotions.            were to be used in case of a fire, were     miracle in organization, were served
                                                                                       a buffalo dinner at the community
                                                                                       building in Ventura for the annual         Members of the 1990-91 Clear Lake girls basketball team included front row (L-R): Sheila Barlow, Sara Wempen, Heather
                                                                                                                                  Datema, Mindy Day, Abbie Johnson and Shannon Quigley. Middle row (L-R): Ronda Paulus, Jennifer Kiefer, and
                                                                                                                                  Kendra Berge. Back row (L-R): Head Coach Kay Bacon, Kathy Walls, Cathy Crews, Joy Freeseman and Laura Haugen.

                                           Serving Clear Lake & Ventura                   Owner/Publisher...... Mike Finnegan                                   The Clear Lake Reporter is a member of the “National
                                             communities since 1869                                                                                                  Newspaper Association” & an award winning
                                                                                                                             [email protected]                    member of the “Iowa Newspaper Association.”

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