Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
P. 1
CL Baseball pg. 13
Lots of
Another beautiful
weekend in store.
Highs in the mid-
80s and plenty of
More weather on page 5
USPS 117-120 VOL. 145 Issue 29 July 22, 2015 Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Chad & Michelle Harrison $1.50
Clear Lake Council paves
Mirror-Reporter the way for
CALENDAR infrastructure
Open mic night North Iowa Hazmat members put on red hazardous material suits before entering the plant about 11 a.m. Upon exiting, Clear Lake Firefighters The city’s commitment to maintaining and improving its
sprayed them off with water. infrastructure was on display at Monday night’s Clear Lake City
The Surf Ballroom holds its Council meeting. The group took action on six projects represent-
Open Mic Night each Wednes- Chlorine leak causes evacuation ing millions of dollars of investment.
day. Anyone interested in per- around water treatment plant A contract was awarded to Charlson Excavating, of Clear
forming may take the stage in A chlorine leak at the City’s Water Treat- ated. South Shore Drive was closed from 4th shut off and the area allowed to ventilate and Lake, for the West 7th Avenue North Watermain Improvement
the Surf ’s Cypress Lounge. ment Plant caused the evacuation of some Avenue North to City Park and some homes the line repaired. Officials stressed the lake Project. Charlson was the lowest of five bidders for the work at
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; show homes and the closure of a portion of South within a block proximity were evacuated as a water was never in any danger because the $424,000. The bid was approximately 9 percent higher than the
time is 7 p.m. Admission is Shore Drive Friday morning. precaution. Residents who didn’t leave were chlorine was in gas form. engineer’s estimate of $389,299. Jason Petersburg, consulting
free. The Clear Lake Fire Department re- instructed to stay inside and keep windows The CLFD was on the scene until 11:55 engineer with Veenstra & Kimm, of Mason City, attributed the
sponded to the plant, located at 110 1st Ave. and doors shut. City Beach was also closed a.m. No injuries were reported. elevated bid to current market conditions. City Administrator
Thursday S., at 8:36 a.m. Friday, July 17. According to during the operation. The Fire Department was assisted at Scott Flory said the city allocated $422,000 for the project, using
Thursdays on Main Fire Chief Doug Meyers, staff from the plant A technician level hazardous mate- the scene by the Clear Lake Police Depart- funds from its fiscal year 2015 and 2016 budgets.
notified the CLFD after noticing the smell rial team was requested and responded from ment, Clear Lake Public Works, and the The project entails the construction of approximately 2,750
The Clear Lake Area of chlorine inside the facility. Mason City. North Iowa Regional Hazardous Materials linear feet of 12-inch water main to be installed between North
Chamber of Commerce hosts Upon the fire department’s arrival the A leak was found in a supply line from Response Team. Shore Drive (at the Department of Natural Resources’ fish hatch-
Thursdays on Main each week. immediate area around the plant was evacu- a 175 pound storage cylinder. The tank was ery) and 19th Street West on West 7th Avenue North. The project
From 6-11 p.m. Thursday, July will begin about Aug. 10 and will be completed by Oct. 30, 2015.
23, there will be live music, The Council accepted the work and made final payment to
featured entertainment, classic Visu-Sewer, of Pewaukee, Wis., for the 2015 Sewer Rehabilitation
cars, a bounce house, hand- Project. The project, which involved the rehabilitation of approxi-
powered kiddie train rides, a mately 5,300 linear feet of sewer pipe, with point repairs and man-
vendor street market and retail holes, along with lining for a 24-inch diameter drain tile that runs
stores stay open late. The night across Highway 18 within the DOT right-of-way, was $260,825.
will be topped off with a movie The North 6th Street Reconstruction Project was also accepted
in the park. Main Avenue ac- and payment to Heartland Asphalt, of Mason City, was approved.
tivities are 6-9 p.m. At 6:30, The hot-mix asphalt paving project cost the city $168,400, which
special entertainment on the was 5 percent less than the engineer’s estimate. North 6th Street
300 block (SE corner of City between Highway 18 and 10th Avenue North was reconstructed,
Park) will be provided by the with a new eight-inch sewer main, manhole, eight-inch water
OTH Brass Band. From 7-9 main, concrete driveway approaches sidewalks and curb. City of-
p.m. Bill Dewey will play mu- ficials noted the project improved the area to facilitate construc-
sic in the 400 block of Main tion of a new Dollar General Store. Dollar General represented
(next to Larson’s Mercantile) approximately 55 percent of the $53,313 which was assessed to
and from 9-10:45 “Draft Day” property owners for the work. Assessments, which comprised 32
(PG-13) will be shown in City percent of the project cost, typically came in 25 percent lower than
Park. All activities are free. preliminary assessments given to property owners.
The Council also approved final payment to Landmark Struc-
continued tures, of Fort Worth, Texas for its work on the new Northwest
Water Tower.
More CALENDAR Project updates were provided on the North Shore Drive
on page 2 Street Reconstruction Project, as well as the Water Treatment
Plant High Service Replacement Project.
See CITY COUNCIL on page 2
Opinion..................... 4
Weather.................... 5 Clear Lake man sentenced to 15
Sports................13-15 years on drug dealer conviction
Legals..................... 17 ing and change of plea hearings
Classifieds.........18-19 Two men have been sen- revealed that, during the con-
tenced to federal prison for spiracy between June 2014 and
The lake level held steady over their roles in a Mason City area December 2014, Zimmerman
the last week. The lake level methamphetamine distribution supplied methamphetamine to
now stands at +1.8” above the conspiracy. McRoberts, who sold metham-
weir. Last year at this time the Shawn Benedict Zimmer- phetamine for him. Zimmer-
lake measured +2.4” above the man, 42, of Clear Lake, received man controlled the operation.
his prison term after an April McRoberts was selling metham-
weir. 20, 2015, guilty plea and Shane phetamine sourced by Zimmer-
Lester McRoberts, age 28, of man. During his involvement
Nora Springs, Iowa, received SHAWN ZIMMERMAN in the conspiracy McRoberts Better get used to it
his prison term after an April ute methamphetamine. distributed more than 5 grams
16, 2015, guilty plea. Zimmer- Information provided by of pure methamphetamine. We are two-weeks into a major Highway 18 resurfacing project through Clear Lake. The highway will
man and McRoberts each pled the United States at the sentenc- See SENTENCE on page 2 remain open during the project, but most areas will be reduced to one lane in each direction, starting at
guilty to conspiracy to distrib- the 1400 block of the highway, to just east of the North 20th Street intersection. The project is slated
for completion in October. Heartland Asphalt, of Mason City, had the winning bid for the work at
$2,221,150. -Reporter ohoto by Chris Barragy.
PHONE: 641-923-2837 EXT. 3 Ventura will make shift to ‘smart’ water meter use
Ventura city officials are readying the com- network to provide an effective and efficient two- greater access, consumers are not only able to ground checks and will be wearing an identifiable
How to contact us at: munity for mandatory replacement of all water way remote communications channel between more closely monitor and modify behaviors, they vest. An adult must be present for the installer to
meters. utilities and water meters. Traditional meters only can use the data to identify potential issues early, enter the home.
Mail: 12 N. 4th St., According to City Clerk Else Taylor, installa- send readings once every 30 to 60 days, but with allowing the utility to detect and repair minor “At this point, we would like homeowners to
Clear Lake, IA 50428 tion of new meters will begin in mid-August. The smart meters, a reading is typically reported back problems before they become major issues. check their inside water shut-off valve before the
Telephone: 641-357-2131 installation is mandatory to continue receiving once a day. Taylor reports a letter will be sent prior to the meter, to make sure that it is functioning prop-
Fax: 641-357-2133 water service. There is no cost for the installation Smart meters also create a more informed beginning of the installation program and a con- erly,” said Taylor. “The water will need to be shut-
Email: [email protected] of the new meter, however, there may be residual consumer. Rather than waiting weeks, or even tact number will be provided for homeowners to off before the meter for the installation. It is the
Website: costs involved with faulty shut-off valves inside months to provide water usage data, a smart wa- schedule the appointment. A door hanger will be homeowner’s responsibility for the homeowner to
the home. ter meter supplies real-time information, allowing placed at residences during the installation if ap- have a functioning water shut-off valve inside the
@CLReporter The city has contracted with Midwest Testing consumers to better understand and monitor wa- pointments have not been scheduled. house.”
LLC, of St. Louis Park, (Minneapolis), Minn. to ter consumption daily. Unknowns such as leaks, The installation takes approximately 20 min- More information will be released as it be-
install “smart meters.” breaks and other inefficiencies can be identified utes. During that time the installer will need to comes available.
The new meters will use a modern cellular instantaneously, saving water and money. With enter the residence. All installers have had back-
Offer ends 7/31/15
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