Page 7 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-7-2015
P. 7

Arts/EntertainmentClear Lake Mirror-Reporter															                                                                                                                                                                    Oct. 7, 2015 • Page 7

Surf Ballroom announces 2016 Winter                                                                                                                                                                                            Tindall to
Dance Party entertainment lineup                                                                                                                                                                                               compete
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in Miss
	 The Surf Ballroom & Museum memorialize their many years of mak- 	 Friday night’s Sock Hop will fea- year. Their energy and passion for the                                                                                   Iowa USA
has announced the artists who are ing music together.”                                ture Flash Cadillac, The Johnny Rog- music are evident during every perfor-                                                              pageant
scheduled to appear at its annual 2016 	 John Mueller’s Winter Dance ers Band and the Holy Rocka Rollaz. mance and they are sure to keep our
Winter Dance Party event, scheduled Party will kick off the event on 	 “The Friday night Sock Hop audience on their feet.”
for Feb. 3-6.                               Wednesday evening during the Win- continues to be a fun night for fans 	 Saturday evening’s performance                                                                            	 Ellie Tindall, of Clear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lake, will compete in the
	 “The 2016 lineup promises ener- ter Dance Party Family Sock Hop. A to dance to the songs they remember will feature a Tribute to Joe B Mauld-                                                                                Miss Iowa USA® and Miss
getic performances, touching tributes, separate ticket is offered for this show, best from the era,” said Event Produc- in, who was the other bass guitarist for
and a celebration of rock ‘n roll his- which is a family friendly night filled er Shane Cooney. “That tradition con- Buddy Holly and longtime member                                                                           Iowa Teen USA® competi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tions slated for Sunday, Oct.
tory that the Surf Ballroom’s annual with danceable favorites and hit songs tinues with our Friday evening enter- of the Crickets. The tribute will fea-                                              ELLIE TINDALL            11, in Newton, Iowa.

Winter Dance Party has become syn- of the 1950’s.                                     tainment line-up. Both Flash Cadillac ture an appearance by Sonny Curtis,                              	 This year, over $1.3 million in scholarships will be available at the pageant,
onymous with. The Surf is pleased 	 Thursday night features Martha and Johnny Rogers have been a part JI Allison, and other “Crickets” of the
and honored to host a very special Reeves and The Vandellas, The Coast- of our event a number of times and past, as well as additional invited mu-                                           and 30 contestants at this year’s pageant will be receiving college scholarships.
                                                                                                                                                                                             In addition, state titleholders will each receive thousands of dollars in prizes and
tribute to the Cricket’s Joe B. Mauldin ers, and The Tailfins who are all first continue to be fan favorites. In addi- sical guests.                                                         awards. Most importantly, the new Miss Iowa USA and Miss Iowa Teen USA
during Saturday night’s show,” stated time performers to the Surf ’s Winter tion, this year’s Sock Hop will feature 	 Performers scheduled to appear
Surf Ballroom & Museum President Dance Party, along with Tommy All- special guests the Holy Rocka Rol- on Saturday evening will include                                                      will have the opportunity to compete for the national titles of Miss USA® and
                                                                                                                                                                                             Miss Teen USA®. The new Miss Iowa USA will compete with 50 other state
Jeff Nicholas. “JI Allison, Sonny Cur- sup, whom has an extremely strong tie laz, who impressed us with their per- Wanda Jackson, Jason D. Williams,                                         titleholders for the coveted title of Miss USA live on national television next
tis and many friends of the Crickets to the event as the original guitarist on formance during the Winter Dance and Matthew and Gunnar Nelson/
have been invited to offer a musical the 1959 Winter Dance Party Tour. Party Record Hop and Luncheon last Ricky Nelson Remembered, who have                                                  spring.
                                                                                                                                                                                             	 The competition, which will be held at the Newton High School Audito-
tribute to their band-mate, which will                                                                                         performed during numerous Winter                              rium at 4 p.m., consists of three proportional segments: evening gown, fitness/
                                                                                                                               Dance Party events and represent the
                                                                                                                               artist most often requested to return.                        swimwear and personality interview. Eligible young women must be between
                                                                                                                                                                                             the ages of 13 and 26 and be unmarried residents of Iowa.
                                                                                                                               A special guest appearance by The                             	 Ellie, the daughter of Twyla Tindall and Mark Tindall, is a junior at Clear
                                                                                                                               Vee Brothers, who have a long history
                                                                                                                               with the Winter Dance Party, is also                          Lake High School. Her school activities include the Dance Team, which she
                                                                                                                                                                                             captains, along with the competition team. She is also a member of the Dancin
                                                                                                                               planned. They last appeared during                            With Roxie Elite Competition Team. At CLHS she is also a cheerleader and
                                                                                                                               the 2009 event.
                                                                                                                               	 Advance tickets for the 2016                                member of the girls soccer team.
                                                                                                                                                                                             	 She is being sponsored in the competition by Clear Lake Bank & Trust, CL
                                                                                                                               event will be sold for $115 each and                          Tel, Demro Orthodontics, Lyla’s Boutique, Brakke Implement and the com-
                                                                                                                               are valid for the evenings of Thursday,
                                                                                                                               Feb. 4, through Saturday, Feb. 6. Both                        munity of Clear Lake.

                                                                                                                               tickets and seating for the event will
                                                                                                                               be sold on a first-come, first-served
                                                                                                                               basis. Seating for the event is priced
                                                                                                                               at $80 for a four-person booth, $120
                                                                                                                               for a six-person booth and $200 for a
                                                                                                                               table which seats 10 people. You must
                                                                                                                               purchase a minimum of four tickets to
                                                                                                                               reserve a four-person booth, six tickets
                                                                                                                               to reserve a six-person booth and 10
                                                                                                                               tickets to reserve a 10-person table on
                                                                                                                               the floor. The booths and tables will
                                                                                                                               be reserved for all three evenings of
                                                                                                                               entertainment. Tickets for the event
                                                                                                                               are non-refundable and the enter-
Recent addtions to the history exhibit at 309 Main Ave. include an oxen yoke, ice harvest equipment and anchor from Ed Green,  tainment lineup is subject to change.
owner of an early Clear Lake boat livery. (Above right) The City of Clear Lake also donated cases of photos.                   Tickets and seating reservations may

Stories from the History Room:                                                                                                 be purchased online at the Surf Ball-
                                                                                                                               room’s website (www.surfballroom.
                                                                                                                               com) or by calling the Surf ’s box office
                                                                                                                               at 641-357-6151 beginning at 8 a.m.
Exhibit grows with recent donations                                                                                            on Thursday, Nov. 5.
                                                                                                                               	 A very limited quantity of VIP
by Dana Duesenberg                          Clear Lake, while scuba diving off the    is hung on the back wall and is from     tickets will also be available for $315
REL-IC ‘An object surviving from an         front of the Seawall bears the initials   1956. This was taken before the In-      each. Each VIP ticket will include
earlier time, especially one of historical  E. G.-Ed Green. There is a sawhorse       terstate highway was built. A collec-    admission to all Surf Ballroom spon-
or sentimental value.’                      on display that he also pulled out of     tion of pictures that hung in the City   sored events that weekend including
	 The history exhibit in the back of        the muck in front of the seawall. It      Hall Community Room were also do-        nightly entertainment and seating in
Dana’s at 309 Main Avenue has gone          has an indentation and strap that         nated. The pictures are fun to look at   the VIP bar area.
through an exciting update. The his-        probably was used to make or repair       and depict certain eras of Clear Lake    	 For the most current information
tory exhibit is an accumulation of pic-     wooden sailboat masts. Also on dis-       happenings. One in particular is “fish   about the event, visit www.surfball-
tures and artifacts donated or on loan      play are several iron rudders found in    stories” and shows pictures of the best Ticket orders and seating
by individuals who feel they have an        the lake by John Larsen and thought       catches. Several pictures are from       reservations are not accepted through
item or collection of items of histori-     to be from old excursion boats.           the 1870’s and show images of Clear      the mail.
                                            	 Many items are from the ice             Lake.

cal significance that they would like to    harvest, which had an important eco-        Keep a                                             Tom Alexander
share with others. These artifacts, or      nomic impact for Clear Lake. The          Long-term                                      Financial Consultant
relics as I call them, help tell the story  relics on display are ice tongs, a large
of the people of this area.                 saw and ice chopper. It was an elabo-        View                                           Securities America
	 Recently, an individual donated           rate procedure that involved clearing                                                 Member FINRA/SIPC
to the exhibit an oxen yoke that her        the snow off the ice, cutting the ice

great grandpa had brought from Can-         and hauling the ice to the railroad for                 Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust
ada circa 1880. It has been well cared      transportation. In the 1930’s this was                  322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake
for and is in good shape. The yoke is       the only way to cool goods for trans-
handmade and the U-shaped harness-          port and in the home.                                [email protected]
es have been bent from tree branches.       	 The fishing boat motor is an Elto        

It has been placed in the exhibit on a Engine, made by Ole Evinrude, and is           Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee

display board with other relics.            an outboard motor. It is an encased       Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency.

	 The Green Brothers are an inte- motor and floated in rubber— mean-                  Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative.
gral part of Clear Lake History. They ing the rubber absorbs the vibration                           Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated.

are important to history because they of the motor. The Elto company was
started the first boat livery at the foot founded in 1919 and stands for ‘Evin-
of Main and started excursions on the rude Light Twin Outboard’ motor.
lake, especially the island and Bayside 	 The City of Clear Lake donated
An anchor found by John Larsen, of a large aerial map of Clear Lake that

               Grissom says…
My friend Bill the Buffalo’s son was

           leaving for college.
  As the son was walking out the

            door Bill said . . .

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