Page 11 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-7-2015
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SportsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter 															                                                                                                                                               Oct. 7, 2015 • Page 11

GHV X-C team post                                                                                                                                                     Sport Shorts
personal bests;
boys win H-D meet                                                                                                                                                     Pheasant Forever Banquet to be held

	 It was a good week for the Gar-                                                                                                                                     	 The annual Iowa Pioneer II, Cerro Gordo Co. Pheasants Forever Banquet
ner-Hayfield-Ventura cross country                                                                                                                                    will be held on Saturday, Oct. 17. The banquet will be held at the North
teams. Both teams are recording per-                                                                                                                                  Iowa Fairgrounds, Mason City, in the North Iowa Events Center. Social hour
sonal best times and the boys’ team                                                                                                                                   begins at 5:30 p.m. and a prime rib dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Activities
picked up a win and a second place                                                                                                                                    include live auction, silent auction, games, and raffles. The public is invited!
finish.                                                                                                                                                               Tickets are $50 (includes Pheasants Forever membership, banquet dinner, and
                                                                                                                                                                      Pheasants Forever magazine subscription), spouse and children tickets are $15
GHV Meet                                              CHASE SMITH                    Nice catch                                                                       each. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or by contacting Scott Grummer
	 It was a day of personal records         Thursday, Oct. 1. With their number                                                                                        (641-529-0126) or Dennis Theobald (641-529-1763). Funds generated from
for the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura cross      one runner back in the line-up, the       It was good day to be in a fishing boat on Clear Lake for Doug Pointer, of       this banquet are used locally to acquire and improve habitat, food plots, and
country teams when they competed           boys cruised to an easy first place fin-  Duluth, Minn. Pointer landed this 11 pound, 30” walleye on Friday morning.       support conservation farm programs. Please bring a friend!
in their home meet on Monday, Sept.        ish. The boys outdistanced the second     Pointer was visiting his friend, Jim Hill, of Clear Lake, who took him fishing.
28.  All boys and girls varsity runners    place team by 40 points. The Cardi-       The fish was later released. -Reporter photo                                     CL Booster Club fundraiser planned
recorded personal best times at the        nals won with 22 points, followed by
meet.                                      West Fork with 62 and Osage with 65       Clear Lake JV football                                                           	 Please join the Clear Lake Booster Club in their first Smoked Pulled Pork
	 “The runners did a great job.  We        points. Eleven teams competed in the                                                                                       Fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Clear Lake Fareway
had over 24 runners record personal        meet.                                                                                                                      store. Scott Nelson, of Pig Skin Barbecue, will be preparing the meat. Nelson has
bests at this meet,” said Coach Jeff       	 Chase Smith, who has been out                                                                                            over 25 Grand Champion wins in Kansas City and is a Two-Time Jack Daniels
Short.                                     of the line-up with an injury, was                                                                                         World Champion. Cost of the meal is $6 and includes Nelson's award winning
	 It all paid off for the boys, who        back in action and paced the team                                                                                          smoked pork sandwich, chips, dessert and a drink.
captured first place in the four-team      with a first place finish in a time of
competition with 23 points.   GHV          16:15. Right behind him were team-                                                                                         Beginner trapper event planned
had five runners in the top 10.  Reece     mates Ray Cataldo, second, in 17:31,
Smith led the way with a second place      Logan Dalbeck, in third, with a time                                                                                       	 A beginner trapper event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 17, from 9 a.m.-noon
finish in 16:29.  He was followed by       of 18:11 and Austin Siegrist was fifth                                                                                     at the Iowa DNR Clear Lake Wildlife Unit Headquarters, 15326 Balsam Ave.
Logan Dalbeck, Derek Brown and             in a time of 18:27. Jacob Meier just                                                                                       (Highway S14), in Ventura. Youth and adults of any age interested in getting
Ray Cataldo, who placed third, fourth      missed placing in the top 10. He was                                                                                       started trapping are encouraged to attend this event. The objective of this event
and fifth respectively.  Dalbeck ran the   11th with a time of 19:15. Andrew                                                                                          is to educate and inform beginning trappers about trapping responsibly. Parents
race in 16:54, Brown’s time was 17:03      Schreur was 25th with a time of 19:54                                                                                      of youth planning to attend are encouraged to attend as well. There will also be
and Cataldo clocked a 17:15.  Austin       and Parker Schneiders was 40th with                                                                                        giveaways and door prizes. The event is free and is sponsored by the Iowa Trappers
Siegrist placed ninth with a time of       a time of 20:20.                                                                                                           Association (ITA) and the Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources. For more informa-
17:58.   Jacob Meier also ran a good       	 The girls team placed fourth in                                                                                          tion contact Iowa DNR Conservation Officer Ben Bergman at 641-425-0828.
race in a time of 18:40, good for 13th     a nine-team field with 125 points.
place.                                     West Fork won the girl’s race with 32     team suffers a 33-20 loss
	 The girls team placed fourth in          points, followed by Osage with 36         	 On Thursday night, Oct. 1, the
the eight-team competition with 124        points.                                   junior varsity Lions traveled to Wa-   the second quarter on a fourth down,      Mason City
points.   Maria Gonzalez was the top       	 Maria Gonzalez finished in the          verly and suffered a 33-20 defeat at   making the halftime score, 33-6 Go-
runner with a time of 21:18.   She         top 10 with a ninth place finish in       the hands of the Go-Hawks.             Hawks.                                        John Deere  Ski Doo  Sea Doo
placed 14th.   Kaylee Hudspeth,            21:36. Rebekah Larson ran the course      	 Waverley-Shell Rock had a huge       	 The Lions mustered a little rally        Can-Am ATV  Ariens  Grasshopper
Morgan Graham and Rebekah Lar-             in 23:08, good for 23rd place. Kay-       first half and the Lions helped them   in the second half.  Nico McPher-
son were neck-and-neck, finishing in       lee Hudspeth and Morgan Graham            do it.  A big fake punt on a fourth    rin scored on a five-yard touchdown       All of your brand name   For Work or Fun
24th, 25th and 26th place.  Hudspeth       crossed the line in 26th and 27th         down led to the first Go-Hawk score.   run and Will Kirschbaum had a great       products under one roof
ran the course in 23:07, while Gra-        place. Hudspeth’s time was 23:26,         The Lions would fumble on their sec-   catch for the two point conversion. 
ham finished in 23:27 and Larson was       while Graham’s was 23:27. Round-          ond play in their own territory and    Ben Finn had another fine catch from      Highway 122 W (Across from Target)
one second behind with a 23:28.  Also      ing out the varsity runners was Han-      the Go-Hawks took advantage quick-     Enke for a touchdown for the 33-20
running varsity was Nicole Upmeyer,        nah Wellik, 40th, 24:52, Rachel So-       ly got up, 14-0.                       final.                                          (641) 424-2861
35th, 25:10; Hannah Wellik, 37th,          kol, 41st, 24:55, and Emma Whelan,        	 The Lions’ lone scoring drive        	 Enke was 11/17 for 143-yards
25:14, and Rachel Sokol, 38th, 25:15.      59th, 26:42.                              came in the second quarter.  Freshman  and two touchdowns, one two               Chicken Dinner Special
JV Results                                                                           quarterback Drew Enke stepped in for   point conversion and one intercep-
	 GHV picked up the top two                JV Results                                an injured Nikko Padilla and hit Luke  tion.  McPherrin led all rushers with     Tinkers8 pc. Chicken + 2 pints of sides
spots in the JV boys race.   Mason         	 Ezra Marroquin won the JV boys          Eggers on a nine-yard touchdown        86-yards on 15 carries and a touch-       $18.95 Reef CafeChoose from
Wirtz won the race with a time of          race with a time of 19:02. Nathan         strike.  The two point try was no      down.  Dalton Grell led the defense
18:53.  Parker Schneiders was second       Larson was close behind, finishing in     good and the Lions were down, 14-      with eight tackles.                                                  potato salad, coleslaw,
with a time of 19:00.   Also placing       third place with a time of 20:17.         6.  The Go-Hawks took the kick off     	 The JV Lions are now 3-2 on the                                         baked beans or
in the JV race was Andrew Schreur,         	 Also running JV was Daniel Sch-         back for a touchdown, blocked a punt   season. Thursday night, Oct. 8, the
20th, with a time of 19:25 and Na-         reur, 20:23; Derek Anderson, 20:23;       for a touchdown and scored late in     JV Lions take on Forest City at 6 p.m.                                  broasted potatoes
than Larson was 23rd with a time of        Austin Case, 20:32; Lucas Rayhons,                                               at Lions field. 
19:38.                                     20:32; Tyler Obermann, 20:33; Dal-                                                                                         We will be open ‘til November this year
	 Also competing in the boys JV            ton Hawe, 20:41; Andrew Dornbier,                                                                                           Open Monday & Wed. - Sun. at 11 a.m. 1205 S. Shore Drive
race was Andrew Dornbier, Daniel           20:47; Theo Schoneman, 20:48; Pat-
Schreur, Austin Case, Derek Ander-         rick Terhark, 21:01; McKinley Hawe,                                                                                                                                                        (641) 357-4925
son, Theo Schoneman, Tyler Ober-           22:06; Austin Mohlis, 24:56 and Matt
mann, Dalton Hawe, Lucas Rayhons,          Barickman, 27:20.                         CL 8th grade team pounds MC                                                                                                                 We’ll Make
Patrick Terhark, McKinley Hawe,                                                                                             yard TD run for the quarter’s only
Austin Mohlis, Matt Barickman and                                                    	 Clear Lake’s eighth grade foot-      score. Tackle leaders in the fifth quar-                                                             Your Furniture
Derek Neuberger.                                                                     ball team played to a 22-22 tie with   ter were Tanner Beier, Daren Barnett,                                                                  Look Like
	 Paige Rasmusen was the only girl                                                   Humboldt Sept. 29, then pounded        Adam Heflin, Sam Perry and Connor                                                                        New
to run in the JV race.  She placed 16th                                              Mason City, 44-26, two days later.     Morey. 
with a time of 27:49.                                                                CL 22, Humboldt 22                     Clear Lake 44, MC 26                      Federal Upholstering                                          Home • Auto
Hampton-Dumont Meet                                                                  	 Against Humboldt, the Lions          	 In the game with Mason City on                                                                     Marine • Business
	 It was a great day for the GHV                                                     got on the scoreboard on a 42-yard     Oct. 1, Brecken Arndt scored three
boys, when the cross country teams                                                   touchdown pass from Jaylen DeVries     times and Eric McHenry twice to lead      10510 1/2 265th St., Clear Lake • (641) 423-8772            Antiques
traveled to Hampton-Dumont on                                                        to Brecken Arndt. The combo also       the Lions past the Mohawks, 44-26.                                                                   Call Today!
                                                                                     hooked up for a successful two-point   	 McHenry had the first two               M-F • 8:30-5 (Closed Noon-1 p.m Daily) or by appointment.
                                                                                     conversion.                            scores of the game on runs of 12 and
Basketball skills course offered                                                     	 Connor O’Tool scored a pair          16-yards. After the first TD Jaylen           FOOTBALL &
	 Once again the Clear Lake Girls          Nov. 24.                                  of touchdowns for the Lions. The       DeVries completed a pass to Kody                   VOLLEYBALL!
Basketball Program will offer skill de-    	 A free clinic for fourth, fifth and     first was a one-yard TD run. Later,    Kearns for a two-point conversion.
velopment and practice sessions for        sixth graders will be held Thursday,      he scampered in from 10-yards out.     Arndt ran the ball in for the second             Play by Play On-Air and Streamed on
girls in grades two through six.           Oct. 29, from 3:15-5 p.m. at Clear        Clear Lake pulled off a two-point try  two-point try.                          or on our Mobile App
	 A free clinic for second and third       Creek. More information will be sent      with DeVries connecting with Kody      	 Arndt had a 12-yard TD run,
graders will be offered Thursday, Oct.     home with students and at the Clear       Kearns.                                followed by a two-point conver-            (download the free app for your smartphone or iPad on GooglePlay or iTunes)
8, from 3:15-5 p.m. at Clear Creek         Creek Open House on Oct. 5.               	 Coach Steve Hobart said other        sion run by McHenry. In addition,
Elementary.  Skill development ses-        	 Registration forms for all grades       highlights of the game included an     he caught a 36-yard touchdown pass                 on KIOW FM 107.3
sions are on Oct. 13, 20, 27 and Nov.      will be sent home with students. Par-     interception by Max Soto, which he     from DeVries and returned a kickoff                   Friday, October 9
2. All sessions are after school at Clear  ents can also pick up a form during       returned 28-yards. Jack Barragy also   68-yards for a score.
Creek and will go until 5 p.m.  Snacks     the free clinic offered Oct. 8.           had a big open field tackle on fourth  	 Jack Barragy had a 15-yard inter-            FB Clear Lake at Forest City, 7:30 p.m.
will be offered. Cost is $40, which        	 Registration forms must be              down to stop a Humboldt drive.         ception return for a touchdown. The              FB Riceville at North Iowa, 9:30 p.m.
includes a T-shirt and a halftime skill    turned in by Oct. 20 for the second       	 The Lions also played a “fifth       two-point run was good by Kearns.
performance during the JV girls bas-       and third grade clinic.                   quarter” game to allow each school                                                                           Game of the Week
ketball halftime versus Charles City                                                 to use more players. Soto had a five-
                                                                                                                                                                               Saturday, October 10
Time To Replace Your Garage Doors?                                                      Residential • Commercial
                                                                                      Complete Recycling Services                                                     FB ISU at Texas Tech -12:30 p.m., kickoff 2:30 p.m.
                   Call us.
                                                                                            1 Yd. to 42 Yd. Containers                                                          Monday, October 12
              Residential • Commercial • Agricultural
                                                                                     ABSOLUTE WASTE                                                                     V-Ball Central Springs at Forest City, 7:30 p.m.
             We service all brands of garage doors & openers                               REMOVAL
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                                                                                              LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED                                                          Friday, October 9

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                                                                                     (641) 357-4517 • (800) 357-1042                                                           Saturday, October 10

                                                                                                                                                                      FB Mayville State University at Waldorf, 1:00 p.m

641.357.5575 101 N. 8th St., Clear Lake                                              Email: [email protected]
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