Page 9 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-7-2015
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GHV Cross Country                                                                                                                                Class 2A, District 2 Football
                                     Page 11                                                                                                                                          Scores From 10-2                        Games for 10-9

                                                                                                                                                                                      W-SR 21, Clear Lake 14    Clear Lake @ Forest City

                                                                                                                                                                                      GHV 31, Osage 13          Estherville @ GHV

                                                                                                                                                                                      Forest City 41, C-G-D 20  H-D @ C-G-D

                                                                                                                                                                                      H-D 20, Estherville 7     N. Fayette @ Osage

Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	                                                                                                                                                                                  Oct. 7, 2015 • Page 9

Clear Lake Reporter                  GoHawks top
                                     the Lions, 21-14
  SPORTS                             	 A pair of football power-          end zone from the 12 to put the
CALENDAR                             houses squared off for a non-        Lions in the lead.  Another suc-    Clear Lake’s Ryan Atkinson brings down WSR’s ball carrier during Friday night’s game. Also visible for Clear Lake is Thomas Storbeck (5), Justin
                                     district battle Friday night. Class  cessful PAT made the score 14-7.    Sholly (66) and Ace Walton (75). -Reporter photos by Chris Barragy
Thursday                             3A Waverly-Shell Rock (4-3)          	 The GoHawks finally picked
                                     pulled off a 21-14 victory.  The     up their first, first down midway   	 Justin Sholly had a team-          Parker Pitzen makes his way through a big hole created by Ace Walton and Carter Garrington.
•Clear Lake 10th grade football      loss puts the Lions at 3-3 over-     through the second quarter.  On     high seven solo tackles and six
home vs. Forest City, 6 p.m.         all, but they remain unbeaten in     fourth and eight from the Lions’    assists.   Pitzen made five solo
•Clear Lake 9th/JV/V volleyball      Class 2A, District 2 at 3-0 with     43, WSR fooled the Lions, as        and two assisted tackles to go
home vs. Humboldt, 6 p.m.            three district games remaining.      their punter turned passer and      with his solo sack.   Two of Pit-
•GHV 7th & 8th grade volleyball at   	 “Hat’s off to Waverly-Shell        made the first down.   Another      zen’s tackles were solo tackles for
Lake Mills, 4:15 p.m.                Rock.  They are a great program      pass provided a touchdown and       a loss.   Thomas Storbeck also
                                     and a great coached team,” said      the score was tied at halftime.     recorded a solo sack, along with
Friday                               Lions Coach Jared DeVries after      	 The Lions maintained a long       three solo tackles, one of them
                                     the game.  “I take responsibility    drive to start the second half,     for a loss.  One of Joey Monson’s
•Clear Lake 9th grade football at    for the loss.  I messed that one up  but came up empty handed after      three solo tackles went for a loss
Forest City, 4:45 p.m.               with bad calls on my part.”          reaching the GoHawk 20.             and he made three more assisted
•Clear Lake V football at Forest     	 The coach was referring to         	 WSR finally took the lead in      tackles.   Tatum also helped the
City, 7:30 p.m.                      calls made late in the game as       the final quarter on a seven play,  defense with four solo and two
•GHV V football home vs. Ester-      WSR fooled the Lion defense on       76-yard drive.                      assisted tackles.   Ryan Atkinson
ville Lincoln Central, 7:30 p.m.     a fake punt. They pulled out a       	 Again, the Lions responded        was also credited with a solo
                                     long pass play to set up the win-    with determination and took the     tackle for a loss, one of three
Saturday                             ning score.                          ball from their own 27 to the       solo takedowns he made on the
                                     	 Good defensive plays by the        WSR 14, but turned the ball over    night.   Atkinson also made a
•Clear Lake V volleyball tourna-     Lions held the visitor in check      on downs.                           fumble recovery for the Lions.
ment at Mason City, 8:30 a.m.        the majority of the game.  How-      	 With their backs against          	  This week the Lions will be
                                     ever, an 89-yard kickoff return      the wall the Lion defense held      at Forest City (2-4, 2-2). Coach
Monday                               and fourth quarter drive pro-        the GoHawks and forced a punt       DeVries said his team will need
                                     duced touchdowns.                    from the Lion end zone.   The       to be ready for a Forest City team
•Clear Lake 8th grade volleyball at  	 After a scoreless first quarter,   kick was fielded at the 45 and      which appears to be finding its
Iowa Falls-Alden, 4:15 p.m.          Zach Tatum put the Lions on the      returned to the 37 with under       stride after dealing with injuries
•Clear Lake 7th grade volleyball     scoreboard with a 29-yard touch-     one-minute to work with.   This     early in the season.
home vs. Iowa Falls-Alden, 4:15      down run.  The score capped an       time the GoHawk defense rose
p.m.                                 eight-play, 51-yard drive that       up and held the Lions.  Quarter-
•GHV MS/JV/V cross country at        used the last three minutes of the   back Zach Lester was intercepted
Forest City, 4:30 p.m.               first quarter and gave the Lions     on a long third-down try to end
•GHV JV football at Central          points on their first play in the    the game.
Springs, 6 p.m.                      second.   Jarod Anderson’s kick      	Lester completed 11
                                     made the score 7-0.                  of 16 pass attempts for 90
Tuesday                              	 For the second week in a row       yards through the air.   Cody
                                     an opponent returned a kickoff       Matz caught two passes for
•Clear Lake MS/JV/V cross coun-      to quickly silence the Lion faith-   38-yards.   Tatum had four for
try at Fort Dodge, 4 p.m.            ful. “Kick-off returns are becom-    27-yards and Anderson made
•Clear Lake 9th/JV/V volleyball at   ing an Achilles heel for us,” said   three receptions for 22-yards.
Webster City, 6 p.m.                 DeVries. “We’re working on it.”      	 The Lion ground game was
•GHV 7th & 8th grade volleyball at   	 Clear Lake players kept            balanced, as Tatum led the way
West Hancock, 4:15 p.m.              their heads up and fought back       with 67-yards on 14 carries and
•GHV JJV/JV/V volleyball at          with another score on their next     Lester ran 12 times for 47.  Cart-
Rockford, 6 p.m.                     possession.   The team covered       er Garrington ran nine times for
                                     80-yards in eight plays.   Parker    33 and Pitzen rushed eight times
•Football: Sat., Oct. 10, home vs.   Pitzen carried the ball into the     for 32-yards.
Illinois, 11 a.m.
                                     CL cross country boys win Algona Invitational
•Football: Sat., Oct. 10, at Texas
Tech, 2:30 p.m.

•Football: Sat., Oct. 10, at North   	 The Algona invitational turned out to be a special night for the       seconds off of his personal best and finished 21st in a time of 17:56.  said Coach DiMarco.
Dakota State, 1 p.m.                 Clear Lake cross country team. Individual personal bests and team        Rounding out the scoring for the Lions was Spencer Orr, who ran a       	 Jake Wessels finished fifth in 19:26. Josh Howard was next in
                                     success was the order of the night.                                      season best 18:28 and finished 38th.                                    12th place, running his best time of the year and finishing in 19:53.
•Volleyball: Fri., Oct. 9, home vs.  	 The varsity boys were the best of an 18-team field Monday,             	 Kaleb Froiland broke the 19-minute barrier for the first time         Lewis Callaway finished 19th, inching closer to that 20-minute
Wartburg JV, 7 p.m.                  Sept. 28, which was full of programs that have successful traditions.    this year with a time of 18:54, finishing 57th. Not far behind him      barrier with a time of 20:07. Dylan Schuchard was the fifth scorer,
•Baseball: Sat., Oct. 10, at DCTC    Clear Lake’s 81 points was 18 better than Class 4A Fort Dodge            was Sam Jones in 65th place with a time of 19:03.                       finishing 34th in 20:57.
Scout Weekend, Rosemount,            Public and 22 better than 4A Mason City.                                 	 “The boys ran with a focus and determination as a team that           	 Also for the Lions: Jonah Pedelty, 45th, 21:14; Gage Bendick-
Minn.                                	 The Clear Lake boys saw four of their runners break the 18-min-        I have not seen in the past four years,” said Coach Nick DiMarco.       son, 71st, 21:59; Jackson Hamlin, 103rd, 22:47; Zeke Branstad,
•Volleyball: Sat., Oct. 10, home     ute barrier, which is the first time in recent memory.                   “This is the biggest meet we have won in a long time and it is sure     118th, 23:13; Bryan Hillyer, 136th, 23:42; Carson Meyer, 144th,
vs. Dakota County Tech. College,     	 Clear Lake was led by the Faught brothers, Eric and Ryan, who          to give the boys confidence going forward.”                             24:01; Noah Copney, 147th, 24:13; Joel Groeneweg, 148th,
1 p.m.                               ran shoulder to shoulder most of the race and finished seventh and       	 The JV boys finished third close behind Webster City and              24:16; Nick Currier, 149th, 24:18; Shane Furhman, 150th, 24:20;
•Men’s Soccer: Sat., Oct. 10, at     eighth. Eric finished seventh in a time of 17:15 and brother Ryan        Humboldt. The Lions were led by Grant Dieken who finished sec-          Hunter Gerhardt, 154th, 24:25; Daniel Tank, 155th, 24:28; Da
Iowa Western CC, 4 p.m.              finished eighth in 17:16. Not far behind was Sam Pedelty, who            ond in a time of 18:47.
•Men’s Golf: Sun.-Mon., Oct. 11-     ran a career best at 17:33, finishing 12th. Ike Branstad shaved :30      	 “Grant works extremely hard and his success is much deserved,”                                See CL CROSS COUNTRY on page 10
12, at NJCAA Region XI Preview
Tournament, Panora, Iowa             Lions fall to tough                                                                                                                                                                      Regional
                                     competition                                                                                                                                                                              volleyball
•Football, Sat., Oct. 10, home vs.                                                                                                                                                                                            pairings set
Mayville State University, 1 p.m.    Algona 3, CL 0                         13.                                    Clear Lake’s Vivian Benjegerdes tries to get a spike past an Algona defender in Tuesday night’s match-up.
                                     	 Fourteenth ranked Algona (3A)        	 We were fortunate to play two        The Bulldogs topped the Lions in three games with scores of 25-14, 25-13 and 25-12. Clear Lake had         	 The Iowa High
•Football: Sat., Oct. 10, home vs.   swept the Lions, 3-0, in a North       excellent teams this week that con-    their hads full with the 14th ranked Algona team. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy                         School Girls Athletic
South Dakota, 3 p.m.                 Central Conference match played        stantly tested us.  We improved on                                                                                                                Union has announced
                                     Tuesday, Sept 29. Game scores were     a number of things, but passing was                                                                                                               pairings for Regional
             Mount Mercy             25-14, 25-13, 25-12.                   our Achilles heel this game,” said                                                                                                                volleyball play.
             University              	 “We hung in throughout the           Coach Sears. “It was tough to get                                                                                                                 	 Clear Lake and
                                     match, and our defense played ex-      a rhythm going with our new rota-                                                                                                                 Garner-Hayfield-Ven-
•Women’s Golf: Sun.-Mon., Oct.       tremely well, but silly mistakes came  tion.”                                                                                                                                            tura have both been as-
11-12, at William Penn Invitation-   back to bite us in the end,” said      	 On the positive side, Sears said                                                                                                                signed to Class 3A, Re-
al, Oskaloosa, Iowa                  Coach Keith Sears.   “I was happy      practices since the non-conference                                                                                                                gion 4. Both teams will
                                     to see girls stepping up and taking a  Forest City match have been valu-                                                                                                                 open post-season play
•Volleyball: Mon., Oct. 12, home     positive move forward when we got      able.                                                                                                                                             Monday, Oct. 26, at
vs. Martin Luther, TBA               down on the scoreboard.”               	 “Practice has had a renewed                                                                                                                     7 p.m. The Lions will
                                     	 Marne Euken and Emily Snel-          sense intensity and  higher level  of                                                                                                             face Algona, at Algona,
•Men’s Soccer: Sat., Oct. 10,        ling each had four kills to lead the   focus, which has been great to see,”                                                                                                              while the Cardinals
home vs. Monmouth College,           Lions. The power plays were set up     added the coach.                                                                                                                                  are slated to meet For-
1:30 p.m.                            by assists from Carson Frahm, who      	 Jessica Faber had a perfect night                                                                                                               est City at Forest City.
                                     had six on the night. Chloe Mueller    serving, going seven-for-seven.                                                                                                                   Winners will advance
      MORE CALENDAR                  kept the ball in play with 32 digs.    Chloe Mueller again led the team in                                                                                                               to play at 7 p.m. Thurs-
           on Page 10                	 Jessica Faber led the team at the    digs with 23. Marne Euken topped                                                                                                                  day, Oct. 29, at Forest
                                     service line, going 6/7.               the Lions in kills with three and                                                                                                                 City.
                                     	 Defensively, Kayla Ritter and        blocks, with two. Emily Snelling                                                                                                                  	 The other side of
                                     Snelling each had two blocks.          was credited with three assists.                                                                                                                  the Region 4 bracket
                                     Forest City 3, CL 0                    	 The Lions’ next home match is                                                                                                                   includes Humboldt,
                                     	 The competition only got             Thursday, Oct. 8, against NCC foe                                                                                                                 Clarion-Goldfield-
                                     tougher for the Lions on Thursday,     Humboldt, rated 11th in 3A. It will                                                                                                               Dows, Gilbert and Ro-
                                     as they hosted seventh ranked (3A)     also be Parents and Senior Night for                                                                                                              land-Story.
                                     Forest City. The Indians were 3-0      the Lions. Everyone is also encour-                                                                                                               	 The Iowa State Vol-
                                     winners by scores of 25-8, 25-9, 25-   aged to wear pink in honor of Breast                                                                                                              leyball Tournament will
                                                                            Cancer Awareness Night.                                                                                                                           be held Nov. 10-13 at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the US Cellular Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in Cedar Rapids.
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