Page 6 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-7-2015
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Social NewsPage 6 • Oct. 7, 2015									                                                                                                                                   Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

          CLUB NEWS                                                                     ANNIVERSARY                                                                         ENGAGEMENT

VFW Auxiliary Saratoga Post 4868           Means to Me,: and 9th-12th grade                                        Mr. and Mrs. John Boehm                                   Jenna Kibsgaard
	 The VFW Auxiliary Saratoga Post          is, “My Vision For America.”   These         	 John and Amy (Fisher) Boehm, of Clear Lake, were married Oct. 15, 1955,            and Troy Wilson
4868 met on Sept. 15, at the Post          applications may be obtained from            at Good Hope Lutheran Church in Titonka, Iowa.  The couple will celebrate           	 Jenna Marie Kib-
Home.                                      President Linda Dockwell, 641-425-           their 60th wedding anniversary with a family dinner at a later date.                sgaard and Troy Jona-
	 The Charter was draped in honor          7127.  The deadline is Nov. 1, 2015.         	 Celebrating with them are their daughter, Tamara, son-in-law, Mike, of            than Wilson, both of
of our sister, Iris Ong, who had passed    	 The group’s next meeting will              Clear Lake, and grandchildren, Bethany, Joel and Casey.                             Waterloo, Iowa, an-
on Sept. 6, 2015.   We will be at The      be on Oct. 20, at 7 p.m., at the Post        	 Stories, memories and well wishes are welcome to help celebrate this mile-        nounce their engage-
Hub, Sept. 26, from 12-3 p.m. with         Home.                                        stone anniversary.  Please send them to John and Amy Boehm at 2504 North            ment.
representatives Karen Sears and Sheryl                                                  Shore Drive, Clear Lake, Iowa 50428.                                                	 Jenna is the
Zeitler to share what we as a club do                       NARFE                                                                                                           daughter of Randy and
for our community, such as Meals on        	 The National Association of Ac-                                                                                                Darla Kibsgaard, of
Wheels, FAVA support, taking items to      tive and Retired Federal Employees                                                                                               Clear Lake. She gradu-
the Veterans Transition Home in For-       (NARFE) Chapter 170 will meet on                                                                                                 ated from the Universi-
est City, Iowa.  We provide the men’s      Monday, Oct. 12, at 11:45 a.m. in the                                                                                            ty of Northern Iowa in
meal every month, and assist in other      meeting room of HyVee East, Mason                                                                                                2014. She is employed
projects that our veterans are working     City.                                                                                                                            by Peoples Commu-
on.                                        	 Dr. Teresa Mock, Vice President                                                                                                nity Health Clinic, in
	 This is the time of year for the 3rd     of North Iowa Medical Center, Ma-                                                                                                Waterloo, as a social worker.
grade youth to participate in “I Love      son City, will discuss Selecting Health                                                                                          	 Troy is the son of Stacey and Tamara Wilson, of Elk Run Heights, Iowa.
America Because;” the 4th grade essay      Insurance Coverage and Changes in                                                                                                He graduated from Hawkeye Community College in 2008. He is employed by
is “What Does the United States Flag       Medicare Benefits.  Bring questions for                                                                                          the City of Waterloo.
Mean to Me;” for the 5th grade, “What      her to answer.                                                                                                                   	 The couple will be married on Nov. 12, 2015, at 4 p.m. in Montego Bay,
Does A Veteran Mean To Me;” 6th-8th        	 All active and retired federal                                                                                                 Jamaica.
grade write about, “What Freedom           workers are encouraged to attend.

CL Library to begin new Book Chats                                                      BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT                                                                  CHURCH NEWS

	 The Clear Lake Library’s book            going to take a hike, it’s probably the                  Caroline Colby Mixdorf and Cora Irene Mixdorf                           Area church to offer                     from 1999 – 2004.  In three decades,
club, Book Chats, will meet on Tues-       place to go. And Bill Bryson is surely       	 Twin daughters were born to Whitney Dye and John Mixdorf on Sept. 25,             marriage simulcast                       more than 2.5 million people have at-
day, Oct. 20, at 12 p.m. The book          the most entertaining guide you’ll           2015. Caroline Colby weighed 6 lbs., 13 oz. and Cora Irene weighed 5 lbs., 1                                                 tended FamilyLife conferences.
that will be discussed is, “A Walk in the  find. He introduces the reader to the        oz.                                                                                 	 The Clear Lake Christian               	 To register, go to clearlakchris-
Woods: Rediscovering America on the        history and ecology of the trail and to      	 The girls will be welcomed home by their big sister, Kinsey, age seven.           Church, 302 Highway 18 W., will   Tickets are $31.50
Appalachian Trail,” by Bill Bryson.        some of the other hardy (or just fool-       	 Grandparents are Scott and Vonnie Amosson, Paul Dye and Becky                     offer the “I still Do®” marriage simul-  per person.
	 The Appalachian Trail stretches          hardy) folks he meets along the way–         Mathews, and Jay and Kathy Mixdorf, all of Clear Lake. Great-grandparents           cast for couples on Saturday, Oct.
from Georgia to Maine and covers           and a couple of bears.                       are Dennis and Tootie Loux, of Clear Lake, Bob and Pat Amosson, of Clear            17.  Clear Lake Christian Church will    “United in Praise”
some of the most breathtaking ter-         	 Bring lunch and join the dis-              Lake, and Betty Dye, of Mason City.                                                 be one of many locations nationwide      concert to be held
rain in America–majestic mountains,        cussion. Extra copies of the book are                                                                                            hosting the event from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
silent forests, sparking lakes. If you’re  available at the library.                    Oktoberfest to benefit FAVA                                                         	 I still Do® is a one day event where   	 Clear Lake United Methodist
                                                                                                                                                                            couples will learn to strengthen their   Church, 508 2nd Ave. N., will host a
Andersen’s Flowers                                                                      	 The Rotary Clubs in several            mond Ballroom in the Best Western          marriage, rekindle romance and re-       concert called, “United In Praise”, fea-
Pumpkins  Squash ~ $1 Each!                                                             communities are hosting a special        Holiday Lodge, in Clear Lake, from         new their commitment to each other.      turing musicians from several North
Pumpkins  Wisconsin Apples                                                              fundraiser in Clear Lake to benefit      7-10 p.m. There will be a live auction     Couples will enjoy a day of learning,    Iowa churches. The event will be held
Pumpkins                                                                                the Family Alliance for Veterans of      at 9 p.m. Tickets are $25 each and in-     worship and laughter.   They will walk   on Sunday, Oct. 11, at 2:30 p.m.
                                                                                        America (FAVA).                          cludes pub style food. Music and en-       away with tools to continue growing      	 Churches participating include
Tomatoes • Onions • Potatoes                                                            	 The Clear Lake Rotary Club, the        tertainment will also be featured.         closer and engage in better communi-     Clear Lake Christian, Agape, Chris-
                                                                                        Noon Rotary Club in Mason City,          	 All proceeds from this fund-             cation with one another.                 tian Science, St. Patrick’s Catholic
          Mennonite Baked Goods                                                         the Garner Rotary Club, and the Ro-      raiser will be used to benefit FAVA,       	 Speakers will be: Dennis Rainey,       Church, Clear Lake Congregational,
                                                                                        tary Club of Forest City, have been      headquartered in Forest City. Tickets      FamilyLife president and co-founder;     Evangelical Free, Galilean Lutheran,
Decorative Pumpkins & Gourds all sizes!                                                 collaborating to bring together a craft  are available at the Clear Lake Area       Alistair Begg, pastor/author, Truth for  and the host church, United Method-
                                                                                        brew and wine event called the North     Chamber, and from any Rotarian             Life; Alex Kendrick, Associate Pastor,   ist. The concert is free, and will in-
          20% Off Fall Decor                                                            Iowa Rotary Oktoberfest. It will be      from the participating Rotary Clubs.       Sherwood Baptist, Writer/Producer –      clude a variety of music styles, solos,
                                                                                        held on Saturday, Oct. 17 in the Dia-    For more information, contact Scott        Sherwood Pictures; and Dr. Crawford      ensembles, praise teams, choirs, and a
                                         (641) 530-1234                                                                          Miller at 641-423-1300.                    Loritts, Jr., Fellowship Bible Church,   massed choir finale.
MUMS                          Mon - Fri 9-6 • Sat/Sun 9-5                                                                                                                   Atlanta. Also featuring drama with       	 IFCA (Inter-faith Community
In Stock                                                                                                                                                                    Acts of Renewal, comedy by 321           Action) will serve a reception follow-
                            2727 19th St. S.W., Mason City                                                                                                                  Improv, and special musical guest,       ing in the church Fellowship Hall.
                                                                                                                                                                            former American Idol Contestant,         	 The concert is the realization of
                                      (West of Newman School)                                                                                                               Jimmy McNeal.                            just how many fine musicians help
                                                                                                                                                                            	 I still Do® is presented by Fami-      lead worship in their various congre-
Clear Lake and Ventura Church Directory                                                                                                                                     lyLife, an international ministry that   gations each week, and that in these
                                                                                                                                                                            exists to develop godly marriages and    restless days where so much is wrong,
                                                                                                                                                                            families who change the world one        we might point to so much that is
                                                                                                                                                                            home at a time.  Since 1976, Family-     good,” said Mary Jane Crail, Director
                                                                                                                                                                            Life has offered marriage conferences    of Music at CLUMC and a member
                                                                                                                                                                            as one way to accomplish this mis-       of the planning committee for the
                                                                                                                                                                            sion,  I still Do® originally drew some  concert.
                                                                                                                                                                            400,000 people to 41 arena events        	 The public is welcome.

Agape Christian                            Church of Christ                             First Church of                          Sunday, 9:30 a.m.
Family Church                                                                           the Open Bible                           Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday and
                                           2010 14th Ave. N., • 357-5813                                                         Friday, 8:30 a.m. (fourth Friday of month
2810 Hwy. 18 West, • 357-8014                              609 South 8th St. • 357-3217             at Oakwood Care Center at 9:30 a.m.);                           Pastor: Brad Sheldon                         Pastor: Rev. Will Hunsaker               Tuesdays at Newman Catholic, 9:15
Pastors: Dave and Kris Toyne               Fellowship: 9:15 a.m.                        Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.               a.m., elementary gym; Wednesday: 8:45
Sunday Power Hour (all ages): 9 a.m.       Bible School: 9:30 a.m.                      Wednesday Family Night: 7 p.m.           a.m. at Newman Catholic
Sunday Worship with Super Church for       Worship: 10:30 a.m.                                                                   Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:30 p.m.
Children: 10 a.m.                                                                       First Congregational
Wednesday Big Dreams Children and          Clear Lake Regular                           Church                                   United Methodist Church
Youth: 7 p.m.                              Baptist Church
2nd Sunday of each month: “God-                                                         205 W. 10th Ave. N. • 357-2818           508 2nd Ave. N. • 357-5247
Tism” a class for children 2-8 yrs. on     314 North 6th Street • 357-5851    
the Autism spectrum                        Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.                     facebook: FirstCongregationalClearLake   Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson
2nd & 4th Sundays of each month:           Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.           Sunday: Worship, 10:10 a.m.              Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 & 11 a.m.
“SIgn-Interpreted Sunday Service for       Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer: 7 p.m.         Fellowship, 11:10 a.m.                   Sunday School (all ages): 9:45 a.m.
the hearing impaired                       Wednesday Kids Club: 7 p.m.                  Communion: First Sunday of the month     Mid-Week Worship with Communion:
Staffed nursery for all services.                                                                                                Wed., 5:15-5:45 p.m.
                                           Community of Christ                          Galilean Lutheran Church                                                                HANDMADE ITEMS
Bell Harbor                                                                                                                      Zion Lutheran                                   VINTAGE DECOR
                                           15 Plaza Drive • 357-3766                    Hwy.18 West • 357-2296                   Church                                      REPURPOSED FURNITURE
4560 Wesley Dr., Clear Lake • 357-3345     Pastor: Christina Blum (357-1234)            Pastor: Scot McCluskey
Pastor: Rev. Keith Scott                   Youth/Teen Ministers: Bob and Jill           Sunday Worship: 9:15 a.m.                112 North 4th Street • 357-5261                    FUN FINDS
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.                     Branstad (357-4918)                          Fellowship: 10:15 a.m.         
                                           Power Hour (Sunday School): 9:30 a.m.        Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.                Pastors: Rev. Dr. Patrick Hall and                  ~ FEATURING ~
Celebration Community                      Fellowship: 10:15 a.m.                                                                Rev. Kirk Wilkie
Church                                     Worship: 10:45 a.m.                          Harvest Bible Chapel                     Worship Services: Saturday, 4 p.m.         Junkin’ Gal & Well Worn Charm
                                                                                                                                 - ABLE; 5:30 p.m. - Liturgy “Lite” and
805 10th Ave. N. (Across from Lion’s       Evangelical Free Church                      2200 N. 24th St., Clear Lake • 357-7500  Sunday, 8:30 a.m. - Traditional; 10 a.m.   NORTH IOWA JUNK &
Field) • 357-0026                                                                              - Contemporay & Zkids (K-5th); 6 p.m. -     TREASURE CRAWL
Pastor: Daniel Miller                      1310 Hwy 18 West • 357-7581                  Senior Pastor: John Tank                 Zyouth (6th-12th)
Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday School                        Worship Leader: Cody Rogers
(Ages 2 thru adult)                        Senior Pastor: James Allen                   Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.                           VENTURA
Fellowship: 9:45 a.m.                      Youth Pastor: Randy Vaage                    Sunday School: 10 a.m. for birth         Redeemer Lutheran
Sunday Praise & Worship: 10 a.m.           Sunday Morning Worship Service: 9:30         to fifth grade                           Church
Wednesday Adult Bible Study: 7 p.m.        a.m.
                                           Sunday School Classes for all ages: 11 a.m.  St. Patrick’s                            LC-MS Ventura • 829-3650
Christian Church                                                                        Catholic Church                          Email: [email protected]
                                           Christian Science Society                                                             Pastor: Jesse Burns
302 Hwy. 18 West • 357-4885                                                             1001 9th Ave. South • 357-3214           Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Sunday School all ages: 9 a.m.             Corner of 8th & Main • 357-7210                                                       Sunday School/Bible Class: 10:15 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service: 10 a.m.            Sunday Church Service: 10:30 a.m.            Pastor: Fr. John Gossman
Wednesday: Christian Education, 6:30       Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.                    Weekend Mass: Saturday, 4 p.m. and
p.m.; Praise Team, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday Bible Studies 6:30-7:30 a.m. &
9:30 a.m.

          This Directory is brought to you by these Clear Lake community minded sponsors:

•Culver’s                                  •CL Tel                                      R•7esSttaaurrsanFtamily                  B•Calenakr&LaTkreust                       Thursday, Friday &                       directions from Clear Lake:
                                                                                                                                                                            Saturday                                 Take I-35 N. to exit 203.
1204 N. 25th St., 357-0757                 107 N. 4th St., 357-2111                     2309 3rd Ave. S., 641-231-8026           322 Main Ave., 357-7121                    October 15-17                            Turn left (west) on Hwy 9.
                                                                                                                                                                            10 am - 5 pm                             Turn right (north) on Wheelerwood.
•Wilcox                                    •Bennigan’s                                  M•Cilreraorr-LRaekpeorter                P•ThharrifmtyacWy hite                                                              Go 3 miles to 390th Street.

Main Ave., 357-5241                        I-35 & Hwy. 18, 357-2366                     12 N. 4th St., 357-2131                  4th & Main Ave., 357-5271                         563 390th Street, Hanlontown

S•Gelrevni’cseT, iIrnec.                   •Apple Valley                                •Fareway                                 •Master Floors                             [email protected][email protected]

880 Hwy. 18 W., 357-7117                   405 27th Ave. S., 357-7083                   910 Hwy. 18 W., 357-5778                 402 S. 15th St., 357-7869
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11