Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-7-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Oct. 7, 2015 • Page 3
James M. Jordan son of Leo and Bertha (Dankbar) Jor- Dorothy M. Clark In 1963, Dorothy married Frank Lisa L. Martin sympathy through a memorial in Lisa’s
dan, in Mason City. He grew up on a E. Clark in Aberdeen, S.D. They name or in lieu of flowers, memorials
James Michael Jordan, 73, of farm northeast of Ventura and gradu- Dorothy Marie Stenseth Clark, made their home on a farm outside Sometimes a soul passes to the may be directed to Opportunity Vil-
Garner, Iowa, died Tuesday, Sept. 29, ated from Ventura High School. age 78, died peacefully on Oct. 2, Ventura, Iowa, eventually making next world making us sure the good lage.
2015, at Concord Care Center, Gar- Jim had been employed by the 2015, at the University of Minnesota Clear Lake their permanent residence. folks on the other side simply needed Lisa, the youngest of five children,
ner. Clear Lake and Garner Sale Barns, Medical Center. Dorothy enjoyed spending time with another smile. We are certain they are was born to Clement and Helen (Ar-
A Mass of Christian Burial was and also ConAgra Foods in Britt, A memorial service will be held her children and grandchildren, play- smiling now. Lisa Lynn Martin, 51, ganbright) Martin, in Mason City on
held on Monday, Oct. 5, 2015, at St. Iowa. He lived in Garner since 1980 at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec.19, at ing bridge, and traveling with her of Clear Lake, passed peacefully on June 28, 1964. She attended school in
Boniface Catholic Church, Garner, and was a member of St. Boniface Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, husband, Frank, and enjoying Clear Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, at her home Mason City, Charles City and St. Col-
with the Rev. James William Dubert Catholic Church. 101 N. 4th St., Clear Lake. Visitation Lake activities. Dorothy served as a at Opportunity Village. letta School, in Jefferson, Wis. She was
officiating. Burial was in the Clear Jim loved to garden, visit his will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, volunteer and was past president at A celebration of Lisa’s life was held a resident of Opportunity Village for
Lake Cemetery. sister’s farm in St. Ansgar, Iowa, Dec. 18. In lieu of flowers, memorials the North Iowa Medical Center Aux- on Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015, at the Kin- more than 25 years.
Family suggests memorial con- on weekends, and have coffee with may be sent in her name to Hospice iliary. Dorothy also earned her Life ney-Lindstrom Center Gym at Oppor- Lisa loved to sing and performed
tributions to St. Boniface Catholic friends. He also enjoyed watching of North Iowa, Opportunity Village Master Certificate from the American tunity Village, Clear Lake, with Pastor in the Opportunity Village choir, Bell
Church or Hospice of North Iowa. football and basketball games on TV. or the charity of your choice. Contract Bridge League and spent Rich Murray, Spiritual Resources Co- Ringers and Sing it with Sign. Lisa
Jim was born Sept. 18, 1942, the Jim is survived by a sister, Ju- many enjoyable hours playing dupli- ordinator of Opportunity Village, of- spent hours listening to her vast collec-
lie (Garry) Neeley, of St. Ansgar; a Dorothy was born Oct. 3, 1936, cate bridge with friends locally and in ficiating. Inurnment will take place tion of country music and oldies, sing-
Maydell M. Rucker brother, Jerry (Donna) Jordan, of in Forest City, Iowa, the daughter out-of-state tournaments. Dorothy in Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery at a ing along with every song. She once
Cedar Falls, Iowa; a niece, Michelle of Alan and Marie (Core) Stenseth. enjoyed wintering in Arizona with later date. Condolences may be left at served as the Mayor of Opportunity
Maydell Matilda (Crawford) (Nick) Tovar, of Waterloo; a nephew, Dorothy thoroughly enjoyed her fam- Frank and hosting countless family Village and competed several times as
Rucker was reunited with her part- Tom (Erin) Jordan, of Iowa City; two ily, friends, playing bridge and social and friends gatherings at Clear Lake. For those wishing to express their a swimmer in state Special Olympics.
ner in crime, Paul Rucker, on Sept. great-nieces, Eva and Frances Jordan; activities at Clear Lake. Dorothy was passionate about orga- Lisa made every person she knew feel
12, 2015, after 39 years of being and two great-nephews, Jordan Tovar nizing, planning and hosting family genuinely loved and was known for her
apart. She was born on April 29, and Leo Jordan. Richard A. Simmer and friends’ gatherings. wonderful sense of humor and love of a
1925, in Mason City, Iowa, the He was preceded in death by his laugh!
daughter of Sam and Fleeta Craw- parents. Richard Allen Simmer, 66, of Dorothy is survived by her hus- Those left to cherish her memory
ford. She was blessed with three older Jim’s family would like to thank Santa Ana, Calif., died Sunday, Sept. band, Frank; her five children, Tanya are her sisters, Kim (Rick) Bendickson,
brothers John, Ken and Bob. She said Concord Care Center in Garner and 27, 2015, at home. Clark Anderson (Brian), of Ames, of Ames, Iowa, Deb Dunn, of Water-
at times it felt more like a curse than Hospice of North Iowa for their lov- A small military burial will take Iowa, Jeff Clark, of Ankeny, Iowa, loo, Jeri (Steve) Skram, of Waukee; and
a blessing being the youngest and the ing care shown to Jim. place at Riverside National Cemetery, Carol Clark, of San Diego, Calif., Lin- brother, Tom (Sandy) of Montrose,
only girl. Maydell was a depression Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- in California, Oct. 19, 2015, at 11 da Clark Alongi (Tony) of Louisville, Colo.; as well as many special nieces,
era child and from this experience pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- a.m. The family suggests memorials Ky., and Amy Clark Ellgren (Todd), nephews, other extended family mem-
derived a great deal of her strength rangements. be sent to: Richard Simmer Memo- of Ankeny; 12 grandchildren; and 10 bers, along with her Village family.
which her family came to rely on in They moved to Iowa in 1970 after the rial Fund, 4315 W. Regent Dr., Santa great-grandchildren. Lisa was preceded in death by her
difficult times. death of her son, Larry, and made their Ana, Calif., 92704 or you may go on- parents and grandparents.
Maydell met the love of her life, home in Clear Lake. Maydell had line to the memorial website that has Dorothy was preceded in death by Arrangements were with Major
Paul Rucker, in 1958, in California. many jobs, the most important being been set up at: memorialfundforrich- her parents and one son. Erickson Funeral Home & Crematory,
a devoted mom to her children. She Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- Mason City.
worked at Carrolls Cafe, Clear Lake Richard was born Feb. 7, 1949, in pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
Bakery (May was a donut lover), and Esterville, Iowa, to Donald and Mar- rangements.
beside her husband at Shady Beach. garet Simmer Sr. His family moved to
Maydell’s later years were spent trav- Clear Lake in 1958, later he joined the mother’s popcorn and receiving his Haugen, Robert (Colleen) Simmer, Dennis Simmer
eling between her daughters in Cali- Marines and proudly served his coun- Midwest care packages. He loved Dennis Simmer, Sandra Katz, Francis
fornia and Florida and enjoying her try in the Vietnam War. working and if not for his health Simmer (Shelley Paulson) Dale Sim- Dennis Simmer, 63, of Clear Lake,
grandchildren. In 2006 she made her Richard loved watching NAS- would still to this day be working; the mer, Tom Simmer, Tim Simmer; and died Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015, at Concord
home in California. CAR, college and NFL football. He thought of retirement was not in his many nieces, nephews, great nieces Care Center, in Garner, Iowa.
May May, as known by her grand- also loved fishing, apple pies, his vocabulary. and nephews. Arrangements are pending at
children, had a life-long love affair Richard is survived by four chil- He was preceded in death by his Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, 101
with donuts, Johnny Cash, whiskey, dren, Richard Allen (Lisa) Simmer parents; four brothers, Donald Sim- N. 4th St., Clear Lake.
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Jr., Michelle Simmer (Randy Weigel), mer Jr., Larry Simmer, Fredrick Sim-
peas, and the color red, not necessarily Kristine (Dan) Hempfner, Jamie Sim- mer, Paul Simmer; two brothers-in- We Make Copies 15¢ each
in that order. mer; multiple grandchildren and step- laws, Merle Olinger, Dale Kats; one
When May left for that Grand grandchildren; nine siblings, Karen sister-in-law, Michelle Simmer; and Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
Ole Opry in the sky she left behind (Robert) Christiansen, Dixie (Larry) one niece, Grace Simmer.
her daughters, Judy (husband Ken 12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131
Grimsley) children Stevie, Jesse, Larry,
James, Bryan, Charlie, Burton, and 2 North 4th St.
Stephanie. Sue Ellen (husband Mike ® Clear Lake, IA
Mudak). Susan (husband Morey
Mirkazemi) children Bijan, Nadia and 641-357-5271
Nicole. Julie (husband Bill Broth- 1-888-357-5271
ers). Children Bobbi Sue Stalker,
Molly, and Billy. Her sons Jefferson Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
Rucker (son Willie) John Rucker (her Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm • Sunday: Closed
favorite). Grandchildren Babette May,
Christopher, and Hillary May. Health Talk with Robin
She was preceded in death by her
husband, Paul and her sons, Larry Chief Pharmacist, Robin Younge covers
May and Richard May; her parents, important health care topics with quality
Sam and Fleeta; and her brothers, information on medication use and
John, Ken and Bob Crawford. healthier ways of life.
A celebration of life service was
held at her daughter’s home in Ba- INFLUENCE OTHERS
kersfield, Calif. on Sept. 20. A private GET VACCINATED
graveside service will be held at Elm-
wood cemetery on Oct. 7, followed
by a remembrance get-together at her
favorite restaurant, The Half Moon, in
Clear Lake, at 3 p.m.
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A memorial service will be held will provide this service for for details. By federal statute, state and
on Oct. 25, at 2 p.m., at First Bap- federally funded programs like Medicare
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tions be made to the National Kidney this promotion.
Foundation or the American Cancer accessible.
Society. FLU SHOTS
Wayne was born on May 28, 26 6th Street SE, Mason City • 641-423-2473 CDC recommends that everyone 6 months of age
1938, in Iowa City, Iowa. He was a or older should get a flu vaccine this season.
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he worked as a copier repairman.
Wayne is preceded in death by his Most private and public insurance
two wives, Carolyn and Linda. plans accepted, including government plans like Medicare.
He is survived by his children,
Dianna and Wayne Jr; brother, James;
grandchildren, Rebecca, Andrew, Jo-
seph and Jacob.