Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 1

Harvest Festival Insert

Weather                                More weather on page 5.

Mostly sunny for the weekend, but cooler with
highs in the mid 60s.

USPS 117-120 VOL. 145 Issue 39                                  Sept. 30, 2015                              Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Mark & Jody Holck                         $1.50

  Clear Lake                                Bike path discussed as supervisors okay B-35 project
CALENDAR                                    	 The Cerro Gordo County Board of          purchase of right of way to widen the      move to the turning lane while faster       Trail between Mason City and Clear        possible. Schurtz noted there is no
                                            Supervisors gave their approval to plans   road from 24 to 28-feet.                   traffic continues.                          Lake during construction.                 alternative route for riders between the
Friday                                      for improvements which will close          	 According to County Engineer             	 Kelly noted the intersections were        	 Steven Schurtz told Supervisors         community. He says State Highway
Meet the artist                             County Road B-35 between Clear Lake        Mary Kelly, $500,000 in special safety     addressed because several accidents,        he opposed the bike path being closed     122 would not be safe, and a gravel
                                            and Mason City much of next spring         funding has been awarded to the project    including fatalities, have occurred at      for several months, saying that will not  road to the south of B-35 would not be
	Meet Clear Lake                            and summer. However, county officials      to help fund the creation of turning       those locations.                            only be inconvienent for those who        navigable by most cyclists.
Photographer Jean Poland at                 said they will make an effort to keep the  lanes at three intersections. The extra    	 While supporting the roadway              ride bicycles to work in Clear Lake or    	 Kelly says the county will work
a Meet the Artist Reception                 Trolley Trail bike trail open as much as   lane will appear at Jonquil, Killdeer and  improvements, bicycle enthusiasts           Mason City, but create a safety issue.    to not close the trail down for the
on Friday, Oct. 2, from 4-6                 possible during the lengthy project.       Lark Avenues. According to Kelly, the      urged County Supervisors to consider        He encouraged staging of the project      whole project, but safety will come
p.m. at the Clear Lake Arts                 	 The B-35 project includes the            turn lanes will allow slower traffic to    the safety of cyclists who use the Trolley  to keep the path open as much as
Center. Poland’s exhibit, titled                                                                                                                                                                                                         See B-35 on page 2
“Capturing Life in a Moment,”
is on display in the Stanton                                                                                                                                                  Lawsuit dismissed against
Gallery at the Clear Lake Arts                                                                                                                                                Clear Lake Schools
Center through the end of                                                                                                                                                     	 A civil suit filed by a parent against  to limit his subsequent participation in
October. The Clear Lake Arts                The 2015 Relay for Life will again be held at North Iowa Event Center on June 4, 2016.                                            the Clear Lake School District has been   football practices and games.
Center is located in downtown                                                                                                                                                 dismissed.                                	 Hasfjord was seeking unspecified
Clear Lake at 17 S. 4th St.                 The push to find a cure for cancer                                                                                                	 Roxanne Hasfjord filed the lawsuit      damages on Austin’s behalf for past and
Hours of operation are Tuesday-             marches on with Relay for Life                                                                                                    in September 2014 on behalf of her        future medical expenses, pain, suffering
Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. For                                                                                                                                                 son, Austin Hasfjord, claiming the        and partial disability.
more information call the Clear                                                                                                                                               school district was negligent in how      	 According to court documents, the
Lake Arts Center at  641 357-                                                                                                                                                 it handled an injury he received as       Cerro Gordo County District Court
1998 or e-mail [email protected].                                                                                                                                                the result of playing Middle School       suit was dismissed Sept. 17 by the
                                                                                                                                                                              football. The lawsuit claimed the         plaintiff without prejudice, meaning it
Saturday                                                                                                                                                                      district was negligent because it failed  could be refiled.
Farmers Market                                                                                                                                                                to investigate and determine his injury,  	 A trial had been scheduled for
                                                                                                                                                                              failed to monitor the injury and failed   March 15, 2016.
	 The Clear Lake Farmers
Market is held from 9 a.m.                                      by Marianne Morf                            we’ll be able to discover where we sit within the four state
to noon Saturdays in the Surf                                   	 Colleen Snyder                            area. In Iowa, Cerro Gordo Relay may be in the top five for
Ballroom parking lot, 460                                       knows she’s in more                         2015— certainly top 10.”
North Shore Drive. Fresh fruits                                 of a marathon than                          	 Snyder said she was asked by a co-worker to join the
and vegetables, as well as baked                                a sprint, but she’s                         Relay for Life effort back in 2007. Her father died from
goods and handcrafted products                                  committed to the                            cancer, which was in advanced stages when he found it, so
are available for purchase.                                     race.                                       the effort had personal meaning for her. She has been active
                                                                	 As a member                               in various capacities on and off over the years, but in 2013
Harvest Festival                                                of the Cerro Gordo                          stepped back onto the board and this year is co-chair of the
                                                                County Relay for Life                       Relay for Life with Diane Dennler, of Mason City.
	 The Clear Lake Area                                           Board, Snyder and                           	 “I really like hearing the stories of all those who get
Chamber of Commerce                                             teams of others are                         involved with Relay,” said Snyder. “Whether it’s a family
presents its annual Harvest                                     working year-round                          member, co-worker, or friend, we all are touched by cancer
Festival Saturday, Oct. 3, from                                 to provide awareness                        and we all want to help find a cure.”
9 a.m to 5 p.m. in downtown                                     about cancer and                            	 Under the leadership of Snyder and Dennler, the Cerro
Clear Lake. The schedule for                                    to raise money in                           Gordo County Relay for Life is getting an early start on
the day includes harvest vendors                                the fight against                           surpassing its goal-busting 2015 mark. Clear Lake and
and farmer’s market all day, as                                 cancer. The group                           Mason City High School football fans were part of an early
well as “A Table Setting Affair”                                has enjoyed a great                         fundraiser. When the two teams met in the season-opener
at Wilcox Furniture from 9                  COLLEEN SNYDER      deal of success raising                     back in August, the game was declared a “Coaches vs.
a.m. to 5 p.m., featuring tables                                                                            Cancer” event and a number of fundraising opportunities
decorated by businesses, clubs              both awareness and dollars for the cause.                       took place.
and individuals. A Fall Color               	 In 2014, Relay For Life of Cerro Gordo County was             	 Many more events will be held by individuals and teams
Trolley Tour will be operated at            one of the top 50 fund raising Relay events in the Mid-West     before the June 4, 2016 Relay for Life steps off at the North
11 a.m., noon, 1 and 2 p.m.,                Division of the American Cancer Society (Iowa, Minnesota,       Iowa Events Center in Mason City. All persons interested in
                                            Wisconsin, South Dakota), with $109,000 being raised. In        learning more about Relay for Life are invited to attend an
                                 continued  2015, over $122,000 has been raised and it is a certainty that  Open House on Oct. 22 at L D’s Filling Station, 620 12th          GHV royalty
                                            Cerro Gordo will again be in the top 50, according to Steve     St., N.E., Mason City. Another open house will be held
 More CALENDAR                              Lovik, Community manager, Relay For Life Midwest Division                                                                         Mallory Johnson was crowned Garner-Hayfield-Ventura’s Homecoming queen,
      on page 2                             of the American Cancer Society. “When final numbers are in,                            See RELAY FOR LIFE on page 7               while Harley Forry was crowned the king during a pep assembly held Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              afternoon in Garner. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy

  Opinion..................... 4
  Weather.................... 5
  Legals..................... 15

  The lake level dropped                    This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s unsolved homicides in the hopes that it
slightly to its new reading                 will lead to new tips and potentially help solve cases. The project is a partnership between this
of +3.48” above the weir.                   newspaper and other members of the Iowa Newspaper Association.
 Last year at this time the
lake measured +.12” above                   Woman’s body found in Tama County in 1973

          the weir.

     Mail: 12 N. 4th St.,                   by John Speer                                   Oct. 7.                                            File photo of the 1973 scene where the body of Helen Mae Bown was recovered. Photo by Marshalltown Times
    Clear Lake, IA 50428                    Toledo-Tama News                                	 The cause of Bown’s death was listed as          Republican.
 Telephone: 641-357-2131                    	 MONTOUR — Halloween day, Oct. 31,             drowning but the circumstances never reveled.
     Fax: 641-357-2133                      1973, was typical of many in late fall in Iowa  	 Those on the scene of the discovery in 1973
Email: [email protected]                — cold, overcast and threatening rain.          included Tama and Marshall county sheriff’s of-
Website:                 	 But it also included the discovery of the     ficers, Marshalltown police, agents of the then-
                                            body of Helen Mae Bown, 61, of Marshalltown,    named Iowa Bureau of Criminal Investigation,
                          @CLReporter       on the bank of the Iowa River northwest of      Tama County Medical Examiner Dr. C.W. Ma-
                                            Montour in Tama County. Her body was            plethorpe, as was Tama County Attorney Jared
                                            found that day by Iowa Division of Criminal     Bauch.
                                            Investigation agents. Bown, a widow, had been   	 Bauch said recently in an email response for
                                            reported missing to Marshalltown Police on
                                                                                                           See GONE COLD on page 5

   Our                                                          Favorite Recipes                                                               These recipes were compiled from our readers. We’ve put them                       This
Readers’                                                                                                                                             all together in this beautiful, easy to read cookbook.             cookbook is sure
                                                                                                                                                       You’ll find some great recipes in the categories of:
Also available at                                                                                                                                                                                                         to be an instant
                                                                $1295                                                                          	 Appetizers, Snacks, Drinks	  Meats, Main Dishes, Breakfasts	            favorite to add to
  j avenue                                                        Plus Tax                                                                     	 Sandwiches & Soups	          Breads & Cakes                             your collection or
                                                                                                                                               	 Salads	                      Bars, Cookies, Candy                      give as a gift to the
 312 Main Ave.                                                                                                                                 	 Vegetables & Side Dishes	    Desserts
    Clear Lake                                                                                                                                                                                                              chef on your

                                                                                                            12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake
   1   2   3   4   5   6