Page 21 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
P. 21
Clear Lake City Hall
and Open House
Thursday, June 11th
Ribbon cutting 3:45pm
Open House 4-6pm
Tour the newly renovated
Clear Lake City Hall and
Police Department
Rejuvenated City Hall is ready for another 50 years
The public is invited to stop at Clear Lake City The project had been on the city’s wish list for storage, both temperature controlled and for large
Hall Thursday and take a look at renovations and a number of years and was identified in as the city’s items such as vehicles and bicycles has been fulfilled.
improvements which have turned the 1950s vin- number one priority, according to City Administrator There is now also an updated locker room and sepa-
tage building into an energy efficient, technology Scott Flory. Council members note that they have rate woman’s shower and dressing room. Additional
equipped building ready to serve the community for been saving money for the project and will complete office spaces and upgraded interview rooms were also
another 50-plus years. it without any bond referendum or tax increase to added to the CLPD.
It was two years ago when architect Randy support it. The late Rex McChesney continued Chief Pe-
Cram, of Bergland + Cram in Mason City, shared a The major piece-- and driving force behind the terson’s planning when he became the interim police
layout which his office developed, along with former project, was the need for the police department to sig- chief in 2014. He saw the department through its
Police Chief Greg Peterson over the span of a year. nificantly expand its working space. relocation from the old to the new and helped to
The plan increased not only the energy efficiency and Construction of the new fire station allowed for tweak the renovation plan as work evolved. “We are
safety of the 50-plus year-old building, but stream- the CLFD to relocate its equipment to its new facility, enjoying space we’ve never had before,” explained
lined efficiency. making the approximate 2,500 square foot former fire McChesney during the process. “For example, it’s
“It’s not a glamorous project and there’s not a garage available for expansion. In total, the police de- the first time we’ve had an armory and locker rooms.”
lot of bells and whistles, but it will provide some real partment has grown from 2,100 square feet to 6,400 A separate, secure entrance for officers to use when
benefits,” Cram told the City Council. “The building square feet by using space vacated by the fire depart- bringing a subject in for booking is also something
is in excellent shape for a 50-year-old building, but it ment. new. A pair of interrogation rooms and a private area
needs upgrades common for its age. Things like win- The space has allowed the department to update for the public to discuss concerns with an officer were
to meet current code requirements and expand in- also incorporated into the new design.
tionsdows and a new roof, insulate exterior walls and new house capabilities. The need for more secure evidence
mechanical systems.” continued on page 3
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