Page 23 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
P. 23

The entrance to the police department has been relocated to the northwest corner of the City Hall building.

                                                           from page 1                                                             The hub of the police department, its communications room and dispatch center, was previously crammed in
                                                                                                                                   a 10x10-foot space. The new larger center allows the dispatcher to easily receive calls, share messages with of-
                                                           	 Lieutenants Deb Ryg and Paul Chizek, sharing                          ficers and greet the public. The dispatcher can speak with the public through a window in the new entry to the
                                                           leadership duties within the department, oversaw the fi-                department. A quarter-century old radio system was replaced just before renovation began with technology
                                                           nal months of the office expansion and transition. They,                needed to meet today’s standards.
                                                           along with their force, are proud to show the renovated
                                                           department to the public, as well as fellow peace officers.                                                                                                   -Reporter photos by Chris Barragy
                                                           	 “This has been such a great thing for the depart-
                                                           ment,” said Chizek. “We now have the facility and tools                  Congratulations
                                                           we need.” Ryg agreed, adding the changes have made the
                                                           work officers do much easier, with improved, larger work         The people of Clear Lake can be proud of this renovation
                                                           spaces and organization.
Inside the new entry is a comfortable seating area with a  	 The existing City Council Chambers has been re-
window to the dispatcher and room to make reports.         located to the larger Community Room, allowing for
                                                           more seating capacity, better flow and improved technol-
                                                           ogy for the sharing of information. The former Council
                                                           Chambers has been reworked as office space. The City

                                                                                                 continued on page 4

                                                                                                                            Exterior photo of Clear Lake City Hall

Among the new rooms incorporated into the former fire department garage space is an Intox Room where those arrested for
OWI or illegal substances can be tested and processed, an interview room, booking area and secure place for those awaiting

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                                                                                                                            our local city municiple
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