Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
P. 16
LegalsPage 16 • June 10, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Clear Lake City Legals
REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 51895 City of Clear Lake Petty Cash Pool - Register Cash 350.00
51896 Clear Lake Library Petty Cash Petty Cash Replenishment 92.30
The Clear Lake City Council met in regular session on Monday, May 4, 2015, at 6:30 The Clear Lake City Council met in regular session on Monday, May 18, 2015, at 6:30 51897 Clear Lake Lions Club Dues 68.00
51898 Clear Lake Reporter Publications 1,105.78
p.m., in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, with Mayor Nelson P. Crabb presiding. All p.m., in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, with Mayor Nelson P. Crabb presiding. All 51899 Clear Lake Sanitary District Sanitary Sewer Televising 225.00
51900 Clear Lake Veterinary Hospital Services 458.00
Council Members present. Council Members present. 51901 Clerk of District Court Court Fees 143.00
51902 Crescent Electric Supply Inc City Park Electric Upgrade 4,776.76
Nelson moved the agenda be approved, seconded by Boehnke. Passed Unani- Hugi moved the agenda be approved, seconded by Boehnke. Passed Unanimously. 51903 Culver-Hahn Electric Supply N Shore Dr. Street Light Fixtures 45,126.00
51904 D&D Cleaning Service April Services 1,350.00
mously. Callanan moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Brant: 51905 Demco Inc Library Supplies 211.23
51906 Emerson’s by the Lake Property Tax Rebate 2,452.50
Hugi moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Callanan: A. Minutes – May 4, 2015. 51907 Fareway Stores Inc. Supplies 27.24
51908 Federal Companies Remote Backup Services 45.80
A. Minutes – April 20, 2015. B. Approval of the bills & claims. 51909 Fiala Office Products Ltd. Copier Maintenance 96.28
51910 Floyd & Leonard Auto Electric Parts 409.76
B. Approval of the bills & claims. C. Resolution #15-22, “Resolution to amend eligibility for credit card 51911 Glen’s Tire Service Inc. Repairs 251.97
51912 Graham Tire Mason City Tires 505.80
C. Licenses & Permits: use.” 51913 Gute, Cory D. Conference Expense Reimbursement 37.47
51914 Harrison Truck Centers Parts 89.22
-Liquor License: Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service D. Licenses & Permits: 51915 Health Works Employment Physicals 4,330.00
51916 Heartland Asphalt Inc. N 6th St. Pay Est #2 71,391.79
& Sunday Sales, Ge-Jo’s By The Lake, (renewal), Class B Native -Liquor License: Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) 51917 Heartland Paper Co. Supplies 847.64
51918 Hunt Electric LLC, Jim Street Light Project & Repairs 8,810.21
Wine Permit, Special Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Ser with Living Quarters, Outdoor Service, & Sunday Sales, Lake 51919 IAMU Training Course Fee 100.00
51920 Interstate Motor Trucks Inc. Parts 497.48
vice, The Ladybug, LLC, (new). Front Tap, (renewal); Class B Native Wine Permits & Class C 51921 Iowa DOT Parts 147.03
51922 Iowa One Call April Contracted Services 180.80
-Excavator’s License: Eden Plumbing, LLC, New Hartford, Beer Permit with Sunday Sales, Casey’s General Store #1896, 51923 J&J Machining & Welding Steel 20.28
51924 Kappos, Stephanie C Fitness Classes 120.00
(new). (renewal). 51925 Kramer Hardware Supplies 689.36
51926 Lake Auto Parts Parts 201.65
-Cigarette Permit: Kum & Go #301 & Kum & Go #302, (renewal). -Excavator’s License: Navratil Excavating, Mason City, (renew 51927 Lake Theater Property Tax Rebate 1,436.40
51928 Landfill of North Iowa Fees 5,644.49
-Street Closing Request: Twin City F-100 Club, June 12th & al). 51929 Landmark Structures LP NW Water Tower Pay Est #11 100,505.82
51930 Larsons Mercantile Supplies 100.47
13th. -Cigarette Permit: Dollar General Store #4616, Casey’s General 51931 Larue Distributing Inc. Supplies 42.04
51932 Lifeguard Store Inc., The Supplies 87.50
Roll Call: All Ayes. Store #1896, Lake Liquors Wine & Spirits, Casey’s General Store 51933 Marco Inc. Copier Maintenance 89.66
51934 Menards Tools & Supplies 895.60
Scott Flory, City Administrator, reviewed the proposed 2015 Alley Improvement Proj- #1427, (renewals). 51935 Mercy Medical Center-N IA Pharmacy Supplies & Laundry Service 49.83
51936 Midwest Tape Audio Books 645.83
ect and stated at its regular meeting on April 20th the Council awarded the construc- -Street Closing Request: Clear Lake Area Chamber of Com 51937 Midwest Wheel Companies Parts 21.65
51938 MOCIC Dues 150.00
tion contract to Larson Contracting who submitted the lowest responsive responsible merce, Thursday’s on Main, June 11th through August 27th, North 51939 Municipal Supply Inc. Water Distribution Parts & Supplies 9,042.60
51940 NAPA Auto Parts Parts 746.55
bid in the amount of $34,867.25. He advised that the City has now received the Iowa Herb Fest, Saturday, June 20th. 51941 Natural Plus Landscape Material/Plants 1,661.00
51942 NIACC Continuing Education Registration 150.00
partially-executed contract and bonds and the Certificate of Liability Insurance from Roll Call: All Ayes. 51943 North Iowa Collision Center Vehicle Repairs 757.07
51944 North Iowa Cultural Center Property Tax Rebate 4,355.66
the contractor and that all these documents have been determined to be in compli- Mayor Crabb announced that it was the time and place for the citizen’s forum. 51945 North Iowa Media Group Publications 1,080.96
51946 North Iowa Sand & Gravel Inc. Asphalt Street Patch 3,427.96
ance with the Project’s contract document specifications. He noted that the Project Walt Muskovich, 30 Four Winds Drive, addressed the Council regarding the prospec- 51947 Office Elements Copier Maintenance & Office Supplies 258.10
51948 Office of Vehicle Services Salvage Tags 50.00
is set to be completed by not later than June 19th. Brant introduced the following tive site placement for the proposed Veteran’s Memorial and asked the Council to 51949 Payless Foods Supplies 42.42
51950 Petroblend Corporation Oil & Filters 659.98
Resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Callanan. Roll Call: Passed Unani- consider the Veteran’s Memorial Golf Course as a location for the memorial. 51951 Phinney, Douglas G Course Reimbursement 100.00
51952 Physicians Claims Company Ambulance Billing Services 211.92
mously. Whereupon, the Mayor declared the following duly adopted: Jason Petersburg, P.E., Veenstra & Kimm, gave an update on the 2015 Sewer Reha- 51953 Pioneer Press Employment Ad 1,435.00
51954 Prairie Inet Services 15.00
RESOLUTION No. 15-19 bilitation Project and reviewed Pay Estimate #1 in the amount of $42,346.59 to Visu- 51955 Pritchard Auto Company Repairs 177.55
51956 Quality Pump & Control Sanitary Sewer Repairs 429.99
A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Sewer of Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Hugi moved to approve Pay Estimate #1, seconded 51957 Repower Specialists Ltd Vehicle Supplies 2,295.00
51958 Sherwin-Williams Company Solvent 203.70
AND BONDS FOR THE 2015 ALLEY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT by Nelson. Passed Unanimously. 51959 Shineway Services April Services 1,290.00
51960 State Hygienic Laboratory Water Sample Testing 132.50
Flory reviewed the proposed City Hall Roof Replacement Project and stated at its Petersburg gave an update on the N. 6th Street Reconstruction Project and reviewed 51961 Storey Kenworthy Office Furniture 5,915.80
51962 Strosahl’s Consulting Srvc Inc Safety Training Program 1,200.00
regular meeting on April 6th the Council awarded the construction contract to Midwest Pay Estimate #2 in the amount of $71,391.79 to Heartland Asphalt of Mason City. 51963 Superior Lumber Inc. Supplies 358.90
51964 Titan Pro Sci Property Tax Rebate 57,757.76
Roofing in the amount of $141,500. He stated that the City has now received the Nelson moved to approve Pay Estimate #2, seconded by Callanan. Passed Unani- 51965 Tractor Supply Credit Plan Supplies 437.99
51966 Trans-Iowa Equipment Company Parts 440.09
partially-executed contract and bonds and Certificate of Liability Insurance from the mously. 51967 Trapp, Brandon J Expense Reimbursement 11.58
51968 United Rentals Rental 124.75
contractor and that all these documents have been determined to be in compliance Petersburg gave an update on the Northwest Water Tower Improvement Project and 51969 Unity Point Clinic Employment Testing 37.00
51970 Verizon Wireless Phone Service 96.68
with the Project’s contract document specifications. He advised that the contractor reviewed Pay Estimate #11 in the amount of $100,505.82 to Landmark Structures 51971 Visu-Sewer Inc Sewer Rehab Project - Est #1 42,346.59
51972 Wicks Construction Company N Shore STP Pay Est #6 314,979.06
is hopeful that they are able to begin work this week, weather permitting, and that of Fort Worth, Texas. Brant moved to approve Pay Estimate #11, seconded by Cal- 51973 Yohn Enterprises Concrete 1,003.73
TOTAL 1,002,262.81
the project completion date is set for not later than May 22nd. Nelson introduced the lanan. Passed Unanimously.
following Resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Hugi. Roll Call: Passed Scott Flory, City Administrator, reviewed the proposed Kwik Trip Commercial Develop-
Unanimously. Whereupon, the Mayor declared the following duly adopted: ment Project and stated that at its May 4th regular meeting the Council set the date
RESOLUTION No. 15-20 for a public hearing on a proposed Development Agreement with Kwik Trip to offset a
A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND BONDS portion of the costs of intersection improvements at the intersection of HWY 122 E &
FOR THE 2015 CITY HALL ROOF REPLACEMENT PROJECT Willow Creek Ct./N. 32nd St, including signal and interconnect. He advised the terms
Chad Schreck, Director, North Iowa Corridor Economic Development Corporation, of the Development Agreement limit the City’s financial participation in those improve-
gave an overview of the 1st quarter activities for the NICEDC. ments to a not to exceed amount of $250,000. He stated the City will utilize the new
Flory reviewed the proposed Kwik Trip/Kwik Star Project and stated that City staff has property taxes generated by the project to pay for its portion of the traffic signal and
been working with Company officials, as well as staff from the Iowa DOT, regarding intersection improvements.
the construction of a new convenience store and truck center for approximately a year Mayor Crabb stated it was now the time and place for the public hearing on the pro-
now. He stated the proposed project would be located at the intersection of HWY 122 posed Kwik Trip Development Agreement as previously established by the Council.
E and Willow Creek Court/N 32nd Street and would entail the construction of a new Hearing no public comment, Nelson moved to close the public hearing, seconded by
7,500 square foot convenience store and truck center. He stated that in conjunction Boehnke. Passed Unanimously.
with the proposed project, the intersection of HWY 122 E and Willow Creek Ct/N 32nd Boehnke introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by
Street would be reconstructed, including geometric improvements and installation Hugi. Roll Call: Passed Unanimously. Whereupon, the Mayor declared the following
of a fully-actuated traffic control device and that the City has been working with the duly adopted:
Company’s traffic engineering consultant and its in-house engineers, as well as the RESOLUTION No. 15-23
Iowa DOT, regarding design and approval of that aspect of the Project. He advised A RESOLUTION APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC
that it is proposed to enter into a Development Agreement with Kwik Trip/Kwik Star to CONTROL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS WITH KWIK TRIP INC. FOR A DEVELOP-
offset a portion of the costs of the intersection improvements, including traffic signal MENT PROJECT TO BE LOCATED IN CLEAR LAKE, IOWA
and interconnect and that the terms of the Development Agreement limit the City’s Petersburg gave an update on the North Shore Drive Street Re-construction Project
financial participation in those improvements to a not to exceed amount of $250,000. and reviewed Pay Estimate #6 in the amount of $314,979.06 to Wicks Construction
He stated that before the Council this evening was a Resolution to set the date for a of Decorah, Iowa. Hugi moved to approve Pay Estimate #6, seconded by Callanan.
public hearing on the proposal to enter into a Development Agreement with the Com- Passed Unanimously.
pany and that if approved the notice will be published on May 6th and the hearing will Flory reviewed a proposal to amend the Stop/Yield Sign Ordinance and stated that
be held at the May 18th regular Council meeting. the proposed Ordinance will change the yield signs at the intersections of N Shore
Tony Boes, Snyder & Associates, reviewed the proposed plans for the reconstruction Drive & 2nd Avenue N, N Shore Drive & 3rd Avenue N., and N Shore Drive & 4th
of the HWY 122 E and Willow Creek Ct/N 32nd Street intersection and also reviewed Avenue N to stop signs. Callanan moved that Ordinance #815, “AN ORDINANCE
the project timeline. Hugi introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption, AMENDING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEAR LAKE, IOWA, NOW
seconded by Callanan. Roll Call: Passed Unanimously. Whereupon, the Mayor KNOWN AS ‘STOP OR YIELD REQUIREMENTS’, CHAPTER 65 OF THE CODE OF
There being no further business before the Council, Hugi moved to adjourn at 7:29 Mayor Crabb gave an update on the Chief of Police selection process and stated that
p.m., seconded by Brant. Passed Unanimously. the City received 24 applications and that he and City Administrator Flory will screen
NEXT REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015 the applicants and narrow the field to six or seven to set up initial interviews with. He
stated the potential time line would be to conduct initial interviews within the next
/S/ Nelson P. Crabb week or two and have a candidate selected by the 3rd week of June and a permanent
Nelson P. Crabb, Mayor chief in place by August 1st.
ATTEST: Mayor Crabb asked for Council approval of the appointment of Davin McLeod (505
/S/ Jennifer Larsen Pine Brooke Drive) to the Planning & Zoning Commission for the term ending De-
Jennifer Larsen, City Clerk cember 31, 2020. Boehnke moved to approve the appointment, seconded by Brant.
Passed Unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 815
Mayor Crabb asked for Council approval of the re-appointment of Arnie Prohaska
(113 Orchard Lane) to the Planning & Zoning Commission for the term ending De- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEAR LAKE,
cember 31, 2019. Brant moved to approve the re-appointment, seconded by Hugi. THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLEAR LAKE, IOWA, BY CHANG-
WARRANTS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON 05/4/2015 Flory reviewed a proposal for a sealed bid process for the City-owned residential lot
on S 3rd Street. He stated that notice will be published in the newspaper, on the City
CHECK # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT website, and on the City Facebook page of the intent to sell the property.
Transfer City of Clear Lake Payroll Acct Transfer 4/17/2015 Wages & Taxes 1,400,000.00 Flory advised that he has met with Else Taylor, City of Ventura City Clerk, regarding Be It enacted By The City Council Of Clear Lake, Iowa:
Wire Clear Lake Bank & Trust Investments 490.00 the Police Services 28E Agreement with Ventura, which expires June 30, 2015, and
51813 Memorial Park Cemetery Engraving 1,169.36 that a proposed renewal agreement will be brought forward for Council action at the SECTION 1: Section 65.01 of Chapter 65 of the Clear Lake Municipal Code is
amended by adding thereto the following:
51814 Postmaster Water Bill Postage 5.24 next Council meeting.
43.97 194. 2nd Avenue North. Vehicles traveling on 2nd Avenue North shall stop
51815 Postmaster Newsletter Postage 76.30 There being no further business before the Council, Boehnke moved to adjourn at at North Shore Drive.
51816 Kennedy, Andrea Water Deposit Refund #1615 & 2351 125.92 7:22 p.m., seconded by Brant. Passed Unanimously.
51817 Urbanek, Daneen Water Deposit Refund #2152 781.99 NEXT REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015
51818 ABC Lock Service Keys 186.96
51819 Amazon Books & DVDs 400.00 /S/ Nelson P. Crabb 195. 3rd Avenue North. Vehicles traveling on 3rd Avenue North shall stop at North
111.47 Shore Drive.
51820 Arrow International Inc Medical Supplies 2,500.00 Nelson P. Crabb, Mayor
51821 Brown Supply Co Parts 1,500.00 ATTEST:
51822 Cardmember Services Conference Expenses & Dues 1,750.00 /S/ Jennifer Larsen 196. 4th Avenue North. Vehicles traveling on 4th Avenue N. shall stop at North
741.75 Shore Drive.
51823 Cerro Gordo County Pub Health Concession License 844.80 Jennifer Larsen, City Clerk
51824 City of Clear Lake Petty Cash Petty Cash Replenishment 78.15
51825 City of Clear Lake Water Dept Inter-Dept Water Bills 1,250.00 SECTION 2: Section 65.04 (29, 30, & 31) of Chapter 65 of the Clear Lake
51826 Clear Lake Community Schools Equipment Rental 202.33 Municipal Code is hereby amended by deleting the following:
51827 Clear Lake Library Petty Cash Petty Cash Replenishment 529.50
51828 Clear Lake Senior Citizens FY’15 Budget Allocation 54.99 CITY OF CLEAR LAKE 29. 4th Avenue North. Vehicles traveling on 4th Avenue North shall yield at
3,000.00 North Shore Drive.
51829 Clear Lake Telephone Co Phone Service 67.10 WARRANTS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON 05/18/2015
51830 Clear Lake Volunteer Fire Dept April Services 6,200.00
51831 CNH Capital Filters 41.19 CHECK # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 30. 3rd Avenue North. Vehicles traveling on 3rd Avenue North shall yield
35,849.45 at North Shore Drive.
51832 Crisis Intervention Service FY’15 Budget Allocation 1,815.85 Transfer City of Clear Lake Payroll Acct Transfer 5/1/2015 Wages 143,626.15
30.00 4,691.00
51833 Culver-Hahn Electric Supply Street Light Parts 58.79 & Taxes 49.95
4,690.00 21,138.83
51834 Dearborn National Life Ins Co Group Life Insurance 1,101.50 Wire Iowa Dept of Revenue April sales Tax 1,733.80 31. 2nd Avenue North. Vehicles traveling on 2nd Avenue North shall yield
51.35 480.57 at North Shore Drive.
51835 Electronic Engineering Dispatcher Furniture & Services 4,349.22 Wire Payment Service Network Contracted Services 4,605.23
379.99 28.46
51836 FEDEX Postage 219.87 51865 Alliant Energy Gas & Electric Service 45.05
410.22 33.33
51837 Fiala Office Products Ltd. Copier Maintenance 13.25 51866 K&H Co-Op Oil Company Fuel 125.00 SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provi-
37,778.66 44.12
51838 Francis Lauer Youth Services FY’15 Budget Allocation 367.28 51867 Verizon Wireless Phone Service 83.29 sions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
1,652,378.92 35.56
51839 Globe Gazette Subscription 51868 Wright Express FSC Gas & Diesel Fuel 130.35
51840 Hach Company Lab Supplies 51869 BURLESON, BRIAN Water Deposit Refund #1843 1,892.78 SECTION 4: In all other respects, said Chapter now known as Stop Or Yield
51841 Hanging Basket Program Watering Contract 51870 HEMANN, RYAN Water Deposit Refund #1527 402.58 Requirements, Chapter 65 of the Clear Lake Municipal Code shall remain in full force
51842 Hawkins Inc. Chlorine 51871 LAACK, ANGELA Water Deposit Refund #1898 58.18 and effect as originally enacted.
51843 Ingram Library Services Books & DVDs 51872 MC COID, NANCY Lakeview Room Refund 1,271.88
51844 Larsen, Jennifer L Expense Reimbursement 51873 MENDEZ, MELISSA Water Deposit Refund #2342 124.22 SECTION 5: If any section, provision or part of this ordinance shall be ad-
51845 Lawson, George T Consulting Fees 51874 STOCK, JASON Garden Meter Deposit Refund #1838 411.37 judged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity
51846 Marco Inc. Copier Maintenance 51875 WARNKE, LYNN Water Deposit Refund #1574 & 2117 100.00 of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged
51847 Midwest Breathing Air LLC Equipment Testing 51876 3E Vehicle Supplies 397.60 invalid or unconstitutional.
51848 N IA Library Collaborating Annual Automation System Support 51877 Absolute Waste Removal April Services 75.33
51849 North Iowa Community Action FY’15 Budget Allocation 51878 ACCO Unlimited Corporation Parts
51850 Northland Glass Plexiglass 51879 Advanced Systems Inc Copier Maintenance SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
51851 Northway Well & Pump Company Well #2 Repairs 51880 Airgas USA LLC Medical Oxygen & Welding Gas passage, adoption and publication as provided by law.
51852 Physicians Claims Company Ambulance Billing Services 51881 Allstate Peterbilt Parts
51853 Prairie Inet Services 51882 Aramark April Services PASSED BY THE COUNCIL the 1st day of June, 2015 and approved this 1st day of
June, 2015.
51854 Recreation Supply Co Pool Parts 51883 Backus, Carol L Fitness Classes
51855 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc Engineering Services 51884 Baker & Taylor Books Books
51856 Staples Office Supplies 51885 Bauer Built Inc Tires /S/ Nelson P. Crabb
Nelson P. Crabb, Mayor
51857 Star Tribune Subscription 51886 Bell Optical Safety Glasses
51858 Storey Kenworthy Furniture 51887 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa June 2015 Health Insurance
51859 Streicher’s Body Armor 51888 Bound Tree Medical LLC Medical Supplies ATTEST:
/S/ Jennifer Larsen
51860 Titan Pro Sci Fertilizer 51889 Boyes, Martha J Supplies & Software Reimbursement Jennifer Larsen, City Clerk
51861 TQ Technologies Computer Services 51890 Boyles, Beth A Course Reimbursement
51862 Trapp, Brandon J Expense Reimbursement 51891 Brodart Co Supplies
51863 Veenstra & Kimm Inc. Engineering Services 51892 Brown Supply Co Parts 1st reading: May 18, 2015
2nd reading: June 1, 2015
51864 Zoll Medical Corp Medical Supplies 51893 CHS Inc Repaint Truck Box 3rd reading: June 1, 2015
TOTAL 51894 City of Clear Lake Petty Cash Petty Cash Replenishment