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Legals/ClassifiedsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter June 10, 2015 • Page 17
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS maintenance and repair costs in accordance with assessment in ten (10) equal installments, he will not proposal; and, Whereas, public hearing was held upon repairs and maintenance and to provide for a sinking BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
May 26, 2015 §468.61. 2. The drainage district has incurred or shortly make any objection to the legality of his assessment or the proposal at 10:15 A.M. on the 26th day of May, 2015, fund to pay future maintenance and repair costs in accor-
Unapproved will incur costs for repair and maintenance. Now, the levy of taxes against his property, such owner shall following publication of notice of hearing as required by dance with §468.61. 2.The drainage district has incurred ATTN: COMPUTER WORK.
Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: 1. An assessment have the right to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal law; and, Whereas, the Board of Supervisors stated its or shortly will incur costs for repair and maintenance. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up
The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, in the amount of $4,400.00 shall be and it is hereby installments. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid intent to dispose of an interest in said Real Estate by Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: 1. An as- to $1,500 Part Time to $7,500/
met in regular session pursuant to adjournment. Pres- levied and assessed against each individual tract of land assessment at the rate of 6% per annum as provided by granting the Easement subject to approval by the Board sessment in the amount of $29,000.00 shall be and it is mo. Full Time. Training provided.
ent: Chairman Phil Dougherty, Supervisor Jay Urdahl, and highway within Drainage District #31 Lateral 1-L in law. Resolution 2015-62, Resolution To Levy Assessment of Supervisors following public hearing as required by hereby levied and assessed against each individual tract
Supervisor Casey Callanan, and various members of accordance with the classification schedules on file in the For Drainage District #74. The Board of Supervisors of law. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of of land and highway within Drainage District #31, Lateral (INCN)
the public. drainage district records in the office of the County Cerro Gordo County acting for and on behalf of the Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa: 1.That the 14 in accordance with the classification schedules on file
Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, if the owner of any above drainage district Finds: 1. There are insufficient Easement is hereby granted by the Board of Supervisors in the drainage district records in the office of the County CONTRACT SALESPERSON:
Dougherty convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Callanan land against which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made funds in the above drainage district accounts to pay for of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, to ITC Midwest, LLC, for Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, if the owner of any Selling aerial photography of
made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve shall within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this necessary repairs and maintenance and to provide for a the purposes stated in the document titled, “Electric Line land against which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made farms on commission basis.
the May 19, 2015 regular session minutes and today’s Resolution agree in writing that in consideration of having sinking fund to pay future maintenance and repair costs Easement” (hereafter referred to as the “Easement Docu- shall within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this $4225.00 first month guarantee.
agenda. Motion passed unanimously. a right to pay his assessment in ten (10) equal in accordance with §468.61. 2. The drainage district has ment”). 2. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Resolution agree in writing that in consideration of having $1,500-$3,000 weekly proven
installments, he will not make any objection to the legality incurred or shortly will incur costs for repair and the Cerro Gordo County Auditor shall be and they are a right to pay his assessment in ten (10) equal install- earnings. Travel required. More
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to ap- of his assessment or the levy of taxes against his maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: hereby authorized and directed to execute the Easement ments, he will not make any objection to the legality of info or 877/882-
prove the claims. Motion passed unanimously. property, such owner shall have the right to pay the 1. An assessment in the amount of $4,800.00 shall be Document and all other documents associated with his assessment or the levy of taxes against his property, 3566 (INCN)
assessment in ten (10) equal installments. Interest shall and it is hereby levied and assessed against each said Easement Document. 3. The executed Easement such owner shall have the right to pay the assessment
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to accrue on the unpaid assessment at the rate of 6% per individual tract of land and highway within Drainage Document shall be delivered to ITC Midwest, LLC for in ten (10) equal installments. Interest shall accrue on FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS
approve the payroll warrant register for the week ending annum as provided by law. Resolution 2015-56, District #74 in accordance with the classification execution after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the unpaid assessment at the rate of 6% per annum as
May 16, 2015. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution To Levy Assessment For Drainage District schedules on file in the drainage district records in the date of this resolution unless an appeal of this action has provided by law. 2. An assessment in the amount of Restaurant Equipment Outlet;
#33. The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County office of the County Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, been made to the Iowa District Court. 4. The County $16,000.00 shall be and it is hereby levied and assessed New & Used Restaurant
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to acting for and on behalf of the above drainage district if the owner of any land against which a levy exceeding shall record the Resolution Setting Forth the Proposal against each individual tract of land and highway within Equipment see www.
approve payroll change for Kathy Frandle in the Case Finds: 1. There are insufficient funds in the above $100.00 is made shall within thirty (30) days from the to Dispose of an Interest in Real Estate by Granting an Drainage District #31, for Main Open in accordance with, call 1-800-526-
Management Office from $18.76 to $22.00 per hour due drainage district accounts to pay for necessary repairs effective date of this Resolution agree in writing that in Easement; the Proof of Publication of Notice of Hearing; the classification schedules on file in the drainage district 7105, or stop by our Showroom
to the new responsibilities as HIPPA Privacy Officer. and maintenance and to provide for a sinking fund to pay consideration of having a right to pay his assessment in the Resolution Approving the Disposal of an Interest in records in the office of the County Auditor. In accordance to see what’s in stock for you!
Motion passed unanimously. future maintenance and repair costs in accordance with ten (10) equal installments, he will not make any Real Estate by Easement; and the Easement Document with §468.57, if the owner of any land against which a Sioux City, IA (INCN)
§468.61. 2. The drainage district has incurred or shortly objection to the legality of his assessment or the levy of following execution by ITC Midwest, LLC. The cost levy exceeding $100.00 is made shall within thirty (30)
Callahan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to au- will incur costs for repair and maintenance. Now, taxes against his property, such owner shall have the of recording shall be paid by ITC Midwest, LLC. The days from the effective date of this Resolution agree in FOR SALE- POOLS, SPAS,
thorize Rod McKinney to investigate a problem reported Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: 1. An assessment right to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal recorded Resolutions, Easement Document, and Proof of writing that in consideration of having a right to pay his HOT TUBS
by Marcia Schlichting in Drainage District 31-1-86 Lateral in the amount of $1,500.00 shall be and it is hereby installments. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid Publication shall be retained by County following record- assessment in ten (10) equal installments, he will not
4C. Motion passed unanimously. levied and assessed against each individual tract of land assessment at the rate of 6% per annum as provided by ing with its official records. Motion passed unanimously. make any objection to the legality of his assessment or New Spa still in Crate. 220v
and highway within Drainage District #33 in accordance law. Resolution 2015-63, Resolution To Levy Assessment the levy of taxes against his property, such owner shall 4.5hp seats 4. Dealer price
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt with the classification schedules on file in the drainage For Drainage District #98. The Board of Supervisors of Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to au- have the right to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal $5,495 Sell $2,995 Payments
district records in the office of the County Auditor. In Cerro Gordo County acting for and on behalf of the thorize to authorize Chair to sign a contract for exchange installments. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid assess- OK. Call/text Tom for pictures
Resolutions 2015-50, Resolution To Levy Assessment accordance with §468.57, if the owner of any land above drainage district Finds: 1. There are insufficient of GIS data with the Department Of Transportation. ment at the rate of 6% per annum as provided by law. 515-669-5533 Delivery - Setup
against which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made shall funds in the above drainage district accounts to pay for Motion passed unanimously. Motion passed unanimously. available (INCN)
For Drainage District #113. The Board of Supervisors within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this necessary repairs and maintenance and to provide for a Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to
Resolution agree in writing that in consideration of having sinking fund to pay future maintenance and repair costs authorize the chair to sign the Food Service Contract be- Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to HELP WANTED- SKILLED
of Cerro Gordo County acting for and on behalf of the a right to pay his assessment in ten (10) equal in accordance with §468.61. 2. The drainage district has tween Cerro Gordo County and CBM Managed Services. adjourn at 10:42 a.m. Motion passed unanimously. TRADES
installments, he will not make any objection to the legality incurred or shortly will incur costs for repair and Motion passed unanimously.
above drainage district FINDS: 1.There are insufficient of his assessment or the levy of taxes against his maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations, Millwrights/ Iron Workers-
property, such owner shall have the right to pay the 1. An assessment in the amount of $1,700.00 shall be Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to reports, correspondence, and other documents that were Currently looking for Millwrights/
funds in the above drainage district accounts to pay for assessment in ten (10) equal installments. Interest shall and it is hereby levied and assessed against each recess until 10:30 a.m. Motion passed unanimously. presented are placed on file with the County Auditor’s Iron Workers with at least 1
accrue on the unpaid assessment at the rate of 6% per individual tract of land and highway within Drainage office. year experience. Lots of work
necessary repairs and maintenance and to provide for a annum as provided by law. Resolution 2015-57, District #98 in accordance with the classification Dougherty reconvened the meeting at 10:30 a.m. A ___________________________________________ available. Must have own hand
Resolution To Levy Assessment For Drainage District schedules on file in the drainage district records in the conference call was initiated with Franklin County and Chairman Phillip Dougherty tools and transportation. Call
sinking fund to pay future maintenance and repair costs #45. The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County office of the County Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, Hancock County to act as Trustees as Joint Drainage Board of Supervisors 515-975-6754. (INCN)
acting for and on behalf of the above drainage district if the owner of any land against which a levy exceeding District 1/31/86.
in accordance with §468.61. 2. The drainage district has Finds: 1. There are insufficient funds in the above $100.00 is made shall within thirty (30) days from the ATTEST: HELP WANTED- TRUCK
drainage district accounts to pay for necessary repairs effective date of this Resolution agree in writing that in Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt DRIVER
incurred or shortly will incur costs for repair and mainte- and maintenance and to provide for a sinking fund to pay consideration of having a right to pay his assessment in Resolution 2015-67, Resolution To Levy Assessment For _____________________________________________
future maintenance and repair costs in accordance with ten (10) equal installments, he will not make any Drainage District #31. The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Kenneth W. Kline DRIVER TRAINEES - PAID
nance. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: 1. §468.61. 2. The drainage district has incurred or shortly objection to the legality of his assessment or the levy of Gordo County acting for and on behalf of the above County Auditor CDL TRAINING! Become a new
will incur costs for repair and maintenance. Now, taxes against his property, such owner shall have the drainage district Finds: 1.There are insufficient funds in driver for Stevens Transport! NO
An assessment in the amount of $9,000.00 shall be and Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: 1. An assessment right to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal the above drainage district accounts to pay for necessary EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Earn
in the amount of $2,000.00 shall be and it is hereby installments. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid $800 per week! Stevens will
it is hereby levied and assessed against each individual levied and assessed against each individual tract of land assessment at the rate of 6% per annum as provided by cover all costs! 1-888-528-8864
and highway within Drainage District #45 in accordance law. The effective date of these assessments is the 26th (INCN)
tract of land and highway within Drainage District #113 with the classification schedules on file in the drainage day of May, 2015. Motion passed unanimously.
district records in the office of the County Auditor. In Hiring Company Drivers and
in accordance with the classification schedules on file in accordance with §468.57, if the owner of any land Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to close Owner Operators for Flatbed or
against which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made shall the public hearing on FY2014-15 County Budget Amend- Dry Van. TanTara Transportation
the drainage district records in the office of the County within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this ment. Motion passed unanimously. offers excellent equipment, pay,
Resolution agree in writing that in consideration of having benefits, home weekly. Call 800-
Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, if the owner of any a right to pay his assessment in ten (10) equal Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt 650-0292 or apply www.tantara.
installments, he will not make any objection to the legality Resolution 2015-64, Whereas, on this 26th day of May, us (INCN)
land against which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made of his assessment or the levy of taxes against his 2015, the Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County,
property, such owner shall have the right to pay the Iowa, and held a public hearing at 10:10 a.m. to consider Butler Transport Your Partner in
shall within thirty (30) days from the effective date of assessment in ten (10) equal installments. Interest shall an amendment to the fiscal year 2014/2015 budget; Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers
accrue on the unpaid assessment at the rate of 6% per and, Whereas, there was present a quorum as required Needed. Sign on Bonus. All
this Resolution agree in writing that in consideration of annum as provided by law. Resolution 2015-58, by law; and, Whereas, after hearing all taxpayers to miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or
Resolution To Levy Assessment For Drainage District be heard, the Board of Supervisors took up the budget (INCN)
having a right to pay his assessment in ten (10) equal #49 Lateral 1. The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo amendment for final consideration and determined that
County acting for and on behalf of the above drainage said budget amendment be approved. Therefore Be It Drivers -No experience?
installments, he will not make any objection to the district Finds: 1. There are insufficient funds in the above Resolved that the Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo Some or LOTS of experience?
drainage district accounts to pay for necessary repairs County does hereby approve the fiscal year 2014/2015 Let’s Talk! We support every
legality of his assessment or the levy of taxes against and maintenance and to provide for a sinking fund to pay budget amendment. The above and foregoing resolution driver, every day, every mile!
future maintenance and repair costs in accordance with was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo Call Central Refrigerated
his property, such owner shall have the right to pay the §468.61. 2. The drainage district has incurred or shortly County, Iowa on the 26th day of May, 2015. Motion Home. (877) 880-6366 www.
will incur costs for repair and maintenance. Now, passed unanimously.
assessment in ten (10) equal installments. Interest Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: 1. An assessment Notice of Probate (INCN)
in the amount of $7,000.00 shall be and it is hereby Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt
shall accrue on the unpaid assessment at the rate of levied and assessed against each individual tract of land Resolution 2015-65, Whereas, it is desired to make INSTRUCTION, SCHOOLS
and highway within Drainage District #49 Lateral 1 in supplemental appropriations, in accordance with Section
6% per annum as provided by law. Resolution 2015-51, accordance with the classification schedules on file in the 331.434 (6) of the Code of Iowa; and, Now Therefore, Be AIRLINES CAREERS- Get FAA
drainage district records in the office of the County It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo certified Aviation Maintenance
Resolution To Levy Assessment For Drainage District Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, if the owner of any County, as follows: Section 1. The amounts itemized by THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT four months from the date of the second training. Financial aid if qualified
land against which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made account number on the attached schedule are hereby ap- CERRO GORDO COUNTY publication of this notice or one month -Job placement assistance.
#16 Lateral A. The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo shall within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this propriated from the resources of each fund so itemized. from the date of mailing of this notice to all CALL now. Aviation Institute of
Resolution agree in writing that in consideration of having (The following amounts are for FY 2015). Section 2. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF heirs of the decedent and devisees under Maintenance 1-888-682-6604
County acting for and on behalf of the above drainage a right to pay his assessment in ten (10) equal Subject to the provisions of other county procedures and MARLYS L. TRETTIN the will whose identities are reasonably (INCN)
installments, he will not make any objection to the legality regulations, and applicable state law, the appropriations Deceased ascertainable, or thereafter be forever
district Finds: 1.There are insufficient funds in the above of his assessment or the levy of taxes against his authorized under Section 1 shall constitute authorization barred. MISCELLANEOUS
property, such owner shall have the right to pay the for the department or officer listed to make expenditures Probate No. ESPRO29733
drainage district accounts to pay for necessary repairs assessment in ten (10) equal installments. Interest shall or incur obligations from the itemized fund, effective July NOTICE OF PROOF OF WILL Dated this 29th day of May, 2015. IF YOU USED THE BLOOD
accrue on the unpaid assessment at the rate of 6% per 1, 2014. Section 3. In accordance with Section 331.437, WITHOUT ADMINISTRATION THINNER XARELTO and
and maintenance and to provide for a sinking fund to pay annum as provided by law. Resolution 2015-59, Code of Iowa, no department or officer shall expend or Michael Alan Trettin suffered internal bleeding,
Resolution To Levy Assessment For Drainage District contract to expend any money or incur any liability, or To All Persons interested in the Estate of Proponent hemorrhaging, required
future maintenance and repair costs in accordance with #45 Upper Main. The Board of Supervisors of Cerro enter into any contract which by its terms involves the MARLYS L. TRETTIN, Deceased, who hospitalization or a loved
Gordo County acting for and on behalf of the above expenditure of money for any purpose in excess of the died on or about May 14th, 2015: Douglas R. Grabinski, ICIS PIN No: one died while taking Xarelto
§468.61. 2. The drainage district has incurred or shortly drainage district Finds: 1.There are insufficient funds in amounts appropriated pursuant to this resolution. For You are hereby notified that on AT0002963 between 2011 and the present
the above drainage district accounts to pay for necessary purposes of this section, the use of holding accounts the 28th day of May, 2015, the last will Attorney for estate time, you may be entitled to
will incur costs for repair and maintenance. Now, There- repairs and maintenance and to provide for a sinking shall be deemed an appropriate mechanism for the and testament of MARLYS L. TRETTIN, 604 Buddy Holly Place, Suite 104 compensation. Call Attorney
fund to pay future maintenance and repair costs in allocation of expenses. Appropriations made to such deceased, bearing date of the 9th day P.O. Box 227 Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-
fore, Be It Resolved as follows: 1. An assessment in the accordance with §468.61. 2. The drainage district has accounts shall be deemed as sufficient authority for of December, 2011, was admitted to Clear Lake, IA 50428-0227 5727. (INCN)
incurred or shortly will incur costs for repair and department heads to expend such resources, and will be probate in the above named court and
amount of $16,000.00 shall be and it is hereby levied and maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: allocated to expenditure accounts in the same manner there will be no present administration Date of second publication: 10th day of Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
1. An assessment in the amount of as the related expenditures are allocated. Section 4. If at of the estate. Any action to set aside the June, 2015.
assessed against each individual tract of land and high- $46,100.00 shall be and it is hereby levied and assessed any time during the 2014-2015 budget year the auditor will must be brought in the district court 15¢We Make Copies
against each individual tract of land and highway within shall ascertain that the available resources of a fund for of the county within the later to occur of each
way within Drainage District #16 Lateral A, in accordance Drainage District #45 Upper Main in accordance with the that year will be less than said fund’s total appropria-
classification schedules on file in the drainage district tions, the Auditor shall immediately so inform the board 12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131
with the classification schedules on file in the drainage records in the office of the County Auditor. In accordance and recommend appropriate corrective action. Section
with §468.57, if the owner of any land against which a 5. The auditor shall establish separate accounts for the
district records in the office of the County Auditor. In ac- levy exceeding $100.00 is made shall within thirty (30) appropriations authorized in Section 1, each of which
days from the effective date of this Resolution agree in account shall indicate the amount of the appropriation,
cordance with §468.57, if the owner of any land against writing that in consideration of having a right to pay his the amounts charged thereto, and the unencumbered
assessment in ten (10) equal installments, he will not balance. The auditor shall report the status of such
which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made shall within make any objection to the legality of his assessment or accounts to the applicable departments and officers
the levy of taxes against his property, such owner shall monthly during the 2014-2015 budget year. *Appropria-
thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Resolution have the right to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal tions Summary by Department available in the County
installments. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid Auditor’s Office. Motion passed unanimously.
agree in writing that in consideration of having a right to assessment at the rate of 6% per annum as provided by
law. Resolution 2015-60, Resolution To Levy Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to abate
pay his assessment in ten (10) equal installments, he will Assessment For Drainage District #67. The Board of AY2014 taxes in the amount of $148.00 on mobile home
Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County acting for and on VIN # 33116. Motion passed unanimously.
not make any objection to the legality of his assessment behalf of the above drainage district Finds: 1. There are
insufficient funds in the above drainage district accounts Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to adopt
or the levy of taxes against his property, such owner shall to pay for necessary repairs and maintenance and to Resolution 2015-5A, an amendment to Resolution 2015-
provide for a sinking fund to pay future maintenance and 5, adding Peaks/Capital Management, LLC. as an Official
have the right to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal repair costs in accordance with §468.61. 2. The drainage Depository. Motion passed unanimously.
district has incurred or shortly will incur costs for repair
installments. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid assess- and maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved as Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to close
follows: 1. An assessment in the amount of $1,600.00 the public hearing to consider the proposal to convey
ment at the rate of 6% per annum as provided by law. shall be and it is hereby levied and assessed against interest in real estate owned by Cerro Gordo County to
each individual tract of land and highway within Drainage ITC Midwest, LLC. Motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 2015-52, Resolution To Levy Assessment For District #67 in accordance with the classification
schedules on file in the drainage district records in the Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to
Drainage District #22 Lateral 1. The Board of Supervi- office of the County Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, adopt Resolution 2015-66, A Resolution Approving The
if the owner of any land against which a levy exceeding Disposal Of An Interest In Real Estate By Easement To
sors of Cerro Gordo County acting for and on behalf of $100.00 is made shall within thirty (30) days from the Itc Midwest, Llc For Utility Purposes Across Real Estate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT Notice is further given that all persons
effective date of this Resolution agree in writing that in Owned By Cerro Cordo County, Iowa For The Following- CERRO GORDO COUNTY indebted to the estate are requested
the above drainage district Finds: 1. There are insufficient consideration of having a right to pay his assessment in Described Land: Premises: Outlot A and lots One (1), IN THE ESTATE OF to make immediate payment to the
ten (10) equal installments, he will not make any Two (2), and Four (4), Fairgrounds First Subdivision, MARVIN H. LUNBECK undersigned, and creditors having claims
funds in the above drainage district accounts to pay for objection to the legality of his assessment or the levy of Mason City, Iowa, all in Section Seven (7), Township Deceased against the estate shall file them with the
taxes against his property, such owner shall have the Ninety-six (96) North, Range Twenty (20) West of the Probate No. ESPRO29724 clerk of the above named district court, as
necessary repairs and maintenance and to provide for a right to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal 5th P.M. Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Easement Area: The provided by law, duly authenticated, for
installments. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid Easement Area being the West 25 feet of the Premises NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF allowance, and unless so filed by the later
sinking fund to pay future maintenance and repair costs assessment at the rate of 6% per annum as provided by lying east of, parallel and adjacent to the East right of APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND to occur of four months from the second
law. Resolution 2015-61, Resolution To Levy way line of the existing road designated as South Eisen- publication of this notice or one month
in accordance with §468.61. 2. The drainage Assessment For Drainage District #71. The Board of hower Avenue. (hereafter referred to as “the Easement) NOTICE TO CREDITORS from the date of mailing of this notice
Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County acting for and on to ITC Midwest, LLC for good and valuable consideration (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim
district has incurred or shortly will incur costs for repair behalf of the above drainage district Finds: 1.There are in the amount of $13,225.00; and, Whereas, Cerro Gordo To All Persons interested in the Estate of is thereafter forever barred.
insufficient funds in the above drainage district accounts County, Iowa, is the owner of the following described real Marvin H. Lunbeck, Deceased, who died
and maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved as to pay for necessary repairs and maintenance and to estate, to-wit: Premises: Outlot A and lots One (1), Two on or about May 18, 2015: Dated this 27th day of May, 2015.
provide for a sinking fund to pay future maintenance and (2), and Four (4), Fairgrounds First Subdivision, Mason You are hereby notified that on
follows: 1. An assessment in the amount of $9,600.00 repair costs in accordance with §468.61. 2. City, Iowa, all in Section Seven (7), Township Ninety-six the 20th day of May, 2015, the last will Sandra K. Dillavou
The drainage district has incurred or shortly will incur (96) North, Range Twenty (20) West of the 5th P.M. and testament of Marvin H. Lunbeck, Executor of the Estate
shall be and it is hereby levied and assessed against costs for repair and maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be It Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Easement Area: The Ease- deceased, bearing date of the 2nd day of
Resolved as follows: 1.An assessment in the amount of ment Area being the West 25 feet of the Premises lying December, 2008, was admitted to probate 505 S. 9th St.
each individual tract of land and highway within Drainage $1,600.00 shall be and it is hereby levied and assessed east of, parallel and adjacent to the East right of way line in the above named court and that Sandra Clear Lake, Iowa 50428
against each individual tract of land and highway within of the existing road designated as South Eisenhower Kay Dillavou was appointed executor of
District #22 Lateral 1 in accordance with the classification Drainage District #71 in accordance with the Avenue. (hereafter referred to as “the Easement); and, the estate. Any action to set aside the Patrick B. Byrne, ICIS PIN No.: AT0001396
classification schedules on file in the drainage district Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo will must be brought in the district court Attorney for the Executor
schedules on file in the drainage district records in the records in the office of the County Auditor. In accordance County, Iowa, adopted Resolution 2015 – 45, Setting of said county within the later to occur of 12 S. 4th St.
with §468.57, if the owner of any land against which a Forth the Proposal to Dispose of an Interest in Real four months from the date of the second Clear Lake, Iowa 50428
office of the County Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, levy exceeding $100.00 is made shall within thirty (30) Estate by granting an Easement to ITC Midwest, LLC publication of this notice or one month
days from the effective date of this Resolution agree in across Real Estate owned by Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, from the date of mailing of this notice to all Date of second publication: 10th day of
if the owner of any land against which a levy exceeding writing that in consideration of having a right to pay his described above and ordering public hearing upon the heirs of the decedent and devisees under June, 2015.
the will whose identities are reasonably
$100.00 is made shall within thirty (30) days from the ascertainable, or thereafter be forever
effective date of this Resolution agree in writing that in
consideration of having a right to pay his assessment in
ten (10) equal installments, he will not make any objec-
tion to the legality of his assessment or the levy of taxes
against his property, such owner shall have the right to
pay the assessment in ten (10) equal installments. Inter-
est shall accrue on the unpaid assessment at the rate of
6% per annum as provided by law. Resolution 2015-53,
Resolution To Levy Assessment For Drainage District
#31 Lateral 1. The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo
County acting for and on behalf of the above drainage
district Finds: 1. There are insufficient funds in the above
drainage district accounts to pay for necessary repairs
and maintenance and to provide for a sinking fund to
pay future maintenance and repair costs in accordance
with §468.61. 2. The drainage district has incurred or
shortly will incur costs for repair and maintenance. Now,
Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: 1. An assessment
in the amount of $12,000.00 shall be and it is hereby
levied and assessed against each individual tract of land
and highway within Drainage District #31 Lateral 1 in THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT for allowance, and unless so filed by the
CERRO GORDO COUNTY later to occur four months from the second
accordance with the classification schedules on file in publication of this notice or one month
IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF from the date of the mailing of this notice
the drainage district records in the office of the County ALBERT R. SWALE JR. (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim
Deceased is thereafter forever barred.
Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, if the owner of any
Probate No. ESPRO29720
land against which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
shall within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this
Resolution agree in writing that in consideration of having
To All Persons interested in the Estate of
a right to pay his assessment in ten (10) equal install- Albert R. Swale Jr., Deceased, who died
on or about April 3, 2015:
ments, he will not make any objection to the legality of You are hereby notified that on the Dated this 14th day of May, 2015.
14th day of May, 2015, the undersigned
his assessment or the levy of taxes against his property, was appointed administrator of the estate.
Notice is hereby given that all persons
such owner shall have the right to pay the assessment indebted to the estate are requested Charles E. Hamilton
to make immediate payment to the Administrator of the Estate
in ten (10) equal installments. Interest shall accrue on undersigned, and creditors having claims
against the estate shall file them with the 803 Windermere Drive
the unpaid assessment at the rate of 6% per annum as clerk of the above named district court, Clarksville, TN 37043
as provided by law, duly authenticated,
provided by law. Resolution 2015-54, Resolution To Levy
Assessment For Drainage District #31 Lateral 18. The
Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County acting for
and on behalf of the above drainage district Finds: 1. Matthew F. Berry, ICIS PIN No: AT0000802
Attorney for Administrator
There are insufficient funds in the above drainage district 306 Main Avenue, P.O. Box 187
Clear Lake, IA 50428
accounts to pay for necessary repairs and maintenance
and to provide for a sinking fund to pay future mainte-
nance and repair costs in accordance with §468.61. 2.
The drainage district has incurred or shortly will incur
costs for repair and maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be It Date of second publication: 17th day of
June, 2015.
Resolved as follows:
1. An assessment in the amount of $6,300.00
shall be and it is hereby levied and assessed against Probate Code Section 230
each individual tract of land and highway within Drainage
District #31 Lateral 18 upper tile in accordance with the
classification schedules on file in the drainage district
records in the office of the County Auditor. In accordance
with §468.57, if the owner of any land against which a
levy exceeding $100.00 is made shall within thirty (30)
days from the effective date of this Resolution agree in
writing that in consideration of having a right to pay his
assessment in ten (10) equal installments, he will not
make any objection to the legality of his assessment or
the levy of taxes against his property, such owner shall
have the right to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal
installments. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid
assessment at the rate of 6% per annum as provided by
law. Resolution 2015-55, Resolution To Levy
Assessment For Drainage District #31 Lateral 1-L. The
Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County acting for
and on behalf of the above drainage district Finds: 1.
There are insufficient funds in the above drainage district
accounts to pay for necessary repairs and maintenance
and to provide for a sinking fund to pay future