Page 5 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
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Arts & EntertainmentPage 5 Feb. 24, 2016
Blue Horizan CLHS Vocal Music Department
Players to to hold Leap Day Concert
al perform
Feb. 26-27 The Clear Lake Schools Vocal Music Department will present its 2016
Clear Lake “Leap Day” Vocal Concert at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 29, in E.B. Stillman
0900 Clear Lake’s Blue Horizon Players Auditorium. The Mixed Chorus, Concert Choir, and Chamber Singers, all un-
will present “A. R. Gurney’s Love Let- der the direction of Paul Langholz, will perform madrigals by John Mundy and
Clear Lake ters” in an encore performance Friday Pierre Certon, as well as a variety of lighter numbers and selections for upcoming
0-606-3552 and Saturday, Feb. 26 and 27 in the State Festivals, including Jake Runestad’s, “I Will Lift Mine Eyes,” G. F. Handel’s
Lakeview Room in Clear Lake’s City “Let Joyful Anthems Rise,” Maurice Duruflé’s “Ubi caritas,” and John Williams’
Clear Lake Park. “Dry Your Tears, Afrika” (from Amistad).
757 This year Melissa will be played There will be no admission charge for this concert, and the public is cor-
by Judy Delperdang, Andy will be dially invited to attend.
, Clear Lake played by Gene Beeman and the play
88 will be directed by Laura Wilson. Leap Day Vocal Concert
“We believe this will be a won-
Lake • 357-8118 derful performance, as was last Febru- Monday, Feb. 29, 7:30 p.m.
ary’s show,” said Wilson. “Love Letters
Shops is always well received and has been Chamber Singers
performed by many familiar actors on Heigh Ho! ‘Chill Go To Plough No More................................................. John Mundy
ore Broadway and television. Currently Clear Lake’s Blue Horizon Players will present “A. R. Gurney’s Love Letters” Friday and I’ll Say It Anyway...................................................................................... Pierre Certon
A Whole Lot More! Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw, of Saturday, Feb. 26 and 27, in the Lakeview Room in Clear Lake’s City Park. Melissa I Will Lift Mine Eyes................................................................................ Jake Runestad
0 Hwy. 18 W. “Love Story” fame, are together again will be played by Judy Delperdang, Andy will be played by Gene Beeman and the play Make Our Garden Grow (from “Candide”)......................... Leonard Bernstein/arr. Page
Clear Lake touring with Love Letters after a run will be directed by Laura Wilson.
Mixed Chorus
1) 357-7117 on Broadway. Those who see it, gener- Let Joyful Anthems Rise....................................................Georg F. Handel/arr. Hopson
ally say they would love to see it again The Falcon...................................................................................... Mary Lynn Badarak
s because something within it strikes home every time. The Tiger..............................................................................................Sherri Porterfield
For those who may be unfamiliar with the play, it is the story of two people - Andy and Melissa, who grew up together
., Clear Lake and maintain a close relationship through the letters they write to each other for the rest of their lives. It is both funny and Combined Choirs
17 bitter sweet. They talk about the trials and tribulations of adolescence through adulthood - coming of age to marriage - hap- For The Fallen.......................................................................................... Mike Sammes
piness and loneliness. The beauty of this play is that everyone can identify with these two people in one way or another and Ethan Rork, Soloist
•High Speed Internet leave with a renewed appreciation for the relationships in life both short lived and lasting.
•Phone Tickets are now on sale at the Clear Lake Chamber office and Lake Liquors. The cost is $10 in advance and $12 at the Concert Choir
•Digital Cable TV door. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with showtime starting at 7 p.m. Ubi Charitas......................................................................................... Maurice Durufle
•Business Solutions Things That Never Die................................................................................ Lee Dengler
•Wireless Ain’t Got Time To Die................................................................................Hall Johnson
•Home Security Soloists: John Harthan and Rachel Barillas
eet • 357-2111 Winter Film Combined Choirs Series to Dry Your Tears, Afrika (from “Armistad”)............................. Jophn Williams/arr. Snyder
Percussion: Jenna Nelson, Katelyn Moore, and Jacob Petersen
ertising present “Orphan Train” selected as the
ge call
the: “Citzenfour” Common Read for 2016
North Iowa Area Community Col- youth in and out of foster homes, Molly is
131 or The Charles H. MacNider Art lege (NIACC) has announced the selec- also an outsider being raised by strangers; Museum’s 2016 Winter Film Series, tion of Orphan Train as its upcoming and she, too, has unanswered questions
Films in February, Movies in March, Common Read selection for the 2016- about the past.
continues on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 2 2017 school year. The Common Read is Moving between contemporary
p.m. with Citzenfour. Admission to a program designed to engage NIACC, Maine and Depression-era Minnesota,
all films is free and open to the public. its students, staff, faculty and commu- Orphan Train is a powerful tale of up-
Popcorn will be provided. nity members, in a unified intellectual heaval and resilience, second chances, and
In January 2013, documentary “Citzenfour” is a film about surveillance in thepost 9/11 era. -Submitted photo activity. For first-year students it intro- unexpected friendship.
duces them to academic expectations, Christina Baker Kline did extensive
film maker Laura Poitras was several respectful discourse, and community research to prepare for writing this novel.
years into making a film about surveillance in the post-9/11 era when she started film that resulted from this series of building. After finding articles online from the New
receiving encrypted e-mails from someone identifying himself as “citizen four.” tense encounters creates a 100 percent The Common Read is supported by York Times and other newspapers, she read
This person was ready to blow the whistle on the massive covert surveillance pro- real-life thriller unfolding minute by the Performing Arts and Leadership Se- hundreds of first-person testimonials from
grams run by the NSA and other intelligence agencies. In June 2013, she and minute before the viewer’s eyes. ries as well as the NIACC Foundation. train riders, orphan-train reunion groups,
Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with the man Citzenfour (2014), a documen- The Performing Arts and Leadership and historical archives. That research led
who turned out to be Edward Snowden. She brought her camera with her. The tary feature, is rated R (language) and Series will sponsor a keynote address by her to The New York Public Library where
is 114 minutes long. Christina Baker Kline Wednesday, Oct. she found a trove of original contempora-
For more information about the 26, 2016. First-year students will be neous materials. Baker Kline also traveled
Film Series or for a complete list of asked to read the book as part of their to County Galway in Ireland to research
SPECIAL DEAL! films with descriptions, please visit Composition One requirements. her character’s Irish background. (Events & Pro- This program is supported by the In the course of writing this book
grams) or call 641-421-3666. The NIACC Curriculum and Academic she attended train riders’ reunions in New
25Oil Change $ 99 Charles H. MacNider Art Museum is Affairs council, and comprised of fac- York and Minnesota and interviewed
& Filter located at 303 2nd Street SE, Mason ulty and staff members, community train riders and their descendants. There
City. members, Principal Financial Group aren’t many train riders left; those who re-
Foundation and Mercy Medical Center main are over 90 years old. Baker Kline
Includes standard 5 quarts of conventional oil and filter, inside vacuum, window Knights of Columbus North Iowa. was struck by how eager they were to tell
wash, and 21 point maintenance inspection. Servicing all car & truck makes & models to hold Irish Stew Between 1854 and 1929, so-called their stories. In talking to them and read-
orphan trains ran regularly from the cit- ing their oral histories, she found that
FREE Pick Up & Delivery in Clear Lake & Ventura The Clear Lake Knights of Co- ies of the East Coast to the farmlands they tended to not dwell on the consid-
lumbus will host their annual Irish of the Midwest, carrying thousands of erable hardships they’d faced; instead,
Call to schedule your appointment today SnoSweRrveimceoval Stew from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sun- abandoned children whose fates would they focused on how grateful they were
day, March 13, at St. Patrick’s Church be determined by pure luck. Would for their children and grandchildren and
Call for a quote Hall, 1001 9th Ave. South, Clear they be adopted by a kind and loving communities for lives that wouldn’t have
Lake. family, or would they face a childhood been possible if they hadn’t been on those
2101 2nd Ave. S., Clear Lake 357-1941 In addition to the stew and con- and adolescence of hard labor and servi- trains.
diments, the meal includes a slice of tude? For decades, many train riders be-
homemade pie. Cost is $8 adults, As a young Irish immigrant, Viv- lieved that the train they rode on was
children under eight at $4. Carry outs ian Daly was one such child, sent by the only one. They didn’t know that they
are available. Handicap accessible. rail from New York City to an uncer- were part of a massive 75-year social ex-
tain future a world away. Returning east periment. It wasn’t until their own chil-
later in life, Vivian leads a quiet, peace- dren and grandchildren got involved and
ful existence on the coast of Maine, the started asking questions –there are more
memories of her upbringing rendered than two million descendants, according
a hazy blur. But in her attic, hidden in to some estimates – that they met other
trunks, are vestiges of a turbulent past. train riders and began sharing their sto-
Seventeen-year-old Molly Ayer ries.
knows that a community service posi- The Common Read book is available
tion helping an elderly widow clean out through the NIACC Bookstore. Copies
her attic is the only thing keeping her of Orphan Train will be available through
out of juvenile hall. But as Molly helps the NIACC Bookzone for $10.60 starting
Vivian sort through her keepsakes and Monday, March 21. Books can also be or-
possessions, she discovers that she and dered online through the Bookzone at www.
Vivian aren’t as different as they appear. with shipping available
A Penobscot Indian who has spent her for an additional charge after March 21.
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