Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
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Local NewsPage 2 • Feb. 24, 2016 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Clear Lake from page 1 from page 1 from page 1 during attack
CALENDAR with a weapon. They are rarely of the various groups of district em- Richtsmeier. “They were not just pre- An inmate at the Cerro Gordo
taken into custody. Instead, they ployees and patrons will also be estab- paring a report, they were writing a County Jail has been charged with
Monday con’t shoot themselves before capture. lished. play. They had to think about people Assault on a Person in Certain Occu-
Hall advised businesses to be The top five criteria determined and incorporate personal life experi- pations after he charged and struck a
from page 1 aware of warning signs their em- by the Board are: ences into their story.” male correctional officer Friday morn-
man Auditorium. The Mixed Chorus, ployees may be exhibiting, includ- •Instructional Leader: An in- Students used the internet and ing, Feb. 19.
Concert Choir, and Chamber Singers, ing increased alcohol or drug use, dividual who is a strategic thinker, books on the Civil War to learn about The Cerro Gordo County Sher-
all under the direction of Paul Lang- stresses at home, money problems, strong in curriculum, and has a solid details ranging from the types of iff’s Office reports that jail staff used
holz, will perform madrigals by John unsafe behaviors or a decrease in working foundation and expertise in weapons used, to medicine and even a taser on inmate Frederick Joseph
Mundy and Pierre Certon, as well as productivity. Those behaviors Iowa School Finance and Budgeting. slang used at the time. They also in- Olson, 43, of Mason City, after he
a variety of lighter numbers and selec- may escalate into bouts of anger, •Effective Communicator: An in- corporated music and sound effects to charged at and struck a male correc-
tions for upcoming State Festivals, a negative disposition and talk of dividual who possesses the ability to help transport the listener to the story tional officer. The officer sustained
including Jake Runestad’s, “I Will conflicts. Threats, conflicts, a lack communicate effectively to manage setting. minor injuries.
Lift Mine Eyes,” G. F. Handel’s “Let of respect for authority, domestic and foster positive relationships in the “The kids were eager to ask ques-
Joyful Anthems Rise,” Maurice Du- violence and rage are the highest district and community. tions and wanted our input as they P/T conferences set at CLHS
ruflé’s “Ubi caritas,” and John Wil- level of warning signs, he said, •Experience, Character & Ethics: worked,” added Raymond. “It was an
liams’ “Dry Your Tears, Afrika” (from calling them “red flags.” An individual who has a proven track interesting process to see a group take Parent/Teacher Conferences for financial aid, admission requirements/
Amistad). There will be no admission Common triggers of an record as an educator, administrator input and advice and add in the his- Clear Lake High School will be Thurs- process, NIACC PSEO courses and
charge for this concert, and the public armed intruder include a change and mentor, and is an ethical leader tory.” day, March 3, from 4-8 pm. During any other post-secondary options.
is cordially invited to attend. in work status, a dispute, downsiz- who demonstrates outstanding char- The project has even created a few this time, teachers will be available in With families’ hectic schedules, this is
ing, financial or health problems. acter. new fans to the relatively lost art of ra- their classrooms in the high school. a great time to speak with an enroll-
Food system meeting Hall urged those attending •Manager: An individual who is a dio drama. Students have continued Also during this time, represen- ment advisor, financial aid counselor,
the workshop to create a plan for solid manager of personnel and physi- to visit the National Archives on-line tatives from NIACC will have tables academic counselor or faculty mem-
Healthy Harvest of North Iowa, their employees to be proactive cal resources. to listen to suspense stories, according set up in the hallways for parents/stu- ber from NIACC.
the North Iowa Local Food Coali- in an emergency situation. Key •Visible: An individual who is to the teachers. dents to obtain information regarding
tion, and ISU Community Design among the advice was to have a approachable and highly visible inter- That’s the outcome Jaszewski
Lab’s Agricultural Urbanism Toolkit system of communication in place nally and externally. was hoping for. The goal of the radio Two trucks go through ice on lake
program invite the public to attend an to alert employees of a dangerous drama partnership with schools was to
innovative local food system meeting. situation and identify where the After the superintendent has been draw young listeners to the radio sta- Two trucks went through the ice The DNR advised the public to
The meeting’s participatory format shooter is located. That way em- hired and is on the job, the McPher- tion. on Clear Lake over the weekend, ac- use extreme caution if venturing out
operates like an open house with most ployees will be able to make a de- son & Jacobson consultants will fa- “The students responded well to cording to the Iowa Department of on the ice. Warm weekend tempera-
meetings scheduled over a two hour cision to flee the building, or lock cilitate a Board/Superintendent work- John and seemed to like the challenge Natural Resources. The trucks were tures and wind have made the ice pre-
period. Participants should plan to themselves in and hide. Camera shop to assist in the establishment of of this project. I think the value be- driving along a sand bar near McIn- carious.
spend 30 to 45 minutes at the meet- systems, walkie talkies and inter- performance objectives for the new yond school was immense,” said Rich- tosh Woods State Park at Ventura Saturday’s Color the Wind Kite
ings. A meeting will be held Mon- com systems can all broadcast the superintendent, which enhances the tsmeier. “This would be a project we’d when they broke through the ice on Festival went on as scheduled, despite
day, Feb. 29, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at movements of a shooter and help transition process for both the board like to continue.” Clear Lake. temperatures in the 40s. The ice, at
Opportunity Village, 1200 N. 9th St. those in the building make edu- and the superintendent. Both vehicles had to be pulled that time, was still more than 12-inch-
W., Clear Lake. The meeting is being cated decisions. The new Superintendent is ex- out of the mud. es thick north of the Sea Wall area.
held in conjunction with the Clear Whoever is able to call 9-1-1 pected to be named by mid-March.
Lake Farmers Market 2016 Vendor should also be able to clearly state
Meeting at 6 p.m. where the shooter is in the build- This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s unsolved homicides in the hopes that it
ing, helping those responding to will lead to new tips and potentially help solve cases. The project is a partnership between this
CHASE the scene to take the most appro- newspaper and other members of the Iowa Newspaper Association.
from page 1 priate action.
“Drills are important,” Hall Jaw bone recovered, but clues still needed for
merous other traffic violations. He said. “Like fire drills have helped unsolved 1997 murder of Ida Grove woman
also had an outstanding warrant for students be able to safely exit a
a pre-trial violation of possession of burning school building, emer- Connie Ruddy, a 21-year-old Division of Criminal Investigation — immediately had the scene sealed Ida County Sheriff Wade Harriman.
contraband in a correctional institu- gency drills can teach people how mother of two, was reported miss- (DCI). off and a guard posted while sher- “We want to re-energize the case any
tion. to react and be safe. ing from her Ida Grove, Iowa home A graduate of Mallard High iff’s officials and the National Guard way we can and hopefully get some
Rasmussen was being held on Clear Lake Police Chief Pete on Monday, Feb. 10, 1997. Her two- School, Ruddy had lived in Ida Grove searched along the river and sur- help from the public so we can move
$5,000 bond on the warrant and Roth joined Hall in encouraging year-old daughter and three-month- for two years and wasn’t employed rounding area for additional evidence. this case forward.”
$5,000 bond on the eluding charge. businesses to discuss ALICE train- old son were found alone inside the outside the home. Her husband, Shad “Because you can’t go back and Connie Ruddy’s parents, Mary
No deputies or officers were in- ing tips with their employees and residence, unharmed. Ruddy, was in the Army and stationed secure the crime scene,” Hogan said in and Gary Neumayer, told KTIV
jured in the pursuit and Rasmussen develop a plan. Ruddy had last been seen by at Fort Lewis in Tacoma, Wash., but a Journal article dated Nov. 5, 2005. Channel 4 News they were hopeful
was not injured. “Know your building. Know her sister around 11 p.m. Saturday, the two were going through a divorce. “You get one bite at that apple. If you that the new attention being brought
your directions. Trust your in- Feb. 8, in Ruddy’s home. About 10:30 On Saturday, Feb. 15, officials blow it, you can’t go back and say, ‘let’s to the case would help them find
stincts to prevent something from a.m. Monday, a friend stopped by and and volunteers mounted a search for start over.’” out what actually happened to their
happening. Talk about your con- discovered Ruddy gone and her chil- Ruddy, bringing in dogs to see if they Officials were unable to recover daughter.
cerns and see if they are legiti- dren alone. Ruddy’s car was still at could determine whether Ruddy had any further evidence. “There is probably not a day that
mate,” advised Roth. “Don’t just the house and she hadn’t taken her gotten into a vehicle or left on foot. Hogan told the Journal a process goes by that I don’t think about her
be Iowa nice.” purse. Ida County’s Emergency Manage- of elimination led them to Ida County or remember her,” Gary Neumayer
Those who knew her described ment Coordinator Dick Madsen and and Ruddy’s relatively recent disap- told KTIV’s Rebecca Sunshine. He
Open Houses Saturday 10:00-NOON Ruddy as a responsible young mother the Siouxland Area Chapter of the pearance. described his first-born daughter as
— one who wouldn’t leave her chil- American Red Cross assisted in ar- Once experts confirmed the jaw- a quiet and very caring person who
813 4th SE, Mason City Wide open floor plan 804 6th SE, Mason City Nice floor plan dren unattended — and knew her ranging the search, which produced bone matched Ruddy’s dental records, loved her children and animals, and as
with Master Suite. Formal dining & living room with beautiful hardwood flooring. Newly disappearance indicated something no new clues or information. officials reclassified the former missing someone who never hurt anybody.
combo. New supersized kitchen that flows updated bathroom, siding, doors and was wrong. “We’ve got a big fat zero here,” persons case as a homicide investiga- Ruddy’s mother said that despite
to sitting room and heated 4 season room. much more! Lower level family room Ida County Sheriff Dave Jensen Jensen is quoted as saying in a Sioux tion. the 12 years since her daughter was
Finished lower level. This home sits on 2 lots. with knotty pine. Supersized utility room. requested assistance from the Iowa City Journal article dated Feb. 16, Offer $5,000 Reward last seen, it hadn’t kept the family
Extra large 3 stall garage. $224,000 Double garage and patio. $127,500 1997. “Most questions I have to re- On Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2009 — the from hoping they could still find an-
Call Jane Fischer to set up your private showing at 641-425-4900. spond with “I don’t know, I don’t 12-year anniversary of Ruddy’s disap- swers.
know.’” pearance — the Iowa DCI and the Ida “Eventually I think it will be
JANE FISCHER AND ASSOCIATES TEAM On Aug. 31, 1999, more than County Sheriff’s Office held a press solved,” Mary Neumayer said.
two years after she went missing, a conference to announce a $5,000 re- During the Feb. 10 press confer-
OF CENTURY 21 PREFERRED man looking for fossils near Ida Grove ward for information leading to an ar- ence, Harriman said officials had no
found a human jawbone on the Boyer rest and conviction of the person or new evidence in the case — they still
Jane Fischer 641-425-4900 River’s sandbar in Crawford County persons responsible for Ruddy’s death. had only the jawbone with which to
near Dow City. The fossil hunter took “We want to remind folks that work — but that they weren’t giving
Search the MLS for FREE at the mandible to the Crawford County this case is still open and we haven’t up.
sheriff’s office, and Sheriff Tom Hogan forgot about it and we know Connie’s The Neumayers buried their
Members of the Clear Lake Multiple Listing Service. — already treating it like a homicide family has not forgot about it,” said daughter’s jawbone for some type of
closure, and said they took comfort in
CENTURY 21 Preferred • 2800 4th Street SW, Ste. 3, Mason City, IA • 641.424.9400 a promise from the sheriff’s office.
“The one thing they’ve told us,
DREAMS IN THE MAKING. they’ll never close the case,” Gary
Neumayer told KTIV. “It will always
OPEN YOUR IRA TODAY be open until they do find out what
happened to her.”
To date, no arrests have been
made in Connie Ruddy’s unsolved
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