Page 15 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-17-2016
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LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter													                                                                                                                                                                                              Feb. 17, 2016 • Page 15

                                      Ventura City Legals                                                                                                                        Notice of Probate

MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING                                                    24313	 Woman’s Day	                     LB – Magazine renewal	                       9.99        THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT                             	 Notice is further given that all persons
VENTURA, IOWA                                                                         172E	 IPERS	                            Jan 2016 retirement 	                     1764.24           CERRO GORDO COUNTY                               indebted to the estate are requested
                                                                                      173E	 IRS	                              Jan 2016 941 taxes	                       3118.25               IN THE ESTATE OF                             to make immediate payment to the
Item # 1 – Call Meeting to order/roll call                                            		                                      Total claims	                          $35,241.40                                                            undersigned, and creditors having claims
    A regular meeting of the City Council of Ventura, Iowa was held on February 8,                                                                                                      PHYLLIS C. ECHELBERGER                             against the estate shall file them with the
                                                                                      Item # 3 - Police Report - Chief Roth reported the following calls from 1/25/16 –                              Deceased                              clerk of the above named district court, as
2016. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Lynn Benson. The                                                                                                                                                               provided by law, duly authenticated, for
meeting was held at Ventura City Hall. The following Council Members were present:    2/7/2016:                                                                                           Probate No. ESPR029928                           allowance, and unless so filed by the later
Darwin Avery, Mike Thackery, Brian Vaage and John Quintus. Also present were:                                                                                                      NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF                           to occur of four months from the second
City Administrator Else Taylor, Public Works Director Bill Bredlow, Attorney Michael  Traffic Contacts (4), Traffic Complaint (3), Motorist Assist (3), Parking (4), Assist to    APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND                             publication of this notice or one month
Moeller and Chief Pete Roth with the Clear Lake Police Department. Absent: Kristie                                                                                                                                                         from the date of mailing of this notice
Meints.                                                                               Other Agency (3), Fire (1), Medical (2), Animal (1), Other (1).                                      NOTICE TO CREDITORS                             (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           is thereafter forever barred.
                                                                                      Chief Roth reported on a possible change regarding where stray animals are                 To All Persons interested in the Estate of
                                                                                                                                                                                 Phyllis C. Echelberger, Deceased, who                     Dated February 15, 2016.
                                                                                      sheltered.                                                                                 died on or about January 18, 2016:
                                                                                                                                                                                 	 You are hereby notified that on                         Date of second publication: 24th day of
Item # 2 - Consent Agenda                                                             Item # 4 – Debbie Paschal & Tamara Domonoske, Dog Park Proposal                            February 12, 2016, the last will and                      February, 2016.
    Motion by Avery/Thackery to approve the consent agenda for February 8, 2016.                                                                                                 testament of Phyllis C. Echelberger,
                                                                                      Motion by Avery/Quintus to table the Dog Park Proposal until the next meeting.             deceased, bearing date of August 6,                                              Michael G. Echelberger
Passed unanimously.                                                                                                                                                              1992, and First Codicil to Last Will and                                                     608 2nd St. N.
	 a.	 Agenda February 8, 2016                                                         Passed unanimously.                                                                        Testament dated October 27, 2006 was
	 b.	 Regular Minutes January 25, 2016                                                                                                                                           admitted to probate in the above named                                                 Rockwell, IA 50469
	 c.	 Workshop Minutes January 25, 2016                                               Item # 5 – FY16-17 Budget – Approval to publish notice and set hearing date                court and that Michael G. Echelberger and                                               Executor of estate
	 d.	 Claims Register February 8, 2016                                                                                                                                           LuAnn S. Scott was appointed executor
	 e.	 Ventura Mart – Beer permit renewal                                              Motion by Avery/Thackery, to approve the FY16-17 budget proposal for public                of the estate. Any action to set aside the                                                  LuAnn S. Scott
Disbursements                                                                                                                                                                    will must be brought in the district court                                               102 28th St. S.W.
                                                                                      hearing notice and set the hearing date for February 22, 2016. Passed unanimously.         of said county within the later to occur of                                         Mason City, IA 50401
                                                                                                                                                                                 four months from the date of the second                                                 Executor of estate
                                                                                      Item # 6 – Ventura Fire Dept. – Request for street closure Sept. 3, 2016 (Firefighter      publication of this notice or one month
                                                                                                                                                                                 from the date of mailing of this notice to all            Probate Code Secion 304
                                                                                      fundraiser event)                                                                          heirs of the decedent and devisees under                  Timothy M. Anderson
                                                                                                                                                                                 the will whose identities are reasonably                  ICIS PIN No: AT0000454
                                                                                      Council Member Quintus/Ventura Fire Chief, presented the Council with the event            ascertainable, or thereafter be forever                   165 E. 4th St.
                                                                                                                                                                                 barred.                                                   Garner, IA 50438
                                                                                      concept for a Sept. 3, 2016 street dance that involves closing a portion of Weimer

24273	  Bredlow, William	             Payroll 1/27/16 – Public Works	          66.33  Street and/or Sena Street. The proceeds from this event would go towards funding
24274	  Taylor, Else	                 Payroll 1/27/16 – City Hall	            126.57
24275	  Bredlow, William	             Payroll 1/27/16 – Public Works	        1261.11  a new fire truck. Council Member Quintus abstained from the vote due to conflict of
24276	  Taylor, Else	                 Payroll 1/27/16 – City Hall	           1313.84
24277	  Boyes, Martha Jean	           Payroll 2/1/16 – library	               613.85  interest. The conflict being he is the Fire Chief as well as a Council Member.
24278	  Clemens, Carol	               Payroll 2/1/16 – library	              1661.30
24279	  Domonoske, Tamara	            Payroll 2/1/16 – Community Center	      307.01  Motion by Avery/Thackery to approve the partial street closure of Weimer/Sena for
24280	  Marino, John	                 Payroll 2/1/16 – Building Permits	      450.08
24281	  Paschal, Debbie	              Payroll 2/1/16 – Community Center	      249.23  September 3, 2016, for the Firefighter Association fundraising event, contingent upon
24282	  State of Iowa	                Payroll withholding Jan 2016	           478.78
24283	  ABC Lock Service	             Library – door closer	                  379.76  approval of the Police Chief and submittal of a detailed plan to the Council.
24284	  Absolute Waste Removal	       Sanitation fees – February 2016	       3116.00
24285	  Ace/Kramer Hardware Inc.	     Ice melt and misc. supplies	            127.91  	 Ayes		 Avery, Thackery & Vaage
24286	  American Patchwork & Quilt	   LB – Magazine renewal	                   24.97
24287	  Center Point Large Print	     LB – Book order	                        137.62  	Nays		none
24288	  Clear Lake Area Chamber	      Annual meeting luncheon (2)	             50.00
24289	  Clear Lake Mirror Reporter	   Publish legal notices	                  172.13  	Absent		Meints
24290	  CLTEL	                        Chlorine alarm phone line	               71.30
24291	  Country Sampler	              LB – Magazine renewal	                   18.00  	 Abstained	Quintus
24292	  Display Sales	                Flag set for community center	          463.00
24293	  Doug’s Small Engine Repair	   FD – Carburetor repair	                  92.13  Motion carried.
24294	  Edwards Brandt & Assoc.	      FD – Insurance liability	              8998.00
24295	  Fareway Stores INc.	          LB – Cleaning supplies	                 100.14  Item # 7 – Crystal Heights Place - Drainage repairs and street patching proposals
24296	  Fedex	                        PW – shipping water samples	             53.36
24297	  Hach	                         Acid, chlorine test strips	             288.87  Motion by Avery/Vaage, to approve LB & Son to perform drainage repairs for Crys-           County Legals
24298	  Harrison Truck Centers	       FD - invoice	                            19.20
24299	  Hawkins	                      Demurrage & chlorine	                  1216.25  tal Heights Place for a cost not to exceed $12,603. Mayor Lynn Benson abstained
24300	  Hotsy Equipment	              Soot remover – for power washer	         31.14
24301	  Ingram Library Services	      LB – Book order	                        808.89  from the discussion due to a conflict of interest. Mayor Benson’s son Travis owns LB
24302	  Interstate Battery Center	    FD – Batteries for SCBA’s	
24303	  Iowa Water Envir. Assoc.	     PW - Dues	                                9.50  & Son.                                                                                     PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                   Various tabulations, reports, correspondence and other
24304	  Jim Hunt Electric	            PW – Repair preemption light Hwy	        30.00                                                                                             January 25, 2016                                          documents that were presented at today’s meeting are
24305	  Lake Auto	                    FD – Additive and replacement bulbs	    133.00  	 Ayes		                  Thackery, Quintus, Vaage & Avery                                 Unapproved                                                placed on file with the supplemental minutes.
24306	  Larsen Plumbing & Heating 	   PW – Service call verify mtr install	    19.87                                                                                                                                                       _________________________________
24307	  Mary Janes Farm	              LB – Magazine renewal	                   80.00  	Nays		None                                                                                The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa,     Chairman Casey Callanan
24308	  Melissa Ausborn	              Deposit refund for 102 Hillcrest St.	    19.95                                                                                             met in special session pursuant to adjournment. Pres-     Board of Supervisors
24309	  Midwest Breathing Air	        FD – Compressor service, air test	      100.00  Motion carried.                                                                            ent: Chairman Casey Callanan, Supervisor Jay Urdahl
24310	  North Iowa Septic Solutions	  Repair wt main break & brkn valve	      553.40                                                                                             and Supervisor Phil Dougherty and various members of      ATTEST:
24311	  Redbook	                      LB – Magazine renewal	                 6633.98  Motion by Avery/Vaage to table the street patching quote for Crystal Heights Place         the public.                                               __________________________________
24312	  Ventura Library	              LB – Petty cash for shipping	             8.56                                                                                                                                                       Kenneth W. Kline
                                                                               63.89  to a later date. Passed unanimously.                                                       The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Sheriff,    County Auditor
                                                                                                                                                                                 Case Management, CPC, Maintenance, Planning & Zon-
                                                                                      Item # 8 – Public Works Report                                                             ing and Safety budgets.

                                                                                      Public Works Director William Bredlow reported on the following items:

                                                                                      	 a. Replacement Sternberg street pole has arrived.

                                                                                      	 b. Battery issue with street sign on South Main. Replacement ordered.

                                                                                      Item # 9 – Old Business

                                                                                      Item # 10 – New Business

                                                                                      Mayor Benson mentioned a raised manhole island on South Main Street.

                                                                                      City Administrator Else Taylor assessed the current water/sewer rates and bi-

                                                                                      monthly billing cycle with the Council. Council discussion expanded to explore adding      PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                   Various tabulations, reports, correspondence and other
                                                                                                                                                                                 January 26, 2016                                          documents that were presented at today’s meeting are
                                                                                      curbside yard waste pick-up this year.                                                     Unapproved                                                placed on file with the supplemental minutes.

                                                                                      Item # 11 – Public Forum - none                                                            The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa,     _________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                 met in special session pursuant to adjournment. Pres-     Chairman Casey Callanan
                                                                                      Item # 12 - Adjournment                                                                    ent: Chairman Casey Callanan, Supervisor Jay Urdahl       Board of Supervisors
                                                                                                                                                                                 and Supervisor Phil Dougherty and various members of
                                                                                      Motion by Quintus/Thackery to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.                                         the public.                                               ATTEST:

                                                                                      _________________________________                                                          The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Second-     __________________________________
                                                                                      Lynn Benson, Mayor                                                                         ary Road, IT, General Relief and Veteran Affairs, Public  Kenneth W. Kline
                                                                                                                                                                                 Health and Treasurer budgets.                             County Auditor
                                                                                              Else Taylor, Clerk

                                                                                      Clear Lake City Legals
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