Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-17-2016
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Legals/ClassifiedsPage 16 • Feb. 17, 2016 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
_______________________ _______________________
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Various tabulations, reports, correspondence and other CHECK US OUT ON FOR SALE: 2009 Chevrolet
January 26, 2016 Motion passed unanimously. January 29, 2016 documents that were presented at today’s meeting are FACEBOOK for daily specials. Suburban LTZ. One owner, non-
Unapproved Unapproved placed on file with the supplemental minutes. Louie’s Custom Meat & More. smoker. Just over 70,000 miles.
Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, _________________________________ Excellent condition. Auto., 4WD,
The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, to adopt Resolution 2016-21, A Resolution Adopting The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, Chairman Casey Callanan AMY’S MOSAICS: One-of-a- V-8 (Flex fuel), PS, Tilt, Bose
Iowa, met in regular session pursuant to adjournment. Bylaws for the Creation of a Port Authority. Whereas, met in special session pursuant to adjournment. Pres- Board of Supervisors kind signs, garden items, small AM-FM, CD, DVD, XM radio,
Present: Chairman Casey Callanan, Supervisor Phil Iowa Code §28J allows for the creation of a Port ent: Chairman Casey Callanan, Supervisor Jay Urdahl furniture, picture frames and Navigation system, moon roof,
Dougherty, Supervisor Jay Urdahl, and various members Authority, and, Whereas, Cerro Gordo County, Mitchell and Supervisor Phil Dougherty and various members of ATTEST: more. Created from repur- privacy glass, running boards,
of the public. County, Winnebago County, and Worth County wish to the public. __________________________________ posed china and pottery. Taking keyless start, rear air, PW, PL,
enter into a Port Authority Agreement under said Code Kenneth W. Kline custom orders. Call 357-7435. cruise, backup camera, dual air
Callanan convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Dougherty section, and, Whereas, this matter has been publically The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Attorney, County Auditor Also, search for “Amy’s Mosaics” bags, dual power seats, leather
made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve the discussed at a regularly scheduled Cerro Gordo County Recorder and Auditor/GIS budgets. on Facebook & Pinterest! RTFN quad seating, roof rack premium
January 19, 2016 regular session minutes and today’s Board of Supervisor’s meeting on January 26, 2016, wheels. This Suburban is ab-
agenda. Motion passed unanimously. and, Whereas, the adoption of the Bylaws of the North PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mason City, IA, Parcel 071048000500, in the amount Now’s the time to solutely loaded. $27,900. Call
Central Iowa Regional Economic and Port Authority February 2, 2016 of $1044.00, suspend AY2014 Taxes Pursuant to make your move 641-357-2131 (ask for Mike) or
Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to was considered by said Board of Supervisors. NOW, Unapproved Section 427.9 for ODonna Derock, 1417 S Kentucky, 641-740-2142 (cell). RTFN
approve the claims. Motion passed unanimously. Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors Mason City, IA, Parcel 071410301200, in the amount of PEBBLE
of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, that the attached Bylaws The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, $2802.00, suspend AY2014 Taxes Pursuant to Section CREEK EMPLOYMENT
Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to of the North Central Iowa Regional Economic and Port met in regular session pursuant to adjournment. Pres- 427.9 for Albert Oudekerk, 2044 S Taft, Mason City, _______________________
approve a beer permit for Clear Lake Boats. Motion Authority are hereby adopted and approved. Motion ent: Chairman Casey Callanan, Supervisor Jay Urdahl IA, Parcel 071843100800, in the amount of $1004.00, 2 bedroom apartments
passed unanimously. passed unanimously. and various members of the public. Absent: Supervisor suspend AY2014 Taxes Pursuant to Section 427.9 for 3 bedroom townhomes HELP WANTED: Due to ex-
Phil Dougherty. Susan Sinclair, 215 3rd St NW, Mason City, IA, Parcel panding business, D & D Clean-
Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to 070922900300 and suspend AY2014 Taxes Pursuant to 1 MONTH ing is now hiring for part-time
adopt Resolution 2016-20, A Resolution Of Support authorize the chairman to authorize the chairman to sign Callanan convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Urdahl Section 427.9 for Cynthia Barron, 819 N Madison, Mason FREE RENT cleaning positions. Call 641-
And Expressing Intent To Participate In The Potential Damage Claim Form with ITC Midwest LLC. Motion made a motion, with Callanan seconding, approve City, IA, Parcel 070441100200, in the amount of $982.00. 357-1695. R-8
Formation Of A Water Management Authority Pursuant passed unanimously. today’s agenda. Motion passed. Motion passed. Vouchers welcome.
To Chapter 28e Of The Code Of Iowa. Whereas, Cerro Income guidelines apply. HELP WANTED: Snow clean-up
Gordo County has discussed its potential participation Dougherty made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to - removal on sidewalks, in front
in the formation of a newly created Water Management authorize the chairman to sign Full Settlement Release approve the claims. Motion passed. approve reports from the Zoning Director and the Envi- 641-423-4994 of garages, driveways, etc. Call
Authority (WMA), pursuant to Chapter 28E of the Code with ITC Midwest LLC. Motion passed unanimously. ronmental Health Service Manager concerning Manure 641-529-1246. RTFN
of Iowa, with a consortium of other governmental entities, Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to Management Plans filed by Klinton Patterson-Rockwell
including: the City of Clear Lake; the City of Ventura; Dougherty made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve the payroll warrant register for the week ending Finisher #62046 and forward them to the DNR. Motion APARTMENTS FOR RENT
Hancock County Soil & Water Conservation District; approve reports from the Zoning Director and the Envi- January 23, 2016. Motion passed. passed. THE MEADOWS ~ 625 14th Ave. N., Clear Lake
and the Cerro Gordo County Soil & Water Conservation ronmental Health Service Manager concerning Manure
District; as well as the Association for the Preserva- Management Plans filed by Tom Weaver Gestation & Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to • Rent Based On Income • Cable & Wireless Internet included in Rent
tion of Clear Lake; and, Whereas, the proposed WMA Farrowing, B & S Corporation, Site 2 and Mike Kuhle- approve a payroll change request for Amy Smalley in the appoint Dudley Humphrey to the County Conservation • Taking Applications for anyone 62 years of age or older or
would be jointly funded, managed, and governed by the meier (East Site) and forward them to the DNR. Motion County Recorder’s Office to $10.00 per hour effective Board. Motion passed. disabled of any age
participating entities; and, Whereas, the general purpose passed unanimously. January 20, 2016. Motion passed. • Equal Housing Opportunity and Provider
and structure of the proposed WMA is to provide for the Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to
on-going environmental stewardship of Clear Lake for Dougherty made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to appoint Lyle Watt as a trustee to the Pleasant Valley 641-357-8888
the benefit of the citizens and visitors; and, Whereas, on authorize the chairman to sign GIS Data Distribution approve a liquor license with catering privileges for PM Township. Motion passed.
December 21, 2015, the City Council of the City of Clear Agreement with LT Leon Associates and Civil Design Park. Motion passed.
Lake adopted a similar Resolution of Support and Intent. Advantage LLC. Motion passed unanimously. Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Board of Supervi- Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to abate recess at 10:06 a.m. Motion passed.
sors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa as follows: Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to AY2015DM Taxes in the amount of $118.00 plus Interest
Section 1. The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo authorize the chairman to sign lease agreements with & Costs & AY2016MH Taxes in the amount of $118.00 The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations,
County hereby proclaims its support for the initiative and Marco for County Attorney, County Recorder and County plus Interest on Mobile Home VIN SL65123BFDP; reports, correspondence, and other documents that were
continued financial support, in the amount of $15,000 Auditor’s offices. Motion passed unanimously. Junking Certificate #170124566, suspend AY2014 Taxes presented are placed on file with the County Auditor’s
annually, subject to the terms and conditions which shall Pursuant to Section 427.9 for Christopher Peters, 1511 office.
be negotiated as part of a future 28E Agreement, which Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to N Jefferson, Mason City, IA, Parcel 070423000700, ___________________________________________
shall be subject to review and approval by the Board of recess at 10:14 a.m. Motion passed. in the amount of $450.00, suspend AY2014 Taxes Chairman Casey Callanan
Supervisors. Pursuant to Section 427.9 for Billy Huerta, 1725 4th Board of Supervisors
Section 2. The Board of Supervisors also encourages The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations, St SW, Mason City, IA Parcel 070840200100, in the
the Association for the Preservation of Clear Lake reports, correspondence, and other documents that were amount of $1,574.00, suspend AY2014 Taxes Pursuant ATTEST:
(APCL) and other prospective stakeholders and govern- presented are placed on file with the County Auditor’s to Section 427.9 for Stephanie Dean, 199 N Crescent
mental partners to take whatever actions are necessary office. Dr, Mason City, IA, Parcel 070913000400, in the _____________________________________________
to further the formation of a WMA. ___________________________________________ amount of $1134.00, suspend AY2014 Taxes Pursuant Ken W. Kline
Section 3. The Administrative Officer and other County Chairman Casey Callanan to Section 427.9 for Joella Holt Winters, 971 S Virginia, County Auditor
personnel are authorized to take such further action as Board of Supervisors
may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of
this Resolution. ATTEST:
Section 4. All resolutions, orders, or parts thereof, _____________________________________________
in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, Ken W. Kline
hereby repealed, and this resolution shall be in full force County Auditor
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