Page 9 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 4-27-2016
P. 9

“We didn’t play very well. It happens,                                                                                                                                                                                       Clear Lake
even at home when we feel we have an                                                                                                                                                                                           Soccer
advantage.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Results
Boys Golf Coach                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 12
Eric Perry

Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	                                                                                                                                                            April 27, 2016 • Page 9

                                       CL boys                                                                                                   Clear Lake girls are hitting their stride
                                       golf team
Clear Lake Reporter                    bounces                                                                                                   	 The Clear Lake girls track          The Lions placed seventh in the         was eighth in the 100 hurdles in
                                       back after                                                                                                team is hitting its stride with two   eight-team field with 58 points.        17.76. The shuttle hurdle team
  SPORTS                               setback                                                                                                   track meets last week.                Mixdorf was fourth in the 100           of Olivia Amos, Archer, Ritter
CALENDAR                                                                                                                                         Lynx Relays                           in 13.76 and fourth in the 200          and Tesar was fourth in 1:15.57.
                                       	 Clear Lake golf coach Eric                                                                              	 Sprinter Macy Mixdorf led           in 28.44. She also joined Kaylee        	 In field events, Archer
Thursday                               Perry is seeing some inconsis-                                                                            the way for the Clear Lake girls      Nosbisch, Kayla Ritter and              nabbed third place in the long
                                       tency, but steady improvement                                                                             at the Lynx Relays in Webster         Megan Merfeld to place fourth           jump by leaping 13’11”. Amos
•Clear Lake boys JH track at Ma-       on his team. The Lions expe-                                                                              City Thursday, April 21. Mix-         in the 4x200 in 1:59.98. The            was seventh in long jump with
son City, 4:30 p.m.                    rienced a setback against North                                                                           dorf finished second in the 200       4x100 with Mixdorf, Nosbisch,           a mark of 12’6”. Mikayla Van-
•Clear Lake girls JH track home,       Central Conference teams last                                                                             meters in 28.68, fifth in the 100     Ashley Archer and Merfeld was           derploeg was seventh in shot put,
4:30 p.m.                              week, but bounced back with a                                                                             in 13.71, helped the 4x200 relay      fifth in 57.56.                         29’9”.
•GHV JH boys track at Osage, 4:30      strong showing against mid-size                                                                           to a fourth place finish and the      	 In middle distance events,
p.m.                                   Minnesota teams.                                                                                          4x100 to sixth place. Competing       Sharrell Lee was fourth in the          	 Other placements included:
•GHV JH girls track at Bishop Gar-                                                                                                               in the 4x200 was Ashley Archer,       400 in 1:09.72 and Mallory              •4x400: Ritter, Lee, Leisure, Tesar,
rigan, 4:30 p.m.                       Spencer Invitational                                                                                      Kayla Ritter and Megan Merfeld,       Leisure was fifth in the 800 in         sixth, 5:01.10
•GHV V girls & boys track at North     	 The Lions started the week                                                                              running a 1:57.23. The 4x100          2:53.04. Tallie Tesar placed fifth      •Sprint medley: Nosbisch, Lee, Mer-
Union, 5 p.m.                          at Spencer, competing against a                                                                           had Kaylee Nosbisch, Archer and       in the 400 hurdles in 1:17.78 and       feld, Jandebeur, fifth, 2:10.92
•GHV V girls soccer home vs.           dozen Iowa teams. Clear Lake                                                                              Merfeld.                                                                      •Distance medley: Nosbisch, Laura
Humboldt, 5:30 p.m.                    finished fifth with 329. Webster                                                                          	 Archer also scored team                                                     Rose, Leisure, Jandebeur, sixth,
                                       City won the meet with a 312,                                                                             points with sixth place in the                                                5:08.08
Friday                                 followed by Estherville-Lincoln                                                                           long jump with a mark of 13’9”
                                       Central with 317 and Bishop                                                                               and was part of the shuttle hurdle    GHV hosts Cardinal Relays
•Clear Lake JV/V boys golf at High-    Garrigan third with 321. Har-                                                                             team which placed third. Oth-         	 The Cardinals placed sixth            race in 1:13.59.   Other mem-
land Country Club, 4:30 p.m.           lan edged the Lions with 325.       Kyle Calaguas lines up a putt. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy       er relay members were Joslyn          in an eight-team field when             bers of the relay were Miranda
•Clear Lake JV/V girls golf home,      	 Thomas Storbeck had the           Thomas Storbeck came in with                                          Gannon, Ritter and Talie Tesar,       they hosted the Cardinal Re-            Jackson, Maddie Williams and
4:30 p.m.                              low score for the Lions with a      a 42 and Jackson Hamlin and a                                         running a 1:14.76. Tesar also         lays on Tuesday, April 19. Cen-         Mara Anderson.
•Clear Lake JV/V girls & boys track    78, placing him seventh overall.    44.                                                                   placed third in the 400 hurdles       tral Springs won the meet with          	 Two relays placed sec-
at Hampton-Dumont, 4:30 p.m.           He was the only Lion to place in    	 “Evan Krause stepped up                                             in 1:15.38 and fifth in the 100       156 points.  GHV scored 84.50           ond.  The sprint medley team of
•Clear Lake JV/V boys tennis at        the top 10.                         big.  We’ve seen him score well                                       hurdles in 17.66.                     points.                                 Jayden Hughes, Leah Meinders,
Iowa Falls-Alden, 4:30 p.m.            	 “Thomas is starting to get        in practice.  Now I hope he                                           	 The Lions’ Distance Medley          	 Jillian Heitland had a good           Jacki Van Oort and Sadie Oul-
•Clear Lake V/JV boys soccer           his scores lower.  Last year it     cleared the huddle to lead the                                        team of Nosbisch, Merfeld, Lee        night for the Cards, placing sec-       man finished with a time of
home vs. GHV, 5:30 p.m.                took him some time to get low-      team during meets,” said Coach                                        and Emilie Jandebeur was fifth in     ond in the 400 meter hurdles            2:00.54.   The distance medley
•GHV V girls & boys golf at Forest     er.  As long as he peaks at the     Perry.                                                                4:53.32. The 4x400 with Ritter,       with a time of 1:12.84 and she          team of Van Oort, Amanda Bi-
City, 4:15 p.m.                        right time, we are on track,” said                                                                        Jandebeur, Mallory Leisure and        was third in the 100 meter hur-         erle, Oulman and Williams fin-
•GHV JH girls track home, 4:30         Coach Perry.                                                                                              Tesar was sixth in 4:54.92.           dles with a time of 17.22.  She         ished in 4:48.57.
p.m.                                   	 Kyle Calaguas carded an                                                                                 	Alena Gabrielson                     was also part of the third place
•GHV V boys soccer at Clear Lake,      82, Alex Snelling had 84 and                                                                              placed sixth in the 3000                                                      	 Other place winners included:
5 p.m.                                 Tate Storbeck and Evan Kruse                                                                              meter run in 13:52.34.                shuttle hurdle team who ran the See GHV GIRLS on pg. 11
                                       both had 85s.                                                                                             Junior varsity
Saturday                               	 “Kyle continues to have a         Junior varsity                        THOMAS STORBECK                 	 A limited number
                                       strong short iron game.  He will    	 The Lion junior varsity also     there were many memorable          of Lion underclassmen
•Clear Lake JV/V golf tournament       score lower if his putting gets     finished as runner-up to Web-      moments in the tournament,         participated in junior
at Clarmond Golf Course, 9 a.m.        better,” said the coach. “Alex      ster City. The Lynx finished       among them was Tate Storbeck’s     varsity races at Webster
•Clear Lake V soccer tournament        played a consistent round.  Alex    with 189, while the Lions had      effort.                            City. Selena Borrill picked
at GHV, 9 a.m.                         has the right personality it takes  191 and Gaels 193.                 	 “Tate told me he was going       up a third place finish in
•Clear Lake JV/V boys tennis tour-     to golf.  He is a calm player.”	    	 Carter Backhaus was the          to shoot a 33 on the last nine on  the long jump with a mark
nament at Mason City, 9 a.m.           	                                   leader for the Lions with a 44.    Saturday after he was 1-under.  I  of 12’2” and was part of
•Clear Lake JH girls & boys track at   Webster City                        Noah Heggen was next with a        thought he should worry about      the 4x200 which placed
Hampton-Dumont, 9 a.m.                 	 The NCC was on the line           48. Will Cooney had a 49 and       getting pars.  Would you believe   second in 2:09.89. Other
•Clear Lake JV/V girls tennis tour-    Thursday night, as defending        Ben Blaha finished with a 50.      it? He birdied the last hole for   members of the really
nament at Luther College, 10 a.m.      Class 3A state champions and                                           a 34, 2-under par.  Best nine of   were Laura Rose, Rachel
•GHV V boys golf at Britt Golf         top ranked Webster City, along      Ridges of Sand Creek,              the tournament.  Nice goal for a   Barillas and Mikayla
Course, 8 a.m.                         with St. Ed’s, ranked number        Jordan, Minn.                      freshman.”                         Vanderploeg. The 4x100
•GHV V girls golf at Clarmond Golf     six in Class 2A, all faced off at   	 The Lions got some great         	 Jackson Hamlin also just         relay with Olivia Amos,
Course, 9 a.m.                         Veteran’s Memorial in Clear         tournament experience at the       missed a hole-in-one on the        Gannon, Borrill and
•GHV V girls soccer home tourna-       Lake.  All teams were unde-         Ridges of Sand Creek in Jordan,    toughest par 3.                    Barillas was third in 59.31.
ment, 9 a.m.                           feated in NCC play. Webster         Minn. Mid-size schools in Min-     	 Kyle Calaguas finished with      The Sprint Medley team
•GHV trapshooting at Central           City emerged unscathed with         nesota play the state tournament   a (78-76) 154 for the Lions.       of Gannon, Barillas, Rose
Springs, 9 a.m.                        a score of 148. Clear Lake was      on the course.  This tournament    	 “Kyle was himself— play-         and Mallory Leisure was
                                       runner-up with 161 and St. Ed’s     featured best teams with enroll-   ing smarter and consistent. I am   fourth in 2:19.62.
Monday                                 finished with a 164.                ment from 200-900 students         proud of him and his scores this   	 Individually, Barillas
                                       	 “We didn’t play very well.        grades nine to 12.                 year. He continues to lead this    was fifth in the discus with
•Clear Lake JV/V girls golf home,      It happens, even at home when       	 Of the 11-team, 66 player        team in scoring,” said Coach       a toss of 58’6” and Katie
4 p.m.                                 we feel we have an advantage,”      tournament, Clear Lake’s Thom-     Perry. “Thomas was unbeliev-       Tofte was third in the
•Clear Lake JV/V girls & boys track    said Coach Perry.                   as Storbeck was medalist with a    able on these huge fast greens.    shot put with a mark of
at GHV, 4:30 p.m.                      	 Evan Krause had the low           (71-78) 149. Kyle Calaguas fin-    He went to school and separated    26’7.75”.
•Clear Lake JH boys track home,        score for the Lions with a 39.      ished fifth with a (78-76) 154. 	  himself from the field. Thomas
4:30 p.m.                              Alex Snelling was one stroke        As a team, the Lions finished in   and Kyle could be in the hunt      Cardinal Relays
•Clear Lake V/JV girls soccer at       back with a 40. Kyle Calaguas       a tie for second with 636. De-     for a state title at this rate.”   	 The Lions were at
Iowa Falls-Alden, 5:30 p.m.            and Tate Storbeck each had 41s.     troit Lakes, Minn. topped the                                         Garner Tuesday, April 19.
•GHV V girls & boys golf at Country                                        field with a score of 630.                                            Macy Mixdorf again had GHV’s Jayden Hughes and Clear Lake’s Macy Mixdorf compete against each
Greens Golf Course, 4:15 p.m.                                              	 Coach Eric Perry said                                               a good night, collecting other in the 4x100 meter relay at the Cardinal Relays. GHV placed fourth in
•GHV V girls and boys track home,                                                                                                                10 points for the team. the race and Clear Lake was fifth. -Reporter by Chris Barragy
4:30 p.m.
•GHV trapshooting home, 4:30           Results of the Earth Day 5k and 10k runs held April 23
p.m.                                   	 The Earth Day Run was held Saturday,
                                       April 23, with the race beginning at City           Danburg, Clear Lake, third, 27:33.                  Charles Hugo, Odebolt, third, 45:57.    Lake, first, 42:01; Chris Mckibben,     third, 53:57.
Tuesday                                Park.	                                              	 *50+: Beth Adams: Indianola, first, 27:18;        	 *25-29: Tyler Schellhorn, Clarks-     Clear Lake, second, 44:39; Tyler Ke-    	 *50+: Dan Randall, Osage, first,
                                       	 The overall winners for the 5K run                Debbie Mitchell, Clear Lake, 31:27; Mary Ras-       ville, first, 48:21; Nathaniel Miller,  telsen, Clear Lake, third, 46:00.       41:38; David Kersbergen, Mason City,
•Clear Lake JV/V boys golf at          were Ryan Smith in the men’s division and           mussen, Clear Lake, 31:41.                          Joice, second, 59:11; Nathan King,      	 *40-49: Keith Minardi, Hampton,       second, 42:43; Steve Hugo, Mason
Hampton-Dumont, 3 p.m.                 Angelical Flores for the women’s division.          	 The top three finishers in each of the men’s      Clear Lake, third, 1:07.49              first, 46:02; Trent Tischer, St. Paul,  City, third, 44:10.
•Clear Lake JV/V girls golf home       Smith was in the men’s 30-39 age category           categories for the 5k race are as follows:          	 *30-39: Jason Herrick, Clear          second, 52:45; Craid Wood, Rockford,
vs. Hampton-Dumont, 3 p.m.             and he ran the race in 18:37. Flores was in         	 *13 and Under: Kelley Cayden, Nora
•Clear Lake V girls tennis at          the women’s 30-39 age division and she              Springs, first, 22:08; Brock Mathers, Nora          Saturday was a beautiful day to get out and get some exercise as shown by this large group of runners who turned out for
Charles City, 4 p.m.                   completed the course in 23:15.                      Springs, second, 22:45; Andrew Mixdorf, Clear       the Earth Day Run held on Saturday, April 23, in Clear Lake -- Reporter photo by Chris Barragy
•Clear Lake JV/V boys tennis home      	 The overall winners for the 10K run               Lake, third, 22:52.
vs. St. Edmond, 4:30 p.m.              were Randy Sturm and Kenzie Penca.                  	 *14-18: Eric Faught, Clear Lake, first,
•Clear Lake JV/V boys track at Al-     Sturm, from Garner, competed in the men’s           18:44; Jonah Pedelty, Clear Lake, second,
gona, 5 p.m.                           30-39 division. He completed the race in            23:31; and Kaleb Bruggeman, Garner, 29:01.
•Clear Lake V/JV boys soccer, at       40:30. Penca, of Clear Lake, ran the race in        	 *25-29: Curtis Moeller, Clear Lake, 25:47.
Iowa Falls-Alden, 5:30 p.m.            44:28. She competed in the women’s 14-18            	 *30-39: Kyle Peterson, Clear Lake, first,
                                       age division.                                       29:15; Brandon Heinz, Clear Lake, second,
•Women’s & Men’s Track & Field:                                                            34:41; Zachary Hall, third, Clear Lake, 34:42.
Fri.-Sat., April 29-30, at Drake Re-   	 The top three finishers in each of the wom-       	 *40-49: Pete Anderson, Clear Lake, first,
lays                                   en’s categories of the 5k race race are as fol-     23:23; Craig Hughes, Garner, second, 23:53;
•Women’s & Men’s Track & Field:        lows:                                               Mike Larsen, Clear Lake, third, 25:31.
Sun., May 1, at Palo Alto, Calif.      	 *13 and Under: Jillian Enke, Clear Lake,          	 *50+: Don Pedelty, Clear Lake, first, 21:22;
                                       first, 23:42; Makayla Mostek, Osage, 24:48; and     Curt Sauve, Mason City, second, 23:33; Jeff Ko-
•Baseball: Wed., April 27, home vs.    Lauren Erickson, Clear Lake, third, 25:24.          randa, Hanlontown, third, 27:33.
Century College, 4 p.m.                	 *14-18: Thea Lunning, first, Mason City,          	 The top three finishers in each of the wom-
•Softball: Fri.-Sun., April 29-May 1,  26:10; Skylar Andrea, Clear Lake, second,           en’s categories for the 10k run are as follows:
at NJCAA Region XI Tournament          32:40.                                              	 *19-24: Danica Lovrien, first, 53:14.
•Women’s & Men’s Track & Field:        	 *19 - 24: Jordan Mckeag, Charles City,            	 *25-29: Kayla Thompson, Manly, first,
Thurs., April 28 at Grand View         first, 27:15; Hillary Rickert, Clear Lake, second,  47.28; Katie Abell, Rockwell, second, 50:26;
•Women’s & Men’s Track & Field:        27:40; Madeline Arnevik, Mason City, 32:43          Kaitlyn Ausborn, Mason City, third, 52:19.
Fri.-Sat., April 29-30, at Drake Re-   	 *25-29: Heather Brown, Mason City, first,         	 *30-39: Amy Brownlee, Clear Lake, first,
lays                                   28:50; Maggie Rickert, Clear Lake, second,          47:45; Sarah Heinz, Mason City, second, 50:27;
•Baseball: Sat.-Sun., April 30-May     30:33; Sarah Sougstad, Clear Lake, third,           Karen Almelien, Greene, third, 52:33.
1, home vs. Iowa Lakes, 1 p.m.         30:44.                                              	 *40-49: Allison Dhabait, Mason City, first,
•Women’s Golf: Fri.-Sat., April 29-    	 *30-39: Katie Fistler, Mason City, first,         53:06; Sheryl Luttrell, Albert Lea, second, 53:06;
30, at NJCAA Region XI Tourna-         23:24; Katie Mostek, Osage, 25:33; Kristy Juhl,     Molly Varangkounh, Humboldt, third, 57:19.
ment, Ankeny                           Clear Lake, 26:58.                                  	 The top three finishers in each of the men’s
•Baseball: Tues., May 3, home vs.      	 *40-49: Tina Friday, Mason City, first,           categories for the 10k run are as follows:
Luther College JV, 5 p.m.              24:09; Cheryl Larson, Sheffield, 26:29; Shanon      	 *13 and Under: Tanner Reimann, Clear
                                                                                           Lake, first, 49:56; Maximus Dhabait, Mason
•Baseball: Wed., April 27, home                                                            City, second, 50:25.
vs. Missouri Western, 2 p.m.                                                               	 *19-24: Matt Ostbloom, Clear Lake, first,
•Baseball: Fri.-Sun., April 29-May                                                         42:51; Robert Seubert, Osage, second, 45:09;
1, home vs. Emporia State Univer-

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