Page 14 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 4-27-2016
P. 14
Ag./BusinessPage 14 • April 27, 2016 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Resources available for no-till and strip-till farming
Farmers in Iowa continue to ex- “With tight margins and variable ban stormwater runoff, to address these
Chamber holds ribbon cutting at United Way pand usage of no-till or strip-till to lim- spring weather impacting usual field issues.
it runoff, improve water quality and re- work, no-till or strip-till may be an op- The initiative seeks to harness the
United Way CEO Jodie O’Brien, Marketing and Campaign Director Brandi Evers, Community Impact Director Jen duce production costs. Iowa Secretary tion for farmers interested in reducing collective ability of both private and
Butler, and Administrative Assistant Michelle Crooks, along with Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce First Mates of Agriculture Bill Northey shared a list costs and at the same time reducing public resources and organizations to
held a ribbon cutting to welcome United Way as nes members to the Clear Lake Chamber. -Submitted photo of recommendations and resources that surface runoff, erosion, and improving deliver a clear and consistent message
are valuable for experienced no-/strip- soil health. Adding cover crops in the to stakeholders to reduce nutrient loss
MBT tillers and those new to the practice. fall adds an additional layer of protec- and improve water quality.
Insurance “We are in the midst of spring tion from what Mother Nature dishes As part of the initiative, last fall
receives planting and continue to see significant out, particularly reducing nitrogen 1,800 farmers committed $3.5 million
Star Award growth in no-till and strip-till adoption losses,” Northey said. in cost share funds to install nutrient
across the state. New technologies and No-till, as the name suggest is reduction practices in each of Iowa’s 99
tools continue to provide additional when no tillage is done to the soil fol- counties. The practices that were eli-
options for farmers using or consider- lowing harvest. Strip-till is when a gible for this funding are cover crops,
ing reduced or no tillage systems. There narrow, residue-free strip of soil about no-till or strip till, or using a nitrifica-
are a wide variety of resources available six inches wide is tilled to prepare the tion inhibitor when applying fall fertil-
to help farmers successfully transition seedbed for planting. The soil surface izer. Participants include 980 farmers
their tillage system to help protect wa- between tilled strips is undisturbed as using a practice for the first time and
ter quality and maintain crop produc- in no-till. more than 830 past users that are trying
tion,” Northey said. cover crops again and are receiving a re-
Farmers in Iowa have made tre- duced-rate of cost share. Farmers using
mendous progress in managing residue Background on Iowa Water cost share funding contribute 50% or
to reduce soil erosion. Surveys by the Quality Initiative more to the total cost of the practice.
USDA National Agriculture Statistics More than $325 million in state
Service (NASS) show an increase in The Iowa Water Quality Initiative and federal funds have been directed
acres under no-till from about 800,000 was established in 2013 to help imple- to programs with water quality ben-
acres in 1987 to over 7 million acres in ment the Nutrient Reduction Strategy, efits in Iowa last year. This total does
2012. Conservation tillage is used on which is a science and technology based not include the cost share amount that
an additional 8.76 million acres. These approach to achieving a 45 percent re- farmers pay to match state and federal
changes are a result of many factors in- duction in nitrogen and phosphorus programs and funds spent to build
cluding advances in seed and herbicide losses to our waters. The strategy brings practices built without government as-
technology and planter advancements together both point sources, such as sistance.
designed to manage high residue envi- municipal wastewater treatment plants
ronments. and industrial facilities, and non-point
sources, including farm fields and ur-
Patton graduates from Iowa The Iowa Department of Agri-
culture and Land Stewardship, in con-
MBT Insurance, in Forest City, Tourism Leadership Institutejunction with Iowa Learning Farms
Iowa, was awarded a Star Award for
exceptional performance on behalf of and Iowa State University Extension
North Star Mutual Insurance Com- and Outreach, have put together infor- Libbey Patton, Director of Tour-
pany in 2015. mation to help farmers. The fact-sheet ism at the Clear Lake Area Chamber
MBT Insurance joins a list of has information on planter settings, of Commerce, is a graduate of the
LUCY BRUNNER DODIE WILKINS eight agencies from Iowa who re- fertilizer considerations, weed control Iowa Tourism Leadership Institute
ceived a Star Award from North Star
CENTURY 21 Preferred receives Mutual. Agencies receiving this award and other considerations to help farm- held April 6 and 7 at the Hotel Pattee
are leaders in the area of production. ers successfully use no-till and strip-till in Perry, Iowa. The institute provides
production and service awards MBT Insurance has been representing in their operation. The information Iowa tourism professionals an op-
North Star Mutual since 2010. can be found at www.cleanwateriowa. portunity to expand their leadership
CENTURY 21 Preferred was nacle award in the same calendar year. North Star Mutual Insurance org/nostrip-till. knowledge and skills.
awarded the Quality Service Pinna- The CENTURION Award is present- Company is a Midwest property- Many of the resources are benefi- Institute attendees included 15
cle Award for 2015. The award was ed to CENTURY 21 System offices casualty insurance company serving cial regardless of tillage system, but can first-year graduates and 12 graduates
presented by Century 21 Real Estate that achieve or surpass sales produc- the states of Minnesota, Iowa, North be even more critical in high residue who returned for second year of mas-
LLC. The annual award is based on tion of 436 closed transaction sides Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and operations. ters-level training. Industry members
results from the CENTURY 21 Qual- within a calendar year. The President’s Oklahoma. The company writes $380 IowaLearningFarmsalsohasaYou- apply to attend the Institute and as
ity Service Survey which is e-mailed Hall of Fame award recognizes those million in premium annually and is Tube video on planter settings for no- part of the application process must
to consumers immediately after the offices who achieve the President’s rated “A+” Superior for financial sta- till operations at demonstrate their involvement in the
purchase or sale of a home. To earn Award for 10 out of 12 years, includ- bility by A.M. Best. com/watch?v=2KAf-wf6WZ8#t=26. tourism industry and leadership qual-
the CENTURY 21 Quality Service ing the current awards year. This one- MBT Insurance is a local inde- Additional videos on other aspects of ities.
Pinnacle Award, an office must receive time-only award reflects those offices pendent insurance agency and pro- planter settings are available through Curriculum for the Institute in- LIBBEY PATTON
completed customer surveys with an who, year after year, deliver outstand- vides quality and affordable insurance their YouTube channel, which can be cludes core courses in marketing and The institute was coordinated
average survey score of at least 95 ing quality service along with CEN- options to several north-central Iowa found at branding, board/staff partnerships, by the Central Iowa Tourism Region
percent or better for two consecutive TURION level production. communities. UCsQIxjljgWdg59nSrual_4A. strategic planning and leadership in- with funding from the Iowa Tourism
years. CENTURY 21 Preferred is a full For more information about Finally, work with the manufac- fluence. Electives featured sessions in Office.
The office also received the Presi- service office located in Mason City MBT Insurance, please visit www.mb- turer of your planter or strip-till bar as signage, social media, meeting facilita- “Attendees came from all parts
dent’s Award and the President’s Hall with a branch office in Clear Lake For more information on they would also have addition infor- tion skills, public speaking, network- of the state and we were pleased to
of Fame Award. The annual award is and Northwood. There are 22 real- North Star Mutual Insurance Compa- mation that would help with proper ing and employee management and provide an outstanding professional
bestowed upon those CENTURY 21 tors managed by broker/owners, Lucy ny, visit calibration and settings for efficient use legal issues. Speakers for the Institute development and networking oppor-
System offices that earn the CENTU- Brunner and Dodie Wilkins. In Clear of your specific planter and planter at- were professionals with expertise in tunity to existing and emerging lead-
RY 21 CENTURION award and the Lake the office is located at 417 Main tachments. leadership and various disciplines re- ers within the tourism industry,” said
CENTURY 21 Quality Service Pin- Ave. and can be reached at 357-9400. Ann Vogelbacher, Executive Director
lated to tourism. of the Central Iowa Tourism Region.