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SportsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter 															                                                                                                                                        April 27, 2016 • Page 11

GHV boys track team                                                                                                                                                       GHV boys soccer tops
competes in two meets                                                                                                                                                     Humboldt; falls to Hudson
                                                                                                                                                                          Hudson 8, GHV 1                              	 Friday was a different match, as
  The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura boys        	 Lake Mills racked up 98 points                                                                                                	 The Cardinals met a buzz saw               the Cardinals dominated in an 11-4
track team competed in two meets last     to win the Bronco Relays on Tuesday,                                                                                            when they faced an undefeated Hud-           victory over Humboldt.
week.                                     April 19.   The Cardinals were fifth in                                                                                         son team and fell, 8-1, on Monday,           	 “The weather was as opposite as
                                          the six-team field with 71.33.  The race                                                                                        April 18.                                    it could be, and we were ready,” said
Hampton-Dumont Invite                     was very tight, as Belmond-Klemme                                                                                               	 “I knew they would be tough,”              Coach Eric Williams.   “We spent the
	 The GHV boys competed at the            collected 72.66 points and Clarion-                                                                                             said Coach Eric Williams.  “They had         previous three days working on the
Hampton-Dumont Invitational on            Goldfield-Dows had 73 points.                                                                                                   not been scored on all season.”              short comings that I saw on Monday
Monday, April 18. The Cardinals           	 GHV had five events collect first                                                                                             	 GHV did put an end to that, as             and spent a lot of time working on con-
placed fifth in the nine-team field with  place finishes.   Sam Cataldo had two                                                                                           they scored one goal against Hud-            trol and it seemed to pay off.”
70.50 points. Denver won the meet         individual first place finishes, one in                                                                                         son.   The Cardinals scored about 30         	 Brady Hess got a shot at goalie,
with 136 points.                          the 110 meter hurdles with a time of                                                                                            minutes into the match when the de-          due to injuries, and stepped up to the
	 GHV’s long distance runners             15.56 and another in the 400 meter                                                                                              fense won the ball at the half line and      challenge.
racked up some points for the team. In    hurdles, 56.15.  Ray Cataldo also had a                                                                                         kicked it forward.  With the wind and        	 Coach Williams also praised the
the 1600 meter run, the Cardinals took    first place finish with a time of 2:09.56                                                                                       cold, it floated and found the back of       play of his seniors, Dalton Basinger,
first and second place. Logan Dal-        in the 800 meter run.                                                                                                           the net to tie the match.                    Turner Albertson and Colton Raw.
beck won the race in 4:40.56, followed    	 Two relays claimed top hon-                                                                                                   	 Hudson made adjustment at the              	 Despite Humboldt scoring in the
closely by Ray Cataldo in 4:45.98.        ors.  The 4x800 team of Reece Smith,                                                                                            half and scored seven times in the sec-      first minute of play, the Cardinals never
Another long distance runner, Reece       Ray Cataldo, Logan Dalbeck and Derek                                                                                            ond half.                                    backed down, scoring 11 goals.
Smith, claimed second in the 3200 me-     Brown won in 8:40.27.  Also winning                                                                                             	 “They were just too much.  They            	 “Most all of the goals were the
ter run with a time of 10:25.81. Dal-     was the distance medley team of Da-                                                                                             had the perfect balance of speed,            result of putting passes together and
beck placed fourth in the 800 meter       vid Cook, Johnathan O’Connor, Ezra                                                                                              physcial play, athleticism and desire        playing into open space, which is some-
run with a time of 2:08.22.               Marroquin and Dalbeck in 3:57.16.                                                                                               that we just don’t have yet,” said Wil-      thing that I keep stressing,” said Wil-
	 Sam Cataldo also did his share for      	 “It’s been impressive to watch                                                                                                liams.  “On the bright side, we were the     liams.  “I love the fact that these young
the team, claiming the win in the 110     the boys compete and try new events                                                                                             first team to score on them.”                men are listening to constructive criti-
meter hurdles with a time of 16.03 and    this year,” said Coach Kelsey Stef-                                                                                             	                                            cism and making themselves better.”
runner-up honors in the 400 meter         fens.   “With lower numbers we have                                                                                             GHV 11, Humboldt 4
hurdles in 56.01.                         had to be creative with both relays and
                                          individual events and the boys under-                                                                                           Cardinal girls split two
	 Other place winners included:           stand the need to try new events in or-                                                                                         s	 occer matches
	 •100 meter dash: David Cook, sixth      der to score points for the team.”                                                                                                                                           April 22, 5-0.
place, 12.49                                                                         GHV’s Matthew Heinemann shot a 43 at the Belmond Meet held Friday, April 22.         IF-A 4, GHV 2                                	 Autumn Weaver came through for
	 •200 meter dash: Cook, fifth place,     	 Also scoring points for the team were:   -Photo courtesy of Cheila Frayne                                                     	 The Cardinals fought hard, but in          the Cardinals with two goals.  Scoring
24.75                                     	 •3200 meter run: Andy Schreur, sec-                                                                                           the end came up short in a 4-2 loss to       one goal apiece was Payton Bamrick,
	 •High jump: Johnathan O’Connor,         ond                                        Cardinal boys move golf                                                              Iowa Falls-Alden on Monday, April 18.        Bretta Carolus and Brooklyn Laird.
seventh place, 5’02”                      	 •400 meter run: Marroquin, second,       record to 9-5                                                                        	 “Iowa Falls-Alden is a physical            	 “We were missing some key
	 •4x100 meter relay: Ezra Marroquin,     53.39; Nathan Larson, fifth, 1:01.29       	The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura              ler Oberman, Brandon Bell and Todd         team and that is something we usu-           members tonight,” said Coach Josh
Conner Shaw, Cook and Sam Cataldo,        	 •800 meter run: Brown, second,           boys placed second in two meets last      Finley are becoming more solid all the     ally struggle with,” said Coach Josh         Banse.  “The girls played well and did
third place, 45.28.                       2:18.61                                    week, moving their record to 9-5.         time.   When you add Alex Goll and         Banse.  “The game was a lot closer than      a great job filling those spots.”
	 •4x800 meter relay: O’Connor, Na-       	 •200 meter run: Marroquin, third,        	 On Monday, April 18, the                Jake Folkerts to the mix, it will be com-  the score shows and they proved they         	 Coach Banse praised the play of
than Larson, Derek Brown and Ray Catal-   23.48                                      team competed at the Gruis Golf           petitive to see who will play in the up-   can play with teams like this.”              Ashley Markla and Teyha Mitchell in
do, fifth place, 9:13.06                  	 •4x100 relay: Marroquin, Conner          Course.   The Cardinals placed second     coming tournaments.                        	 Payton Bamrick and Hannah Lau              the midfield.  Weaver and Bamrick had
	 •Shuttle hurdle relay: O’Connor,        Shaw, Cook, Sam Cataldo, second place,     with 182-points, behind Algona who        	 On Saturday, April 23, the team          scored the two goals for the Cardinals.      many shots on goal, but would just not
Cook, Holden Larson and Sam Cataldo,      46.12                                      won with a 167-points.   Lake Mills       competed in a triangular at Ridge Stone    	 Goalie Morgan Westendorf had               go in, according to Banse.
                                          	 •Shuttle hurdle: O’Connor, Cook,         scored 228 and North Iowa ended with      Golf Course. Hampton-Dumont won            seven saves.                                 	 “The attack of the offense was
seventh place, 1:10.37.                   Holden Larson, Sam Cataldo, fourth place,  242.                                      the meet with 173 points, followed by      	 “We are still trying to find the           great and our defense had a nice game
                                          1:09.93                                    	 All six Cardinal golfers were with-     West Fork, 181, and GHV carded a           right lineup and rotation,” said Banse.      as well,” said Banse.
Bronco Relays                                                                        in seven strokes of each other.  Grady    184.                                       	
                                          Junior varsity singles                     Umbarger led the way with a 43, fol-      	 Finley and Umbarger both fired
CL BOYS TENNIS                            Eric Hahn won, 6-4                         lowed by Matthew Heinemann with a         44 to lead the scoring for the Cards.      GHV 5, CAL 0                                 	 Deserae Clevenger was the goalie
from page 10                              Aaron Blum lost, 6-2                       44.  Jake Folkers shot a 47, while Bran-  Heinemann and Obermann followed            	 GHV shut-out CAL on Friday, for the night.
                                                                                     dan Bell and Jordan Babcock both shot     with 48s. Bell and Babcock rounded
Hunter Gerhardt (CL) over Roman Gon-      Junior varsity doubles                     48s.                                      out the scoring with a 49 and a 52 re-     Ups and downs for the
zalez, 10-1                               Eric Hahn/Aaron Blum lost, 6-3             	 “We gained valuable experience by       spectively.                                GHV girls golf team
                                          Eric Hahn /Drew Enke won, 6-3              playing new and different courses,” said  	                                          	 It was a busy week for the Garner-
Doubles                                   Duke Olthoff/Garrett Gannon lost, 6-0      Coach Ken Krause.                                                                    Hayfield-Ventura girls golf team, as         ning with a 59 and Leerar with a
Jones/Mason (CL) over Clark/White, 10-0   Aaron Blum/Carter Olk lost, 6-3            	 On Friday, April 22, the team           GHV GIRLS                                  they competed in three meets.                63.  Enright shot a 66.
Peterson/Holtz (CL) over Craig/Torger-                                               competed in a triangular on a tricky      from page 9	                               	 On Monday, April 18, the team              	 “We had a much better effort from
son, 10-1                                 Duke Olthoff/Drew Enke lost, 7-6           par 37 course at the Belmond Coun-                                                   was at North Iowa, where they strug-         Bailee and Kyleigh, but if we’re going
Adams/Gerhardt over Bollhogen/Grefe,                                                 try Club.  The Cardinals finished in the  	 •1500 meter run: Hannah Whelan,          gled to record some decent scores.           to be a competitive team we need a
10-2                                      CL 7, Decorah 2                            middle of the pack with a 171.  Bish-     third place, 6:05.14                       	 “This was our worst performance            couple more scores in the mid to low
Junior varsity                            	 The Lions swept the singles              op Garrigan won the meet with a           	 •3000 meter run: Rebekah Larson,         as a team in quite a while.  The weather     50s.  We’re just not there yet, but I be-
Eric Hahn/Aaron Blum  won, 6-3            matches on Saturday against Deborah        169.  Belmond-Klemme ended with a         fourth place, 13:09.31; Nicole Upmeyer,    was not a factor and the course was not      lieve we do have the ability to improve
Duke Olthoff/Drew Enke lost, 6-4          and won as a team, 7-2.                    239.                                      seventh, 13:38.17                          that difficult.  It just seemed that all of  before tournaments roll around,” said
                                                                                     	 “This was the first time any of         	 •400 meter hurdles: Anderson, fourth     the girls managed to find trouble some-      Greiman.
Carter Olk/Garrett Gannon lost, 6-1       Singles                                    our players had seen the course,” said    place, 1:15.50                             where,” said Coach Todd Greiman.             	 GHV had another good outing,
                                          Sam Jones (CL) over Ross Gentry, 6-1,      Krause.                                   	 •High jump: Emma Whelan, third           	 Kyleigh Slaichert and Bailee               this time at Belmond on Friday, April
Boone 5, CL 4                             6-1                                        	 Umbarger shot a one-over par 38         place, 4’06”; Hannah Lau, seventh place,   Frayne led the team with scores of 50        22.  The Cardinals won the meet with
	 The Lions started strong,               Ben Mason (CL) over Miles Smith, 7-5,      to be the meet’s medalist.                4’02”                                      and 51.  Paige Penning shot a 59 and         202 points.  Bishop Garrigan was sec-
winning the first two singles matches,    6-2                                        	 Heinemann’s 43 included two             	 •Long jump: Bierle, fourth place,        Kayla Leerar ended with a 64.  Rachel        ond with a 240, followed by Belmond-
but eventually fell 5-4 to Boone in a     Jacob Peterson (CL) over Logan Brauer,     doubles, while Babcock’s 44 had a nine    13’10.5”; Rachel Hejlik, eighth place      Enright shot a 71.                           Klemme with a 268.
match played April 21. Sam Jones          6-0, 6-1                                   on the card.                              	 •4x100 relay: Williams, Hughes,          	 “This is one of those times when           	 The 202 was the Cardinal’s lowest
and Ben Mason both won their singles      Nick Holtz (CL) over Ben Lexclanky, 6-0    	 “All three of these players had         Meinders, Van Oort, fourth place, 57.09    you just walk away, put it behind you        team total of the season.   “Hopefully
matches, then teamed up for a doubles     6-1                                        excellent rounds,” said Krause.   “Ty-    	 •4x200 relay: Trinity Smith, Droste      and move forward,” said Greiman.             we’re on the way to even more improve-
victory. Jacob Peterson and Nick          Mac Adams (CL) over Nate Larson, 6-4,                                                Hennings, Summer Einhuis, Whelan,          	 The Cardinals had a much bet-              ment,” said Greiman.
Holtz also won as a doubles team.         6-1                                                                                  eighth place, 2:07.48                      ter outing on Tuesday, April 19, at          	 Frayne nabbed medalist honors
                                          Logan Loney (D) over Hunter Gerhardt,                                                	 •4x400 relay: Williams, Anderson,        West Fork.   GHV won the meet by             with a 41.  Slaichert wasn’t far behind
Singles                                   6-2, 6-4                                                                             Van Oort, Oulman, third place, 4:26.35     17 strokes.  The Cards recorded a 211,       with a 44.  Penning shot 57, followed
Jones (CL) over Danny Anderson, 6-0,                                                                                           	 •4x800 relay: Hennings, Whelan,          followed by Hampton-Dumont with a            by Enright and Leerar with 60s.
6-0                                       Doubles                                                                              Hannah Wellik, Whelan, sixth place,        228 and West Fork who ended with a           	 “Bailee and Kyleigh were their
Mason (CL) over Andrew Troe, 7-6 (10-     Jones/Mason (CL) over Gentry/Smith,                                                  12:28.95                                   285.                                         consistent selves and Paige came in
8) 6-3                                    6-3, 6-3                                                                                                                        	 Frayne led the team with a 43,             right where she’s been all year and Kay-
Ethan Patterson (B) over Peterson, 6-1,   Peterson/Holtz (CL) over Brauer/ Lex-      DeGabriele fires a hole-in-one                                                       followed by Slaichert, who shot a            la and Rachel both played better,” said
6-2                                       clanky, 6-0, 6-1                                                                                                                46.  Rounding out the score was Pen-         Greiman.
Jackson Zehr (B) over Holtz, 6-1, 6-2     Larson/Loney (D) over Adams/Gerhardt,      	 Bryan DeGabriele, 44, of Mason City, recorded the first hole-in-one of the
Caden Burkamper (B) over Mac Adams        7-5, 6-4                                   season at Oak Hills Golf Course, Clear Lake, on Sunday, April 24. DeGabriele
4-6, 7-6 (8-6), 10-1                                                                 aced hole #7 (150-yards) using a pitching wedge. The shot was witnessed by his
Mason Hulse (B) over Hunter Gerhardt,     Junior varsity singles                     son, Drew, and Paul Peterson. This is his second career hole-in-one.
6-0, 6-1                                  Aaron Blum lost 6-1 and won 6-2
                                          Garret Gannon lost 8-0 and 6-2
Doubles                                   Drew Enke won 6-2 and 5-3
Jones/Mason (CL) over Anderson/Patter-    Carter Olk won, 5-3
son, 6-3, 6-1                             Duke Olthoff won 5-3 and lost 6-2
Peterson/Holtz (CL) over Troe/Burkam-
per, 6-3, 6-3                             Junior varsity doubles
Zehr/Waflin (B) over Adams/Gerhardt,      Eric Hahn and Aaron Blum won, 6-0
6-2, 6-1                                  Carter Olk/Garrett Gannon won 6-2 and
                                          tied 3-3
                                          Drew Enke/Duke Olthoff won 5-3 and 5-3

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