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Sports/OutdoorsPage 12 • April 27, 2016		
                                                                				                                                                                                       Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

CL soccer team falls to                                                                                                                                                    Lion JV boys                                             B
Mason City; tops A-P                                                                                                                                                       soccer team drops
                                                                                                                                                                           close matches                                           Accounting
Mason City 8, CL 0
	 On Tuesday, April 19, the Lions faced their toughest chal-                                                                                                               	 The young Lion JV soccer team traveled to              507 Main Ave.,
lenge of the year without starting goalie Ellie Biebesheimer.                                                                                                              Waverly Tuesday night, April 19, to take on the
The Mohawks were able to score eight times and held the Li-                                                                                                                Go-Hawks.  Waverly consistently is one of the bet-                    www.ho
ons scoreless.                                                                                                                                                             ter teams in the state, which is reflected in their JV
	 “Mason City has a nice team who is probably used to a                                                                                                                    teams, as well.                                         Assisted L
more physical game then we had seen up to that point. With                                                                                                                 	 The Lions fought hard right from the start, as
that said, our team adapted as the game played on,” said Coach                                                                                                             the Go-Hawk offense pressured the  Lion defense                The Perfect Pl
Steve Faber. “I was proud of our kids and their willingness to                                                                                                             several times.  The defenders kept their positions
continue challenging Mason City to the very end. This experi-                                                                                                              and helped each other out and managed to keep                    405 27th Ave
ence will definitely help us as the season continues.”                                                                                                                     Waverly out of the net the first half.  Freshman                641-357-7083
                                                                                                                                                                           goalie Joel Groeneweg had another good game, as
CL 1, A-P 0                                                     The Clear Lake girls soccer team was shut-out by Mason City, 8-0, in a home contest on Tuesday,            he made seven saves by intermission.                                  and: 300 L
	 The Lions got their third win of the season, 1-0, over Ap-    April 19. Pictured for Clear Lake is Bailey Maulsby (#12). -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy                	 The Lion offense mounted their own attack at                                 64
lington-Parkersburg Friday, April 22.                                                                                                                                      the Waverly goal the second half. Ben Finn had a
	 The match was tied 0-0 when Erin O’Tool scored in the                                                                                                                    shot on goal and Ian Gonzalez had a couple more         Auto Repai
27th minute of the second half for the Lions. O’Tool found                                                                                                                 shots, but the Waverly goalie was able to stymie
the back of the net on a nice fading shot from outside the                                                                                                                 the Lions.  Clear Lake’s defenders again held the        DON’S B
goalie’s box with an assist from Rissa Barragy.                                                                                                                            Go-Hawks scoreless until 10 minutes to play in the
	 O’Tool took four shots on goal in the game. Maddy                                                                                                                        second half when they finally broke through for a          •Quality & Exp
Wendell had two shot on goal, while Milo Dugan, Katelyn                                                                                                                    goal.  The final score ended at 3-0, but not without                  •Auto
Moore and Jessica Faber each took one shot on goal.                                                                                                                        a strong battle from the Lions.  
	 The Lion defense did the rest.                                                                                                                                                                                                              •Repairin
	 Goal keeper Ellie Biebesheimer had two saves in the game.                                                                                                                Webster City 2, CL 1                                                  •Insura
	 Coach Faber noted Lizzie Lakose and Bianca Dodd pro-                                                                                                                     	 Playing their first game in front of their home
vided valuable minutes off the bench.                                                                                                                                      crowd, the young Lions were ready to roar Thurs-         304 S. 20th
                                                                                                                                                                           day night, April 21, against Webster City.  The Lion               35
Three losses for Clear Lake boys soccer team                                                                                                                               offense controlled the ball much of the game and
	 The Clear Lake boys soccer team played quality            in the match with the Lynx’s winning 3-0.              well and seemed to be off to a great start.  The half-  kept the pressure on the Lynx defense.                   Lake Au
soccer, but suffered three losses last week to go to        	 “I thought the boys responded really well in         time score was 0-0 due only to the numerous missed      	 The Lion attack was led by Sean Wendel with
1-5.                                                        the second half.  After having such an ugly start it   shots the Lions had on their goal.                      five shots on goal, followed by Ben Finn with two                712 Buddy H
	 “We didn’t get off to the start we wanted to this         would have been easy for the team to fold up.  I       	 In the second half Ryan Faught got Clear Lake         more.  Eric Faught, David Lincicum and Will                                 (64
year.  Contrary to our record we are a talented group       was pleased with how the boys endured and pushed       on the score board when he gathered up a loose ball     Kirschbaum also had shots on the Lynx goalie but
and we’ll make a realistic push at playing in June,”        through finishing the second half more aggressive      and placed it in the back of the net.  The Lions held   were turned away.                                               (1 block Sout
said Coach Matt Anderson.                                   and with a chip on their shoulders.”                   a 1-0 lead for the rest of the match until Boone        	 After a scoreless first half, Webster City scored
W-SR 4, CL 0                                                Boone tournament                                       scored with less than three minutes remaining in        in the second half to make it 1-0.  Then, after an
	 The Lions traveled to Waverly Shell Rock Tues-            	 The Lions traveled to Boone to participate in a      the match.                                              unfortunate foul in the ‘18’ box, the Lynx were
day, April 19.   The Lions played 39 minutes of             four team tournament on Saturday.	 The tourney         	 Due to tournament rules there was no overtime         awarded a penalty kick which they converted, mak-
flawless soccer in the first half, but with :18 seconds     featured competition from larger schools and Clear     and the team went directly to a shoot out.  Boone       ing the score 2-0 in their favor.
remaining in the first half gave up a late goal and         Lake was matched up with 3A Des Moines North in        eventually took the match with their seventh shoot-     	 Showing their resolve the Lions didn’t give up
gave the Go Hawks a 1-0 lead at halftime.                   the opening match.                                     er converting a sudden death goal.                      the fight and kept battling.  With much improved
	 The Go Hawks came out of the half with mo-                	 “Des Moines North’s starting roster consists         	 “This was a hard loss to take as I felt we played     passing, the offensive side of the field worked the
mentum and  owned possession of the ball for much           of 11 players from 11 different countries, certainly   better throughout the match,” said Anderson.            ball down close to the Lynx goal.  A nifty pass-
of the second half.  The contest concluded, 4-0.            making them the most diversified team we’ve ever       “Even with this tough loss we gained some serious       ing combination from Will Finn to Ben Stroup to
	 “We had some really bright moments in this                played,” said Coach Anderson. “In addition to their    experience that you can not replicate at practice.      Braden Byrnes gave Byrnes a clear shot at the goal
match against a quality opponent.  I am hopeful             diversity, Des Moines North is the most talented       We worked on our penalty kicks the week prior           which he converted, putting the ball in the right
we’ll continue to build on the first 39 minutes and         team we’ve played this season.”                        at practice and knew exactly what order the boys        side of the net. 
play at this level for a full 80 minutes by the end of      	 The Lions missed on a couple of open attempts        would kick.  The wear and tear of two games back        	 The Lions pressure was unable to push another
the season,” said Coach Matt Anderson.                      to score and had an equalizer goal go unrecorded in    to back and the pressure of the shoot out ended up      goal into the net so the score ended 2-1 in  favor of
Webster City 3, CL 0                                        the second half— “ all things which will bite you in   being too much for                                      Webster City.  
	 A motivated Webster City Lynx team came to                the end when playing such high level competition,”     us this time around. 
town Thursday, April 21.                                    said Anderson.                                         We have a very solid                                                                                                        641-
	 The Lions gave up two penalty kicks and a 40-             	 Contrary to the final 3-0 score, the match was       group of kickers and                                                                                            11201 265th St.
yard floater all in the first half for a 3-0 Lynx lead.  	  very close through out.                                our goal keeper Kyle
	 “Webster City won nearly every 50/50 ball and             	 “We came out ready to play, we were aggressive,      Willms did a great
were more physical than us the entire first half,” said     we communicated, we passed the ball well, most         job of getting a hand
Coach Anderson. “They just wanted it more than              importantly we got better,” said the coach.            on several of Boone’s
we did.”                                                    	 The second match of the tournament against           kicks.  I’ll be nervous-
	 As it ended up, the first half was the difference         Boone got of to an early start leaving the Lions with  ly excited to see how
                                                            a very short recovery time.  Despite that, Clear Lake  we perform if we’re
                                                            owned possession of the ball, distributed the ball     in another shoot out
                                                                                                                   this year.”     

Clear Lake MS boys track team off to a good start                                                                                                                                                                                  Auto Deale

	 Clear Lake Middle School boys track           son Barragy, Anderson and Kearns.        Jones and Nathan Lollar were third and                                                                                                    EST. P  RITCH
teams got off to a good start April 22. The     The Lions placed first and third in the  fourth in 1:14.89 and 1:16.22. An-
Lions competed at Hampton against Clari-        4x400. Theo Swanson, Barragy, Soto       drew Formanek was the winner in the                                                                                                       Au      P
on-Goldfield-Dows, Hampton-Dumont and           and Arndt won in a time of 4:39.21.      long jump with a mark of 14’3”, while                                                                                                             tFoa  m
West Fork.                                      The team of Loge, Pedelty, Starbeck      Paul Bruns was sixth in the event in                                                                                                                    st
	 “We had a great outing for our first          and Anthony Aragon was third in          13’5”. Bruns was also third in the high
track meet. All of the boys ran hard and        5:09.74.                                 jump and Justin Wright was fourth,                                                                                                        Banks
turned left,” said Coach Gary Weber.            	 The Distance Medley team of Bar-       both clearing 4’4”.
Eighth grade results                            ragy, Kearns, Breken and Soto was also   	 Other top six individual finishes
	 Members of the Clear Lake eighth grade        a winner in 4:23.60.                     included: Justin Wright and Sam Nel-
track team won 10 of 18 events at Hampton.      	 The Sprint Medley relay with An-       son, third and fourth in the 1600 in
	 Jacob Pedelty posted a pair of top fin-       derson, Thomas, Kearns and Arndt         5:55.71 and 6:17.46; Ethan Kavana-
ishes. He won the 400 meter dash in 1:04.59     placed second in 2:00.29. The Lions      ugh, sixth in the 100 meters in 16.51;
and teammate Anthony Aragon was second          were also fourth in the event with Aus-  Rich Gavin, fifth in the 800 in 3:08.81;
in 1:07.29. He also captured the 1600 me-       tin Larson, DeVries, O’Tool and Ara-
ters in a time of 5:52.73. The Lions swept      gon in 2:09.76.                          	 Top three relay finishes were record-
the top three finishes in the event as Jackson  	 The 4x400 relay of Bryce Mc-           ed by:
Loge was second in 6:37.27 and Alex Star-       Clure, Levenhagen, Larson and O’Tool     	 •4x800 team, first place: Nathan Lol-
beck was third in 6:44.82. Max Soto fin-        placed third in 59.39.                   lar, Noah Peterson, Jordon Bergman, Ste-
ished first in the 800 meter run in a time of   Seventh grade results                    ven Faltas, 1:11.17
2:32.47 and Loge placed sixth in 3:05.31.       	 Eric Ritter tallied a win and run-     	 •Sprint Medley: first place: Noah Pe-
	 In the 100 meter dash, Austin Larson          ner-up finish among seventh graders      terson, Josh Blahah, Bruns, Formanek,
placed second with a time of 14.57. Jaylen      competing at the meet. Ritter won        2:09.28; third place, Thomas Gansen,
DeVries and Cameron Levenhagen placed           the 100 hurdles in 18.41 and was sec-    Caden Jones, Ty Fisher, Jacob Evans,
third and fourth respectively in 14.99 and      ond in the 200 hurdles in 33.94. Two     2:20.58
15.85.                                          other Lions, Waylon Kirschbaum and       	 •Distance Medley, second: Andrew
	 The hurdles were a strong event for the       Andrew Crane, placed fourth and fifth    Formanek, Noah Peterson, Paul Bruns,
Lions, as Mitchell Raber was second in the      in the 100 hurdles. PJ Feuerbach also    Justin Wright, 4:42.42
100 hurdles in 18.30 and Tim Swanson was        earned a win for the Lions in the 400    	 •4x110 Shuttle Hurdle, third: Blahah,
fifth in 19.64. In the 200 hurdles, Raber fin-  meter dash, running a 1:11.61. Caden     Feuerbach, Crane, Ritter, 1:24.33.
ished second in 30.13 and Zane Anderson
was third in 30.68.                                                                           •4x100 team, third place: Fisher,
	 In field events, Anderson was the win-                                                 Faltas, Jacob Evans and Bergman,
ner in the high jump, clearing 4’8”. Faber                                               1:02.08
was third with a leap of 4’6”. Kody Kearns
topped the field in the long jump with a mark                                                 •Shot put: Carson Krefft, fifth, 27’6”
of 15’8.25” and Soto was third at 14’8”. Lev-                                                 •Discus: Fisher, fifth, 75’7”
enhagen won the shot put with a toss of 42’.
DeVries finished as runner-up with a mark       NEW             Enhance your home’s look                                                                                                                                                            www.f
of 35’9”. Conner O’Tool was fifth in the                          with designer shingles                                                                                                                                           210 1st Ave. N., Clear L
event at 30’1” and Ryan Thomas was sixth at
29’11.75”. Levenhagen also won the discus        Best warranty in                                                                                                                                                                          357-6174
with a toss of 104’. O’Tool was second in         the industry
the discus with a mark of 98’. Breken Arndt                                                                                                                                                                                        1919 Hwy. 18 E. a
was third at 96’10” and DeVries was fourth      Financing available                                                                                                                                                                      Clear Lake • 6
at 95’8”.                                       FREE estimates
	 The Lions’ 4x200 team was a winner in
1:53.47. The relay consisted of Raber, Jack-           1539 N. Federal, Mason City

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