Page 12 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-23-2015
P. 12

Page 12

                              Letters courtesy of Mr. Lapointe’s 2nd Grade Class

Dear Santa,        Dear Santa,                                        Dear Santa,                 Dear Santa,
		 I want a        	 I want a checkere bord. I allso wont             	 For Christmas this year   	 For Christmas this year
bicycle. I want    a snow glob. I also so wont a book.                I want a trampoline and a   I want a computer, Legos
markers. I want    From,                                              hot tub and I want a pony.  and Minecraft story mode.
100 dollars.       Sage                                               Your friend,                Love,
Love,                                                                 Gibson                      Abraham

                   Dear Santa,                                        Dear Santa,
                   For Christmas this year I want a big               	 For Christmas I want the game quick cups, a trampoline
                   wheel and a fish with a fish tack and              and some more barbies.
                   food. And finle I want jast dance.                 Your friend,
                   Your Friend,                                       Josie

Dear Santa,        Dear Santa,                                        Dear Santa,                 Dear Santa,
	 For Christ-      	 For Christmas this year I want a art             	 For Christ-               	 For Christmas I would like a sewing
mis I woud like a  and craft set. And also I want a girl rmot         mas this year               maching and lots of clay to craft with
robot and a hot    cntrol helrooter. And finle I want ice fish-       I want Lego                 and last but not least a really big lego
wheels race track  ing stuf.                                          friends and ru-             set thats three lego sets in one box!!!!!!!
and a XBox 360.    Your friend,                                       dolphs Bell also            Love,
Your friend,       Shaelyn                                            a puppy.                    Natalia
Krish                                                                 Your Friend,

                 Dear Santa,                                                 Dear Santa,
                 	 For this Christmas I would like, a molctroled             	 For Christmas this year I want an easy bake
                 B-2 jet, a molctroled car, a molctroled helicopter,         oven, legosets and some books. I want legos be-
                 Your friend,                                                cause they are creative. I want a easy bake oven
                 Conner                                                      because I can cook with my mom. I want some
                                                                             books because I like reading.
                                                                             Love, Ayla

         Dear Santa,          Dear Santa,                                    Dear Santa,                    Dear Santa,
         	 For Christmas      	 For Christmas this year I want               	 For Chrismas I wont a drum   	 For Christmas I
         I want a barbie, a   a Stuffy please. And a four whiler             set. I wont legos too. I wont  would like a baby
         trampoline, a bike.  please. Also a video game.                     reyhows.                       husky. Next I want
         Your friend,         Your friend,                                   Love, Tyler                    a tree hose. Also
         Skylar               Jaron                                                                         rodoff.
                 Dear Santa,                                                                                Aubrie
                 	 For Christmas this year I want Legos because you get
                 to bulid whatever you want. I also would like the game      Dear Santa,
                 quick cups because it is really fun to play. Another thing  	 For Christmas this year I want a ipod touch be-
                 that I want is a tramplean because you get to jump on it    cause I get bord on the bus. Second I want legos
                 with your friends.                                          because you get to bulid whatever you want. Third is
                 Love, Avery                                                 I want microscope because I get to see thangs very
                                                                             Love, Nora

                                                                             Dear Santa,
                                                                             	 This year for Christmas I want a raindeer. Another thing I
                                                                             want is candy. Finaly I want a car.
                                                                             Your friend, Anna

                                                                                               Dear Santa,
                                                                                               	 For Christmas this year I want
                                                                                               a nrfe gun and iey pode plus cotton
                                                                                               Your friend, Jack

                                                                                                  Dear Santa,
                                                                                                  	 For Christmas I would
                                                                                                  like some candy. Another
                                                                                                  thing I would like to have
                                                                                                  is an iPad. I also would
                                                                                                  like some crafts.
                                                                                                  Your friend,
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