Page 7 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
P. 7

Ag./BusinessClear Lake Mirror-Reporter															                                                                                                                           Dec. 16, 2015 • Page 7

Billion                                                                                                                                                            Stellar Industries to close
to acquire                                                                                                                                                         Kiefer Manufacturing business
Pritchard’s of
Clear Lake                                                                                                                                                         	 Stellar Industries announced that        also been working closely with Han-
                                                                                                                                                                   it will close its Kiefer Manufacturing     cock County Mayor Thomas Harri-
	 Pritchard Family Auto Stores an-      Pritchard Family Auto Store, located at 3101 Willow Creek Ct., Clear Lake, announced that it will be acquired by Billion   facility in Sneedville, Tenn. on Dec.      son to assist in job placement oppor-
nounced that its Clear Lake dealership  Automotive. -Reporter photo                                                                                                31 and transition its Kanawha, Iowa        tunities and training for employees at
will be acquired by Billion Automo-                                                                                                                                operation to a Stellar company effec-      the plant in Sneedville.
tive in late January. The dealership    of selling and servicing vehicles across   we are best serving the needs of our  ter dealership, and announced that        tive Jan. 1, 2016. Stellar Industries has   	 “While this has been a difficult
is located at 3101 Willow Creek Ct.     Northern Iowa,” said Joe Pritchard,        customers, our communities and our    new vehicles will no longer be sold at    made a decision to exit horse and live-    decision, Stellar Industries has taken
Clear Lake.                             President of Pritchard Family Auto         employees.”                           Clarion Auto Center. Pritchard Fam-       stock trailer manufacturing and focus      the appropriate steps to assist the
	 Pritchard Family Auto Stores is a     Stores. “As the industry and the busi-     	 Additionally, Pritchard Fam-        ily Auto Stores currently has no plans    on its core business, hydraulic truck      Kiefer Manufacturing employees in
national leader in commercial vehicle   ness model for car sales evolves, we       ily Auto Stores announced plans to    to sell any of its six other automobile   mounted equipment.                         Sneedville by working collaboratively
sales, and the company will build on    continue to look for strategic part-       expand their Forest City Auto Cen-    dealerships located in Northern Iowa.      	 The company has been negotiat-          with our offices and workforce devel-
that performance. As a 5th genera-      nerships and alliances to ensure that                                                                                      ing with a potential buyer for the fa-     opment,” said Harrison. “We will be-
tion family-owned and operated busi-                                                                                                                               cility in Sneedville. Stellar Industries   gin job coaching and host a job fair
ness, Pritchard Family Auto Stores is                                                                                                                              hopes to finalize details of the sale in   Monday morning with the goal of
proud to provide North Iowa with                                                                                                                                   a timely manner to aid in a smooth         placing each person. Employment is
quality, dependable automobiles and                                                                                                                                transition for employees and new           the key to the community’s success,
outstanding customer service since                                                                                                                                 ownership.                                 and I am hopeful we will be able to
1913. The company’s footprint ex-                                                                                                                                   	 “This was a difficult business de-      retain jobs locally through the sale of
pands across the United States with                                                                                                                                cision that we considered carefully,”      Kiefer Manufacturing.”
commercial locations in Minneapolis,                                                                                                                               said Dave Zrostlik, Stellar Industries      	 Stellar Industries will complete
Chicago, Detroit, Orlando, Las Vegas,                                                                                                                              president. “As an employee-owned           as many orders as possible by Dec.
Baltimore, and Los Angeles.                                                                                                                                        company, we are proud of the prod-         31. Manufacturing warranties and re-
	 “We are committed to continu-                                                                                                                                    ucts made by our hard-working em-          placement parts will be transitioned in
ing our successful, 102-year history                                                                                                                               ployees. We are committed to treat-        the sale of the facility.
                                                                                                                                                                   ing our employees with dignity and         	 Once the transition is complete,
                                                                                   Pork Care Packages to be sent to                                                respect, and helping them with the         the plant in Kanawha will be utilized
                                                                                                                                                                   transition moving forward.”                to meet the increased demand for
                                                                                                                                                                    	 Approximately 35 employees will         Stellar® products, strengthen market
                                                                                                                                                                   be affected. All Sneedville employees      share and position the company for
                                                                                                                                                                   will receive severance, vacation and       future success.
                                                                                                                                                                   personal pay. The organization has

                                                                                   Iowa members of the armed services
                                                                                   	 Iowa members of the armed Reserves and US Marine Corps Re-                                                                           Tom Alexander
                                                                                   forces and their families will have a serves. Pork Care Packages were           401k, 403b,                                      Financial Consultant
                                                                                   little more on their plates this holiday also delivered to the Iowa National    457 Plans
                                                                                   season, quite literally, with an unprec- Guard’s Survivorship Outreach Ser-                                                         Securities America
                                                                                   edented donation of Pork Care Pack- vices to deliver to 600 Iowa families of                                                  Member FINRA/SIPC
                                                                                   ages from the Deb and Jeff Hansen fallen Soldiers.

                                                                                   Foundation and Iowa Select Farms. 	 From ribs and bacon to fresh                                Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust
                                                                                   Every member of all Iowa military pork, the coupons in the Pork Care                            322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake
                                                                                   units- active duty, Reserves and civil- Packages are redeemable at any local
                                                                                   ian employees - will be receiving $38 grocery store, regardless the brand                    [email protected]

                                                                                   worth of coupons good for various or cut. The Pork Care Packages also                         Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee
                                                                                   pork products, including ham, ribs, contain a cookbook entitled “Our                          Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency.
                                                                                   bacon and ground pork, through Favorites” which features pork recipes
                                                                                   their unit’s Family Readiness Coor- submitted by the employees of Iowa          Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative.
                                                                                   dinators. In total, more than 12,000 Select Farms.                                             Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated.

                                                                                   service members will be receiving the 	 “We asked our employees to send
                                                                                   coupons, equating to $456,000 in free in their favorite family pork recipes to
                                                                                   pork.                                 share with the military families and the  We’re Growing…
                                                                                   	 “Providing support to military response was overwhelming,” says Jen            We’re Moving!
                                                                                   families in Iowa is the least we can Sorenson, Communications Director
                                                                                   do for those on active duty and those for Iowa Select Farms. The bright and          As of Dec. 29th our new location will be
                                                                                   who dedicate their time to civilian bold cookbook contains a variety of              418 North Shore Drive, Clear Lake
                                                                                   duty and the Reserves,” says Jeff Han- pork recipes for all of the Pork Care
                                                                                   sen, president and CEO of Iowa Se- Package products, including Apricot
Oakwood names Employee of the Year                                                 lect Farms. “Supplying the resources Glazed Ham, Bacon Pancake Cup-
                                                                                   for several home-cooked meals that cakes, Slow Cooker Cranberry Pork
Chosen by his co-workers, Brandon Gardner (center), assistant food service         helps bring families together is our Chops and Apple and Ale Pork Roast.
supervisor and chef, was named Oakwood Care Center’s Employee of the               way of saying ‘thank you’ to the men 	 “The coupons offer a great op-
Year for 2015.  To the left is Shawna Pralle, food service supervisor, and to the  and women who sacrifice so much of portunity for service members to sit
right, Sheri Weaver-Isvik, administrator at Oakwood.   Brandon is known for        their time away from their families in down with their families to share a
his wonderful culinary skills that he shares daily with the Oakwood and The        order to protect our freedom.”        meal during the holidays and through
Courtyard residents and employees.  He received an engraved plaque and a cash      	 Employees of Iowa Select Farms the cold winter months,” Sorenson              418 North Shore Dr., Clear Lake
award.  -Submitted photo                                                           delivered the Pork Care Packages to says. “On top of the Pork Care Pack-                Bus: 641-357-8292
                                                                                   all units of the Iowa National Guard, age Program, the Foundation will
Business After Hours to be held Dec. 17                                                                                                                            [email protected]               Kim Ruter, Agent
 	 The Christmas Business After Hours, sponsored by Hall Realty and host-
 ed by the Clear Lake Arts Center, will be held on Thursday, Dec. 18. An Open      along with the 132nd Fighter Wing, also continue the popular Hams for
 House will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. This festive event has become a tradi-     Iowa Air National Guard; 185th Air Heroes Program, which delivers fresh
 tion during this time of year.                                                    Refueling Wing, Iowa Air National pork packs and hams to select units
                                                                                   Guard; US Army Reserves; US Navy and families.”                                       KIOW-FM 107.3

                                                                                                                                                                      MERRY CHRISTMAS!
                                                                                                                                                                                  KIOW’s 37th Annual Festival of Christmas Concerts on
                                                                                                                                                                    FM-107.3 and streaming on Wednesday through Friday, Dec. 23
                                                                                                                                                                     through 25, 2015. The KIOW Festival of Christmas Concerts is the broadcast of
                                                                                                                                                                    area high school, middle school, elementary, college, and church Christmas and
                                                                                                                                                                   Holiday Concerts which have been recorded live on location over the past 4 weeks.

                                                                                                                                                                              Algona HS B/V • 10 am Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              Belmond-Klemme HS B/V • 1 pm Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              Bishop Garrigan HS Band • 2 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              Bishop Garrigan HS Vocal • 10 am Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Clarion-Goldfield-Dows HS B/V • Noon Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Clear Lake HS Band • 3 pm Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              Clear Lake HS Vocal • 8 pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              First Congregational Church Cantata • 11 am Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Forest City Christian School • 6:30 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              Forest City HS Band • Noon Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              Forest City HS Vocal • 3 pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Forest City MS Band • 4 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              Forest City MS Vocal • 1 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              Garner-Hayfield/Ventura MS/HS Band • 9 am Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Garner-Hayfield/Ventura Vocal • 5 pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Hancock Co Little Theatre • 11 am Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              Immanuel Christmas Eve Live • 5 pm Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              Lake Mills Elementary, 5/6 B/V • 6 pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Lake Mills MS/HS Band • 3 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              Lake Mills MS/HS Vocal • 2 pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Lake Mills Tapestry Singers • 8:30 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              Luverne Elementary • 4:45 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              Newman Catholic HS B/V • 7:30 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              NIACC • 10 am Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              North Iowa Elementary • 5:30 pm Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                              North Iowa HS Band • 4 pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              North Iowa HS Vocal • 4 pm Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              North Iowa MS • 1 pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              Northwood-Kensett HS B/V • 2 pm Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              United Methodist Christmas Eve Live • 6 pm Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              Waldorf College • 7 pm Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                              West Hancock Elementary • 11 am Wednesdsay
                                                                                                                                                                              West Hancock HS B/V • 7 pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                              West Hancock MS B/V • 9 am Thursday

                                                                                                                                                                        Forest City, Iowa • 641-585-1073
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