Page 5 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
P. 5
Opinion/NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Dec. 16, 2015 • Page 5
UPMEYER fear of the unknown. However, I Clear Lake Parks &
from page 4 am optimistic that as long as both Recreation Update
the State, health care providers, and
tance details should already be out consumers engage in constructive dia- Review this section of the paper for updated information
to members. The delay in providing logue, Iowa’s Medicaid program will regarding P&R programs, program deadlines and events.
information to Iowans was due to the be better in future years. As this pro-
fact that the federal government had cess moves forward, the Legislature by Steven Story, Clear Lake Parks & Recreation Assistant Director
to approve what material was being will keep a close eye on the changes
sent out, and they prevented DHS and assist our constituents to ensure •Weekend Open Gym Sched- ing to ages and then work in groups
from sending it out sooner. they receive the care and services they ule: The Clear Lake Parks and doing arts and crafts, along with or-
Currently, Medicaid members need. Recreation Department’s open gym ganized activities such as: kickball,
have until Dec. 17 to choose which Additionally, the Department of program will begin Saturday, Dec. dodgeball, obstacle courses (kids
MCO they would like to manage their Human Services has established two 13 and continue until Spring Break. help design), scooter races, relay
care that begins on Jan. 1. While pro- toll-free hotlines to troubleshoot any Due to the increased cost of utilities, races and more. Weather permitting
vider networks are not fully complete, problems that providers or consumers the Clear Lake Parks and Recreation we will take advantage of the snow
I have been assured that new con- experience during the transition. will need to charge a nominal fee for and make snowmen, snow forts, go
tracts adding more providers are being •If a consumer has questions, Open Gym. snowshoeing and make snow art.
signed with MCOs on a daily basis. they should contact Iowa Medicaid WHEN: Saturdays & Sundays Bring boots, jackets, hats, and mit-
Members then have until March 18, Member Services at 1-800-338-8366. during your scheduled time (see be- tens. Make sure you bring a sack
when provider networks are more •If a provider has questions, they low). Please note: There will be NO lunch, but treats will be provided!
complete and robust, to make a final should contact Iowa Medicaid Pro- Open Gym in December on the day WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 30,
decision on which MCO they would vider Services at 1-800-338-7909. of the Booster Basketball Tourna- from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
like to manage their healthcare. ment. WHERE: Clear Creek Lunch
With any big change comes some WHERE: Clear Creek Gym Room
(grades K-8) – Enter through AGES: 4 year olds – 5th Grade
Start a holiday tradition: WEST DOORS; Middle School (kids will be divided up according
Give blood at Dec. 26 drive Gym (grades 9-12) – Enter through to age)
WEST DOORS FEE: $21 per child.
In the midst of the hustle and will help ensure families in our com- FEE: $50 Family unlimited REGISTRATION DEAD-
bustle, it is important to take a mo- munity enjoy one more holiday with gym use; $25 Individual unlimited LINE: Dec. 21.
ment to remember those in need. Ev- their loved one. gym use. Purchase season passes at •Co-Ed Open Volleyball
ery day, blood and blood products are Plan to give your life-saving gift City Hall, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. Night: The co-ed adult volleyball
needed by cancer patients undergoing at an upcoming blood drive. - 5 p.m. OR $1 per open gym use open gym is held Tuesdays from 7
chemotherapy and radiation treat- A Clear Lake Community Blood payable at gym. – 9 p.m. at the Middle School gym.
ments, premature infants fighting to Drive will be held Saturday, Dec. 26, REGISTRATION: All par- Any adult (18 & older) may drop
survive, trauma and accident victims, from 8 - 10:30 a.m. at Clear Lake ticipants MUST have completed a in and play. There are no set teams,
surgery patients, and so many others. Christian Church, 302 Highway 18 waiver form before they are allowed just come and play anytime you
This holiday season, start a tra- West. to participate. want. Co-ed Volleyball will begin
dition of saving lives. Just one blood Schedule a blood donation ap- Tuesday, Oct. 27, and run through
donation can help save the lives of up pointment online at lifeserveblood- •Christmas Holiday Open March 8.
to three different hospital patients and or call 800-287-4903. Gym: Dec. 23, 24, 26-31 & Jan. 2 WHEN: Tuesdays 7 – 9 p.m.
& 3. WHERE: Middle School
CODE plenty of stickers working her way No open gym Dec. 25, and Gym – use west doors
from page 1 through challenges. “It got harder at Jan 1. FEE: $20 Unlimited Open
every level, but I liked it. I figured it Note: Open Gym dates and Volleyball for Tuesday nights, OR
Birds led to the Mindcraft challenge, out,” she said. “ times subject to change due to lim- $2 per time
and later the popular Star Wars game. In Iowa, more than 800 schools ited availability of gyms. REGISTRATION: All par-
While some students have tried and organizations took part in the ONLY INDOOR ATHLET- ticipants MUST have completed a
coding before, it was the first time “Hour of Code” during Computer IC SHOES ALLOWED. waiver form before they are allowed
fourth grader Chase Rose had tried it. Science Education Week, Dec. 7-13. to participate.
“It’s easier than I thought,” said The global movement reached tens of •Winter Break Retreat: Come ONLY INDOOR ATHLET-
Rose, who was collecting stickers at a millions of students in more than 180 and join us for a day of fun activi- IC SHOES ALLOWED.
steady pace. countries. ties! Kids will be divided up accord-
Mariposa Coleman collected
Seven-Day Forecast For Clear Lake
Wednesday Wednesday Night Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
High: 41º Low: 24º High: 29º Low: 15º High: 22º Low: 11º High: 27º Low: 20º High: 38º Low: 18º High: 32º Low: 15º High: 27º Low: 11º
Rain/Snow Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Sunny Partly Cloudy Snow Possible Mostly Cloudy
In-Depth Local Forecast UV Index National Forecast Summary
Today we will see cloudy skies with a 30% chance of rain and Statistics for noon The higher the UV index, the greater the The Northeast will see mostly clear to partly cloudy
snow, high temperature of 41º, humidity of 86% . South wind 15 to need for eye and skin protection skies and isolated rain, with the highest temperature
23 mph . Little or no snow accumulation expected . The record high Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low of 61º in Georgetown, Del . The Southeast will
temperature for today is 58º set in 1959 . Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low experience mostly clear to partly cloudy skies and a
Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low few thunderstorms, with the highest temperature of 85º
Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .Very Low in North Perry, Fla . The central United States will see
mostly clear to partly cloudy skies and scattered snow,
Sun & Moon Almanac Traveler’s Cities with the highest temperature of 77º in New Iberia, La .
In the Northwest, there will be widespread rain and
Sunrise Sunset Clear Lake for 12/7 - 12/13 Today Tomorrow snow, with the highest temperature of 46º in Medford,
Ore . The Southwest will see mostly clear skies, with the
Wednesday 7:39 a .m . 4:39 p .m . Temperature: City Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo W highest temperature of 73º in Newhall, Calif .
Thursday 7:39 a .m . 4:39 p .m .
Friday 7:40 a .m . 4:40 p .m . High/low Sunday . . . . . . . . . . 43º/39º Ames 41/26 mc 33/19 pc National Map
Saturday 7:41 a .m . 4:40 p .m . High/low Saturday . . . . . . . . . 45º/32º Atlantic
Sunday 7:41 a .m . 4:41 p .m . High/low Friday . . . . . . . . . . . 43º/31º Burlington 39/25 mc 32/19 pc
Monday 7:42 a .m . 4:41 p .m . High/low Thursday . . . . . . . . . 49º/37º Cedar Falls
Tuesday 7:42 a .m . 4:42 p .m . High/low Wednesday . . . . . . . 50º/31º Cedar Rapids 47/30 s 37/24 pc
High/low Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . 48º/29º Chicago
High/low Monday . . . . . . . . . . 46º/30º Council Bluffs 43/26 mc 32/19 mc
Normal high/low . . . . . . . . . . . 30º/14º Dallas
Average temperature . . . . . . . . . . 39 .5º Davenport 46/28 pc 35/22 pc
Normal average temperature . . . . 20 .9º Des Moines
Departure from normal . . . . . . . +18 .6º Dubuque 50/32 sh 37/26 pc
Fort Dodge
First Full Last New Precipitation: Iowa City 37/26 mc 34/21 pc
Kansas City
Total for Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .80" Marshalltown 42/28 mc 34/21 pc
Total for Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Mason City
Total for Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Minneapolis 47/30 s 36/23 pc
Total for Thursday . . . . . . . . . . .0 .05" Omaha
Total for Wednesday . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Orlando 42/28 mc 34/21 pc 20s 30s
Total for Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Phoenix
Total for Monday . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .00" Rochester 45/29 pc 34/22 mc
Total for the week . . . . . . . . . . . .0 .85" Sioux City
12/18 12/25 1/2 1/9 Normal for the week . . . . . . . . . .0 .27" Spencer 40/25 rs 31/17 mc 40s 40s
Total for the month . . . . . . . . . . .0 .86" Waterloo
Moonrise Moonset Normal for the month . . . . . . . . .0 .54" 46/29 pc 36/21 pc H L10s 50s
Total for the year . . . . . . . . . . . .34 .74"
Wednesday 11:14 a .m . 10:32 p .m . Normal for the year . . . . . . . . . .33 .99" 45/28 s 40/26 s 50s
Thursday 11:49 a .m . 11:40 p .m . 60s
Friday 12:23 p .m . Next Day 42/26 mc 32/19 pc
Saturday 12:57 p .m . 12:50 a .m .
Sunday 1:32 p .m . 2:00 a .m . 41/25 rs 30/16 mc
Monday 2:10 p .m . 3:10 a .m .
Tuesday 2:52 p .m . 4:20 a .m . 40/25 ra 28/16 mc 30s 60s
37/25 mc 34/21 pc
50s 70s
84/68 sh 85/68 pc
53/33 s 55/37 s
42/25 ra 29/18 mc 80s
33/23 sn 28/17 pc This map shows high temperatures,
type of precipitation expected and
For more weather updates, 35/21 rs 25/15 mc location of frontal systems at noon.
please visit:
43/26 mc 32/19 mc LH
www .WhatsOurWeather .com
Weather (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; pc/partly cloudy; mc/mostly cloudy; ra/rain; rs/rain & snow; Cold Front Stationary Front Warm Front Low Pressure High Pressure
s/sunny; sh/showers; sn/snow; t/thunderstorms; w/windy
ReOaduer rs’ Best Ever Fudge Buy it at
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