Page 4 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
P. 4
Opinion Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Page 4 • Dec. 16, 2015
Sonshine Center Preschoolers, 1990 Merging of ductivity.
cooperatives As your farming operations grow
The sounds of the season were provided in 1990 by Sonshine Center Preschoolers. The group entertained residents of The Meadows in Clear Lake. The children around us, we have to improve and
were under the direction of Lavonne Kacer, along with associates Darlene Crabb and Lavaun Wind. To the Editor, change. We cannot just keep pace; we
Making the decision to buy more have to be ahead and ready when you
25 Years Ago team gave the No. 1 rated Mason City since 1886. ago. ground is likely the most difficult are. Merging two strong cooperatives
December 1990 Mohawks all they could handle into The city office building on the 85 Years Ago cost vs. benefit analysis a farmer un- offers our members power in numbers
Work is progressing on the new the final quarter before coming up on lakeshore is doomed to oblivion. The dertakes. You have to consider many and continues local ownership and
addition at Handicap Village. In ad- the short side of a 67-49 score. From Clear Lake City Council is seeking December 1930 factors. What is the CSR and what service.
dition to increasing space for its ad- the field, Adam Callanan sunk three bids for demolition of this building Through the courtesy of Mayor practices will you have to be imple- Your cooperative and our people
ministration offices, the Village is three-pointers, racking up 15 total and the police station. The new and W.H. Ward, many football fans heard mented to meet yield goals? Does the will continue to serve you. Our loca-
adding a greenhouse on the south side points. Matt Freeseman was Clear more spacious facility will be located the Notre Dame-California football price compare to equivalent ground? tion staff may be wearing different lo-
of its main building. Snyder Con- Lake’s top scorer with 19 points. at the opposite end of the business dis- game over the radio Saturday. Mr. Can your current equipment handle gos as a result of a member-approved
struction is the contractor for the Vil- With 34 points, five rebounds trict. Ward placed a radio in the front win- that much acreage? merger, but we will continue serving
lage project, however, North Wood and six assists, Jenni Fey helped car- Sam the Sham and The Pharaohs dow of the second story of his furni- There are always risks. But, if you your farming operation with attentive
Construction is doing the greenhouse. ry the Ventura girls basketball team will be appearing at the Surf Ball- ture store. The broadcast could be never look past year one, the forecasts and progressive employees year after
Twenty-two members of the to a 66-46 win over conference rival room. They have appeared on the heard several blocks away. The game are rarely profitable. Buying more year.
Clear Lake High School Choir and Twin River Valley. Megan Coe had “Dick Clark Show” and are known for was broadcast from the field in Cali- ground is a long-term investment After months of review and in-
eight chaperones are New York 26-points for the night. The Lady their hit, “Woolie Bully.” fornia. and signing on the dotted line means depth research, our farmer Boards
bound. The students will be perform- Vikes also defeated Garner last week, The Clear Lake boys remain un- John Perkins is a driving a Pontiac you’re planning your legacy. unanimously recommend this merger
ing at New York’s Carnegie Hall on 61-59. Fey and Coe had 28 and beaten with a 3-0 record. The Lions panel body truck on his dairy routes The mathematical and emotional to our members. Our recommenda-
July 7, 1991. As a fundraiser for the 22-points apiece. had two players on the Tribune Honor which greatly facilitates the delivery analysis to buy 80 acres is much like tion is now your decision.
trip, the students will be hiring out for The Clear Lake wrestling team Roll. Bill Moresby, for his outstand- and the milk cannot freeze, a fact that the scrutiny with which our board This merger, like expanding and
Christmas caroling in the community. defeated Algona, 49-15. Picking up ing floor play and 20-points against will be appreciated by his patrons. decided to recommend a merger of improving your operation with new
For $15 the carolers will perform five wins for the Lions were Ryan Rup- Webster City, and Don Anderson, for The body is black trimmed in white Farmers Cooperative Company and ground, is a significant decision. We
carols and deliver a card and plate of pert, Shawn Zimmerman, Jay Bar- 35-points against Charles City. with his name also in white, which all West Central Cooperative for our encourage members to participate
homemade cookies. ragy, Andy Hansen, Jason Salge, and makes a very attractive appearance. memberships. You know you’re only in our informational meetings, learn
The Reverend Kermit Roisen will James Turnbull. 75 Years Ago Omar Colgan won first in the going to get one shot at it in your about our recommendation, visit with
semi-retire from active ministry at Specials for the week at Ben November 1940 humorous division at the junior high lifetime. Yes, there will be change and our employees and weigh pros and
Zion Lutheran Church, Clear Lake. Franklin include: Li’l Hooks Baby An- John Voss, who lives on one of declamatory contest at Rockwell. He some risks, but you’re building your cons.
He plans on continuing in the min- imals, $5.97; holiday kitchen towels, E.H. Rich’s farms three miles south- was awarded a silver loving cup. operation to be stronger and more Now is the time to position our
istry he loves by volunteering with 2/$3; Holson Photo Albums, $9.97; east of Clear Lake, lost about 400 tur- profitable. You’re making a decision cooperatives for the future. We ask
prison fellowship where he teaches Polaroid Color Film, $9.97; Rem- keys during the storm last week. The Senior to make your operation better for the that when you return your ballot,
the essentials of Christian faith within ington Microscreen Electric Shaver, The city has purchased an up to Connection long-run. you vote yes for the merger of FC and
prisons and helps with rehabilitation $29.97; and No Nonsense Pantyhose, date snow plow to get here next week. Today, FC and West Central are West Central. Every member matters.
of former prisoners as they learn to $1.88. The lake froze over Nov. 11. The If one were to gauge the time of offering our members a historic op- Please sign on the dotted line, and
live in society again. ice is rough and poor for skating un- the year by the weather, one might portunity to grow and improve our vote.
The Clear Lake Convention and 50 Years Ago less the ice and snow melts and re- think it was late fall. But before we cooperatives. To be stronger for our
Visitors Bureau is busy promoting December 1965 freezes there will be no fun out there know it we will probably have snow members so we can build better, John Scott, Odebolt, Iowa farmer
Clear Lake with the new addition of A trio of Clear Lake and Mason this year. on the streets and sidewalks. Keep- faster assets for you sooner; to main- President of the Board
a sign located north of the city. City businessmen have purchased the Mrs. Delia Fletcher was 93-years ing that in mind, we want to remind tain strength in your equity structures
The Clear Lake Booster Club Lake Shore Hotel from Mrs. L.M. old on Friday. She is the oldest per- you that the Clear Lake Senior Citi- through diversification; and to pro- Farmers Cooperative Company
purchased new mats for the high Bowden. The men are P.O. Petersen, a son in Clear Lake and one of the first zens Center has activities to keep you vide better services by improving pro- Sue Tronchetti Paton, Iowa farmer
school gymnasium. The two mats are Clear Lake contractor; Charles Elden, teachers of the local schools. She fit and able during these cold and
mounted on the wall under each bas- one of the owners of the Mason City came here in 1870 by stagecoach. snowy days that are sure to come. Chairwoman of the Board
ket for the safety of players. The old Lumber Company; and Don Mar- Dick Jurgens and his famous We offer indoor Exercise Classes West Central Cooperative
mats will be moved to the junior high shall, owner of Marshall-Swift, Co., in band will be at the Surf Ballroom four different mornings each week
building. Mason City. The building has been Dec. 10. Rudy Vallee named Jurgens plus we have exercise equipment Under The
The Clear Lake boys basketball standing since 1870 and been a hotel the best band in California three years available for you to use whenever you Golden Dome, Too
There is also men’s pool, 500 Representative Linda Upmeyer
Cards, Nutrition for Seniors, music,
bingo, and a jigsaw puzzle is always 515-281-3221
in progress. Plus a hot meal that is [email protected]
nutritionally balanced and coordi-
nated by Elderbridge Agency on Ag- Happy holidays! With Thanks- er than state employees administering
ing, but prepared and served at The giving in the rearview mirror and the program, private insurance com-
Center. Christmas and New Year’s just around panies will do so. Managed care is not
These activities plus great fellow- the corner, the 2016 Legislative ses- a new concept nationally, or even in
ship are available to anyone 60 years sion is nearly upon us. Before I head Iowa. Iowa has used a form of man-
and older. Why spend your days back to serve in Des Moines, I’m re- aged care since 1990 for a portion
looking out the window or at the ally looking forward to spending some of the state’s Medicaid population.
television when this opportunity is quality time with family and friends Across the country, nearly 40 states
available to you? Door opens at 8:30 over the holiday season. I hope that use some sort of managed care model
a.m. and the coffee is on! We are you are also able to be with your loved for services, and more than half of
locaated at 105 S. 4th St. Call 641- ones as the year winds down. Americans covered by Medicaid have
357-5443 with any questions. Since the end of last session I have their healthcare delivered through this
been receiving emails and calls regard- system.
ing the state’s upcoming transition One of the biggest concerns dur-
to Medicaid managed care. As your ing this transition has been that the
State Representative, it is my duty timeline is too aggressive and it’s mov-
to represent you in Des Moines and ing too quickly. However, safeguards
ensure that you are kept in the loop have been put in place to ensure that
about your state government. This Medicaid recipients experience mini-
letter will provide an update on the mal disruption of services. For physi-
transition and hopefully answer any cal and mental health services, there
questions you may have about the sta- will be a 6 month transition period
tus of Iowa Medicaid. from January 1 to July 1. Those ser-
Over the last several years Med- vices have the shortest timeline be-
icaid spending has increased rapidly, cause mental health is the only sector
which is limiting the Legislature’s abil- of Iowa Medicaid that was previously
ity to make meaningful investments in managed care. Additionally, nurs-
in Iowans’ priorities. Funding for ing homes will have a two year transi-
things like education, public safety, tion period and will be fully phased in
and courts are being put at risk be- by January 1, 2018.
cause of the unsustainable growth in Earlier this week Governor
this inflexible federal program. This Branstad announced an extension of
problem is not confined to Iowa, as the provider safe harbor period by
every state is working to slow down an additional three months to April
the costs of Medicaid. 1, 2016. This gives patients peace of
Protecting the status quo is no mind and allows providers to be fully
longer an option and we must be open reimbursed while they have additional
to finding solutions to contain the time to review contracts.
ever-growing costs of Medicaid, while Another concern has been a lack
also improving patients outcomes. of communication from the Depart-
In response to the increasing un- ment of Human Services. Informa-
predictability, Governor Branstad, in tional toolkits were sent to Medicaid
January, proposed transitioning Iowa’s recipients in September and enroll-
Medicaid program to a managed care ment packets with enrollment assis
model. What that means is that rath-
See UPMEYER on page 5
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