Page 12 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-8-2015
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Legals/ClassifiedsPage 12 • Jan. 13, 2016									                                                                                                                                                                    Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

        Clear Lake City Legals Clear Lake School Board                                                                                                                                                                              ANNOUNCEMENTS                 AUTO/TRANSPORTATION
REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING                                                                               CLEAR LAKE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT                                                                                    _______________________            _______________________
The Clear Lake City Council met in regular session on Monday, January 4, 2016, at                     Special Session Meeting Minutes
6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, with Mayor Nelson P. Crabb presid-                  January 6, 2016                                                                                                         CHECK US OUT ON FACE-              FOR SALE: 2009 Chevrolet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BOOK for daily specials.           Suburban LTZ. One owner,
ing. Council Members present: Ebeling, Callanan, Hugi, Nelson. Absent: Boehnke.                                                                                                                                               Louie’s Custom Meat & More.        non-smoker. Just over 70,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RTFN                               miles. Excellent condition.
Nelson moved the agenda be approved as amended, seconded by Callanan. Passed Present – President: Bergvig by phone; Directors; Brady; Kuhlers; Moeller; Tesar; and                                                                                               Auto., 4WD, V-8 (Flex fuel), PS,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COLOR COPIES are available         Tilt, Bose AM-FM, CD, DVD, XM
Unanimously.                                                                                          Secretary Leerar.                                                                                                       at the Clear Lake Mirror-Report-   radio, Navigation system, moon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              er. 357-2131. RTFN                 roof, privacy glass, running
Hugi moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Callanan:                                                                                                                                                                                                  boards, keyless start, rear air,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              AMY’S MOSAICS: One-of-a-           PW, PL, cruise, backup cam-
	 A. Minutes – December 21, 2015.                                                                     Moved by Tesar, seconded by Moeller to approve the January 6, 2016 agenda. All                                          kind signs, garden items, small    era, dual air bags, dual power
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              furniture, picture frames and      seats, leather quad seating,
	 B. Approval of the bills & claims.                                                                  ayes. Motion carried.                                                                                                   more. Created from repur-          roof rack premium wheels. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              posed china and pottery. Taking    Suburban is absolutely loaded.
	 C. Licenses & Permits:                                                                                                                                                                                                      custom orders. Call 357-7435.      $29,995. Call 641-357-2131
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Also, search for “Amy’s Mosaics”   (ask for Mike) or 641-740-2142
	 -Liquor License: Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) with Sunday 	 The Board received presentations from three search firms for the purpose of hiring a                                                                on Facebook & Pinterest! RTFN      (cell). RTFN
	 Sales, Surf Ballroom; Class C Beer Permit, Class B Wine Permit with Sun	 Superintendent for the Clear Lake Community School District for the 2016-2017 school
                                                                                                      year.                                                                                                                    AUTO/TRANSPORTATION               2005 TOYOTA SEQUOIA
	 day Sales, Dollar General Store; (renewals).                                                                                                                                                                                _______________________            limited 4WD tow package, ABS,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 leather heated seats, multi
Roll Call: All Ayes.                                                                                  Moved by Moeller; seconded by Brady to approve hiring McPherson & Jacobson as the                                       DODGE RAM MEGA CAB pow-            CD/DVD player, 155K miles,
Mayor Crabb announced that it was the time and place for the citizen’s forum. There                   search firm for finding a Superintendent. All ayes. Motion carried.                                                     er retractable running boards.     $11,500 OBO. (319) 429-0079.
was no citizen comment.                                                                                                                                                                                                       New in box. $500 OBO. 641-         R-3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              590-7285. RTFN
Chad Shreck, Executive Director, North Iowa Corridor Economic Development Corpo-                      President Bergvig declared the work session adjourned at 7:25 p.m.                                                                                              Check out our website
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    If you have a            
ration (NICEDC), gave an update on the 4th quarter activities of the NICEDC.                                                                                                                                                        carpentry job
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
Troyce Fisher, Board President, Central Gardens of North Iowa, gave an update on                      ____________________              ________________________                                                                      coming up,
the happenings at the Garden over last season and activities the Board has planned                    Chyrl Bergvig, President          Lorna Leerar, Board Secretary                                                               give us a call.                  12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131
for the upcoming 2016 year at Central Gardens.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Professional • Experienced       PICKUP TOPPERS:
Jason Petersburg, P.E., reviewed the proposed Water Treatment Plant Chlorine Gas                                         Public Notice                                                                                             Windows • Doors • Siding
Code Update Project and stated that at its regular meeting on November 2nd the                                                                                                                                                                                          Buy factory direct
Council was presented with the findings of the independent evaluation of the City’s                                                                                                                                                      Decks and more                 1040 Diagonal Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Britt 641-843-3698
existing practices, equipment, and conditions relative to chlorine storage and recom-                 PUBLIC NOTICE OF STORM WATER DISCHARGE                                                                                         (641) 420-5559
mendations for improvements at the Water Treatment Plant. Petersburg gave an                          Hanson Development plans to submit a Notice of Intent to the Iowa Department of                                                                             UNICOVER
overview of the professional services agreement for the project and also reviewed the                 NaturalResources to be covered under the NPDES General Permit Number 2 “Storm                                    
project schedule. Nelson moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement                         Water Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity for Construction Activities” for pri-
for the Water Treatment Plant Chlorine Gas Code Update Project, seconded by Cal-                      vate construction near Clear Lake, Iowa.
lanan. Passed Unanimously.

Pete Roth, Chief of Police, introduced new staff members Miranda Olson and Krisia                     The stormwater discharge will be from site grading associated with the construction of
Stephens who were hired as dispatchers for the department. He advised that Bran-                      private storage facilities. Soil disturbing activities will include the following: site clearin-
don Turner was also hired as a dispatcher but was unable to attend tonight’s meeting.                 gand grading, installing a stabilized construction entrance; perimeter and other erosion
Roth also introduced Jim O’Keefe as the new Detective for the department.                             andsediment controls, excavation and the preparation for final planting and seeding.
Mayor Crabb advised the Council that he has re-appointed Council Member Callanan                      The siteis near the northwest corner of 7th Avenue North and North 40th Street. More
as Mayor Pro-Tem for 2016 and Council Member Hugi to the Veterans Memorial Golf                       specifically,the project location is in the Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of Section 17, T-
Course Foundation Board as the City Council liaison.                                                  96-N, R-21-W,Cerro Gordo County, Iowa.
There being no further business before the Council, Brant moved to adjourn at 7:10

p.m., seconded by Nelson. Passed Unanimously.                                                         Runoff from this site will follow existing drainage patterns and will continue to surface
NEXT REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016                                                       flowtowards existing drainage ditches that ultimately discharge into Willow Creek. Wil-
					/S/	Nelson P. Crabb	                                                                             lowCreek flows to the west and confluences with Winnebago River east of Mason City.
					Nelson P. Crabb, Mayor

ATTEST:                                                                                               Comments may be submitted to the Storm Water Discharge Coordinator, IOWA

/S/	 Jennifer Larsen		                                                                                DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Environmental Protection Division,

Jennifer Larsen, City Clerk                                                                           HenryA. Wallace Building, 502 E 9th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-0034. The public

                                                                                                      may reviewthe Notice of Intent from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the

CITY OF CLEAR LAKE                                                                                    above addressafter it has been received by the department.                                                               For Perfect Mix                    Now’s the time
WARRANTS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON 1/4/2016                                                                                                                                                                                   Use Ready Mix                         to make
			                                                                                                          County Legals                                                                                                                                           your move
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We Now Accept Credit Cards!
CHECK #	 VENDOR	                             DESCRIPTION	                              AMOUNT                                                                                                                                    Belmond �������� 444-4148           PEBBLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Forest City ����� 581-3020          CREEK
Transfer	  City of Clear Lake Payroll Acct	  Transfer 12/31/2015 Wages & Taxes	        137,680.04     PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                    insufficient funds in the drainage district accounts to pay     Clear Lake ����� 357-6090
53313	     Brakke Imp Inc	                   Truck & Snowblower Parts	                   1,877.57     December 28, 2015                                          for necessary repairs and maintenance and to provide            Garner ����������� 923-2601         2 bedroom apartments
53314	     Postmaster	                       Water Bill Postage	                           952.30     Unapproved                                                 for a sinking fund to pay future maintenance and repair                                             3 bedroom townhomes
53315	     Postmaster	                       Newsletter Postage	                         1,136.34     	                                                          costs in accordance with §468.61. 2. The drainage dis-
53316	     BELL, GREG	                       Water Deposit Refund #2131	                    15.63     The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa,      tricts have incurred or shortly will incur costs for repair                                           1 MONTH FREE
53317	     KUHLEMEIER, DAVID	                Return Credit Bal. on Utility Acct	            31.46     met in regular session pursuant to adjournment. Pres-      and maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved as                                                           RENT
53318	     LILLQUIST, RYLEIGH	               Compliance Services	                           75.00     ent: Chairman Phil Dougherty, Supervisor Jay Urdahl,       follows: 1. Assessments in the following amounts shall
                                                                                                      and various members of the public. Absent: Supervisor      be and are assessed against each individual tract of                                                  Vouchers welcome.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Income guidelines apply.
53319	     NELSON PETROLEUM	                 Return Credit Bal. on Utility Acct	       16.38          Casey Callanan.                                            land and highway within the following Drainage Districts
53320	     PITZEN, WENDY	                    Room Rental Fee Refund	                   65.00                                                                     and Laterals in accordance with the classification sched-                                          641-423-4994
53321	     SANCHEZ, NELDA	                   Water Deposit Refund #2496	               48.34          Dougherty convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Urdahl        ules on file in the drainage district records in the office                           
53322	     SHILL, TAYLOR S	                  Water Deposit Refund #2550	               73.65          made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, approve           of the County Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, if
53323	     STOKKE, ASHLEY	                   P&R Program Refund	                       21.00          today’s agenda. Motion passed.                             the owner of any land against which a levy exceeding
53324	     WATER’S EDGE CONDOS	              Return Credit Bal. on Utility Acct.	      60.39                                                                     $100.00 is made shall within thirty (30) days from the
53325	     Alliant Energy	                   Gas & Electric Service 	                  111.28         Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to         effective date of this Resolution agree in writing that in
                                                                                                      adopt Resolution 2015-118, Be it resolved by the Board     consideration of having a right to pay his assessment in

53326	     American Water Works Assoc	       Dues	                                        90.00       of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, that Alliant         ten (10) equal installments, he will not make any objec-        APARTMENTS FOR RENT
53327	     Arrow International Inc	          Medical Supplies	                          345.00        Energy Inc. is hereby directed to make the changes to      tion to the legality of his assessment or the levy of taxes   THE MEADOWS ~ 625 14th Ave. N., Clear Lake
53328	     BMC Aggregates LC	                Roadstone & Concrete Sand	                1,788.96       the existing system, at the location below according to    against his property, such owner shall have the right
53329	     Brown Supply Co	                  Supplies	                                    76.48       the terms expressed in the existing street light contract  to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal installments.        • Rent Based On Income • Cable & Wireless Internet included in Rent
53330	     Cardmember Services	              Course Registration & Supplies	            138.94        at Nettle Avenue and 240th Street. Motion passed.          Interest shall accrue on the unpaid assessment at the            • Taking Applications for anyone 62 years of age or older or
53331	     City of Clear Lake Water Dept	    Inter-Dept Water Bills	                      46.52                                                                  rate of 6% per annum as provided by law. 2. Drainage                                      disabled of any age
53332	     Clapper Tree Service Inc	         Snow Hauling	                              693.75        Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to         District 1-31-86 Lateral 4 Upper Tile - $6,000.00 and                     • Equal Housing Opportunity and Provider
                                                                                                      approve the claims. Motion passed.                         Drainage District 1-31-86 Main Open - $20,000.00.
53333	     Clean Air Concepts	               Exhaust Filters	                           693.86        Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to          Motion passed unanimously.                             
53334	     Clear Lake Telephone Co	          Phone Service	                            2,113.83       approve the payroll change for Justin Faught in the Sher-
53335	     Clear Lake Volunteer Fire Dept	   December Services	                        1,500.00       iff’s Department at $21.64 per hour, effective December    Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to
53336	     Complete Concrete	                Snow Hauling	                                            22, 2015 and $21.96 per hour, effective January 1, 2016.   recess at 10:16 a.m. Motion passed.
53337	     Country Landscapes	               Replacement Tree & Stump Removal	          693.75        Motion passed.                                             Dougherty reconvened the meeting at 10:19 a.m.
53338	     Culver-Hahn Electric Supply	      Supplies 	                                1,117.98
53339	     D&D Cleaning Service	             December Services	                                       Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to         Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to set
                                                                                        159.70                                                                   informational meeting regarding Drainage District 49,

53340	     Dearborn National Life Ins Co	    Group Life Insurance	                       993.60       approve the revised job description for Service Coordina-  Lateral 1 for February 16, 2016, at 10:15 a.m. and the
53341	     Farmchem Corporation	             Brine Tank	                                1,216.34      tion/Case Manager. Motion passed.                          public hearing for March 1, 2016, at 10:15 a.m. Motion
53342	     FEDEX 	                           Postage	                                                                                                            passed.
53343	     Feld Fire	                        Sensors, Nozzles & Badges	                    78.60      Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to ap-
53344	     Globe Gazette	                    Subscription	                               803.50       prove the City and County Assessor’s recommendations       Dougherty made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to
53345	     Gregor Trucking, Tom	             Snow Hauling	                               517.14       for AY2015 Family Farm Tax Credits. Motion passed.         appoint Jim Hudson as attorney for Drainage District 49,
53346	     IMWCA	                            Work Comp Insurance	                        693.75                                                                  Lateral 1. Motion passed.
                                                                                       11,728.00      Dougherty made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to

53347	     Iowa Workforce Development	       4th Qtr 2015 SUTA	                        142.83         approve reports from the Zoning Director and the Envi-     Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to           Lake Plaza Apartments, Clear Lake
53348	     Marco Inc.	                       Copier Maintenance	                        65.14         ronmental Health Service Manager concerning Manure         adjourn at 10:42 a.m. Motion passed.
53349	     Nettleton Excavating, Brian	      Snow Hauling	                             337.50         Management Plans filed by RW Swine Mgmt, S 70                                                                           Currently available: Beautiful 1 bedroom
53350	     NIACC	                            Continuing Ed Courses	                    120.00         Swine Mgmt and Staudt 2 Operation. Motion passed.          The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations,                  apartments for ages 55+
53351	     North Central EMS Co-op	          Membership Fee	                            75.00                                                                    reports, correspondence, and other documents that
53352	     Petty Cash -City of Clear Lake	   Petty Cash Replenishment	                  91.72         Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to         were presented are placed on file with the County                      Walking distance to lake and downtown
53353	     Petty Cash -Clear Lake Library	   Petty Cash Replenishment	                  36.55         authorize the chairman to sign a 3 year lease with Joe     Auditor’s office.                                            Smoke free buildings • Income guidelines apply • E.H.O.
                                                                                                      Behr for pasture land. Motion passed.                      ___________________________________________
53354	     Physicians Claims Company	        Ambulance Billing Services	                521.39        A conference call was placed to Hancock and Franklin       Chairman Phillip Dougherty
53355	     Postmaster	                       Permit Fee	                                225.00        Counties regarding Joint Drainage District 1/31/86.        Board of Supervisors                                       
53356	     PTM Document Systems	             W2s & 1099s	                                118.26       Urdahl made a motion, with Nolte from Franklin County
53357	     RC Trucking Ltd.	                 Snow Hauling	                              693.75        seconding, to adopt Resolution 2015-119, Resolution        ATTEST:
53358	     Recorded Books Inc	               Subscription	                             1,000.00       to Levy Assessments for Drainage Districts. The Board
53359	     Rise Broadband	                   Services	                                    15.00       of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County acting for and on     _____________________________________________
53360	     Schindler Elevator Corporation	   Service Agreement	                        1,724.88       behalf of the drainage districts below Finds: 1.There are  Ken W. Kline	
                                                                                                                                                                 County Auditor

53361	 Sorensen Law Office	                  Legal Services	                           7,000.00

53362	     Staples	                          Office Supplies	                          677.11                Statewide Classifieds
53363	     State of Iowa Auditor	            Audit Report Filing Fee	                  625.00
53364	     TQ Technologies	                  Computer Services	                        355.00

53365	     Trophies Unlimited	               Supplies	                                 262.75                                                                    $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony                                       Find your next Apartment at
53366	     UI Health Care EMS Learning	      Supplies	                                  56.00 ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTS                                                                                                            Lakeland Park Apartments in Clear Lake!

53367	 Veenstra & Kimm Inc.	                 Engineering Services	                     590.00                                                                    608-935-0915 Ext 16                              Comfortable Apartment Living for Elderly Persons 55 and Over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   or Persons with a Disability.
	 TOTAL	                                           	                                   183,706.96 Des Moines RV/Outdoor Show                                     (INCN)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Utilities Included. Controlled Access. On-site Laundry.
City of Clear Lake                                                                                    Jan. 22-24 Iowa Events Center.                             MISCELLANEOUS                                                        Barrier-Free Units Available. Off-Street Parking.
                                                                                                      Screaming Deals on RVs! Sporting
Statement of Revenues & Expenses                                                                      Chef/DU Cooking Editor Scott                               RECRUIT an applicant in this paper,                           Eligible Residents Pay 30% of their Adjusted Gross Income.
                                                                                                      Leysath! Racing Simulator!                                 plus 32 other papers in Northwestt                                                       For Applications or Appointments Contact
	 Cash Balance			                                                                      Cash Balance   Mushroom King! 1-800-756-4788                              Iowa for one week for only $110!                                                                Greg at 641-357-2378
                                                                                            01/04/16 (INCN)                                    Includes 25 words and runs in all                                                      or visit today!
	                                  12/21/15 	           Receipts	 Expenditures	
                                                                                       4,209,914.22                                                                                                                                                                  Oakleaf is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
General	                           4,320,380.95 	       50,888.79 	 (161,355.52)	      1,243,724.15

Road Use Tax	                      1,249,841.95 	       0.00 	 (6,117.80)	               475,446.34

Employee Benefits	                 471,939.24 	         4,513.93 	        (1,006.83)	

TIF Revenues	                      413,121.11 	         107.60 	                   0.00 	 413,228.71 HELP WANTED- HEALTH CARE                                    the newspapers at one time! Call

E/D Loan Trust	                    237,952.37 	             1.04 	             0.00 	  237,953.41     Plant Ops/Safety/Emergency                                 800-227-7636 or order online: www.
Law Enforcement - State	            10,399.75 	            11.80 	             0.00 	   10,411.55     Preparedness Director, southeast                  (INCN)
Firefighter Benefit Trust	          46,914.30 	             1.83 	             0.00 	   46,916.13     Nebraska Critical Access Hospital.
Kinney Lindstrom	                    3,991.56 	             0.00 	             0.00 	    3,991.56     Requires bachelor’s, excellent                             IF YOU USED THE BLOOD
Debt Service	                      201,703.51 	            20.23 	             0.00 	  201,723.74     organizational, customer service,                          THINNER XARELTO and suffered
Capital Projects	                   19,257.27 	          194.75 	          (368.50)	    19,083.52     planning skills. Experience: safety                        internal bleeding, hemorrhaging,
Riley Trust	                       358,056.45 	             0.32 	             0.00 	  358,056.77     management, OSHA, environmental                            required hospitalization or a loved
Water	                             460,705.24 	         3,883.14 	      (10,993.56)	   453,594.82     safety, Homeland Security preferred.                       one died while taking Xarelto
Sewer Rental	                      608,186.34 	         3,049.75 	       (2,778.22)	   608,457.87                                                                between 2011 and the present
Solid Waste	                       130,669.25 	         3,885.23 	         (869.42)	   133,685.06

Storm Water Utility	               437,259.14 	         1,157.80 	        (217.11)	 438,199.83 Competitive compensation. Apply:                                  time, you may be entitled to

Total	                             8,970,378.43 	       67,716.21 	 (183,706.96)	 8,854,387.68 Information: HR (402) compensation. Call Attorney Charles

                                                                                                      729-6850. (INCN)                                           H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727. (INCN)

        Public Notice                                                                                 Pharmacy Director, southeast                               STEEL BUILDINGS
                                                                                                      Nebraska Critical Access Hospital.
ABCM Corporation d/b/a Oakwood Care Center does not discriminate against internal                     . Requires BS Pharmacy, excellent                          METAL BUILDING
activities, admissions, employment, and housing are not based on race, color, creed,                  organizational, customer service                           MANUFACTURER seeking sales
age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, pregnancy or                and planning skills. Experience in                         representative. Previous building
disability, in compliance with the Title VI of Public Law 88-352 the Civil Rights Act of              healthcare pharmacy management                             sales experience preferred.
1964. For further information about this policy, contact: Sheri Weaver-Isvik, Adminis-                preferred. Competitive salary,                             Company provides leads and
trator, Section 504 Coordinator, 641-357-5244, TDD/State Relay.                                       benefits. Apply at For                        additional training. Please send
                                                                                                      information call HR at (402) 729-                          resume and salary requirements to:
      Read the Legals.                                                                                6850. (INCN)                                               [email protected] EOE (INCN)
        It’s your right.
                                                                                                      HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER                                  STEEL BUILDINGS- Factory Direct
                                                                                                                                                                 Pricing- Preseason $1000 discount
                                                                                                      QLF Transportation – Class A CDL                           if ordered before Feb 1st- check and
                                                                                                      Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home                           see if sect 179 applies to you. Call
                                                                                                      Weekends, and Benefits! Potential of                       844.297.8335. (INCN)
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14