Page 11 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-8-2015
P. 11

SportsJan. 13, 2016				                                        Page 11

Some ups and downs for the                                                               Ch$ca1hmE0onbiincteeerCrpBoltreoifuzaacewrnk.iLsonatahkneedr a                                                iBsRatmhoseiknsetwsWiteebin-hdBabnelafrleeoesClruaeeookrdr,nefgootrlaeanfsmssVchttee.oiwssnrR.eetuo,ernka’s,
Clear Lake freshman boys

	 The Clear Lake freshman boys             teams, with the lead changing hands           CLEAR                                                                                                         GHV
opened up the second half of the sea-      multiple times. The Lions found               LAKE
son hosting the Clarion-Goldfield-         themselves up one with a minute left,
Dows Cowboys on Jan. 4.                    but crucial free throw makes pushed        LUCAS KIRCHHOFF                   KIERSTEN BAALSON                    HANNAH LAU                                        BEN BAUMGARD
	 The Lions came out with plenty           the Lions to a hard earned 41-38 vic-
of energy and intensity and shut the       tory.                                      Lucas is a senior and he is a     Kiersten is a junior guard on    Hannah is a junior returning let-                    Ben is a senior returning let-
Cowboys out in the first quarter, tak-     	 Leading the way in scoring was           shooting guard. He is the son of  the Lion’s team. She is the      terwinner She plays forward.                         terwinner. He plays strong for-
ing an 18-0 lead. The young Lions          Jared Penning with 12, scoring 10          Mark and Vickki Kirchhoff.        daughter of Bradley and Gayle    She is the daughter of Mark and                      ward. He is the son of Bob and
continued to play great defense and        of them in the fourth quarter. Drew                                          Baalson.                         Lori Lau.                                            Heather Baumgard.
didn’t give up a bucket till four-         Enke added 11 points, including two
minutes to go in the second quarter,       free throw makes at the end of the         This contest brought to you by these community minded sponsors
taking a 33-10 lead into the half.         game. Also scoring for the Lions was
Coming out of the halftime break the       Tate Storbeck with nine, Jacob Peter-
Lions continued to play well, push-        son seven, and Chase Stuver with two.
ing the lead to 42-15 with great de-       	 “Obviously this wasn’t our best
fense and offensive execution. The         effort, but the kids knew it was go-
Lions cruised to a 56-21 win to start      ing to be tough playing back to back
the second half of the season, pushing     against a very tough team. The kids
their record to 5-1.                       showed toughness to battle through a
	 Leading the way for the Lions            tough night and find a way to win the
was Tate Storbeck with 17. Next was        game,” said Coach Oimoen.
Drew Enke with 14 and Jared Pen-           	 The Lions took a road trip to
ning with 10. Also scoring was Alex        Humboldt to take on the Wildcats on
Snelling with eight, Jacob Peterson        Thursday, Jan. 7. The Lions jumped
and Landon Lovstad had three apiece        out to an early lead on the road us-
and Carter Backhaus had two points.        ing great ball movement and knock-
	 “I was very happy with the ef-           ing down open shots to take a 29-23
fort and energy coming out after           halftime lead. The second half turned
break. We had great practices during       into a tight ball game, with the lead
break and we carried that momentum         changing hands multiple times. The
over into the game. The kids are un-       Lions found themselves down by one
derstanding their roles and everyone       with :12 seconds left and had a shot
on the team is contributing whether        for the win, but the shot rimmed out
it’s in practice or the games,” Coach      and the Lions suffered their second
Mike Oimoen said.                          loss of the season. 		
	 The Lions came back the next             	 Leading the way for the Lions
night and hosted the Garner-Hay-           was Jared Penning and Tate Storbeck
field-Ventura Cardinals on Jan. 5.         with 16 points each. Also scoring for
The Lions came out sluggish and            the Lions was Alex Snelling with 11,
struggled to score the way they had        Jacob Peterson nine, Drew Enke and
the night before and could only man-       Carter Backhaus with four, and Chase
age to score 20 points, taking a 20-       Stuver with two.
14 lead into halftime. The Cardinals       	 “Obviously not the result we
continued to pressure the Lions, forc-     want when we’re on the road, but I
ing them to turn the ball over and         think the kids will use this as a learn-
score off the Lion mistakes in the sec-    ing experience and continue to im-
ond half. The fourth quarter was a         prove,” Coach Oimoen said.
back and forth battle between the two
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	 Clear Lake’s eighth grade boys
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played with Iowa Falls-Alden on Jan.       nated, 45-14. Brody Kuhemeier                 641-357-7083 • Email: [email protected]                                                                                     Clear Lake
5.                                         led the way with 12 points, followed
	 In the A game, the Lions defeat-         by Austin Larson with 10, Connor                   and: 300 Lyndale St., Osage, IA.                                                                                (641) 357-7117
ed the Cadets, 54-27. Jaylen DeVries       O’Tool six, Hunter Hill five, Zane                           641-832-2270
and Ryan Thomas finished in double         Anderson three and Hunter Nielsen,
figures with 15 and 10 points respec-      Noah Mason and Cameron Levenha-                                                                                                                •Cabinets                                        •High Speed Internet
tively. Kanon Goeman scored seven,         gen with two apiece.                                                                                                                             •Decking                                       •Phone
Jack Barragy and Kody Kearns each          	 “Both teams came out on fire,”                                                                                                                                                                •Digital Cable TV
had five points. Austin Larson, Noah       said Coach Shawn Puttmann. “They                                                                                                                    •Paint                                      •Business Solutions
Mason and Brecken Arndt had four           once again moved the ball very well to                                                                                                                                                          •Wireless
points apiece.                             get the open man the shot.”                                                                                   210 N. 4th St., Clear Lake • 357-2134                                             •Home Security
                                           	 On the night the lions made six                                                                       
                                           three point shots.                                                                                                                                          107 North 4th Street • 357-2111
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Visit us at:
Iowa Bicycle Coalition holds contest                                                     Main Avenue, Clear Lake
                                                                                             (641) 357-5241
	 Who is the Best of Iowa Bicy-            at the Iowa Bike Expo on Jan. 23 or
cling?   The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is     the RAGBRAI Route Announcement                Offering Drive Wise Classes                                     12 N. 4th Street • 357-2131 • Fax: 357-2133
launching an online contest to deter-      Party, also on Jan. 23.                                                                                                  e-mail: [email protected]
mine which trails, restaurants, and bike    	 In addition to the Best of Iowa Bi-            3005 Willow Creek Ct., Clear Lake                                
clubs are the best in Iowa.  Voting ends   cycling, Primal Wear is hosting a Best                357-2612 or 800-469-3325
Jan. 20, 2016 at www.iowabikeexpo.         Iowa Bicycling Jersey Contest during
com and www.iowabicyclecoalition.          the Jan. 23, 2016 RAGBRAI Route            _
org.                                       Announcement Party. To enter the
 	 The contest has 32 categories and       contest, email a photo of your original
ranges from best bicycle shop to best      custom designed jersey to bikeinfo@
bicycle breakfast destination.  Some of  Finalists will
the categories are write-in and some are   model their jerseys at the Route An-
selected from business members of the      nouncement Party.   Winners will be
Iowa Bicycle Coalition. The public can     selected by audience applause.
vote by filling out a survey.  One survey  	 For more information visit the
will be allowed per email address.         Iowa Bicycle Coalition at www.iow-
 	 Winners from the Best of Iowa  or the Iowa Bike
Bicycling Contest will be announced        Expo at

                                                                                                                        12 N. 4th St.,                   Return to the Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday       TIE BREAKER:
                                                                                                                         Clear Lake                       OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK (No Copies Please)                TOTAL POINTS OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                              GAME #1______________

                                                                                                                                                         Circle the predicted winner

Clean & Fresh! Comfortable &                                                             1. Clear Lake @ Humboldt (B)                                    8. Indiana @ Minnesota                        15. Oklahoma State @ Texas
                  Convenient                                                             2. Clear Lake @ Humboldt (G)                                    9. Villanova @ Georgetown                     16. Washington @ Arizona State
                                                                                         3. GHV @ Forest City (B)                                        10. Miama (Fla.) @ Clemson                    17. Penn State @ Northwestern
               All size dogs welcome                                                     4. GHV @ Forest City (G)                                        11. Xavier @ Marquette                        18. Creighton @ DePaul
                                                                                         5. Iowa State @ Kansas State                                    12. Nebraska @ Illinois                       19. Michigan State @ Wisconsin
         8$ Complete 8 min.wash                                                          6. Michigan @ Iowa                                              13. Baylor @ Texas Tech                       20. S. Illinois @ Drake
                                              (Includes supplies)                        7. Oregon @ Colorado                                            14. Seton Hall @ Providence

Clear                                                                                     Name________________________________Address__________________________________Phone______________
                                                                                      CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received at the Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday
Located at Laser Wash • North 20th Street, Clear Lake                                 or be postmarked Thursday! Any mailed entries received after the following Monday are not eligible. 3. You may enter as many times as you wish; however, you must use an official entry blank from this paper. No copies will be accepted. 4. Each previous week’s winner will be listed in the
                                                                                      Mirror Reporter. 5. In case of ties, the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 6. Weekly winners will receive $10 in CL Chamber Bucks & your choice of another prize.

                                                                                      CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Mirror Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have
                                                                                      name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received at the
                                                                                      Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday or be postmarked Thursday! Any mailed entries received after the following
                                                                                      Monday are not eligible. 3. You may enter as many times as you wish; however, you must use an official entry blank from
                                                                                      this paper. No copies will be accepted. 4. Each previous week’s winner will be listed in the Mirror-Reporter. 5. In case of ties,
                                                                                      the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 6. Weekly winners will receive $10 in Clear Lake Chamber Bucks and
                                                                                      the choice of another prize.
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14