Page 14 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-8-2015
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CLEAR LAKE                                               Shop your neighborhood Fareway meat              NewsPage 14 • Jan. 13, 2016				          Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
           STORE                                         departments known for the last 76 years for
                                                        selling only the finest USDA choice beef, farm      NEWS OF RECORD
       Prices Effective Through                         fresh poultry, all natural pork, cut fresh daily
        Monday, Jan. 18, 2016.                                                                              COLLISIONS:                              	 Jan. 5, Angela M. Reighard, of         	 Jan. 2, at 8:15 a.m. CLFD
                                                             in our full service meat departments.          	 Jan. 2, Jeffrey Heine, Clear Lake,     Iowa Falls, was cited for speeding.      Paramedics responded to the 100 block
  We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities.                                                                 reported sliding into his own vehicle    	 Jan. 5, Vaughn L. Wassink, of          of 10th St. S. for a medical call.
    Monday - Saturday • 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.                LOTTERY NOW AVAILABLE!                               on 2nd Ave. N., causing damage.          Hull, Iowa was cited for speeding.       	 Jan. 2, at 1:26 p.m. CLFD
                                                     We accept the following major credit cards:            	 Jan. 4, Jennifer Martin, Clear         	 Jan. 5, Kirsten M. Vandervort, of      Firefighters responded to Interstate
Grocery 357-5773 • Meat 357-5769                                                                            Lake, collided with a vehicle driven by  Windsor Heights, Iowa was cited for      35, mile marker 190 for a gas spill.
                                                             ©201162FFaraerweawy aStyorSest,oIrnecs., Inc.  Julie Monson, of Clear Lake, on 4th      speeding.                                	 Jan. 2, at 1:44 p.m. CLFD
                                                                                                            Ave. S. and S. 12th St.                  	 Jan. 5, Sarah J. McPeak, of Lu-        Firefighters and Paramedics responded
   PorkBoneless                                                                                             	 Jan. 5, Solomon Temesgen, of           Verne, Iowa was cited for speeding.      to the 1900 block of 32nd St. S. for a
  Roast                                                                                                     Minnesota, backed into a vehicle         	 Jan. 6, Zulema Mendez-Tejeda,          medical call.
                                                                                                            owned by William Ahrendt, of Illi-       Clear Lake, was cited for no driver’s    	 Jan. 3, at 10:02 a.m. CLFD
1$ 99                                                                                                       nois, in the Pilot parking lot.          license.                                 Firefighters responded to the 20000
                       Lb.                                                                                  	 Jan. 7, Matthew Logeman, Ma-           	 Jan. 7, Tony S. Elling, Garner,        block of Eagle Ave. for a medical call.
                                                                                                            son City, slid into a ditch on Highway   was cited for careless driving.          	 Jan. 3, at 1:29 p.m. CLFD
                                                       HalfFully Cooked                                     18.                                      	 Jan. 7, Cody L. Maas, Garner,          Paramedics responded to the 500 block
                                                     Chicken                                                	 Jan. 7, Daune Collins, Mason           was cited for careless driving.          of 14th Ave N. for a medical call.
                                                                                                            City, collided with a train on 4th Ave.  	 Jan. 7, Daune R. Collins, Mason        	 Jan. 3, at 8:59 p.m. CLFD
                                                     3$ 99                                                  S. and S. 40th St.                       City, was cited for no insurance.        Firefighters responded to the 13000
                                                                            Each                            	 Jan. 8, Dennis Rinnels, Clear          	 Jan. 7, Miekka N. Katter, Clear        block of Dove Ave. for carbon
                                                                                                            Lake, collided with a vehicle owned      Lake, was cited for no registration.     monoxide.
                                                                                                            by Robert Swenson, of Mason City,        	 Jan. 7, Matthew L. Logeman,            	 Jan. 4, at 9:09 a.m. CLFD
                                                                                                            on W. 6th Ave. N.                        Mason City, was cited for failing to     Firefighters and Paramedics responded
                                                                                                            	 Jan. 8, Kent Miller, of Spencer,       maintain control.                        to the 400 block of 27th Ave. S. for a
                                                                                                            Iowa hit a traffic sign on I-35.         	 Jan. 8, Jamie L. McGrath, Clear        medical call.
                                                                                                            CITATIONS/ARRESTS:                       Lake, was cited for speeding.            	 Jan. 4, at 6:05 p.m. CLFD
                                                                                                            	 Dec. 31, Karen J. Sears, Clear         FIRE/AMBULANCE CALLS:                    Firefighters responded to the 300 block
                                                                                                            Lake, was cited for failure to yield.    	 Jan. 1, at 11:11 a.m. CLFD             of Main Ave. for an automatic alarm.
                                                                                                            	 Jan. 1, Danny L. King, Clear           Paramedics responded to the 5800         	 Jan. 4, at 7:29 p.m. CLFD
                                                                                                            Lake, was cited for alcohol underage.    block of S. Shore Drive for a medical    Firefighers responded to the 17000
                                                                                                            	 Jan. 1, Dustin R. King, Clear          call.                                    block of Kingbird Ave. for a medical
                                                                                                            Lake, was cited for alcohol underage     	 Jan. 1, at 1:57 p.m. CLFD              call.
                                                                                                            and interference with officers.          Firefighters and Paramedics responded    	 Jan. 5, at 11:03 a.m. CLFD
                                                                                                            	 Jan. 1, Kollin J. Ort, Clear Lake,     to the 400 block of 14th Ave. N. for a   Paramedics responded to the 1100
                                                                                                            was cited for alcohol underage.          medical call.                            block of S. 10th Place for a medical call.
                                                                                                            	 Jan. 1, Jacob D. Mattioda, Clear       	 Jan. 1, at 5:44 p.m. CLFD              	 Jan. 5, at 4:05 p.m. CLFD
                                                                                                            Lake, was cited for alcohol underage.    Paramedics responded to the 500 block    Firefighter and Paramedics responded
                                                                                                            	 Jan. 4, Jennifer R. Martin, Clear      of 1st Ave. N. for a medical call.       to the 2900 block of 4th Ave. S. for a
                                                                                                            Lake, was cited for failure to yield.    	 Jan. 1, at 6:47 p.m. CLFD              gas spill.
                                                                                                            	 Jan. 4, Matthew W. Slater, of          Paramedics responded to the              	 Jan. 5, at 6:16 p.m. CLFD
                                                                                                            Ventura, was cited for no insurance      intersection of 4th St. S. and Pierce    Paramedics responded to the 600 block
                                                                                                            and no driver’s license.                 St., in Mason City, for a medical call.  of 19th St. W. for a medical call.
                                                                                                                                                                                              	 Jan. 6, at 4:05 p.m. CLFD
ArmUSDA Choice Boneless                                                                                     WE BRING OUT THE SMILE IN YOU            !                                        Firefighters and Paramedics responded
  Roast                                                                                                                                                                                       to the 100 block of Fletcher Drive for
                                                                                                                                                                                              a medical call.
3$ 99                                                                                                                                                                                         	 Jan. 6, at 6:23 a.m. CLFD
                       Lb.                                                                                                                                                                    Paramedics responded to the 1200
                                                                                                                                                                                              block of Main Ave. for a medical call.
                                                                                                            Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff,                     	 Jan. 6, at 10:46 a.m. CLFD
                                                                                                                           would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow!                             Paramedics responded to the 1400
                                                                                                                                                                                              block of 6th Ave. S. for a medical call.
Washington Extra Fancy                                   Cuties                                             102 N. 5th St., Clear Lake • (641) 357-4112                                       	 Jan. 6, at 12:58 p.m. CLFD
                                                     Clementines                                                                                                                              Paramedics responded to the 1900
  Braeburn                                                                                                                                              block of Highway 18 E for a medical
    Apples                                           $699 5 Lb. Box                                                                                                                           call.
                                                                            Country Daybreak                                     Monday - Friday • 7:30 -5:00                                 	 Jan. 6, at 1:48 p.m. CLFD
 88¢                                                                Large                                                                                                                     Paramedics responded to the 1000
                                   Lb.                               Eggs                                                                                                                     block of 4th St. SW for a medical call.
                                                         88¢                                                                                                                                  	 Jan. 6, at 4:14 p.m. CLFD
                              Fareway                       12 Ct.                                                                                                                            Paramedics responded to the 1400
                                                                                                                                                                                              block of 6th Ave. S. for a medical call.
                Ice                                                                                                                                                                           	 Jan. 7, at 4:54 a.m. CLFD
              Cream                                                                                                                                                                           Paramedics responded to the 400 block
                                                                                                                                                                                              of 27th Ave. S. for a medical call.
    5$ 49                                                                                                                                                                                     	 Jan. 7, at 6:45 p.m. CLFD
                                                                                                                                                                                              Firefighters and Paramedics responded
      4 Qt.                                                                                                                                                                                   to the 1200 block of N. 9th St. W. for
                                                                                                                                                                                              an automatic alarm.

         Fareway Soups                                 Old Orchard   12 Oz.                                                                                                                   CL man enters
                                                                                                                                                                                              not guilty plea to
Chicken Noodle                                        Orange                                                                                                                                  burglary, assault
   & Tomato                                             Juice
                                                                                                                                                                                              	 A Clear Lake man accused of
 38¢ 10.5-10.75 Oz.                                  99¢                                                                                                                                      forcing his way into an apartment
                                            Limit 4                                                                                                                                           building and assaulting a resident has
                                                                                                                                                                                              entered a non guilty plea in District
    Cottonelle                                               Coke                                                                                                                             Court.
                                                          Products                                                                                                                            	 Matthew Ernest Andersen, 26,
Bathroom                                                                                                                                                                                      faces charges of first-degree burglary,
   Tissue                                            2/$13                                                                                                                                    a Class B felony, and domestic abuse
                                                                                                                                                                                              assault (strangulation) causing bodily
   6$                       99                        20 Pack, 12 Oz. Cans • + Dep. & Tax                                                                                                     injury, third or subsequent offense, a
                                                                                                                                                                                              Class D felony.
12 Ct.                                                                                                                                                                                        	 Anderson is accused of forcing
                                                                                                                                                                                              his way into an apartment building
                                                                                                                                                                                              on South 8th Street in Clear Lake on
                                                                                                                                                                                              Nov. 28 and assaulting a person in-
                                                                                                                                                                                              	 A trial date of Feb. 23 has been
                                                                                                                                                                                              scheduled in Cerro Gordo County
                                                                                                                                                                                              District Court.

      Coke                                                  Ruffles                                         Ring in 2016
                                                      Potato                                                        with a
5/$10                                                  Chips                                                FREE Consultation
     .5 Lit., 6 Pack • + Dep. & Tax
                                                     2/$5            6.8-8 Oz.                              Varicose • Spider Veins                                                           Dr. Dan Morehouse
         Coors Light                                                                                                                                                                            MD, RVT Board Certified
        & Miller Lite                                        UV 80                                                                                                                                  Vascular Surgeon
  $1599                                                                                                           Vein Care Center
                 24 Pk., 12 Oz. Cans • + Dep. & Tax             1.75 Lit. • + Dep. & Tax          

                                                                                                            1306 4th St. SW, Mason City • (641) 243-2154
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