Page 18 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
P. 18

SportsPage 18 • July 1, 2015 														                                                                                                                                               Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

GHV girls put in a busy week
                                                  North Union.
	 The Garner-Hayfield/Ventura softball            	 “The North Union team can just flat out swing the bat,” said Coach
team didn’t know if they were coming or go-       Christina Weiser. “To our kids’ credit, we had some great at-bats our-
ing last week. The girls had their hands full,    selves, but unfortunately out best hits were right at people most of the
playing eight games, with four in a 25 hour       time.”
period.                                           	 North Union connected on 14 hits, including two doubles and one
                                                  homerun, to win the contest, 12-0.
Newman 4, GHV 3                                   	 GHV connected on five hits. Mackenzie Van Gerpen stroked a dou-
GHV 9, Newman 8                                   ble, while Tiara Van Gerpen, Mallory Van Oort, Bamrick and Ossman all
	 It couldn’t have gotten much closer on          had singles.
Monday night, June 22, when GHV and               	 Ossman took the loss on the mound in 3.33 innings.
Newman Catholic split a pair of one-run
North Iowa Conference games.                      Algona 6, GHV 1                                                                   GHV’s Alek Goll does his job as he stretches to make the catch at first base getting the Newman runner out during the Monday,
	 The Knights won the first contest, 4-3.         	 The Cardinals hosted Bishop Garrigan on Friday, June 26. A solid                June 23 game. Newman swept GHV in the double header. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy
Newman’s Taylor Hauser pitched seven in-          performance at the plate gave the Golden Bears a 6-1 victory.
nings for the win. She struck out seven and       	 Bishop Garrigan connected on 10 hits in the seven inning match-up,              Cardinals drop three games
gave up four hits. Brooklyn Ossman took the       including three doubles and one homerun.
loss for the Cardinals. She struck out three      	 Where the Cardinals really capitalize is on their ability to move               	 It was a week the Garner-Hayfield/      	 James did the pitching for the eve-      	 Pitching duties for the Cardi-
batters, walked two and gave up seven hits.       around the bases quickly on stolen bases. Tiara Van Gerpen, GHV’s leader          Ventura baseball team wished had gone     ning. He struck out four, walked three     nals was split between Goll, Holden
	 A highlight of the game was Payton              in stolen bases, stole two bases, while Sydney Childress, Mackenzie Van           differently. The Cardinals dropped        and gave up five hits.                     Hutcheson and Ryley Kozisek. Goll
Bamrick’s homer that brought in all three of      Gerpen and Jacki Van Oort also recorded stolen bases.                             three games played last week.             Bishop Garrigan 14, GHV 0                  took the loss, pitching a third of an in-
GHV’s runs. The hit also scored Mackenzie         	 Tiara Van Gerpen also led the team in hits with two. Bamrick, Oss-                                                        	 It was more of the same on Friday,       ning. He gave up three hits and four
Van Gerpen and Jayden Hughes.                     man, and Grace Tusha singles.                                                     Newman 9, GHV 5                           June 26, when the Cardinals hosted         runs. Hutcheson pitched a majority
	 Newman led early in the second game,            	 Ossman handled pitching duties for the Cardinals, striking out one              Newman 6, GHV 0                           Bishop Garrigan. The Golden Bears          of the game, four innings. He gave up
4-0. GHV kept fighting, however, and came         and walking one.                                                                  	 The number one team in Class 1A,        had no trouble downing GHV, 14-0           six hits and nine runs. Kozisek gave up
back and then answered every one of New-          GHV 4, West Fork 3                                                                Newman Catholic, swept GHV in a           	 B-G pitcher Zach Boelter was too         two hits and one run.
man’s runs in the second half. The difference     Emmetsburg 7, GHV 6                                                               double header played on Monday, June      much for the Cardinal batters. He          	 The week dropped the Cardinals
came in the ninth inning, when GHV held           	 GHV wrapped up their busy week hosting a tournament on Saturday,                22.                                       threw seven strikes and only allowed       record to 5-15 overall. The team travels
the Knights scoreless and scored the final run    June 27. The Cardinals picked up a quality win against West Fork, 4-3,            	 Newman pitcher Evan Paulus per-         one hit in the shut-out. Meyers was        to Eagle Grove on Wednesday, July 1.
for the 9-8 victory.                              but lost a close one to Emmetsburg, 7-6.                                          formed solidly on the mound in game       the only GHV player to get a hit in the    The JV team takes the field at 5:30 p.m.
	 Ossman pitched five innings and cap-            	 This time it was the Cardinals who had the hot bats, as they con-               one, striking out seven and walking       game.                                      followed by the varsity at 7:30 p.m.
tured the win on the mound, with two strike-      nected on 10 hits against West Fork. Mackenzie Van Gerpen knocked a               three in a 9-5 Knight victory. Ryan                                                  	 In their second game Saturday, the
outs and one walk. She gave up five hits and      double and brought in an RBI. Barrack recorded three hits and scored a            Meyers took the loss for the Cardinals.   LIONS                                      Lions fought back after being down
five runs. Also seeing time on the mound was      run. Ossman also had two hits and brought in a runner.                            He pitched all six innings, giving up 10  from page 17                               5-0 early and tested a very good Anke-
Jillian Heitland and Bailee Pitzenberger. Pit-    	 Hayes and Bamrick both recorded two stolen bases to lead the team.              hits and he walked seven.                                                            ny team on their home field. Ankeny
zenberger struck out one batter, but allowed      	 Mallory Van Oort, Bamrick, Hughes and Jacki Van Oort scored                     	 Collecting one hit apiece for the       our best game, but were right there with   came out on top, 6-5.
four hits and three runs.                         GHV’s runs.                                                                       Cardinals was Connor Burke, Harley        a chance to win it in the last inning and  	 “I think it says volumes about these
	 Tiara Van Gerpen led the offense with           	 Ossman was the winning pitcher, pitching all seven innings. She                 Forry, Payton James and Alek Goll.        had a potential double to tie the game     kids that after being down 5-0 after two
three hits, one RBI and she scored two runs.      struck out one batter and walked two. She allowed four hits.                      James recorded two RBIs for the team.     in the bottom of the seventh by Rowdy      innings against a very good Ankeny
She also had two stolen bases. Bamrick also       	 “Our loss to Emmetsburg was disappointing,” said Weiser. “Espe-                 	 Forry and Chase Theobald each           drift foul in left by a foot,” explained   team and after playing the third game
did well at the plate, recording two hits, one    cially in the bottom of the seventh innings, but I feel like this week we         scored two runs for GHV and Burke         Coach Thompson. “Marshalltown is           in two days against 4A teams and the
being a double, and she had one RBI and           took some huge steps in figuring out what we need to do as a team to be           scored one.                               the kind of team that applies constant     seventh game overall in five days, they
scored one run. Miranda Jackson and Oss-          successful.”                                                                      	 Colton Schroeder pitched the sec-       pressure to a defense, and it was nice to  battled back to tie the game up,” said
man also recorded doubles.                        	 Pitzenberger pitched 5.67 innings, while Ossman played clean-up.                ond game for the Cardinals and took       see a team like that because sometimes     Coach Thompson. “Every fan, player,
                                                  Pitzenberger struck out two, walked two, gave up seven hits and four runs.        the loss. He struck out four, walked      you get to see weaknesses you didn’t       and coach on the other side figured it
GHV 10, West Hancock 0                            Ossman allowed four hits and three runs.                                          five and gave up seven hits in the 6-0    even know you had defensively. We          would be a blowout five-inning game
	 The Cardinals were not only able to             	 Collecting two hits apiece were Jackson, Ossman and Laird. Tiara                shut-out.                                 finished the game off defensively with     after the first two innings, but our kids
capture a North Iowa Conference win on            Van Gerpen and Mackenzie Van Gerpen each had a single.                            	 Forry was the only GHV player to        a bang in the seventh inning by record-    never doubted for a second they would
Tuesday, June 23, but also a run rule shutout     	 Mackenzie Van Gerpen led the team in RBIs with two. Laird led the               connect on a hit.                         ing a triple play to keep the game 5-3,    battle back and compete to the very last
against West Hancock.                             team in runs with two.                                                                                                      but came up a hit short of rallying for    out.”
	 GHV’s bats were on fire, as they col-                                                                                             North Union 4, GHV 0                      the win in the bottom half.”               	 McHenry was the only Lion with
lected 11 hits against the Eagle’s pitcher Mal-    GHV’s Payton Bamrick connects for a solid hit. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy  	 It was another tough outing for         	 Hogan had three of Clear Lake’s          multiple hits. His two singles scored
lory Becker. To her credit, Becker also had 12                                                                                      the Cardinals when they traveled to       seven hits in the game. He had one         one run. Mason and Adams each had
strike-outs in the game.                                                                                                            North Union on Wednesday, June 24,        double and three RBIs.                     doubles. Mason finished with three
	 Ossman pitched a solid game for the Car-                                                                                          where they were handed a 4-0 loss.        	 Tofte was the losing pitcher. The        RBIs and Adams had one.
dinals, striking out five and allowing only four                                                                                    	 Burke did a fine job at the plate for   senior gave up eight hits and walked       	 McHenry went the distance for
hits.                                                                                                                               GHV, collecting two hits, one being a     one. Peterson pitched an inning in re-     the Lions. He gave up 12 hits, struck
	 Brooklyn Laird had the hot bat for GHV                                                                                            double. Goll also collected a hit, but    lief, walking one.                         out two and walked one.
with three hits. She also scored two runs and                                                                                       the Cardinals were unable to get any-     Ankeny 6, CL 5
led the team in stolen bases with two. Ti-                                                                                          one across the plate.
ara Van Gerpen had two hits, two RBIs and
scored two runs. Bamrick also had two hits
and scored one run. Also collecting a hit was
Mallory Van Oort, Mackenzie Van Gerpen,
Ossman and Pitzenberger.

North Union 12, GHV 0
	 The Cardinals met their match on
Wednesday, June 24, when they traveled to

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