Page 21 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
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LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter													                                                                                                                        July 1, 2015 • Page 21

Clear Lake School Board                                                                                                     Statewide Classifieds
CLEAR LAKE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT                                               LARSEN, SUSAN 		            17,957.56
Annual report of wages paid to persons employed by the Clear Lake Community        LATIMER, JOHN 		            13,272.12    ADOPTION                                 HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER
School District. Earnings as reported below, are for the fiscal year 7/1/2014 to   LAUDNER, ANTHONY 		         12,371.60
6/30/2015, and include base wages as well as applicable extra-curricular, Teacher  LEDUC, BARBARA 		                        Traditional Christian stay at home       DRIVER TRAINEES- PAID CDL
Salary supplement, AIW, IA Core, Teacher Quality, overtime and related payments.   LEERAR, LORNA 		              8,009.79   mother/ successful father want to        TRAINING! Become a new
                                                                                   LESTER, ANGELA 		           83,454.77    build a family through adoption.         driver for Stevens Transport! NO
Employee Name		             Earnings Amount                                        LESTER, MIKE 		             35,931.30    Love, travel, laughter, good schools.    EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Earn
ABBOTT, SHERAL 		                    17,523.60                                     LIVERS, JEREMY 		           56,686.93    1-888-987-8727. Tom/ Maria (INCN)        $800 per week! Stevens will
ABERSON-HANSEN, TAMMY 		             61,263.56                                     LIVINGSTON, JULIE 		                                                              cover all costs! 1-888-528-8864
ADAMS, MICHELLE 		                   56,576.87                                     LOBDELL, JANE 		              1,142.14   BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES          (INCN)
AINLEY, JEREMEY 		                     4,710.92                                    LUDWIG, DALE 		             25,990.60
ALLEN, SARA 		                       40,774.50                                     LUNNING, MARC 		            27,909.25    CONTRACT SALESPERSON:                    Hiring Company Drivers and Owner
ANDERSON, ESTHER 		                  13,238.72                                     MAAS, MACKENZIE 		          99,822.92    Selling aerial photography of farms      Operators for Flatbed or Dry Van.
ANDERSON, MATTHEW 		                   3,619.86                                    MAJERCZYK, DENA 		          52,981.10    on commission basis. $4225.00 first      TanTara Transportation offers
ANDERSON, RACHEL 		                  41,180.70                                     MARKOUS, NERMEIN 		                      month guarantee. $1,500-$3,000           excellent equipment, pay, benefits,
ANDREWS, MARTHA 		                         77.50                                   MARREEL, MELANIE 		           7,370.98   weekly proven earnings. Travel           home weekly. Call 800-650-0292 or
ARAGON-BAUER, CATHERINE 		           16,619.17                                     MARTELL, ARTHUR 		          15,385.24    required. More info        apply (INCN)
ARIANS, HAROLD 		                    59,313.46                                     MARTIN, KAY 		                           or 877/882-3566 (INCN)
ASHLAND, NICHOLE 		                  18,231.83                                     MARTY, JEFFREY 		             8,321.32                                            Butler Transport Your Partner in
BACKHAUS, C. 		                      46,651.38                                     MASON, KELLI 		             60,783.48    HELP WANTED- HEALTH CARE                 Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers
BAGLEY-LOWE, TERRI 		                  7,083.70                                    MCDOWELL, KIM 		            12,531.58                                             Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles
BAKER, PATTI 		                      17,859.30                                     MCHENRY, BRIAN 		           14,417.63    RN’s up to $45/hr, LPN’s up to           paid. 1-800-528-7825 or www.
BARKLEY, MIKE 		                    118,409.60                                     MCINTIRE, BRIAN 		          43,301.33    $37.50/hr, CNA’s up to $22.50/hr (INCN)
BARRAGY, NICHOLE 		                  30,969.44                                     MCLAUGHLIN, ETHEL 		        44,345.22    Free gas/weekly pay $2,000 bonus
BAUER, NANCY 		                        9,373.35                                    MCLAUGHLIN, LORAS 		        16,480.88    AACO Nursing Agency 800-656-             INSTRUCTION, SCHOOLS
BAUMANN, DAVID 		                      7,526.92                                    MEIER, GERALD 		            20,825.00    4414 (INCN)
BECK, LANETTE 		                       9,726.19                                    MENKE, LARRY 		                                                                   AIRLINES CAREERS- Get FAA
BEMIS, DAVID 		                      47,368.12                                     MESSENGER, CARRIE 		          2,171.92   HELP WANTED- SKILLED TRADES              certified Aviation Maintenance
BERDING, GERILYNN 		                 58,585.10                                     MESTAD, CURTIS 		             9,493.52                                            training. Financial aid if qualified
BERNEMANN, REBECCA 		                54,079.42                                     MEYER, SHARON 		              8,433.95   Can You Dig It? Heavy Equipment          -Job placement assistance.
BIEBER, JOHN 		                        6,977.96                                    MILLER, GARRY 		              1,041.48   Operator Career! We Offer Training       CALL now. Aviation Institute of
BINSTOCK, MISTY 		                   23,394.28                                     MOHLIS, TERESA 		           14,457.71    and Certifications. Running              Maintenance 1-888-682-6604
BLACK, STEFANIE 		                     2,905.20                                    MOLENCAMP, AMELIA 		          1,988.05   Bulldozers, Backhoes & Excavators.       (INCN)
BOEHNKE, JANET 		                    57,179.84                                     MONSON, CAROL 		            44,914.60    Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits
BORRILL, MARY 		                       3,731.21                                    MONSON, CLIFFORD 		           5,557.19   Eligible! 1-866-362-6497 (INCN)          MISCELLANEOUS
BORSETH, BRANDON 		                  51,192.83                                     MONSON, PATRICIA 		         13,496.15
BORSETH, ROSEMARIE 		                40,203.40                                     MOORE, KATHY 		             17,392.68    WANTED: Full time/Seasonal               Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT
BOYES, JEFFERY 		                    74,991.82                                     MORTON, MARILYN 		          37,128.00    Construction Workers and                 or RECRUIT an applicant in this
BRANDT, REBECCA 		                   54,198.70                                     MUNN, DOUG 		               15,814.75    Equipment Operators for local            paper plus 30 other papers in
BRECKE, DAWN 		                      13,747.61                                     MURPHY, CHRISTOPHER 		                   projects. Wages dependent                Northwest Iowa for only $110/week!
BREDLOW, ETHAN 		                    12,681.00                                     NAGEL, LINDA 		                 830.00   on experience. Insurance and             Call 800-227-7636 www.cnaads.
BRINKMAN, ADAM 		                      5,468.03                                    NATOMELI, LISA 		             3,561.50   supplement coverage offered. Call        com (INCN)
BUNN, ROBERT 		                      12,825.48                                     NELSON, VICKIE 		             9,761.35   515-341-4740 or 515-341-3971. An
BURNS, FRANCIS 		                    57,849.84                                     NUEHRING, CRAIG 		          10,261.42    EEO Employer. (INCN)
BURTNESS, DOUGLAS 		                 58,713.62                                     OEHLERT, GARRY 		             3,909.28
BUTZ, REBECCA 		                         124.00                                    OIMOEN, MICHAEL 		         105,132.03    NEWS OF RECORD contin.
CALGAARD, LAURALEE 		                13,307.15                                     OLK, MARY 		                18,467.34
CALLANAN, MICHAEL 		                 16,097.55                                     OLSON, JULIE 		               8,947.14   NEWS OF RECORD                           Firefighters responded to 12000
CAREY, WHITNEY 		                      1,198.33                                    OTOOL, ANGELA 		              9,820.90   from page 24                             Kingbird Ave. for a medical call.
CARMODY, DENNIS 		                   16,845.69                                     OUVERSON, DENISE 		           8,679.39                                            	 June 19, at 6:48 a.m. CLFD
CARNEY, KATHLEEN 		                    9,937.51                                    PERRY, ERIC 		                9,564.97   	 June 20, Christopher C. Herd-          Paramedics responded to the 2400
CARON, PATRICIA 		                   16,665.86                                     PERRY, KAREN 		               3,224.74   liska, Rudd, Iowa was arrested for       block of S. Shore Dr. for a medical call.
CARROLL, RENAE 		                      2,207.54                                    PETERS, RICHARD 		          14,807.07    public intoxication.                     	 June 19, at 11:20 a.m. CLFD
CASH, NANCY 		                         8,118.28                                    PETERSEN, AMANDA 		         12,939.14    	 June 21, Darrius R. Flowers,           Paramedics responded to the 200 block
CHANDLER, STEPHANIE 		                 7,371.75                                    PETERSON, AUSTIN 		         58,941.34    Mason City, was cited for driving        of S. 3rd St. for a medical call.
CHAPIN, TINA 		                        8,128.45                                    PETERSON, MARY 		           29,987.68    while suspended.                         	 June 19, 2:13 p.m. CLFD
CHARLSON, CURTIS 		                  68,645.33                                     PETERSON, TRACY 		          66,722.75    	 June 21, Alex A. Davis, of Web-        Paramedics responded to 100 Block
CHRISTENSEN, JENNIFER 		             13,292.37                                     PHALEN, ANNA 		             13,819.98    ster City, Iowa was arrested for public  Prospect Drive for a medical call.
CHRISTENSEN, RUTH 		                 55,799.94                                     PHALEN, JANE 		             65,901.21    intoxication.                            	 June 19, 5:11 p.m. CLFD
CHRISTENSON, JASON 		                96,337.05                                     PHILLIPS, JACOB 		            8,064.39   	 June 21, Summer A. Mattingly,          Paramedics responded to 200 Block
CLAUSEN, ALYSSA 		                   33,600.32                                     PIERCE, CAROL 		            42,733.54    of Iowa Falls, wsa cited for speeding.   East Lake Street for a medical call.
COLLINS, JAMES 		                      4,245.72                                    PITKIN, GALEN 		            65,716.01    	 June 22, Brandon T. Miller, of         	 June 19, 6:40 p.m. CLFD
COOKE, HOLLY 		                        1,988.38                                    PITKIN, SAMANTHA 		         60,117.38    South Dakota, was cited for failing      Firefighters and Paramedics responded
COONEY, KELLY 		                     56,934.20                                     PUTTMANN, SHAWN 		            4,291.68   to wear a seatbelt.                      to I-35 Milemarker 193 for a motor
COYIER, JANE 		                        2,495.74                                    QUANG, LA 		                57,585.10    	 June 22, Travis C. Burke, Clear        vehicle accident.
CRAIGHTON, SIERRA 		                   7,105.36                                    QUINN, DIANNE 		            42,303.20    Lake, was arrested on a warrant.         	 June 20, 5:10 p.m. CLFD
CRAIL, MARY 		                           165.00                                    QUINTUS, KIMBERLY 		          8,280.14   	 June 23, Jacob R. Main, Clear          Paramedics responded to 1000 Block
CRISPIN, LAURA 		                    54,099.20                                     RABER, TIMOTHY 		             2,082.87   Lake, was cited for speeding.            of 1st St. S. for a medical call.
CULLEN, NANCY 		                     49,562.68                                     RATZLAFF, AUTUMN 		         10,656.58    	 June 23, Brennan M. Spear, of          	 June 21, 7:44 a.m. CLFD
DATEMA, TERRI 		                     10,173.63                                     RAYMOND, SARAH 		           61,382.90    Titonka, Iowa was cited for no regis-    Paramedics responded to 400 Block
DAVIS, DENISE 		                     17,016.05                                     RENCH, DONNA 		               5,495.64   tration.                                 of Highway 18 W. for a medical call.
DAVIS, HANNAH 		                     27,527.69                                     RICHTSMEIER, KATE 		                     	 June 23, Dean E. Cross Jr., of         	 June 21, 1:55 p.m. CLFD
DAVIS, TERRY 		                      13,439.70                                     ROTTINGHAUS, DELORES 		         285.00   Cedar Falls, Iowa was cited for im-      Paramedics responded to 14000 Block
DEDIC, MARGARET 		                   59,635.77                                     ROTTINGHAUS, JOSEPH 		      57,585.10    proper lane.                             of Dogwood for a medical call.
DEIKE-HASFJORD, ROXANNE 		           13,644.87                                     SARGENT, TERESA 		          12,028.23    	 June 24, Bradley C. Anthony,           	 June 21, 2:19 p.m. CLFD
DELACY, DAVID 		                       1,187.63                                    SCARROW, ASHLEY 		                       Mason City, was cited for no insur-      Paramedics responded to 100 Block
DEVINE, LAURA 		                     27,704.19                                     SCARROW, STEPHEN 		           2,736.56   ance.                                    Plaza Dr. for a medical call.
DICAMILLO, KIMBERELY 		              15,340.98                                     SCHAEFER, VALERIE 		        39,373.20    	 June 24, Karl M. Young, of             	 June 21, 9:34 p.m. CLFD
DILLON, BARBARA 		                     7,424.39                                    SCHLICHTING, LINDA 		       17,957.56    Britt, Iowa was arrested for driving     Paramedics responded to 1500 Block
DIMARCO, NICHOLAS 		                 65,385.65                                     SCHLOSSER, STEPHEN 		       58,611.06    while revoked.                           of S. Shore Dr. for a medical call.
DOEBEL, MARK 		                      12,791.40                                     SCHMIDT, KATHERINE 		                    	 June 24, Kimberly A. Kuhns, of         	 June 22, 7:20 a.m. CLFD
DORWEILER, DANIELLE 		               13,746.88                                     SCHROEDER, STACY 		           5,195.67   Kansas, was cited for speeding.          Firefighters and Paramedics responded
DRYDALE, JOHN 		                     12,531.81                                     SCHUMACHER, BETH 		         17,245.30    	 June 25, Brittany A. Ballantyne,       to 300 block of Main Ave. for an
DUESENBERG, SALLY 		                 52,784.44                                     SCOTT, RENEA 		             13,045.71    Mason City, was cited for speeding.      automatic alarm.
EBELING, KRISTIN 		                  49,030.10                                     SEARS, KEITH 		                          	 June 25, Jack F. Wegener, of           	 June 22, 11:12 a.m. CLFD
EINERTSON, TROY 		                   42,796.71                                     SHEIMO, JEFFREY 		            4,815.98   Titonka, Iowa was arrested for pos-      Paramedics responded to 200 Block of
ERICKSON, PAULA 		                   12,717.41                                     SHEIMO, MEGAN 		            39,565.97    session of marijuana, paraphernalia      N. 10th St. for a medical call.
FABER, ANGELA 		                       9,643.56                                    SHOOK, MARISSA 		           59,954.21    and assault while displaying a weap-     	 June 23, 2:10 p.m. CLFD
FEUERBACH, ANDREW 		                 62,636.35                                     SHREEVE, CHELSEY 		         31,504.79    on.                                      Paramedics responded to 1100 Block
FEUERBACH, JAMIE 		                  50,303.20                                     SHULTZ, KAMA 		             13,439.70    	 June 25, Brittney J. Baker, Ma-        of 1st Ave. S. for a medical call.
FIDDELKE, KERI 		                    18,302.29                                     SIESSEGER, JUDITH 		        35,327.50    son                                      	 June 23, 5:53 p.m. CLFD
FINN, LESLEY 		                      54,975.14                                     SIMON, BONNIE 		            38,337.40    City, was cited for speeding.            Paramedics responded to 1400 Block
FLOY, DOUGLAS 		                       9,895.12                                    SMITH, BART 		              76,801.28    	 June 26, Madison A. Garcia,            of 6th Ave. S. for a medical call.
FRAMPTON, DEBORAH 		                 17,488.76                                     SORENSEN, DANA 		                        Rockwell, Iowa was cited for speed-      	 June 23, 7:34 p.m. CLFD
FROILAND, SHARON 		                    1,166.50                                    SORENSEN, NICHOLE 		          7,225.72   ing.                                     Paramedics responded to 500 Block
FUHRMAN, TABITHA 		                  15,933.44                                     SOUTHGATE, VALERIE 		         3,313.96   	 June 26, Carly C. Wilson, Clear        1st Ave. N. for a medical call.
FURLEIGH, KATHRYN 		                 54,198.70                                     SPOTTS, CATHY 		            54,695.22    Lake, was arrested for driving while     	 June 24, 6:13 a.m. CLFD
FYFE, TIM 		                           3,308.86                                    STATZ, PATRICK 		                        revoked.                                 Paramedics responded to 2400 Block
GALLAHER, JOAN 		                      2,058.65                                    STAUDT, MARIA 		                  38.75  	 June 26, Justin L. Moor, Mason         of S. Shore Drive for a medical call.
GARMAN, ANGELA 		                    49,135.20                                     STEEN, BRENDA 		              6,664.27   City, was arrested for driving while     	 June 24, 5:09 p.m. CLFD
GARMAN, LAURA 		                       2,271.52                                    STREBLOW, JULIE 		          29,733.16    suspended and no insurance.              Firefighters and Paramedics responded
GAUDEN, ANGELA 		                    13,439.70                                     SUNDE, AMY 		               53,340.83                                             to 1300 Block of N. 24th St. for a fire.
GOOD, BRENDA 		                      18,550.29                                     SWENSON, RHONDA 		          10,806.86    FIRE/AMBULANCE CALLS:                    	 June 24, 6:56 p.m. CLFD
GOSKESON, DIANE 		                   39,717.88                                     TAYLOR, SHIRLEE 		          12,742.12    	 June 19, at 3:31 a.m. CLFD             Paramedics responded to McIntosh
GROENEWEG, SHEILA 		                   5,481.88                                    TECKLENBURG, KATHERINE 		   45,063.35    Paramedics responded to 4000 block       Road and Highway 18 for a medical
GUTIERREZ, SARA 		                   59,468.30                                     TERWILLIGER, KEVIN 		       64,921.15    of S. Shore Drive for a medical call.    call.
HACKENMILLER, ANDREW 		                4,096.11                                    THEIN, DOUGLAS 		                        	 June 19, at 4:02 a.m. CLFD
HAHN, MARGERY 		                         610.00                                    THOMAS, ARIEL 		                662.79
HALL, CORALENE 		                    17,411.47                                     THOMAS, SUSAN 		            57,247.13
HALL, JOAN 		                        67,823.90                                     THOMPSON, JOSI 		           30,734.50
HAM, JANELLE 		                      69,164.74                                     THOMPSON, SETH 		           29,440.00
HAND, JANESE 		                      58,787.34                                     THOMSEN, TRACY 		
HANSEN, SHERRY 		                    57,585.10                                     TRAMPEL, LESLIE 		            2,052.11
HANSMEIER, GLENNA 		                 18,467.60                                     TRAMPEL, NYLENE 		          61,204.87
HARTMAN, VANESSA 		                    2,819.60                                    TRUESDELL, KATHY 		         57,033.70
HARTWIG, THOMAS 		                   53,865.40                                     UHLENHOPP, JUSTIN 		        31,638.60
HARVEY, PAMELA 		                         435.11                                   UHLENHOPP, MOLLY 		         56,329.26
HAUSER, SHARON 		                    59,659.82                                     UHLENHOPP, YVONNE 		        56,048.31
HAXTON, ASHLEY 		                      2,600.18                                    ULLRICH, LYNN 		
HEGINGER, SARA 		                      6,712.62                                    VON FISCHER, NICHOLAS 		      6,275.85
HEIM, DEBRA 		                       52,414.46                                     WAGLER, AMY 		              47,813.04
HERNANDEZ, DECI 		                     2,156.30                                    WAGLER, CLARENCE 		         57,585.10
HILL, EMILY 		                       54,871.86                                     WARD, DENISE 		
HILL, KENNETH 		                     12,810.33                                     WARD, LINDA 		                1,778.87
HOBART, STEVE 		                     60,803.33                                     WASHBURN, CYNTHIA 		        16,279.75
HOEFKER, TERESA 		                     6,865.61                                    WASHBURN, STERLING 		       21,865.64
HOLT, DANIELLE 		                    10,729.56                                     WAUGH, HERBERT 		           60,616.17
HOWE, LARRY 		                           182.99                                    WEBER, GARY 		              94,893.70
HYTHECKER, BETHANY 		                24,440.78                                     WEEKS, ANN 		               47,508.33
JAMTGAARD, MARK 		                   16,375.64                                     WIECK, FRED 		
JENSON, LORA 		                      93,113.10                                     WIECK, KAY 		                 8,515.98
JENSON, MATTHEW 		                     4,396.88                                    WIECK, LISA 		              51,430.93
JOHNSON, MARLENE 		                    9,512.45                                    WIEGMANN, APRIL 		
JOHNSON, RANDY 		                      1,210.00                                    WIEGMANN, TROY 		             2,462.53
JOHNSON, VERNON 		                     2,105.64                                    WILKINSON, LISA 		          29,943.10
JONES, JULIE 		                          540.01                                    WILLIAMSON, KIMBERLY 		     64,350.20
JULSEN-MIKESH, BARBARA 		            27,454.07                                     WILSON, BLAINE 		
KAHLER, KEVIN 		                     61,076.47                                     WILSON, LAURA 		                255.00
KATTER, NICOLE 		                    45,315.53                                     WILSON, WADE 		             49,030.10
KEERAN, MICHAEL 		                     1,866.01                                    WINTER, LORI 		             52,174.15
KIEFER, KENNETH 		                   45,955.76                                     WURTH, JILL 		              14,463.09
KOCKLER, ANN 		                      57,948.40                                     WYBORNY, SADIE 		           13,940.37
KOCKLER, ANTHONY 		                  54,198.70                                     YARIAN, JAMIE 		             19,111.90
KRUKOW, CARL 		                      13,253.90                                     YATES, MARK 		              20,732.79
KUNZMAN, NANCY 		                      6,706.98                                    YOST, LINDA 		              54,414.21
KWIKKEL, STEVEN 		                  117,193.41                                     YOUNG, MEGAN 		
LACEY, LISA 		                       17,446.97                                     ZEITLER, KEVIN 		             3,102.01
LANGHOLZ, ANITA 		                       200.00                                                                66,715.35
LANGHOLZ, PAUL 		                    68,542.15                                                                 18,435.84




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