Page 14 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
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Ag./BusinessPage 14 • July 1, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Succession Planning Workshop CLB&T recognized as an
ICBA Top Performer
to be held in Clear Lake
Here’s a staggering fact: families gether
fail to keep their families and fortunes •Communicate well and exhibit
together for three or more generations trust Independent Banker®, the award- pricing models and support their lo-
90 percent of the time. •Know their family story winning magazine of the Independent cal communities and neighborhoods.
Johnne Syverson, a family busi- •Actively mentor the successive Community Bankers of America® These community banks stick to well-
ness consultant with Transition Point generations (ICBA), has recognized Clear Lake known industry fundamentals, while
Business Advisors, In West Des •Celebrate shared values and ac- Bank & Trust Company, with offices embracing the changing industry
Moines, will be leading a Farm Jour- cept any differences in Clear Lake, Garner, and Mason landscape.
nal Legacy Project Workshop in Clear “These things don’t have any- City, as an ICBA top performer. Clear As part of its annual perfor-
Lake, on Friday, July 10, at the Best thing to do with taxes or buy-sell Lake Bank & Trust ranked eighth in mance rankings of ICBA member in-
Western Holiday Lodge, 2023 7th agreements,” Syverson said. “They the Subchapter C category based on stitutions, Independent Banker pulled
Ave. N. have to do with relationships.” earnings and operational efficiencies year-end FDIC call report earnings
The key is to focus on all four Syverson will explain how to throughout 2014. data to identify the top 25 commu-
types of wealth and capital - human, construct a succession plan, have criti- “Whether serving rural, subur- nity banks in six asset-size categories,
intellectual, social and financial. cal converstaions with stakeholders ban or large metropolitan areas, com- both for Subchapter C corporation
“These components make up a and assemble a helpful team of advi- munity banks operate with the same and Subchapter S corporation banks.
more holistic view of wealth,” Syver- sors. focus by always putting their cus- Each top-25 listing measures commu-
son said. “It is important to transfer CPA Paul Neiffer, with Clifton, tomers and communities first,” said nity banks by their return on average
all components of wealth to the next Larson, Allen, LLP will explain the Thomas Alexander, of the Investment Center of Clear Lake, had the opportunity to Chris Lorence, ICBA executive vice assets (ROA) and return on average
generation. Without which, the fi- advantages and disadvantages of vari- meet former President George W. Bush at the Securities America’s Connect national president and chief marketing officer. equity (ROE) ratios for all of 2014.
nancial wealth will eventually disap- ous entity structures and how to trans- conference. -Submitted photo “Clear Lake Bank & Trust knows its “We are delighted to be recog-
local market and thrives because it nized as an ICBA top performer,” said
Alexander accepts award at Families who are successful in David Repp, with Dickinson, Macka- stays true to the principles of commu- Mark Hewitt, president and CEO,
pear.” fer assets and ownership. Attorney nity banking while showcasing drive, Clear Lake Bank & Trust Company.
ingenuity and community commit- “As longstanding members of the
transitioning their operation under- man, Tyler & Hagen PC, headquar- ment. Clear Lake Bank & Trust dem- North Iowa community, we attribute
onstrates integrity, enthusiasm and in- our success to dedicated employees
Connect National Conferencestand wealth in this way, Syverson tered in Des Moines, will cover the ventiveness in the financial industry, and loyal customers. We look forward
says. Other good habits and common legal aspects of succession planning. Thomas E. Alexander, of the on June 6-9. Alexander represented and ICBA is proud to recognize it for to serving the unique needs of our
characteristics of successful families Learn more and register at www. Investment Center of Clear Lake, at- EOI Management and accepted the its outstanding efforts.” communities for years to come.”
include: or call tended Securities America’s Connect ‘Rising Star Award’. While at the This year’s Independent Banker To see the ICBA Top Perform-
•Meet regularly and have fun to- 877-482-7203. national conference in Austin, Texas, awards presentation, he was able to Top Performers rankings showed the ers listings, read the article “The Best
visit with former President George W. importance of focusing on serving of the Best” on Independent Banker’s
Crop and Weather Report Bush. customers and communities, first and website at www.independentbanker.
Alexander attended multiple foremost. Those on the list deliver org.
Recent storms are putting stress on crops professional development sessions superior service, follow disciplined
throughout this four-day event, gain-
ing valuable knowledge on the latest
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey comment- tions, and some nitrogen side dressing. Excessive moisture is industry trends while having multiple SHAY LINAHON SCHAD WEST BRIDGET WOLF
ed on the Iowa Crops and Weather report released by the stressing some crops, causing small drowned-out areas, and opportunities to network. The Con-
USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service. preventing farmers from controlling weeds. nect national conference is an annual IMT announces addition of
“The strong storms and heavy rains that rolled through Topsoil moisture levels rated to 0 percent very short, 1 event Securities America, Inc. offers three new employees
Iowa last week have stressed crops, flooded some fields and percent short, 68 percent adequate and 31 percent surplus. exclusively to its advisors and their of-
limited farmers’ ability to get needed work done. Spray- Subsoil moisture levels rated 0 percent very short, 2 percent fice staff.
ing weeds, side-dressing fertilizer, making hay and other ac- short, 72 percent adequate and 26 percent surplus. Alexander is an Investment Rep-
tivities were all slowed by the wet weather. Some farmers in In southwest and south central Iowa farmers have be- resentative of Securities America, Inc.
Southwest and South Central Iowa may be forced to take gun to file prevented plantings for any remaining corn and and has been with the broker-dealer
prevented-planting coverage on some fields they will not be soybean acreage. Eighty-three percent of the corn crop was for more than three years. Invest-
able to plant before July 1,” Northey said. rated good to excellent. Soybean emergence reached 96 per- ment Center of Clear Lake provides
CROP REPORT cent, 11 days behind 2014. Soybean condition rated 78 per- comprehensive financial services in
Severe weather conditions rolled through Iowa this cent good to excellent this week. With 90 percent of the oat the areas of Retirement Planning, In-
week as high winds, isolated hail, and plenty of rain occurred crop headed or beyond, conditions declined slightly to 81 vestment Management, Annuities and
during the week ending June 28, 2015, according to the percent good to excellent. Life Insurance.
USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Statewide Hay condition fell to 70 percent good to excellent this Since joining Securities America,
there were 3.0 days suitable for fieldwork. Activities for the week due to wet conditions. The first cutting of alfalfa hay Alexander and his staff at Investment
week included cutting hay, herbicide and fungicide applica- reached 83 percent complete. The second cutting reached Center of Clear Lake attend Securities
nine percent, one week behind average. America conferences in an ongoing ef-
FISHING ON CLEAR LAKE!! fort to best serve their clients. Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc. College.
“Participating in training and (IMT), an Oshkosh Corporation Schad West has joined IMT as
professional development conferences company (NYSE:OSK) and top man- lean specialist. He will lead initiatives
allows me to stay current with indus- ufacturer of service vehicles, truck- and training of Continuous Improve-
try changes and trends,” said Alexan- mounted cranes, hydraulic loaders ment Events (CIE) for operations,
der. “I am committed to continued and air compressors, is pleased to an- while working to integrate the Osh-
education, and attending conferences nounce three new hires. These addi- kosh Operating System (OOS).
“Kevan Paul’s Guide Service” provides tangible to meeting my cli- tions will help IMT continue to serve West previously served as senior
ents’ needs and running a better busi- customers with high-quality products manager of continuous improvement
ness.” and services. at Crowne Group and manufacturing
Alexander began his financial Shay Linahon has joined IMT as resources manager for Hagie Manu-
services career at Merrill Lynch in an inside sales representative for fleet facturing. He is currently pursuing a
1980. He holds the FINRA Series 6, accounts. Linahon will assist with the bachelor’s degree in business manage-
7, 24, 27, and 63 licenses, along with promotion and administration of na- ment from Texas A&M University –
licenses for Life, Disability, and Long tional and fleet accounts. Corpus Christi.
Term Care Insurance. He has been ac- Linahon previously worked at Bridget Wolf has been hired as
tive in the Clear Lake community for Graham Wood Doors, leading a team a senior customer service associate.
Half Day 20 years through his leadership roles responsible for responding to custom- Wolf will join the IMT customer ser-
as Past President of the Clear Lake ers’ technical questions. She holds a vice and aftermarket support teams.
Full Day Noon Lions, Treasurer of the Veterans bachelor’s degree in marketing from She brings to the position quality
Memorial Golf, and Finance Chair Northwest Missouri State University experience in customer relationships,
and Pastoral Council member of St. in addition to an associate’s degree process improvement, leadership and
Ice Fishing Patrick’s Catholic Church. from North Iowa Area Community project management.
Prior to joining IMT, Wolf served
Muskie Fishing Walleye as a customer service representative
for Graham Wood Doors in Mason
• Fully Insured Panfish Live City, Iowa. She holds a diploma in ac-
• Dock pick up on the lake? counting clerk with computers from
• All equipment Clear Lake, Iowa I’ll pick you up at North Iowa Area Community Col-
641-529-2359 your dock. lege. “Our three new hires will help
is supplied IMT continue to strengthen its core
business,” said Jim Hasty, IMT gen-
PAULSFISHINGGUIDE.COM eral manager. “These personnel moves
enhance our ability to meet customer
Open year round. Visit our website for more information needs and continue implementing op-
erational improvements that will ben-
efit IMT and our customers.”
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