Page 13 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
P. 13
Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter July 1, 2015 • Page 13
Clear Lake Municipal Band Concert Eight unique Clear Lake posters
unveiled, for sale at CLAC
Saturday, July 4, 8:30 p.m. • Clear Lake City Park
Director - David Rutt • Announcer - Chuck Cooper Last month, the Clear Lake Arts Center un- executive director of the Clear Lake Arts Center.
Star Spangled Banner..................................................................................................... veiled their 38 of 8 for $38 Poster Project. Larson’s poster has an interesting aerial perspective
Yankee Fanfare...........................................................................................Travis Weller The Arts Center invited eight local artists to of the lake with all the classes of sailboats currently
National Emblem (March)......................................... E.E. Bagley/ed. Frederick Fennell create a poster in response to one of the follow- racing on the lake represented.
The Blue And The Gray (Civil War Suite)........................................... Clare Grundman ing statements: What I Love About Clear Lake … “And I assumed Gary Kelley would lean to-
Tara Theme (From “Gone With The Wind”)......................... Max Steiner/arr. James Curnow or What I Love About the Arts … and something wards music and the Surf Ballroom. But when you
Americans We...................................................... Henry Fillmore/ed. Frederick Fennell pretty magical happened. They got eight totally take on a project like this, you never really know
Battle Hymn of the Republic............... Setting by Peter J. Wilhousky/arr. James Neilson different and incredibly passionate responses. how it will turn out. The diversity of style and sub-
Tennessee Salute.................................................................................... arr. Jay Dawson Christina Blum’s poster titled July 4th Cel- ject matter is incredible.”
Armed Forces Salute.............................................................................arr. Bob Lowden ebration is very colorful with a lot of energy. Just The eight artists invited to participate were:
When Johhny Comes Marching Home................................... Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore like the weekend. While Sandra Quintus’s poster, Christina Blum with July 4th Celebration, David
......................................... arr. Brandon Ridenour/adapted for band by Michael Brown Fishing Boy, depicts the beauty of some of the lake’s Delperdang with Day’s End, Dee Frederick with
America, the Beautiful.......... Words by Katherine L. Bates & music by Samuel A. Ward more quiet moments with a Doug Larson quote ‘If the Clear Lake Art Sail, Tonja Ihlenfeldt with Mu-
...................................................................................................... arr. Carmen Dragon people concentrated on the really important things sic Soothes the Soul, Gary Kelley with Not Fade
The Stars and Stripes Forever..................... By John Philip Sousa/ed. William D. Revelli in Life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.’ And Away, Craig Kienast with The Music Lives On, Jim
then there is nothing more Magical than a Clear Larson with Clear Lake Sailing, and Sandra Quin-
Country music’s Kellie Lake Sunset, as demonstrated by David Delper- tus with Fishing Boy
Pickler coming to Surf dang’s photograph of the old lifeguard stand at city After the posters were designed, the Arts Cen-
Ballroom Thursday beach. ter then printed a limited edition of 38 of each
“We didn’t tell the artists what the other artist’s one. Today these limited edition signed and num-
The Surf Ballroom is pleased to Clear Lake artist Christina Blum created this July 4th were doing. We didn’t even try to point them in a bered prints are on sale for $38 at the Clear Lake
welcome country music’s Kellie Pick- Celebration poster. certain direction. I had hoped Jim Larson would Arts Center in downtown Clear Lake.
ler to Clear Lake. The award artist will do something with sailing,” said Paula Hanus,
perform on Thursday, July 2. Tick- Rehearsals
ets are $25 in advance and $30 at the underway for
door. ‘Earnest’ in
“My life is a country song,” Kel- the gardens
lie Pickler has said on occasion, and
no one who knows her or has watched Country music’s Kellie Pickler will per- If you should drive by Central Rehearsal for “The Importance of Being Earnest” on the grounds of Central Gardens of North Iowa.-Submitted photo.
her career evolve from her days as a form at the Surf Ballroom Thursday Gardens some evening this summer
breakout presence on American Idol night.-Submitted photo. and see a diverse group of people be- Cecily Cardew, Eley Schmidt as Miss perience,” said Gail Harringa, board bring food and non-alcoholic bever-
would argue in the least. All of her success hearkens back having in a strange but formal man- Prism, Craig Rule as Merriman, and member of Central Gardens. “We will ages to enjoy before the show and dur-
Now, with the release of her lat- to the big dreams that colored her ner, it may be that you are catching Elliott Neuberger as the Servant. be encouraging our guests to bring ing Intermission. It should be a lot of
est album, her first for new label home otherwise troubled childhood. She a glimpse of play practice for the up- “We are very excited about this their own blankets and folding lawn fun for everyone.”
Black River Entertainment, she takes has recorded songs dealing with the coming production of Oscar Wilde’s unique outdoor performing arts ex- chairs. As well as, they may wish to Tickets will be on sale soon.
yet another long step forward. The mother who left when Kellie was two “The Importance of Being Earnest”.
project reflects her continuing growth and the father who struggled with On July 16, 17 and 18, Central Pair of holiday themed Arty Parties planned
as an artist and as a person addiction--but she found solace in the Gardens of North Iowa and the Clear
“This album is just Kellie Coun- home of her grandparents, Clyde and Lake Arts Center will present their first Looking for something different, Arty Parties are fun-filled art for CLAC members or $35 price for
try,” she says. “When I write a song,” Faye Pickler, with whom she lived as joint venture, an outdoor production fun and interactive to do with your parties centered around an art activ- non-members.
she says, “I just write about who I am a teenager, and in the songs she heard of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of July 4th guests? How about a paint- ity with cash bar (wine and beer) and Check out the events calendar
and where I’ve been, where I am and on the radio. Being Earnest” on the lawn at Central ing party? step-by-step instructions from an in- on the Clear Lake Arts Center for
what I’m going through, or about She went through her teen years Gardens. The Clear Lake Arts Center’s July structor. Designed for beginners or more events and Arty Parties www.
people who have had an impact on with boundless energy and abundant This witty and buoyant comedy Arty Parties: Cocktails & Canvas, will intermediates. Everyone paints the Space is limited. To
me.” good cheer, a popular student who of manners is a comic reflection of be Thursday, July 2, or Tuesday, July same subject. In the end, there will register, call or email the Clear Lake
Her charm and candor have entered the occasional talent pageant 19th Century British society. 7, starting at 6:30 p.m. This month’s be a finished canvas in everyone’s Arts Center at 357-1998 or clac@cl-
made for memorable appearances and worked at the local Sonic. Idol “The Importance of Being Ear- subject will be summer fun. hands. All materials, including paint
from The Ellen DeGeneres Show to captured all the talent, charm and nest,” has delighted audiences since smocks, are included in the $32 price
GMA, from The Tonight Show to naiveté--she earned Simon Cowell’s its first performance in 1895. As Jack
baseball’s All-Star Game. Her reputa- attention and support as she would Worthing’s double life catches up
tion as someone who has overcome a later attract Bruno’s--and led her to with him, problems are resolved in
great deal of adversity has made her Nashville and her first album, Small extremely charming and unexpected
a natural everywhere from USO tours Town Girl, which produced three ways and everyone discovers the im-
to the Middle East to charitable en- Top 20 hits, beginning with “Red portance of being earnest.
deavors including St. Jude Children’s High Heels”. She followed with Kel- Directed by North Iowa native
Research Hospital, Boys & Girls lie Pickler, which produced four chart Rachelle Moeller and supported by
Clubs of America, American Cancer hits, including the Top 10 “Best Days an entirely volunteer cast and crew
Society, Wounded Warrior Project of Your Life,” which she wrote with with: Scott Demro as John Worth-
and many others. friend and then touring partner Tay- ing (Jack), Christopher Phalen as Al-
But it was her 2013 win on Danc- lor Swift. Her third album was 100 gernon Moncrieff (Algy), Dean Hess
ing With the Stars that introduced her Proof, as pure a country album as as Reverend Canon Chasuble, James
to and impressed more people than mainstream artists make in Nashville (Jim) Latham as Lane, Mary Alexan-
probably anything since Idol. In fact, these days. der as Lady Bracknell, Annie Moore as
the mirrored ball trophy and her dress Gwendoline Fairfax, Lauren Hewitt as
from the DWTS finale are now on
display in the Country Music Hall of
Fame. Since then, fans have often held
up “10” paddles in honor of her win
and brought home-made mirrored
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