Page 13 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
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Local News/LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter													                                                                                                              June 10, 2015 • Page 13

NEWS OF RECORD                             Motorcycle basic rider                                                                                 Clear Lake City Legals
from page 20                               course scheduled in area

block of N. 9th Street W. for a medical    	 North Iowa Area Community               	 Motorcycle classes will be held
call.                                      College (NIACC) will offer a Mo-          at the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura High
	 June 2, at 1:33 p.m. CLFD                torcycle Basic Rider Course for those     School on June 13-14, July 18-19 and
Paramedics were called to 1300 block       who ride or plan to ride a motorcycle.    August 1 – 2.  A session will also be of-
of N. 24th St. for a medical call.         Participants will learn the skills and    fered at the Hampton-Dumont Mid-
	 June 2, at 3:26 p.m. CLFD                proper mental attitude you need to be     dle School on August 15-16.  Sessions
Paramedics were called to the 1600         a safe rider right from the start.        each day begin at 8 a.m. and finish at
block of 6th Ave. S. for a medical call.   	 The Motorcycle Safety Founda-           5 p.m.  The cost is $179.
	 June 4, at 12:16 p.m. CLFD Fire          tion (MSF) Basic Rider Course is a        	 Valid driver’s license or driver’s
Dept. was called to the intersection of    complete entry-level, learn-to-ride       permit is required.  Iowa law requires
4th Ave. N. and N. 6th St. for a gas       class that consists of at least 15 hours  any person under the age of 18 who
leak.                                      of formal classroom activities and on -   wants a Class L license – valid for op-
	 June 4, at 10:07 p.m. CLFD               cycle riding exercises conducted over     eration of a motorcycle – to success-
Paramedics were called to the 100          two days.  About 5 hours are devoted      fully complete the motorcycle rider
block of 15th St. N.ß for a medical call.  to learning activities in the classroom,  education course before a Class L li-
                                           and around 10 hours of hands-on-          cense will be issued. 
Art ‘Fun’damentals                         practice are included.  Training mo-      	 To register call NIACC Continu-
offered Saturday at                        torcycles are provided.  This is all ac-  ing Education at 1-888-466-4222 ext
Arts Center                                complished during a two day Saturday      4358.  If you have questions please
                                           and Sunday training as well as com-       contact Carol Peterson, NIACC
	 Art FUNdamentals will be of-             pleting an MSF eCourse prior to the       Community Education Program
fered at the Clear Lake Arts Center        face-to-face class.                       Manager at 641-923-2252.
Saturday, June 13, 10:30 a.m. – 11:30
	 Art FUNdamentals is a multi
faceted, multi media, art education
program that is fun and interactive for
children ages four-years and up. The
program is offered the second Satur-
day of every month. This month chil-
dren will learn about artist Piet Mon-
drian, his life and his famous works.
They will then recreate an abstract
inspired by his work.
	 The class fee is $5 per child per
visit or a six-punch card for $25.
Punch cards are good for Art FUN-
damentals or Summer Creative Kids
Open Studio. To register, call or
email the Clear Lake Arts Center at
357-1998 or [email protected]. The
program is sponsored by McQuaid
Agency and Dave and Susan Nagle.

Buddies for                                Be Positive &                                         Tom Alexander
Boobies plan                                  Patient                                      Financial Consultant
6th annual
cancer                                                                                        Securities America
fundraiser                                                                              Member FINRA/SIPC

	 The “Buddies for Boobies” have                                                     641-357-7106
announced details of their Sixth An-                                                 888-357-7106
nual Breast Cancer Fundraiser. The
event will be held Saturday, June                            Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust
20, from 1-4 p.m. at the Clear Lake                          322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake
V.F.W. on Main Avenue.
	 The event will include a bake                           [email protected]
sale, including gluten and sugar-free           
products, along with a Silent Auc-
tion which features a Serta bed set,                     Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee
Clear Lake Boats rentals, hotel stays,                   Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency.
themed baskets and area gift certifi-
cates. Tupperware, Scentsy, Jamberry       Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative.
and 31 vendors will be present.                           Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated.
	 All proceeds stay local.
	 Donations may be sent to: P.O.                                                                                                                  Read the Legals.      Check out our website
Box 353, Clear Lake, Iowa 50428.                                                                                                                    It’s your right.
	 The Buddies for Boobies team
includes: Patti Anderso, Sandy Brood,                                                                                                                                      Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
Wendie Coyier, Ev Gansen, Dora
Gould, Toni Gould, Leanne Hicks,                                                                                                                                      12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131
Shannon Keller, LD McLaughlin,
Eileen Miller, Brenda Terwilliger and
Merilea Wheeler.

Young Eagles
Rally June 20 at
MC Airport

	 The Experimental Aircraft Asso-
ciation (EAA) Chapter 94 of Mason
City is hosting a Young Eagles Rally
on Saturday, June 20, at the Ma-
son City Airport. The Young Eagles
Rally is free for children age eight to
 	 Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.,
with the Rally from 9 a.m. to noon. 
In addition to an airplane ride, there
are aviation related educational ses-
sions, a presentation by the Civil Air
Patrol, and pizza for lunch. A parent
or legal guardian must be present to
authorize airplane rides. 

Free meals served
to kids this summer

	 The Summer Food Service
Program for children up to age 18
is served 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Mon-
day - Friday at the United Method-
ist Church, 508 2nd Ave. N., Clear
Lake. All children age 18 and
younger needing a nutritious lunch
are welcome. There is no enroll-
ment and no cost. Adults may eat
for a small charge.
	 For more information contact
Bobbi Bendickson, 641-357-5247.
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