Page 4 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-2-2015
P. 4

Opinion                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

Page 4 • Dec. 2, 2015									

                                             REMEMBER WHEN                                                                                                                   Amanda Ragan

            25 Years Ago                                                                                                                                                           State Senator
          November 1990
	 An unusual number of fires in                                                                                                                                                    515-281-3371 or 641-424-0874
the Ventura area has officials inves-                                                                                                                                              [email protected]
tigating the possibility of an arsonist
in the area. The Ventura Fire Depart-       CLHS wrestlers, 1965                                                                                                             	 As we move toward the 2016 session, the careful budget-making strategy
ment has responded to approximately                                                                                                                                          adopted by the Legislature will allow us to maintain our investments in expand-
14 separate fires, usually blazes in        A host of lettermen led the Clear Lake High School wrestling team in 1965. The team began its second year of wrestling           ing Iowa’s middle class in all 99 counties. This includes affordable higher educa-
ditches, since Nov. 21, according to        in 1965. The Lion lettermen are front (L-R): Gary May, Dave Henn, Gene Baker, Doug Bitker and Robbie Tibbitts.                   tion, 21st Century job training and a good education for our schoolchildren.
Ventura Assistant Fire Chief Darwin         Second row (L-R): Jack Anderson, Rick Miller, Duane Schlichting, Dave Erickson and Larry Otten. Standing behind                  	 That’s because we balance the state budget in a fiscally responsible way. Un-
Avery. He added that rural residents        the team is Head Coach John Klaudt.                                                                                              der Iowa law, we never budget for more than 99 percent of what the state takes
have also informed officials that they                                                                                                                                       in, and often significantly less. We use a cautious approach to determining how
have put out small fires in their farm                                                                                                                                       much to spend by looking at recent revenue estimates of a nonpartisan panel of
areas.                                                                                                                                                                       experts.
	 The City of Clear Lake is consid-                                                                                                                                          	 Each year, at least one percent of the state budget goes into savings ac-
ering a new ordinance that will treat                                                                                                                                        counts, which include a cash reserve fund and an economic emergency fund.
stray cats similar to dogs. The ordi-                                                                                                                                        This is the money that gets us by in hard times, such as an economic recession
nance, recommended by Police Chief                                                                                                                                           or a natural disaster. We currently have more than $700 million in our reserve
Dan Jackson, states cats must be vac-                                                                                                                                        funds, the largest amount in state history.
cinated against rabies and may not                                                                                                                                           	 Iowa’s approach to budgeting wins widespread praise:
run free. If stray cats are picked up by                                                                                                                                     	 • Based on a comprehensive review of data, 24/7 Wall St. rates the 50 states
police officers, owners will be fined.                                                                                                                                       by how well they’re run. In its most recent study, Iowa ranked number four in
Cats will not need to be licensed or                                                                                                                                         the nation. Among our state’s attributes: low debt, a strong credit rating and a
wear a collar. Until the ordinance is-                                                                                                                                       well-managed budget.
sue is decided, the police department                                                                                                                                        	 • Iowa consistently earns a Triple A credit rating from Standard and Poor’s.
will continue to loan out its five live                                                                                                                                      This top rating means the state of Iowa has an “extremely strong capacity to
traps with the provision that whatever                                                                                                                                       meet financial commitments” in full and on time.
is caught must be brought to the po-                                                                                                                                         	 • Iowa’s rainy day funds equal about 10 percent of the state budget and are
lice.                                                                                                                                                                        among the strongest in the country, according to the Tax Foundation.
	 The Reverend Daniel Krumrei,                                                                                                                                               	 • Iowa is one of only eight states to receive an “A” grade from the U.S. Pub-
pastor of the Christian Church, Clear                                                                                                                                        lic Interest Research Group because we make it easy for Iowans to see how their
Lake, is training at Fort McCoy, Wis.                                                                                                                                        tax dollars are spent.
with the Iowa National Guard 209th
medical unit in Iowa City. Krumrei          Certified Residential Specialist (CRS)       of November we have received .96”          Lake over the weekend. Rain was fol-          GUEST EDITORIAL
will serve as the unit staff chaplain.      Designation by the Residential Sales         of precipitation. On the morning of        lowed by sleet and heavy winds which
The unit has been ordered to Saudi          (RS) Council of the Realtors National        Nov. 12, the temperature dipped to         made travel by auto all but impos-       Eat healthy while on a budget
Arabia. An interim pastor is being          Marketing Institute, affiliated with         12 degrees.                                sible. About six inches of snow fell.
sought.                                     the National Association of Realtors.        	 Stinehart Implement’s annual             Drifts were two feet deep in front to    By JoAnn Bartusek, Cerro Gordo Coun-                  with leftovers to find ways to incor-
	 Corporal Michael P. Barragy, a            Molinsky and Day are owner/brokers           John Deere Day will be held at the         Moeller’s, P.G.E., and Williams and      ty Iowa State University Extension and                porate them into meals and snacks be-
member of the 2nd Battalion, Delta          of Triad Realty, 801 Main Ave., Clear        Clearview Roller Rink. Free lunch          McGowans Hardware.                       Outreach                                              fore they are no longer safe to eat. Use
Battery, 14th Marine, a reserve unit        Lake.                                        and prizes are planned.                    	 Clear Lake Auction Co. had 13          	 When grocery prices go up, it                       fruit in smoothies, put leftover veg-
based in Waterloo, Iowa, will report        	 Returning letter winners for               	 Bottle-tossers and marksmen              steer stolen Wednesday night. Loss       may not seem possible to eat healthy                  etables in pasta, or use leftover meat
to active duty Nov. 29. On or before        the Clear Lake High School wres-             with rifles and shotguns are proving       is estimated at $800. The thieves are    foods while on a budget. However,                     in a stir fry.
Dec. 1 the unit will leave for Camp         tling program are: Kurt Vala, Shawn          they can hit the big signs providing       thought to be professionals.             eating healthy on a budget is possible                	 5. Shop smart. Check the unit
Le Jeune, North Carolina, and around        Zimmerman, Chad Whitecotton,                 information for the state’s interstate     	 Mason City and Clear Lake Rail-        when following a few tips.                            price on items and compare brands to
mid-December, for Operation Desert          Ryan Ruppert, Mike Andrews, Sean             highway travelers, stated the Iowa         way have begun preparation work for      	 Five tips to save money while eat-                  get the best value. Use unit prices to
Shield. Corporal Barragy is the son of      O’Hare, Andy Hansen, Jay Barragy,            State Highway Commission. Crews            the ice harvest. They seem to think      ing nutritiously:                                     not only compare brands and product
Joe and Mary Barragy, of Clear Lake,        Jason Skinner, Mark Deike, Jason Sal-        have been busy for several weeks, re-      the lake will freeze over again.         	 1. Look for deals and                               sizes but also to compare forms of a
and a 1983 graduate of Clear Lake           ge, J.T. Turnbull, Jesse Kaiser, Jason       placing, washing and spraying a pro-       	 The town fishing dock has been         plan your meals! Plan your                            food like fresh, frozen, and canned.
High School.                                Stoke.                                       tective clear coating over the sign faces  removed, but several private docks are   meals around weekly ad                                Visit the ISU Extension and Outreach
	 Miss North Iowa, Tammy Bul-                                                            and repairing damage.                      still in.                                specials and what you have                            Spend Smart. Eat Smart. website
lington, received a scholarship to the                  50 Years Ago                     	 Playing at the Lake Theater is                                                    on hand in the refrigerator,                          (
Joffrey Ballet School in New York                     November 1965                      Betty Davis, in “The Nanny.”                          100 Years Ago                 freezer, and cupboards.                               ings) for more information on unit
City.                                       	 Clear Lake experienced a 20-day                                                                 November 1915                  	 2. Buy in season. Sea-                              prices.
	 Dean Kolinsky and Larry Day,              dry spell according to M-R weather                       75 Years Ago                   	 J.D. Minimum is now shipping           sonal produce often costs                             	 Source: Choose My Plate Tip
local realtors, have been awarded the       statistical L.S. Knutson. In the month                 November 1940                    about 1,200 pounds of dressed poul-      less and has better taste.                            Sheet: Eating Better on a Budget,
                                                                                         	 A severe blizzard struck Clear           try each day.                            Visit                    
	 I’ve had trouble sleeping ever                                                                                                    	 This morning at 7 a.m., one of the     nutrition-through-seasons/                            ing-better-on-a-budget
since I heard a disturbing story on         Your Cat Would                                                                          foreigners on the paving gang stabbed    seasonal-produce to find
the internet news site, Buzz60. The             Kill You If                                                                         the Bulgarian boss in the arm, inflict-  out which foods are in season.
story sited research suggesting my cat                                                                                              ing an awful wound, from which he        	 3. Schedule a day to cook. Cook
would kill me if it was bigger. And the      It Was Bigger                                                                          fainted in a few minutes from loss of    large batches of your favorite recipes
researchers made this claim without                                                                                                 blood. The quarrel arose over wages.     to portion out and freeze for quick-fix
ever having met my cat.                        By Guest Columnist Dorothy Rosby                                                     	 Several young people enjoyed a         meals throughout the week. For easy
	 But it isn’t just my cat. It’s yours                                                                                              wiener roast along Lime Creek Satur-     recipes to freeze, order the cookbook
too, if you have one. According to          	 Mostly though, it’s hard to be-            her.                                       day night.                               Healthy in a Hurry—14 Main Dishes
the story, if house cats were the size      lieve this critter, who’s curled up at my    	 Finally I tried science. A friend        	 B.G. Richardson, one of the earli-     for Now or Later from the ISU Ex-
of, say, golden retrievers, they would      feet, is plotting my death right now.        recommended I try a calming collar         est settlers of the county passed away   tension Online Store (store.extension.
all be offing their owners. Researchers     He might be plotting yours though.           and a plug-in diffuser both of which       at his home near Hanlontown.   
compared domestic cats to their larg-       He’s embarrassingly inhospitable to          contain pheromones like the ones           	 Corn in the field around Clear         	 4. Get creative. Make it a game
er, wild relatives at the Bronx Zoo and     visitors. He doesn’t roar like his large     mother cats emit. The pheromones are       Lake is selling for $1 per acre. Who-
found many characteristics in com-          cousins, but he hisses and growls in a       supposed to deter destructive behavior     ever heard of such a condition before
mon, including insecurity, anxiety,         very unwelcoming way. I assure my            by helping cats relax. We tried both       in this part of Iowa?
aggression, dominance, and impul-           guests that it’s because he’s a fraidy cat,  the collar and the diffuser, but the cat
siveness. Big deal. You find those same     and that he’s never hurt anyone—yet.         continued to hiss at the visitors. The
characteristics in every high school        	 I want my visitors to feel wel-            rest of the family purred like kittens
lunchroom in America, and that’s a          come—most of them anyway. So I               though.
fairly safe place to be.                    set out to put everyone at ease, start-      	 I haven’t given up. Sebastian does
	 There’s only one time when I’m            ing with the cat. Tuna is one of Se-         warm up to guests after a while, a re-
pretty sure my cat, Sebastian, wants to     bastian’s favorite foods, so I suggested     ally long while. I’m just not sure we
do me in, and that’s on those rare oc-      to some of our visitors that he might        want all of our company to stay as
casions when I give him a bath. Thank       be friendlier to them if they dabbed a       long as it would take him to warm up
goodness it’s not necessary very often.     little tuna juice behind their ears and      to them.
I figure the only reason I’m still here is  on their wrists, like you would with a        	 In the meantime, we have a
because cats are generally self-cleaning    fine perfume.                                friendlier pet: Mr. Tweeters the ca-
mechanisms.                                 	 They objected, and, now that I             nary. And if anyone has motive for
                                            think about it, that might have been         murder, it’s him. We had Tweeters for
                                            a wise decision. If I ever meet one of       three years before we got the cat. I’m
                                            Sebastian’s large relatives, like a lion or  sure he remembers fondly the good
                                            leopard, I don’t want to smell like an       old days when there was no cat leering
                                            antelope either.                             at him or dozing on top of his cage.
                                            	 Next I suggested that one of our           I wouldn’t blame him for plotting a
                                            brave guests feed him his kitty treats.      little revenge of the canary. It’s a good
                                            He ate the treats, and then he hissed at     thing he’s not the size of a golden re-

                                            Serving Clear Lake & Ventura                 Owner/Publisher...... Mike Finnegan                                   The Clear Lake Reporter is a member of the “National
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