Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-2-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Dec. 2, 2015 • Page 3
Clear Lake Breakfast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. THURSDAY: Egg and potato
THURSDAY: Mini pancakes, Lunch: Pizza, pears, fruit cup, veg-
sausage or cereal, cinnamon toast gies and hummus, green peas. casserole, broccoli, banana half,
or yogurt cup. Lunch: BBQ chick- FRIDAY - Breakfast: Break-
en nuggets, roll, mashed potatoes, fast wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: fruit oat muffin, orange juice.
peas, raisels. Alt. Sub-stacker, ro- Turkey tetrazzini, peaches, fruit
maine salad. cup, green beans, tossed salad, FRIDAY: Lemon-herbed
FRIDAY - Breakfast: Sausage whole grain cookie.
biscuit sandwich or cereal, cinna- MONDAY - Breakfast: West- chicken, scalloped corn, tomatoes
mon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: ern omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit,
Three cheese rotini, dinner roll, ro- juice. Lunch: Orange chicken, florentine, mandarin oranges.
maine salad, yogurt cups, orange brown rice, pears, fruit cup, broc-
wedges. Alt.: Sub-stacker, cherry coli, veggie sticks. MONDAY: Turkey and dump-
tomatoes and baby carrots. TUESDAY - Breakfast: Waffle
MONDAY - Breakfast: Cho- sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice. lings, asparagus, mixed fruit, or-
co chip waffle or cereal, cinna- Lunch: Chili, fresh apple slices,
mon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: fruit cup, tossed salad, whole grain ange juice.
Hamburger on a bun, fries, baked cinnamon roll, whole grain saltines.
beans, diced pears. Alt.: Sub- WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: TUESDAY: Italian meatloaf,
stacker, fresh veggies with dip. Egg biscuit, fresh fruit, juice.
TUESDAY - Breakfast: Lunch: Hamburger on a bun with roasted red potatoes, lima beans,
Scrambled eggs, toast, or cereal, mayo, banana, fruit cup, tator tots,
cinnamon toast or yogurt cup. corn. cinnamon apples with crunchy top,
Lunch: Nachos, taco fixings, Mexi-
can rice, corn, banana. Alt.: Sub- raspberry lemonade.
stacker, romaine salad.
WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: WEDNESDAY: Chicken and
Breakfast bites, or cereal, cinna-
mon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: noodle casserole, green beans,
Veggie beef soup, cheese pretzel
stick, romaine salad, apple slices, plums, oatmeal-raisin bar, orange
banana bar. Alt.: Sub-Stacker,
Sharon K. Shinn LaVohn M. Badker Lois E. Norem fresh veggies with dip. juice.
Congregate meals are served
Sharon Kay Shinn, 73, of Mason LaVohn M. Badker, 88, of Gar- Lois E. Norem, 81, formerly at the Senior Centers in Clear
City, died Sunday, Nov. 29, 2015, at ner, Iowa, formerly Clear Lake, died of Mason City, Iowa, died Thursday, Lake, 105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m.
Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015, at the Nov. 26, 2015, at Ministry St. Joseph’s and in Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at
in Mason City. Concord Care Center, Garner. Hospital, Marshfield, Wis. 11:45 a.m. Call 357-5443 in Clear
A memorial service will be held A celebration of LaVohn’s life was Funeral services will be held at Lake and 829-3517 in Ventura for
at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 2, held on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015, at the 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015, at reservations.
2015, at Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Clear Lake United Methodist Church, Evangelical Free Church, 1310 High-
Chapel, in Clear Lake, with Pastor Clear Lake, with the Rev. Dr. Jacque- way 18 West, Clear Lake, with Pastor Garner-Hayfield-Ventura
Dennis Ganz officiating. line Thompson officiating. Burial was Randy Vaage officiating. Burial will be THURSDAY - Breakfast:
Visitation will be one hour prior in Clear Lake Cemetery. Family sug- in Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason
to the service at the funeral home. gests memorials to Clear Lake United City. THEATRE
Sharon was born March 29, Methodist Church Guild Fund or Visitation will be held one hour
1942, the daughter of Robert and Ar- Hospice of North Iowa. prior to the funeral at the church. The Hunger Games:
lene (Rafferty) Kaster, in Mason City. LaVohn was born April 1, 1927, Memorials can be directed to the
She was united in marriage to Larry in Klemme, Iowa, the daughter of Lois E. Norem Memorial fund. Mockingjay, Part 2
McIlrath on June 23, 1962, in Ma- Werner and Mable (Rosendahl) Sch- Lois Elayne Norem was born “PG-13”
son City. To this union four children lawin. She was baptized and con- Nov. 29, 1933, in Rockford, Iowa, to
were born, Jeffery, Joseph, Tracy and firmed at Reformed and Evangelical Mervil and Mildred (Mathews) Mer- Every Night at 7 p.m.
Dawn. She later married Jim Shinn Church, Klemme. In her early teens riss.
on Sept. 30, 2006, in Ventura. she enjoyed showing show cattle and Lois graduated from Rockford FREE HOLIDAY MATINEE
Sharon grew up and attended being involved in 4-H. High School in 1948. She was a long
school in Ventura. When she was Following graduating from Kl- time employee of AC Nielson, where HOME “PG”
younger she worked as a waitress and emme High School in 1944, she grad- she retired from. In retirement she
at Mode-A-Day. She was very proud uated from cosmetology school in Des worked as a foster grandparent in the Saturday 11 a.m. & Sunday 1 p.m.
to have been a caretaker at Good Moines and has been a licensed beau- special needs classroom in the Mason Donations to the food bank accepted
Shepherd and a real estate agent in tician for over 50 years. She worked City school system. She loved working
North Iowa. at various beauty salons includ- with the children. Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
Sharon loved the outdoors, trap- ing Rose’s, in Garner, Ruth Toppin She was united in marriage to Al- 357-2414
ping, fishing and boating. As a young Unique Beauty Shop, and she was a bert Tritch in 1953.They were married
girl she and her father spent a lot of manicurist at Hair West, both located for 13 years. From this union she was
time trapping and fishing, which she in Clear Lake. blessed with four children.
then passed on to her children and LaVohn married a veteran and She was united in marriage to
grandchildren. She also enjoyed tak- farmer, Wayne “Bud” Badker, on Bernard Norem on Nov. 22, 1970,
ing her grandchildren to the nature Sept. 7, 1947, at Reformed Evangeli- at Wesley United Methodist Church,
center. cal Church, Klemme. They lived on in Mason City. He preceded her in
Sharon is survived by a son, various farms and then settled on the death in 2003.
Jeffery Scott (Marie) McIlrath, of home place south of Clear Lake. They She moved to Marshfield, Wis. in
Decorah, Iowa and grandson, Josh raised and trained Quarter Horses 2007 to be closer to family.
McIlrath, of California; a son, Joseph and showed Pony of Americas ponies. She delighted in being surround-
Dean (Christine) McIlrath, of Mason They traveled with the two grandsons ed by her family. Especially her grand-
City and grandchildren, Tayler, Mor- to horse and pony shows, May through children and great-grandchildren. She
gan and Erin Lacy, of Mason City; a mid-October about every weekend. loved cooking for family and taking
daughter, Tracy Ann (Roger) Henni- Besides sewing western shirts and giv- care of everyone she loved. She was a
gar, of Hanlontown, Iowa and grand- ing ponies a bath for horse shows, she true servant.
children, Danielle (Dan) Dirksen, of was active in the Clear Lake United She was a faithful member of the
Plymouth and great-grandchildren, Methodist Church Alter Guild, Vet- Clear Lake Evangelical Free Church.
Dawson, Delayne and Daphne, Justin erans Auxiliary and was secretary of She is survived by her four chil-
(Samantha) Hennigar, of Clear Lake, North Iowa Snowmobile Club. She dren, Mark D. (Wanda) Tritch, of
and Samantha (Dylan) Hennigar, of enjoyed snowmobiling, until they dis- Lincoln, Neb, Michael D. (Lorrie)
Mason City; and great-grandchil- covered the warm weather in Arizona Tritch, of Indianola, Iowa, Randy D.
dren, Ronnie, Kastiel and Damien and playing golf. (Debra) Tritch, of Saylorville, Iowa,
Alitz; and Daniel Hennigar, of Han- She is survived by her son, Den- and Lisa (Don) Pannhoff, of Marsh-
lontown; a daughter, Dawn Marie nis (Karen) Badker, Clear Lake; two field, Wis.; seven grandchildren,
(Bruce) Wasenius, of Plymouth and grandsons, Scott (Tina) Badker, Katie Lyons, Justin (Keri), Austin
grandchildren, Julian (Ashley) Wase- Klemme, and Curt (Michele) Bad- Tritch, Machaela (Riley) Wilson, Al-
nius, of Mason City and Anthony ker, Clear Lake; two great-grandsons, lan Tritch, Ryan Pannhoff, and Adam
Wasenius, of Plymouth; and siblings, Drake and Carson Badker; three step- (Jessica) Pannhoff; four great-grand-
Robert Kaster, of Forest City, Dean- great-grandchildren, Wade and Austin children, Braxton, Carter, Skylar, and
na Bonner, of Clear Lake and Penny Lohman and Michaela Delzer. Aiden; one sister, Joyce Havranek,
Kaster, of Clear Lake. She was preceded in death by her Rockford, Iowa; and many other fam-
She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband. ily members.
parents; husband, Jim; and siblings, Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- Lois was preceded in death by her
Randy and Jody Kaster. pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- parents; and her husband, Bernard.
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel rangements. Hogan-Bremer-Moore Colonial
was in charge of arrangements. Chapel, Mason City, was in charge of
Jill M. Deuel
Jill Maxine Deuel, 62, of Clear Check out our website
Lake, passed away, Nov. 21, 2015 at 101 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake. Visita-
the Muse-Norris Hospice Inpatient tion will be held one hour prior to the
Unit, in Mason City, Iowa. service at the funeral home. Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
A celebration of life will be held Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 13, 2015, pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- 12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131
at Ward Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, rangements.
NOOPEWN Art on the Plaza
artist gallery
Wednesday - Saturday
Noon - 4 pm
11 South Federal DOWNTOWN
Bergo’s Mini Mall