Page 7 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-2-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Dec. 2, 2015 • Page 7
Happy Holidays
More Clear Lake Reporter Clinical Massage Therapy • Sports Massage
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Call to book your appointment. New Clients
Tues. - Fri 8 am - 7 pm • Sat., 8 am - 2 pm Always Welcome
from page 1 p.m. the Clear Lake Arts Center will Sunday Monday Tracey Stack (641) 529-0372
host Santa’s Workshop Festival and Polar Bear dip FDNY presentation 604 Buddy Holly Pl. Suite 105
Saturday con’t Creative Kids Christmas Art Activity. LMT NMT
These events are free and open to the The 18th Annual Polar Bear Club Master Floors Carpet One, Clear Clear Lake
in the Fellowship Hall. Doors will public. Santa’s Workshop Festival in- Dip for Charity will be held at 12:30 Lake, has been named as one of the
open at 8:30 a.m. and admission is cludes performances by the Dickens p.m. Sunday at City Beach. A mini- stops 9/11 first responders from Andersen’s Christmas Greens
free. Ladies of the church will serve a Characters, magicians, puppeteers, mum of $40 raised for charity is re- the Fire Department of New York
mid-morning coffee with fresh-baked jugglers, and sing-a-longs in the Su- quired to dip. Contact the Clear Lake (FDNY) will make as they travel Kissing Trees • Roping • Wreaths
cinnamon rolls. There will also be a kup Performing Arts Wing and the Area Chamber of Commerce for reg- across America. On behalf of the Ste- Balls Pine Cones & More
noon luncheon of soup, sloppy joes or Creative Kids Art Activity in the CL- istration information, 357-2159. phen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foun- on sale Pre-made Planters
hot dogs and pie for a nominal charge. Tel Studio. dation, the 9/11 first responders are
visiting each and every Carpet One
Senior fundraiser Parade, fireworks Treasure hunt Floor and Home store in the conti- Available
nental United States. During each Free delivery in Mason City & Clear Lake
A Soup, Sandwich and Sweet The finale to the Christmas By Those age 12-years and under are visit, a shadowbox containing a piece
Fundraiser will be held at the Senior The Lake celebration is a lighted pa- invited to take part in a Treasure Hunt of 9/11 steel from Ground Zero will (Set up charge my apply)
Citizens Center, located at 105 S. 4th rade, starting at Main and 8th Street at 1 p.m. Sunday. Meet at the Lakev- be presented to the store, owned by
St., on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 5 p.m. and continuing to the lake. iew Room at the City Park Bandshell. Chris and Ed Masters. A member of Order Now! Pre-made Holiday Candy Trays
Carry outs are available and the build- The parade will be followed by fire- Participants will search for coins and the FDNY will also speak about their
ing is handicap accessible. works shot off over the lake. redeem them for toys at the Chamber experience on 9/11 and give each sales Mennonite Baked Goods • Amish Candy • Wisconsin Apples • All Squash 50¢
of Commerce. professional an FDNY pin. Master
Engage! Indoor festival Floors in Clear Lake will be visited by Open 10 - 5 Daily (641) 530-1234
Meet the artist, author an FDNY member at 10 a.m. Mon-
All persons needing winter outer- A ‘Holiday Christmas Banquet’ day, Dec. 7. 2727 19th St. S.W., Mason City (West of Newman School)
wear this season are invited to attend will be staged Saturday, Dec. 5, at the The Clear Lake Arts Center will
the Engage! giveaway from 10 a.m. to Best Western Holiday Lodge in Clear host a Meet the Artist Reception for Santa Calls Night Quality Garage Doors add
1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5, at 207A S. Lake. The feast will include a full Clear Lake artist John Larsen and a security to your home.
4th St. holiday meal with frills and specialty Book Signing Event for Mason City Monday, Dec. 7, from 6 - 8 p.m. Call us today!
courses. Doors will open with a cash author Peggy Bang on Sunday, Dec. Santa will be making calls to Clear
Royalty chosen bar starting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are 6, from 1 – 3 p.m. Larsen will also Lake children ages three through Overhead Garage Doors
$30 per person and can be obtained at be sharing photographs and his expe- eight-years-old to find out his or her Residential • Commercial • Agricultural
A crowning ceremony for 10 the Best Western in Clear Lake from riences restoring and reconstructing wishes for Christmas and just how
children ages three to five-years hop- Mandy VanVoorhis, 641-357-5253. the art glass in the Historic Park Inn good they were over the course of the We service all brands of garage doors & openers
ing to become the Christmas By The Hotel. Larsen’s restoration work also year. Parents can pick up and return
Lake Princess and Prince will be held appears in Roger and Peggy Bang’s registration forms at City Hall or the
at Clear Lake Bank & Trust at 11 a.m. Sara Evans home, the Joshua Melson House in Parks and Recreation office. Calls can
Saturday. The public is invited to at- Mason City (this unusual home is only be made to local numbers.
tend. Multi-platinum country super- sometimes called ‘The Castle’). A pic-
star Sara Evans will perform holiday ture of Larsen and his work appears in Tuesday 641.357.5575 101 N. 8th St., Clear Lake
Nativity display favorites, along with her biggest hits, the recently published book titled The Holiday concert
at the Surf Ballroom Saturday night. Melson House Revealed – an Owner’s
The Clear Lake Regular Baptist Doors open at 7 p.m. Advance tickets Perspective written by Mason City The Vocal and Instrumental Mu-
Church, 314 N. 6th St., will host a ae $35; $40 at the door. Tickets are author Peggy Bang. This event is free sic Departments of Clear Lake High Residential • Commercial
Community Nativity event with over available at or call and open to the public and is spon- School will present their joint Christ- Complete Recycling Services
130 Nativities on display for any one 357-6151. sored by Doug and Chris Rozendaal. mas Concert on Tuesday evening,
in the community to come and look The Clear Lake Arts Center is located Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in E. B. Stillman 1 Yd. to 42 Yd. Containers
at Saturday, Dec. 5. Admission is free Sat.- Sun. in downtown Clear Lake at 17 S. 4th Auditorium. The Concert Band, di-
and cookies and cider will be served Free matinee St. The Arts Center will be open Sun- rected by Brandon Borseth, will open ABSOLUTE WASTE
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. the program with a variety of holiday REMOVAL
A free matinee, “Home,” will be selections. The Mixed Chorus and
Family activities shown at the Lake Theater at 11 a.m. Holiday presence Concert Choir will close the concert. LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED
Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. Those The audience will be invited to the Proudly serving the Clear Lake area
A variety of free activities are of- attending are asked to bring a non- “Presence of the Holidays” will stage to join with the Concert Choir
fered for children and families during perishable item for donation to the be held Sunday, Dec. 6, from 1-4:30 finale, Handel’s “Hallelujah Cho- (641) 357-4517 • (800) 357-1042
Christmas By The Lake Saturday. In local food bank as their admission. p.m. at the Clear Lake Arts Center, 17 rus.” The choirs are directed by Paul
the 400 block of Main Avenue, free S. 4th St. Clear Lake area native Karla Langholz and accompanied by Lynn Email: [email protected]
s’mores for kids are offered at 1 p.m. Santa’s home! Haugen presents a variety of regional Ullrich. There will be no admission
and Christmas Karaoke runs from artists displaying and selling their charge for the concert and the public 23620 Thrush Ave, Mason City • $174,500
1-4 p.m. A free children’s petting zoo Santa will be at his City Park wares just in time for holiday giving. is invited to attend.
is open noon to 4 p.m. at City Park. home Saturday from 1-4 p.m. and Holiday music, food and beverages Family home on 1.15 Acres. Looking for more elbow room? UPDATED &
Free horse drawn sleigh and carriage again from 6-7 p.m. Santa house will also be part of the experience. Financial aid ready to MOVE RIGHT IN. Great open floor plan with vaulted ceilings. Eat-in
rides will be given from 2-4:30 p.m. hours on Sunday are 1-4 p.m. kitchen plus formal dining. 1/2 bath off Master. Basement set for rec area &
The Main Street Trolley will also offer The Iowa College Access Network
free rides 1-4 p.m. Special presentation on WWII at (ICAN) will hold a Financial Aid 4th bedroom. Storage galore. Double garage, patio areas front & back.
NIACC to mark Pearl Harbor Day Night Presentation on Tuesday, Dec. Call Jane Fischer to set up your private showing at 641-425-4900.
Share event 8, at 5:30 p.m. in the high school li-
North Iowa Area Community Nagasaki. In between those key events brary. Topics will include information JANE FISCHER AND ASSOCIATES TEAM
Clear Lake Christian Church, College (NIACC) will offer a pro- were many small and large battles on how to finance a college educa- OF CENTURY 21 PREFERRED
302 Highway 18 West, will host an- gram discussing World War II on that required enormous sacrifices by tion, completing the FAFSA, along
other Share Event Saturday, Dec. 5, Monday, Dec. 7, in Beem Center 200 American soldiers, sailors and marines with changes to the FAFSA process, Search the MLS for FREE at
from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. This is a large on the NIACC campus from 3 p.m. to prevent tyranny from enveloping scholarships and scams. Staff will also
giveaway of gently-used items includ- to 5 p.m. This free presentation will the world. be available to answer any questions Members of the Clear Lake Multiple Listing Service.
ing clothing, household items and be facilitated by Bennett Smith, his- The facilitator, Bennett Smith, is about college and career planning.
more. In addition, a free meal is avail- tory and political science instructor at an instructor in History and Political Those with questions or concerns are CENTURY 21 Preferred • 2800 4th Street SW, Ste. 3, Mason City, IA • 641.424.9400
able during the event. NIACC, and will commemorate Pearl Science at North Iowa Area Commu- asked to call Cathy Spotts or Amy
Harbor Day. Several World War II nity College. He is also an instruc- Sunde, CLHS counselors, at 357-
Christmas stories veterans will share their experiences. tor in various lifelong learning pro- 5235.
World War II was an incredibly grams including the NIACC Lifelong
The Clear Lake Public Library’s costly conflict that involved all the Learning Institute; the Osher Life- Good Luck Clear Lake Dance Team at
Children’s Department is hosting sto- major world powers from 1939 to long Learning Institute at Iowa State 2015 State Dance & Drill Team Competition
rytime at the library, for children age 1945. Nazi Germany and Imperial Ja- University and the LIFE program at
three to six-years, on Saturday, Dec. 5. pan were bent on expanding their em- Rochester Community and Technical Thursday, Dec. 3rd
There will be a storytime at 10:30 a.m. pires, triggering the conflagration that College in Rochester, Minn.
and again at 11:30 a.m. ultimately led to the deaths of over The World War II presentation 11:30 a.m. Class VIII Pom in HyVee Hall • 1:21 p.m. Class V Hip Hop in HyVee Hall
60 million people. American involve- is offered to the public for no charge
Book signing ment in the War got into full gear through NIACC’s Lifelong Learning 8:48 p.m. Class IV Jazz in Wells Fargo Arena • 9 p.m. Awards Presentation
after the fateful attack on Pearl Har- Institute. To register, call the Lifelong
Gail Kittleson, from St. Ansgar, bor, and ended with the dropping of Learning Institute at 641-422-4358. Front Row: Ellie Tindall, Sophie
Iowa will be at the Clear Lake Pub- the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Schultz, Grace Hartnett, Lily Deets
lic Library Saturday, Dec. 5, at 1 p.m. & Mia Katter
featuring her debut novel, “In This WE BRING OUT THE SMILE IN YOU Back Row- Kate Franke, Marissa
Together.” Besides explaining her mo- Olk, Ali Witt, Lexi Holtz, Madison
tivation and writing process, she will Finstad, Ellie Schulze, Sophia Willis
talk about her experience of getting
the book published. The team is coached by Liz
LeFevre and assistant coach Katy
Santa’s workshop Lubkeman.
Saturday, Dec. 5, from 1 – 3:30
16Happy th Birthday
Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff,
would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow!
102 N. 5th St., Clear Lake • (641) 357-4112 SILVER SPONSORS: Dean Snyder Construction • Burtness-Lundgren Plumbing & Heating • Hogan & Hansen
Love, Mom & Dad
Monday - Friday • 7:30 -5:00