Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-2-2015
P. 1

Cookies & Cocoa pg. 9

Weather                                     More weather on page 5.

Mostly sunny for the weekend and warmer with a
high of 37 degrees on Saturday.

USPS 117-120 VOL. 145 Issue 48                                       Dec. 2, 2015       Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Jim & Jackie Pieper                                                              $1.50

  Clear Lake                                                                                                                                                                                              Central Gardens
Mirror-Reporter                                                                                                                                                                                           hires part-time
CALENDAR                                                                                                                                                                                                  executive director

Thursday                                                                                                                                                                                                  	 Central Gar-
5K fun                                                                                                                                                                                                    dens of North Iowa,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Inc. has named a
	 Area runners and walkers                                                                                                                                                                                part-time executive
are invited to “turn the lights                                                                                                                                                                           director. Jody Ham-
on” for Opportunity Village’s                                                                                                                                                                             ilton, Clear Lake,
Festival of Trees celebration at                                                                                                                                                                          began her duties on
the third annual Lights On 5K                                                                                                                                                                             Dec. 1. 
Run/Walk Thursday, Dec. 3, at                                                                                                                                                                             	 “We are excited
4:30 p.m. The run  (not race)                                                                                                                                                                             to have someone of
will start at The Other Place,                                                                                                                                                                            Jody’s experience,
200 U.S. Highway 18, and fol-                                                                                                                                                                             expertise, and dedi-
low streets throughout the Op-                                                                                                                                                                            cation to help us
portunity Village neighborhood                                                                                                                                                                            meet the demands                 Jody Hamilton
in northwest Clear Lake. Par-
ticipants are encouraged to dress                                                                                                                                                                         of our growing Gardens,” said Robert “Chip” Kinsey,
in holiday lights and costumes.                                                                                                                                                                           board president. 
	                                                                                                                                                                                                         	 Hamilton, a native of New Hampton, served as
                                                                                                                                                                                                          business manager at Comprehensive Systems in Charles
Fri. - Sun.                                                                                                                                                                                               City, Iowa for 12 years, and then as a city clerk/finance
Festival of Trees                                                                                                                                                                                         officer in Charles City and Knoxville, Iowa for a total of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          24 years and at an Omaha hospital for three years. 
	 The 20th Annual Festival of                                                                                                                                                                             	 Besides volunteering at the Surf Ballroom and the
Trees, will be held Friday-Sun-                                                                                                                                                                           Clear Lake Arts Center, Hamilton is also president-elect
day at Opportunity Village in                                                                                                                                                                             of the Clear Lake Rotary Club. 
Clear Lake. Proceeds from the                                                                                                                                                                             	 “I just love Clear Lake, and having this opportunity
Festival of Trees support services          David Nieman, owner of NTI, surveys his burning buiding Monday morning as firefighters from Clear Lake and Ventura work to extinguish flames. The Clear       to be executive director of this beautiful, regional public
for people with disabilities at the         Lake Fire Department used its aerial truck to attack the blaze.-Reporter photos by Chris Barragy.                                                             gardens is a dream come true,” said Hamilton.
non-profit Village. More than                                                                                                                                                                             	 Hamilton is the first paid executive director for the
100 Christmas trees, wreaths                Tire warehouse                                                                                                                                                organization in a number of years. Her duties will focus
and swags of all sizes will be on           goes up in smoke                                                                                                                                              on fund-raising, membership expansion, and continued
display and for sale throughout                                                                                                                                                                           beautification of the Gardens. 
the weekend at the Village’s Kin-
ney Lindstrom Center gymnasi-               	 Clear Lake and Ventura firefighters       	 “We would have had a much more                                                                                  Former Opportunity
um. Events planned during the               spent nearly nine hours on the scene of a   difficult time ventilating the roof, as with                                                                      Village employee charged
Festival include special activities         commercial building fire Monday morn-       the aerial we were able to get our guys up                                                                        with criminal conduct
for children, an opening night              ing.                                        there safely,” said Krefft. “This operation
gala and cookie walk, as well as            	 Just after 4:40 a.m. Clear Lake dis-      required an immense volume of water                                                                               	 A North Iowa woman is accused of stealing from
live musical entertainment. See             patch was alerted to smoke showing in       and the pump on this apparatus can do                                                                             residents at Opportunity Village in Clear Lake.
activity times and details in a             a building behind the Kum and Go on         the job as well as position the stream di-                                                                        	 Amy Lynn Palmer, 42, of Garner, is charged with
special Christmas By The Lake               Highway 18, Clear Lake. The Clear           rectly over the hot spots.”                                                                                       ongoing criminal conduct and 15 counts of dependent
section in this week’s paper.               Lake Fire Department was dispatched to      	 NTI Ltd. is owned by David Nie-                                                                                 elder abuse. 
                                            the 2000 block of 7th Avenue North to       man, of Clear Lake.                                                                                               	 Authorities say that while working at Opportunity
Saturday                                    NTI Ltd., a tire and wheel warehouse.       	 A sad note was the loss of Nieman’s                                                                             Village between November, 2014 and September, 2015,
Cookie walk                                 	 Upon arrival officers noted consid-       original 1969 Chevelle that was put in                                                                            Palmer withdrew money from the accounts of 15 resi-
                                            erable smoke showing and some flames        storage just days ago in the back of the                                                                          dents for her own personal use. Palmer was working as
	 The United Methodist                      on the south side of the building. Crews    building.                                                                                                         a caretaker and allegedly stole a total of $8,782.34 from
Church, 508 2nd Ave. N., will               first on the scene breached a large over-   	 There were no injuries reported.                                                                                the checking accounts of 15 of her clients. 
host its annual Cookie Walk,                head door and made entry, only to have      	 The CLFD had three engine compa-                                                                                	 She is accused of hiding her crimes by altering
Crafts and Holiday Sales event              a difficult time finding the seed of the    nies at the fire with 18 firefighters. They                                                                       banking statements, not updating banking ledgers and
on Saturday, Dec. 5, downstairs             fire. 	                                     were assisted by one engine company                                                                               not keeping receipts.
                                            	 “The large size of the building and       from Ventura with five firefighters, along                                                                        	 Palmer posted $50,000 bond and has been released
                                 continued  the amount of tires racked inside, made     with the Clear Lake EMS and CLPD.                                                                                 from the Cerro Gordo County Jail.
                                            this fire troublesome,” said Billy Krefft,  	 At 11:45 p.m. Monday night fire-                                                                                	 Ongoing criminal conduct is a class “B” felony,
 More CALENDAR                              CLFD Public Information Officer.            fighters were again dispatched to the                                                                             punishable by up to 25 years behind bars.  Dependent
      on page 2                             	 Efforts were made to protect the          scene when hot spots reportedly ignited                                                                           elder abuse is a class “D” felony, which carries a prison
                                            immediate exposure of a second build-       and flames re-appeared. They were on                                                                              term of no more than five years.
      Inside                                ing attached by a breezeway. Some ad-       the scene for one hour.
                                            ditional difficulty was encountered when    	 Krefft said the amount of financial         Clear Lake firefighter Greg Nicholas watches clouds of black smoke
  Opinion..................... 4            a diesel tank ruptured and ignited.         loss is extensive, however he did not         rise from the NTI Ltd. building Monday morning. Crews battled
  Weather.................... 5             	 Krefft noted use of the department’s      make an estimate.                             the blaze at the tire and wheel warehouse in the 2000 block of
  Sports................13-14               new aerial truck facilitated fighting the   	 The incident is under investigation.        7th Avenue North for almost nine hours Monday morning, then
  Legals..................... 15            fire aggressively.                                                                        returned late Monday as hot spots created more flames.
                                            Neighbor helping neighbor                                                                                                                                     This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s unsolved
  The Lake Level rose over                                                                                                                                                                                homicides in the hopes that it will lead to new tips and potentially
  an inch to its new reading                Christmas wishes, needs remain on tree                                                                                                                        help solve cases. The project is a partnership between this newspaper
  of +1.68” above the weir.                                          	 Looking for a way to make            is in charge of distributing, as well  didn’t know than someone they                          and other members of the Iowa Newspaper Association.
  Last year at this time the                 The                     your Christmas more meaningful?        as processing the forms filled out     did. They put time into thinking
                                            Giving                   Please consider The Giving Tree at     by parents specifying needs they       about their gifts, had fun wrapping                    SCOTT M. TOMPKINS | AGE: 23 | DIED: NOVEMBER 29, 1995
     lake was frozen over.                  Tree                     the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter,        have for their children. The school    them and like to think about how                                        Hometown: Muscatine
                                                                     12 N. 4th St.                          district then provides the Mirror-     excited a child might be to open
       Mail: 12 N. 4th St.,                                          	 The 26th Annual Giving Tree          Reporter with ornaments repre-         their presents on Christmas Day.                                       Scott M. Tompkins, 23, was shot Nov. 29, 1995,
      Clear Lake, IA 50428                                           features ornaments representing        senting the needs of each child.       	 Questions regarding sign-up                                          while stopped to fix his windshield wipers at the
  Telephone: 641-357-2131                                            the needs of local families this       Other ornaments will list the size     for the Giving Tree should be di-                                      intersection of Park Avenue and Harrison Street in
      Fax: 641-357-2133                                              holiday season. Some ornaments         of a family requesting a food gift     rected to Sally Duesenberg at Clear                                    Muscatine. Tompkins was found wounded at 9:43
 Email: [email protected]                                        represent a child’s needs, while oth-  card.                                  Lake Schools, 641-357-5288.                                            p.m. only blocks from the Hardee’s restaurant where
 Website:                                         ers request donations of food gift     	 This year gifts must be brought      Those with questions about pur-                        he worked as the assistant manager. His coworkers described him
                                                                     cards.                                 to the Mirror-Reporter office by       chasing gifts or food for families,                    as a nice young man without an enemy in the world. Investigators
                            @CLReporter                              	 Sign-up forms for the Giving         Wednesday, Dec. 16.                    or wishing to make a donation                          said the homicide was not related to Tompkins’ job.
                                                                     Tree were distributed in the Clear     	 In the 25 years that the Mir-        which will be dedicated to the Giv-
                                                                     Lake School District last month.       ror-Reporter has housed the tree,      ing Tree, should contact Marianne                      Tompkins’ mother stated her son wasn’t happy with the increased
                                                                     They were also sent home with          needs have never been left unmet.      Morf at the Clear Lake Mirror-Re-                      gang presence in Muscatine and that he was stalked prior to his
                                                                     those attending Head Start and         In fact, those choosing ornaments      porter, 357-2131.                                      murder.
                                                                     Lake Town Charlie Brown.               often remark that they had more        	 This year the tree features ap-
                                                                     	 The Clear Lake School District       fun shopping for someone they          proximately 177 ornaments.                             In February 2010, Muscatine Police said they hoped new
                                                                                                                                                                                                          technology would provide the key to charging someone with
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tompkins’ murder.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          If you have any information about Scott Tompkins’ unsolved murder
                                                                                                                                                                                                          please contact the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation at (515)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          725-6010, e-mail [email protected], or contact the Muscatine
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Police Department at 563-263-9922.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Find out more about this and other unsolved homicides at

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