Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-2-2015
P. 16
Legals/ClassifiedsPage 16 • Dec. 2, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
400 Guns at Auction! Sat. BOOK for daily specials. - removal on sidewalks, in front 50 HP. New carpet, swivel
Item # 1 – Call Meeting to order/roll call Dec. 5th Prairie du Chien, WI. Louie’s Custom Meat & More. of garages, driveways, etc. Call seats, upholstery, depth/fish
A regular meeting of the City Council of Ventura, Iowa was held on November 23, Winchester, Colt, Glock, Ruger. RTFN 641-529-1246. RTFN finder, power tilt, new battery
Modern & Antique Arms. Ammo, 1999 Omni. Manuals. Call 641-
2015. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Lynn Benson. The Reloading & Military. (608) 326- AMY’S MOSAICS: One-of-a- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - 430-8776. R-49
meeting was held at Ventura City Hall. The following Council Members were present: 8108 kind signs, garden items, small NOW HIRING: summer Food
Darwin Avery, Mike Thackery, Brian Vaage and Kristie Meints. Also present were: (INCN) furniture, picture frames and Service Supervisor at Girl Scout NOTICE
City Administrator Else Taylor, Public Works Director Bill Bredlow, City Attorney Mi- more. Created from repur- Camp Tanglefoot! $12/hr, up to _______________________
chael Moeller, and Chief Pete Roth with the Clear Lake Police Department. Absent: Real Estate Auction: 94.24+/- posed china and pottery. Taking 40 hrs/week. Contact Julia: 641-
John Quintus. ACRES Hunting & Rec Land custom orders. Call 357-7435. 357-2481 or camptanglefoot@ PURSUANT TO CHAPTER
Item # 2 - Consent Agenda On River Rd, Emmetsburg, IA, Also, search for “Amy’s Mosaics” 556F.8 OF THE CODE OF
Auctions: 10:00AM Tue., Dec. on Facebook & Pinterest! RTFN IOWA, notice is being made to
Motion by Avery/Meints to approve the consent agenda for November 23, 2015. 15 on site. Visit williamsauction. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - inform the public that at approxi-
Passed unanimously. com or call 800.982.0425. A AUTO/TRANSPORTATION NOW HIRING: summer Food mately 12:00 p.m. on Oct. 20,
a. Agenda November 23, 2015 Buyer’s Premium may apply. IA _______________________ Service Staff at Girl Scout Camp 2015 CASH was found at/near
b. Regular Minutes November 9, 2015 Broker: Dean C. Williams Re Lic Tanglefoot! $11/hr, supper shift 2900 Block 4th Ave. South, Clear
c. Claims Register November 23, 2015 B356652000 Williams & Williams DODGE RAM MEGA CAB pow- up to 30 hrs/week. Contact Julia: Lake, Iowa. The address of the
d. Treasurer’s Report October 2015 & Whitehall Properties Real er retractable running boards. 641-357-2481 or camptangle- finder is: 904 N. 10th St., Clear
e. Property Tax Abatement – Monte and Vicki Swanson, 611 E Lake Estate (INCN) New in box. $500 OBO. 641- [email protected]. Lake, Iowa 50428. The CASH
St. 590-7285. RTFN was turned over to the Clear Lake
Disbursements HELP WANTED- MANAGERIAL FRONT DESK CLERK: local Police Department. Any claim to
CLEANING SERVICES motel. Clean, friendly team-ori- the CASH shall be made to the
24132 Avery, Darwin Payroll 11/12/2015 1154.37 UNITED QUALITY _______________________ ented work environment. Cleri- Clear Lake Police Department.
24133 Benson, Lynn Payroll 11/12/2015 1389.00 COOPERATIVE at Parshall/ cal experience a plus. Part-time/ R-48
24134 Meints, Crystal Payroll 11/12/2015 1154.37 New Town ND is seeking a WINDOW CLEANING full-time, 3-11 p.m. shift. Apply
24135 Quintus, John Payroll 11/12/2015 1157.50 qualified CEO/General Manager. Clean View Window Cleaning is at Microtel, 1305 N. 25th St., If you have a
24136 Thackery, Michael Payroll 11/12/2015 1154.37 This is a multi-location energy, the answer to all of your window Clear Lake. R-48 carpentry job
24137 Vaage, Brian Payroll 11/12/2015 1157.50 grain, agronomy, and farm retail cleaning needs. Call Nick and
24138 Bredlow, William Payroll 11/18/2015 1178.56 cooperative with sales of $350 get a FREE estimate. Phone GENERAL MERCHANDISE coming up,
24139 Taylor, Else Payroll 11/18/2015 1222.71 million. Business degree and or 529-0451. RTFN _______________________ give us a call.
24140 Alliant Energy IP & L Utilities 11/05/2015 statement 2913.32 successful agricultural business
24141 Barbara Park Refund for water account 105.99 management experience desired. EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIG- Professional • Experienced
24142 Clear Lake Sanitary District Hydro-excavation – light pole 250.00 To Apply: _______________________ ERATOR: Excellent condition, Windows • Doors • Siding
24143 Culver Hahn Cable ties – affix string lights 121.50 o3yxchx - For more info contact $400. Call 357-2302. R-48
24144 D&D Sales, Inc. Sweatshirts 922.00 Larry Fuller, 701-220-9775 or COOKIES, ETC. is hiring for 15- Decks and more
24145 Edwards Brandt & Assoc. FD – Add mud motor to policy Email [email protected] 25 hr/wk, Mon thru Sat, 9-5:30.
24146 Hawkins Demurrage, chlorine, acid 27.00 (INCN) Additional hours available for (641) 420-5559
24147 IDALS – Pesticide Bureau License – pesticide applicator 367.00 summer. In-person applications
24148 Iowa Lot Striping Street sweeping 6.5 hrs 25.00 HELP WANTED- TRUCK only. R-48
24149 Iowa Rural Water Assoc. Annual membership dues 427.50 DRIVER
24150 Metering & Technology (4) 1”, (1) 1.5”, (1) 4” meters 225.00 PICKUP TOPPERS:
24151 Stellar Truck & Trailer Bungey-tarp, power pull 5904.31 QLF Transportation – Class A
24152 TQ Technologies PW email issue/forwarding 21.16 CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Buy factory direct
24153 Walmart Community GOPRO – View inside wt twr 109.00 Home Weekends, and Benefits! 1040 Diagonal Street
24154 Wellmark Bluecross Health insurance Dec. 2015 278.52 Potential of $60,000 plus per Britt 641-843-3698
Total 2889.12 year! Contact Tony 608-935-0915
$24,154.80 Ext 16 (INCN) UNICOVER
Item # 3 - Police Report MISCELLANEOUS Academy Plan Ahead!
Chief Roth reported the following calls from 11/09/2015 – 11/22/2015: Drywall & The snow will be here before we know it
Advertise your EVENT,
Traffic Contact (2), Traffic Complaint (3), Parking (1), Theft (1), Fire (2), Welfare PRODUCT or RECRUIT an Painting Call for
Check (2), Suspicion (1), Medical (1), Weather (1), Open Window/Door (2), Special applicant in this paper plus 30 Commercial • Residential • Snow Removal
Assignment (2), Assist to Other Agency (1). other papers in Northwest Iowa Experience Provides
for only $110/week! Call 800-227- Quality We do all For Perfect Mix Now’s the time
Chief Roth shared a photo of a squad car with the new graphics for the depart- 7636 (INCN) Use Ready Mix to make
ment. Chief Roth mentioned the uniform patches were also getting redesigned. size jobs! your move
Item # 4 - Budget Amendment FY2015-16 – Set date for Public Hearing STEEL BUILDINGS We Now Accept Credit Cards!
20 Years Experience Belmond �������� 444-4148 PEBBLE
City Administrator Else Taylor reviewed the proposed changes to be included in DIAMOND STEEL STRUCTURES Licensed - Insured Forest City ����� 581-3020 CREEK
the budget amendment. The revenue increase is due to insurance proceeds from - Fall close out - Prices slashed. Cori Ewen, owner Clear Lake ����� 357-6090
accident with street light/sign, sale of the old dump truck and the sale of the old street Archwall & straight wall steel Garner ����������� 923-2601 2 bedroom apartments
sweeper. The expenditures have increased due to purchase of new water meters, buildings 40’ X 62’ starting at (641)696-5765 3 bedroom townhomes
purchase of new dump truck, new flooring at the Library and street repairs on West $9,900. Factory direct pricing. Call (641) 420-0044
View Drive. Repairs to street light, LED stop sign and traffic signal due to traffic ac- - 1.844.297.8335 (INCN) 1 MONTH FREE
cidents. RENT
JOBS . . . JOBS . . . JOBS
Motion by Avery and seconded by Vaage, to approve the proposed FY15-16 Vouchers welcome.
Budget Amendment for publication and set the public hearing date for December 14, Income guidelines apply.
2015. Passed unanimously
Item # 5 – Public Works Report 641-423-4994
Public Works Director Bill Bredlow reported on the following items:
a. Meter installers from Midwest Testing are installing the remaining meters. Lakeland Apartments has an opening for a APARTMENTS FOR RENT
b. Water tower inspection was to have taken place last weekend. Weather Part-Time Maintenance Technician. THE MEADOWS ~ 625 14th Ave. N., Clear Lake
conditions was the primary reason it was cancelled. Need four days above
freezing to accomplish inspection. The successful candidate must possess the technical skills required • Rent Based On Income • Cable & Wireless Internet included in Rent
c. Tower draining may occur this week in an effort to reduce the polyphos to provide quality turns, handle resident service request and • Taking Applications for anyone 62 years of age or older or
phate sloughing from the inside of the tower walls (discoloration in water). disabled of any age
d. The new snowplow truck is operating smoothly. perform preventive maintenance. Experience in related field of work • Equal Housing Opportunity and Provider
e. Traffic light issue was due to a faulty conflict monitor. helpful; carpentry, general maintenance, plumbing. Must have own
Mayor Benson asked if the outlets on the street lights have been repaired. transportation and basic tools.
Public Works Director Bredlow replied that Hunt Electric came out and repaired
two fuses that were causing the problem. We will find out if there are more issues Interested candidates should submit resumes to
when the rest of the string lights are strung up. [email protected] or Oakleaf Property Management, Attn: Shari,
Item # 6 – Old Business - none
Item # 7 – New Business 1309 Nebraska St, Sioux City, IA 51105
Council Member Avery brought up some concerns from Ventura resident Jim
Olson. Mr. Olson would like the following items addressed by the Council: Oakleaf Property Management is an equal opportunity provider and employer
a. Boat hoists being stored at 120 McIntosh Road.
b. The mobile home located within the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp.
c. Junk vehicles and unlicensed vehicles.
d. Property taxes have increased and need to be kept in check.
Item # 8 - Public Forum - None
Item # 9 – Adjournment
Motion by Thackery/Avery to adjourn.
Lynn Benson, Mayor
Else Taylor, City Administrator/City Clerk
FLOOR MAINTENANCE Find your next Apartment at
Lakeland Park Apartments in Clear Lake!
Mon. - Thurs. 5-10 pm, Sun. 8-3, occasional Saturday.
$11.00 per hour pay rate Floor care cleaning experience required Comfortable Apartment Living for Elderly Persons 55 and Over
Must be 18 years or older Paid vacation, holidays, birthday or Persons with a Disability.
$300 Hiring Bonus paid after 90 days
Utilities Included. Controlled Access. On-site Laundry.
Our company cleans at the Armour-Eckrich Plant, Mason City, Iowa. Barrier-Free Units Available. Off-Street Parking.
Appy on-line at our company website:
Start a Career page. Or pick up application at the plant guard shack, Eligible Residents Pay 30% of their Adjusted Gross Income.
For Applications or Appointments Contact
1401 S. Eisenhower Ave., Mason City, Ia. Greg at 641-357-2378
or visit today!
Oakleaf is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.