Page 15 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-2-2015
P. 15
LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Dec. 2, 2015 • Page 15
County Legals
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and assessed against each individual tract of land
November 3, 2015 and highway within Drainage District #49 Lateral 1 in
Unapproved accordance with the classification schedules on file in
the drainage district records in the office of the County
The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, if the owner of any
met in regular session pursuant to adjournment. Pres- land against which a levy exceeding $100.00 is made
ent: Chairman Phil Dougherty, Supervisor Jay Urdahl, shall within thirty (30) days from the effective date of
Supervisor Casey Callanan and various members of this Resolution agree in writing that in consideration of
the public. having a right to pay his assessment in ten (10) equal
installments, he will not make any objection to the
Dougherty convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Callanan legality of his assessment or the levy of taxes against
made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve the his property, such owner shall have the right to pay the
October 27, 2015 regular and special session minutes assessment in ten (10) equal installments. Interest shall
and today’s agenda. Motion passed unanimously. accrue on the unpaid assessment at the rate of 6% per
annum as provided by law. 3. The effective date of these
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to assessments is the 3rd day of November, 2015. Motion
accept bid for B20 Spring Creek Bridge Replacement passed unanimously.
Project in the amount of $837,500.18 with Minnowa
Construction, Inc. of Harmony, Minnesota. Motion Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to
passed unanimously. adopt Resolution 2015-59A, Resolution to Levy Assess-
ment for Drainage District #49 Upper Main. The Board
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to and of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County acting for and on
authorize the chairman to sign the contract with Minnowa behalf of the above drainage district FINDS: 1.There are
Construction, Inc. after they are returned from the insufficient funds in the above drainage district accounts
contractor. Motion passed unanimously. to pay for necessary repairs and maintenance and to
provide for a sinking fund to pay future maintenance and
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to ap- repair costs in accordance with §468.61. 2.
prove the claims. Motion passed unanimously. The drainage district has incurred or shortly will incur
costs for repair and maintenance. Now, Therefore, Be
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt It Resolved as follows: 1. The assessment ordered May
26, 2015 in the amount of $46,100.00 is hereby rescind-
Resolution 2015-108, Whereas, the following payroll ed. 2. An assessment in the amount of $50,000.00 shall
be hereby levied and assessed against each individual
change requests were submitted to the Board of Supervi- tract of land and highway within Drainage District #49
Upper Main in accordance with the classification sched-
sors for review; and, Whereas, the Board of Supervisors ules on file in the drainage district records in the office
of the County Auditor. In accordance with §468.57, if
of Cerro Gordo County, has reviewed and considered the the owner of any land against which a levy exceeding
$100.00 is made shall within thirty (30) days from the
change requests as follows: effective date of this Resolution agree in writing that in
consideration of having a right to pay his assessment in
Department Name ten (10) equal installments, he will not make any objec-
tion to the legality of his assessment or the levy of taxes
Pay Change Effective Date against his property, such owner shall have the right
to pay the assessment in ten (10) equal installments.
Central Point Coordination Amanda Inman Interest shall accrue on the unpaid assessment at the
rate of 6% per annum as provided by law.
$12.00/hourly 11/02/2015 3. The effective date of these assessments is the 3rd day
of November, 2015. Motion passed unanimously.
Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Board of Supervi-
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan made a motion
sors of Cerro Gordo County does hereby approve the to approve the Sheriff’s monthly report of fees. Motion
passed unanimously.
requests as shown above and directs the Auditor to make
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to
the necessary adjustments to the payroll. Motion passed reschedule all December Board of Supervisor meetings
to Monday, November 30, 2015; Monday, December 7,
unanimously. 2015; Monday, December 14, 2015; Monday, December
21, 2015 and Monday, December 28, 2015. Motion
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt passed unanimously.
Resolution 2015-109, Whereas, the Cerro Gordo County
Auditor hires precinct election officials and chairpersons Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to
for various elections held throughout the year; and, approve reports from the Zoning Director and Environ-
Whereas, Iowa Code Section 49.20 states that the mental Health Service Manager concerning the Manure
members of election boards shall receive compensa- Management Plan filed by Amaracon LLC (Staudt Facil-
tion at a rate established by the board of supervisors ity) and K & T Farm Corp and forward them to the DNR.
while engaged in the discharge of their duties and shall Motion passed unanimously.
be reimbursed for actual and necessary travel; and,
Whereas, Section 49.125 states that the members of Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to
election boards attending a training course shall be paid approve the agreement with Corelogic Spatial Solutions,
for attending such course, and shall be reimbursed for LLC and authorize the chairman’s signature. Motion
travel at the rate determined by the board of supervisors; passed unanimously.
and, Whereas, the rates of pay for the precinct election
officials and chairpersons have not increased since 2011; Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to
and, Whereas, the duties of precinct election officials and adjourn at 10:21 a.m. Motion passed unanimously.
chairpersons have become greater and more complex
due to changes in election laws and equipment; and, The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations,
Whereas, the Auditor requested that the rates of pay be reports, correspondence, and other documents that were
raised and standardized; Now Therefore Be It Resolved, presented are placed on file with the County Auditor’s
that the Cerro Gordo County Board of supervisors hereby office.
sets wages and mileage reimbursement rates according
to the spreadsheet (available at the Auditor’s Office) ___________________________________________
effective retroactive to October 15, 2015. Motion passed Chairman Phil Dougherty
unanimously. Board of Supervisors
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to ATTEST:
approve a payroll change for Darlene Weitzel, Mary Balk
and Ilene Brown in the County Auditor’s Department to _____________________________________________
$10.50 per hour effective retroactive to October 15, 2015. Ken W. Kline
Motion passed unanimously. County Auditor
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to adopt PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ventura City Legals
Resolution 2015-58A, Resolution To Levy Assessment November 17, 2015
For Drainage District #49 Lateral 1. The Board of Super- Unapproved
visors of Cerro Gordo County acting for and on behalf of
the above drainage district FINDS: The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa,
1. There are insufficient funds in the above met in regular session pursuant to adjournment. Pres-
drainage district accounts to pay for necessary repairs ent: Chairman Phil Dougherty, Supervisor Jay Urdahl,
and maintenance and to provide for a sinking fund to pay Supervisor Casey Callanan and various members of
future maintenance and repair costs in accordance with the public.
§468.61. 2. The drainage district has incurred or
shortly will incur costs for repair and maintenance. Now, Dougherty convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Callanan
Therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve the
1. The assessment ordered May 26, 2015 in the amount November 10, 2015 regular session minutes and today’s
of $7,000.00 is hereby, rescinded. 2. An assessment agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
in the amount of $12,000.00 shall be hereby levied
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS the minutes of the canvass, Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec- Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to ap-
November 5, 2015 tion 50.22, the commissioner of elections reported that prove agreement addendum with Iowa DOT for Transpor-
Unapproved there was 0 provisional ballot rejected and not counted. tation Alternative Program (TAP) funding on B35 roadway
Now, therefore, the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies improvement project. Motion passed unanimously.
The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, and declares the final results of the election in the official
met in special session pursuant to adjournment. Pres- abstract of the election, including those persons elected Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to ap-
ent: Chairman Phil Dougherty, Supervisor Jay Urdahl, to the various positions on the ballot, and the passage prove final plans for B35 roadway improvement project.
Supervisor Casey Callanan, and various members of or failure of the various public measures on the ballot. Motion passed unanimously.
the public. Motion passed unanimously.
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to ap-
Dougherty convened the meeting at 1:04 p.m. Callanan Various tabulations, reports, correspondence and other prove the claims. Motion passed unanimously.
made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve documents that were presented at today’s meeting are
today’s agenda. Motion passed unanimously. placed on file with the supplemental minutes. Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to
approve the annual Urban Renewal report for AY 2013
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt _________________________________ (FY14/15). Motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 2015-110, Whereas the 2015 City Election Vice Chairman Jay Urdahl
was held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015; and, Whereas Board of Supervisors Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to
the official canvass of the results of the November 3, accept the resignation of Brett Schoneman from the
2015 City of Mason City Election by the Cerro Gordo ATTEST: North Iowa Corridor Economic Development Corporation
County Board of Supervisors was scheduled for 1:00 Board. Motion passed unanimously.
p.m. on November 5, 2015; and, Whereas the Board __________________________________
has publicly and duly met and opened and canvassed Kenneth W. Kline Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to
the tally lists from the November 3, 2015 City of Mason County Auditor adjourn at 10:22 a.m. Motion passed unanimously.
City Election precincts; and, Whereas the Board has cor-
rected any and all obvious clerical errors as recorded in The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations,
reports, correspondence, and other documents that were
presented are placed on file with the County Auditor’s
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS authorize the chairman to sign shared generator mainte- ___________________________________________
November 10, 2015 nance agreement with Country Meadow Place. Motion Chairman Phil Dougherty
Unapproved passed unanimously. Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt ATTEST:
met in regular session pursuant to adjournment. Pres- Resolution 2015-111, Whereas the 2015 City Election
ent: Chairman Phil Dougherty, Supervisor Jay Urdahl, was held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015; and, Whereas _____________________________________________
Supervisor Casey Callanan and various members of the official canvass of the results of the November 3, Ken W. Kline
the public. 2015 City Election by the Cerro Gordo County Board of County Auditor
Supervisors was scheduled for 10:15 a.m. on November
Dougherty convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Callanan 10, 2015; for the following cities: Clear Lake, Meservey,
made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve the Dougherty, Thornton, Rock Falls, Plymouth, Rockwell,
November 3, 2015 regular session minutes and Novem- Swaledale and Ventura; and, Whereas the Board has
ber 5, 2015 special session minutes and today’s agenda. publicly and duly met and opened and canvassed the
Motion passed unanimously. tally lists from the November 3, 2015 City Election for
the above cities; and, Whereas the Board has corrected
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to ap- any and all obvious clerical errors as recorded in the
prove the claims. Motion passed unanimously. minutes of the canvass, Pursuant to Iowa Code Section
50.22, the commissioner of elections reported that there
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to was 1 provisional ballot rejected and not counted. Now,
approve the payroll warrant register for the period ending therefore, the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies and
October 31, 2015. Motion passed unanimously. declares the final results of the election in the official
abstract of the election, including those persons elected
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to to the various positions on the ballot, and the passage
authorize Rodney McKinney to investigate a problem in or failure of the various public measures on the ballot.
Drainage District 58 main and Drainage District 59 main, Motion passed unanimously.
reported by Marlen Stricker and Drainage District 35
Lateral 5, reported by city maintenance. Motion passed Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to
unanimously. adjourn at 10:22 a.m. Motion passed unanimously.
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations,
approve the Clerk of Court’s monthly fees. Motion passed reports, correspondence, and other documents that were
unanimously. presented are placed on file with the County Auditor’s
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to au-
thorize the chairman to sign Amendment #15 to contract ___________________________________________
08-DRH-202. Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Phil Dougherty
Board of Supervisors
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to au-
thorize the chairman to sign agreement with Transfinder ATTEST:
as contractor for the Clear Lake School District. Motion
passed unanimously. _____________________________________________
Ken W. Kline
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to County Auditor