Page 13 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-2-2015
P. 13

“I was happy with our start tonight. Our                                                                                                                                                   “As several girls gain some experience
press was effective in many ways. It allowed                                                                                                                                                   playing at the varsity level we will see
us to set the tempo.”
CLHS Head Girls                                                                                                                                                                          better execution on both ends of the floor.”
Basketball Coach                                                                                                                                                                                                           GHV Head Girls
Bart Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Basketball Coach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Matt Erpelding

Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	                                                                                                                                                              Dec. 2, 2015 • Page 13

Clear Lake Reporter                   Lions manhandle Charles City
                                      	 The Clear Lake girls basket-
  SPORTS                              ball team, which gave top ranked      through the second quarter for       the game.                            Clear Lake’s Chloe Mueller goes after a lose ball in Tuesday night’s matchup with Charles City. Also pictured
CALENDAR                              (4A) Mason City all it could          her 14th point in the half. The      	 The team also dominated the        for Clear Lake is Jessica Faber and Erin O’Tool. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy
                                      handle in the season opener, kept     Lions went to the locker room        boards, grabbing 26 rebounds
Thursday                              their momentum rolling against        with a 40-14 lead.                   to Charles City’s 19. The Lions      Peterson named ICCAC Player of the Week
                                      Charles City. The Lions man-          	 “Emily had a complete game         committed 11 turnovers, while        	 NIACC sophomore Trudy
•CLHS Dance Team at Iowa State        handled the Comets in a non-          and that nice to see as a coach,     the Comets had 28 in the game.       Peterson was selected as the IC-   en’s school record was 44 points
Dance Competition, Des Moines         conference matchup, 65-35, to         your best player contributing        	 Snelling led the team with         CAC women’s basketball player      by Chelsey Jacox against Iowa
•Clear Lake 8th grade boys bas-       even their record at 1-1.             at all aspects of the game,” said    14 points, followed by Erin          of the week for the week of Nov.   Central in the 2013-14 season. 	
ketball home vs. Clarion-Goldfield,   	 Tuesday night’s game was            Smith.                               O’Tool and Chloe Mueller, each       16-22.                             	 Peterson’s previous career
4 p.m.                                never in doubt, as the Lion           	 The Comets seemed to re-           with 10. Faber followed with         	 Peterson, who prepped at         high was 39-points against Mil-
•Clear Lake 7th grade boys basket-    jumped out to a 13-0 lead on six-     group a bit at the break, but their  nine, Jordyn Barragy and Ellie       Clear Lake High School, scored     waukee Area Tech during her
ball at Clarion-Goldfield, 4:15 p.m.  for-eight shooting.                   scoring was matched and exceed-      Biebesheimer each had six, and       a school-record 51 points to lead  freshman season.
•Clear Lake JV/V wrestling at         	 Clear Lake used the press           ed by the Lions.                     McKenna Backhaus scored four.        No. 9 NIACC to a 131-71 vic-       	 Peterson’s 51 points was one
Storm Lake, 6 p.m.                    effectively to start the game and     	 Jessica Faber’s three-pointer      Gretchen Jones and Morgan            tory over Kennedy King College     off the NJCAA Division II single-
•GHV 8th grade boys basketball at     seemed to shake the visitors. The     with 5:30 remaining in the third     Nauman each had three points.        Saturday, Nov. 21, at the Dale     game record held by Lake Land’s
Forest City, 4:15 p.m.                Comets committed 12 turnovers         period started a running clock.      	 Snelling and Biebesheimer          Howard Classic in Iowa Falls.      Kandy Lindsey in the 1999-2000
•GHV 7th grade boys basketball        in the first period, compared to      The third period ended with the      each pulled down six rebounds.       	 Peterson, who scored 30          season.
home vs. Forest City, 4:15 p.m.       one for the Lions.                    Lions ahead, 55-22.                  Barragy and Backhaus had four        points in Friday’s loss to State   	 The 12 3-point goals by Pe-
•GHV JV/V wrestling triangular        	 By the end of the first quar-       	 Faber hit another three early      apiece.                              Fair Community College, was        terson tied the school’s single-
home, 6 p.m.                          ter the Lion lead was 22-4.           in the fourth period on her way      	 Mueller and Faber led the          12 of 17 from 3-point range in     game record also held by Jennifer
•GHV JJV boys basketball at For-      	 “I was happy with our start         to a nine-point night. She was       team with five steals apiece. Snel-  the win over Kennedy King.         Currier, also a CLHS prep, in
est City, 7:30 p.m.                   tonight.  Our press was effective     3/8 from behind the arc.             ling and O’Tool each had four.       	 The previous NIACC wom-          the 1987-88 season against Kirk-
                                      in many ways.  It allowed us to       	 Coach Smith said that while        	 “I thought Erin O’Tool had                                            wood. Peterson now has 78 career
Friday                                set the tempo for our girls who       his team was having good luck        a nice game in getting steals and
                                      might have been a little exhaust-     from behind the three-point line,    converting points of the steals
•CLHS Dance Team at Iowa State        ed from the Mason City game,”         he likes to attack a defense and     and Chloe Mueller continues to
Dance Competition, Des Moines         said Clear Lake Head Coach Bart       go with a higher percentage shot.    take care of the ball and is do-
•Clear Lake 8th grade boys basket-    Smith. “I was proud of how we         The Lions were 8/28 shooting         ing a nice job of being the floor
ball at Forest City, 4:15 p.m.        responded after a game like Mon-      three-pointers for 29 percent.       general,” said Smith. “I am very
•Clear Lake 7th grade boys basket-    day, where some girls logged a lot    The team shot at 55 percent          pleased with how we are taking
ball home vs. Forest City, 4:15 p.m.  of minutes the night before.”         (17/31) from two-point range.        care of the ball.  We aren’t trying
•Clear Lake JV boys basketball        	 Top scorer Emily Snelling           	 The Lions continued to be          to force things and are making
home vs. Clarion-Goldfield, 4:30      dropped a hook shot midway            impressive shooting free throws.     the right decisions right now.”
p.m.                                                                        They sunk all seven attempts in
•Clear Lake JV girls basketball
home vs. Clarion-Goldfield at Clear   GHV girls fall to ranked Osage team
Creek, 4:30 p.m.                      	 The Garner-Hayfield-Ven-            	 “We were able to find a flow       comfortable in our offense we
•Clear Lake V girls and boys bas-     tura girls basketball team hit a      offensively midway through the       should get more quality shots                                                                                TRUDY PETERSON
ketball home vs. Clarion-Goldfield,   buzz saw when they faced num-         second quarter and we went           and also be able to cut down on                                                                            3-point goals, which ranks
6:15 p.m.                             ber seven rated Class 3A Osage        into the locker room with some       turnovers.”                                                                                                12th on the school’s career
•GHV JV girls and boys basketball     on Tuesday, Nov. 24.   An out-        confidence and still being in the    	 GHV committed 28 turn-                                                                                   list.
home vs. Forest City, 4 p.m.          standing second half helped the       game,” said Coach Matt Erpeld-       overs and only shot 26 percent
•GHV V girls and boys basketball      Green Devils pick up a 62-27          ing.                                 from the floor.
home vs. Forest City, 6:15 p.m.       victory over the Cardinals.           	 The Green Devils exploded          	 Lau and Jillian Heitland
                                      	 Both teams came out flat,           in the second half, holding the      led the team with nine and
Saturday                              with GHV scoring the first            Cardinals to just 10 points,         seven points respectively.  Han-
                                      point three minutes into the          while they scored 31 points.         son scored five
•Clear Lake JV/V wrestling at St.     game. Osage picked it up from         Poor execution passing the           points, while
Ansgar, 10 a.m.                       there and rolled to a 16-4 first      ball allowed Osage to go on a        Mara Ander-
•GHV V wrestling at Eagle Grove,      quarter lead. The Green Dev-          10-point run, which blew the         son and Mikaya
10 a.m.                               ils knocked down four first half      game open for the 62-27 Green        Shropshire each
•GHV JJV/JV/V boys basketball at      three-point shots.   The Cardi-       Devil victory.                       had a bucket
Osage, 5 p.m.                         nals hadn’t lost their fight yet, as  	 “As several girls gain some        and Payton
                                      they collected 13 points behind       experience playing at the varsity    Bamrick and
Monday                                Hannah Lau’s seven points and         level we will see better execu-      Mal
                                      Jade Hanson’s four points to          tion on both ends of the floor,”     See GHV on
•CLHS Dance Team performs at          close the half trailing, 31-17.       said Erpelding. “As we get more
basketball halftime                                                                                              page 14
•Clear Lake 8th grade girls basket-
ball home vs. Webster City, 4:15      INAannouncesAll-State Teams
•Clear Lake 7th grade girls basket-   	 Four Clear Lake and Garner-Hay-           of 2,161, an average of 50.3-yards per
ball at Webster City, 4:15 p.m.       field-Ventura athletes have been named      kick.
•Clear Lake JV wrestling tourna-      to the Iowa Newspaper Association’s         	 GHV’s Gabe Umbarger was se-
ment at West Fork, 5 p.m.             2015 All-State Football Teams.              lected as a Class 2A Second Team of-
•Clear Lake 9th grade boys basket-    	 Justin Sholly, a unanimous Class          fensive lineman. Umbarger, a senior,
ball home vs. Charles City at Clear   2A All-District choice, was selected as     was a First Team Class 2A District 2
Creek, 6 p.m.                         a Class 2A Second Team defensive line-      All-District selection. He recorded four
•Clear Lake JV/V boys basketball      backer. Sholly anchored Clear Lake’s        and one-half sacks and had a total of 11
home vs. Charles City, 6:15 p.m.      defensive unit, which finished second       tackles for loss and 58 total tackles for
•GHV 8th grade boys basketball at     in District 2 scoring defense, averaging    the year.
Osage, 4:15 p.m.                      18.1 over 10 games, as well as total de-    	 Conner Shaw, a junior on GHV’s
•GHV 7th grade boys basketball        fense. The Clear Lake senior recorded       team, earned Third Team All-State hon-
home vs. Osage, 4:15 p.m.             57 solo and 50 assisted tackles during      ors as an offensive back. Shaw was a First
•GHV JJV boys basketball home         the season.                                 Team Class 2A District 2 All-District
vs. Newman, 6:15 p.m.                 	 Clear Lake kicker Jarod Anderson          selection. Shaw helped GHV to be the
                                      was a Third Team All-State pick as kick-    district leaders in total yardage for the
Tuesday                               er. The senior led the district in points   year with 3,474 total yards. Shaw was
                                      scored by kicking. He made 23 of 25         the number one rusher in the league,
•Clear Lake JH wrestling at River-    extra point attempts and was three-for-     tallying 1,395 total offensive yards. He
bend Middle School, 4:15 p.m.         five on field goal tries for a total of 32  averaged 6.4 yards a carry. He recorded
•GHV JV girls and boys basketball     points. Anderson was second in the dis-     12 touchdowns for the Cardinals and
at West Hancock, 4 p.m.               trict in kickoffs, booting 43 for a total   he had two interceptions for the year.
•GHV 7th & 8th grade boys basket-
ball at Rockford, 4:15 p.m.
•GHV V girls and boys basketball
at West Hancock, 6:15 p.m.

•Basketball: Wed., Dec. 2, home
vs. Florida State, 8:15 p.m.
•Football: Sat., Dec. 5, vs. Michi-
gan State at Indianpolis, 7:17 p.m.
•Basketball: Sat., Dec. 5, home vs.
UMKC, 2 p.m.
•Basketball: Mon., Dec. 7, home
vs. Western Illinois, 6 p.m.

•Basketball: Mon., Dec. 7, home
vs. Buffalo, 8 p.m.

•Basketball: Sat., Dec. 5, at Rich-   JAROD ANDERSON                               JUSTIN SHOLLY
mond, 5 p.m.                             CONNER SHAW                              GABE UMBARGER
•Basketball: Tues., Dec. 8, at
George Mason, 6 p.m.

•Women’s Basketball: Wed., Dec.
2, at Marshalltown CC, 7 p.m.
•Wrestling: Sat., Dec. 5, at Buena
Vista Open, 9 a.m.
•Men’s Basketball: Sun., Dec. 6, at
Little Priest Tribal College, 4 p.m.
•Men’s Basketball: Mon., Dec. 7, at
Briar Cliff JV, 7 p.m.
•Women’s Basketball: Tues., Dec.
8, at Iowa Western CC, 5 p.m.

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