Page 14 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-2-2015
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SportsDec. 2, 2015 Page 14
Ch$ca1hmE0onbiincteeerCrpBoltreoifuzaacewrnk.iLsonatahkneedr a of CleFjaouTrosShLttiebtanteawkovlleauloe.sCtWgrtSoiagwintlmhesetvteoeeeswnskt.’,misnwinasessred CL 8th grade girls earn first victory
The Clear Lake eighth grade girls by Sara Faber with 12 points and Lexi
CLEAR GHV basketball team opened its season on Fasbender with 10. Faber also did a
LAKE Monday, Nov. 23, against the Hamp- great job on the boards, collecting 8
ton-Dumont Bulldogs. The girls came rebounds. Steph Penning pulled down
out strong in the first game of the six rebounds.
night and earned a hard fought 30-28 “Offensively, the girls came out a
victory. little tentative in the first half, but after
The Lions were led in scoring a couple of adjustments at halftime, we
started running the floor and went on a
Clear Lake Reporter 10 point run to open the second half,”
reported Coach Troy Einertson. The
SPORTS run was keyed by a of couple three-
CALENDAR pointers by Julia Merfeld and Fasbend-
er that helped open things up, he said.
Continued from page 13 In the second game, the Lions
came out and scored the first two points
•Wrestling: Sat., Dec. 5, at Buena Vista of the game, but after that points were
Open, Storm Lake, 9 a.m. hard to come by. The girls dropped the
second game, 25-4.
•V/JV Hockey: Sat., Dec. 5, at Ames Madeline McKenna and Allexa
Little Cyclones, 6:30 p.m. Whittehouse scored two points apiece
for the Lions.
Lydia Futrell and Jessica Theobald
led the team in rebounds with seven
“Sky Toyne and Madeline did a
great job running the offense, we just
had a hard time getting our shots to
fall,” said Einertson. “The girls played
solid defense all night long and did a
great job limiting the Bulldogs to one
shot. The girls worked really hard and
I was impressed by their effort.”
ZACH TATUM ERIN O’TOOL TARYN CAROLUS PAYTON JAMES •Hockey: Fri., Dec. 4, at Minnesota, 7:05 GHV from page 13
Zach is a senior and he is a guard Erin is a senior returning letter- Taryn is a senior returning let- Payton is a senior returning let- •Hockey: Sat., Dec. 5, at Minnesota, 7:05 lory Johnson each connected on one
winner. She is a guard. She terwinner. She plays guard/ terwinner. He plays guard for p.m. free throw. Lau and Heitland had one
for the Lions. He is the son of is the daughter of Don and An- forward. She is the daughter of the Cardinals. He is the son of three-point shot apiece.
Jennifer and Scott Tatum. gela O’Tool. Dean and Val Carolus. Dale and Sara James. •Roller Derby: Sat., Dec. 5, home vs. Ce- Bamrick and Lau each had seven
dar Rapids Brutal Bells, 7 p.m. rebounds, while Shropshire, Taryn
This contest brought to you by these community minded sponsors Area athletes playing in a college sport Carolus and Jackson each grabbed
include: Trudy Peterson, Clear Lake, Basket- three rebounds.
ball, NIACC; Chase Lester, Clear Lake, Bas- Lau had two steals and two
ketball, NIACC; Brennan Doebel, Clear Lake, blocked shots. Carolus also had two
Wrestling, NIACC; Jacob Colon, Clear Lake, steals, while Anderson and Jackson
Wrestling, Grand View College. had one steal apiece. Anderson had
two blocked shots and Jackson had one
blocked shot.
The team hosts Forest City on Fri-
day, Dec. 4. Game time is 6:15 p.m.
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Senior Living
405 27th Ave. South • Clear Lake, IA 200 Hwy. 18 W., Clear Lake • 357-8118 880 Hwy. 18 W. GHV Sports Boosters plan tournaments
641-357-7083 • Email: [email protected] Clear Lake
The GHV Sports Boosters will be hosting the following tournaments:
and: 300 Lyndale St., Osage, IA. (641) 357-7117 Youth Wrestling will be held on Sat., Dec. 13, for grades pre-K through 8th
641-832-2270 grade. Weigh ins start at noon. Boys Basketball Tournaments will be held
on Feb. 12 for grades 7-8 and on Feb. 13 for grades 3-6. A Girls Basketball
Main Avenue, Clear Lake •Cabinets •High Speed Internet Tournament will be held on Sat., Feb. 20, for grades 4-7. For more infor-
(641) 357-5241 •Decking •Phone mation contact Chad Shaw at 641-485-6178 or Cheila Frayne at 641-860-
•Digital Cable TV 0776.
•Paint •Business Solutions
•Wireless Park & Rec to hold youth wrestling
210 N. 4th St., Clear Lake • 357-2134 •Home Security The Clear Lake Parks and Recreation Department will hold Youth
107 North 4th Street • 357-2111 Wrestling for boys and girls (pre K-2nd Grade). Boys will wrestle boys and
Visit us at: girls will wrestle girls. The main objective of the program is to introduce
the students to the sport of wrestling and to have fun while doing so. If you
Offering Drive Wise Classes 12 N. 4th Street • 357-2131 • Fax: 357-2133 have a child that is showing an interest in wrestling, encourage them to give
e-mail: [email protected] this a try! Any parent who would like to help instruct, please indicate on
3005 Willow Creek Ct., Clear Lake registration form. All of the wrestlers will be able to participate in a FREE
357-2612 or 800-469-3325 Wrestling Tournament, which will be held in the High School Gymnasium.
The program will be held Dec. 7-Jan. 25 on Mondays, from 5:30-6:15 p.m.,
_ at the Clear Lake High School wrestling room. There will be no practice on
Dec. 21 and Dec. 28 due to the Winter Break. The fee is $24 per wrestler.
12 N. 4th St., Return to the Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday TIE BREAKER: An optional T-shirt is available for $10. Registration deadline was Monday,
Clear Lake OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK (No Copies Please) TOTAL POINTS OF Nov. 23. A $5 late fee will apply after Nov. 23.
GAME #1______________
DOA to hold fundraising event Dec. 5
Circle the predicted winner
On Saturday, Dec. 5, The River City Dames of Anarchy Roller Derby
team from Mason City, Iowa will host the Brutal Bells from Cedar Rapids,
Iowa. The event takes place at the North Iowa Events Center, 3700 4th St.
SW, Mason City. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the bout begins at 7 p.m. Tick-
ets are $10 in advanced and can be purchased by contacting the North Iowa
Events center at 641-423-3811. Tickets are also available at the door for $12.
The Derby Devils junior roller derby team will scrimmage before the bout.
A annual silent auction will also be held. Ten percent of the proceeds from
the bout will be donated to FAVA – Family Alliance for Veterans of America.
All military personnel and their families, past and present, will receive $2 off
their tickets. The River City Dames of Anarchy Roller Derby Team consists
of professional working women from across the North Iowa area. Communi-
ties represented by The River City Dames of Anarchy include Forest City,
Garner, Clear Lake, Mason City, Osage, Charles City, and St. Ansgar.
1. Clarion @ Clear Lake (B) 8. Texas A & M @ Arizona State 15. South Dakota @ Minnesota
2. Clarion @ Clear Lake (G) 9. UNIC @ Richmond 16. California @ Wyoming
3. Forest City @ GHV (B) 10. Drake @ Bowling Green 17. Colorado @ Colorado State
4. Forest City @ GHV (G) 11. Nevada @ Oregon State 18. Syracuse @ Georgetown
5. UAB @ Illinois State 12. Vanderbilt @ Baylor 19. Temple @ Wisconsin
6. UMKC @ Iowa 13. Ole Miss @ U Mass 20. Indiana State @ Butler
7. Wichita State @ St. Louis 14. Arizona @ Gonzaga
CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received at the Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday
or be postmarked Thursday! Any mailed entries received after the following Monday are not eligible. 3. You may enter as many times as you wish; however, you must use an official entry blank from this paper. No copies will be accepted. 4. Each previous week’s winner will be listed in the
Mirror Reporter. 5. In case of ties, the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 6. Weekly winners will receive $10 in CL Chamber Bucks & your choice of another prize.
CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Mirror Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have
name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received at the
Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday or be postmarked Thursday! Any mailed entries received after the following
Monday are not eligible. 3. You may enter as many times as you wish; however, you must use an official entry blank from
this paper. No copies will be accepted. 4. Each previous week’s winner will be listed in the Mirror-Reporter. 5. In case of ties,
the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 6. Weekly winners will receive $10 in Clear Lake Chamber Bucks and
the choice of another prize.